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We are limited to 4 binding groups per pipeline due to GLES-3.1 minimum required limits. There's no specific limit to how many items per group, only per entire pipeline or shader.

For best performance, we should draw as much as possible using the same bound groups before switching groups away. For that reason, group 0 should change less than group 1, which should change less than group 2, etc.

Ideal render pass

An ideal render pass looks like this:

  • Set group 0
    • Set group 1
      • Set group 2
        • Draw draw draw
      • Set group 2
        • Draw draw draw
    • Set group 1
      • Set group 2
        • Draw draw draw


Group 0: Render pass globals

These should be set for the whole render pass and be immutable during it.

Index Type Description
0 uniform View matrix

Group 1: Mesh transforms

These should be set for the current mesh being rendered.

Index Type Description
0 uniform World matrix and color adjustments


Group 2: Texture transforms

Index Type Description
0 uniform Transformation matrix of the texture
1 texture_2d Texture to be drawn
2 sampler Sampler used for the texture


Group 2: Texture transforms

Index 1 is a storage buffer when supported by the device, or a uniform buffer otherwise. Storage buffers are more efficient and waste less memory, but are not as widely supported (ie WebGL)

Index Type Description
0 uniform Transformation matrix of the gradient
1 uniform or storage Gradient information, colors etc