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Ruffle is an Adobe Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language. Ruffle targets both the desktop and the web using WebAssembly.

Project status

Ruffle is in the proof-of-concept stage and can currently run early Flash animations. ActionScript support is still forthcoming; for more info, read the project roadmap.

Building from source

Follow the official guide to install Rust for your platform.


  • cargo run --package=ruffle_desktop -- test.swf


Running the web demo

Building the NPM package

  • cd web
  • wasm-pack build


If you have a collection of "real world" SWFs to test against, the scanner may be used to benchmark ruffle's parsing capabilities. Provided with a folder and an output filename, it will attempt to read all of the flash files and report on the success of such a task.

  • cargo run --package=ruffle_scanner -- folder/with/swfs/ results.csv


  • core contains the core emulator and common code
  • desktop contains the desktop client (uses glium)
  • web contains the web client (uses wasm-bindgen)
  • scanner contains a utility to bulk parse swf files


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.