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name: Bug report
about: File a bug report
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''
If you have a question about Ruffle, you can ask for help on our Discord chat:
Also consult the FAQ for common issues and questions:
Please avoid submitting reports on these known issues:
* ActionScript 3.0 is not supported (#1368)
* Filter effects (drop shadow, glow, blur, etc.) are not supported (#15)
* Blend modes are not supported (#58)
* Strokes are rendered too thin/thick (#1955)
Otherwise, fill out the information below to the best of your ability. Thank you!
**Describe the bug**
Provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. If there are steps to reproduce, list them here.
If this is an issue with a specific SWF file, please provide a link to the SWF file, or you can attach the SWF by zipping it and dragging it onto the issue box.
If this is a visual issue, please attach a screenshot of the problem.
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
**Is the problem with the Ruffle desktop app, extension, or self-hosted version?**
**What platform are you using?**
- If you're using the desktop version, please list the OS you are using.
- If you're using the web version, please list the OS, browser, and mobile device (if applicable).