
480 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! Contexts and helper types passed between functions.
use crate::avm1::globals::system::SystemProperties;
use crate::avm1::{Avm1, Object as Avm1Object, Timers, Value as Avm1Value};
use crate::avm2::{Avm2, Object as Avm2Object, Value as Avm2Value};
use crate::backend::{
audio::{AudioBackend, AudioManager, SoundHandle, SoundInstanceHandle},
use crate::display_object::{EditText, MovieClip, SoundTransform, Stage};
use crate::external::ExternalInterface;
use crate::focus_tracker::FocusTracker;
use crate::library::Library;
use crate::loader::LoadManager;
use crate::player::Player;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::tag_utils::{SwfMovie, SwfSlice};
use crate::transform::TransformStack;
use core::fmt;
use gc_arena::{Collect, MutationContext};
use instant::Instant;
use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use std::time::Duration;
/// `UpdateContext` holds shared data that is used by the various subsystems of Ruffle.
/// `Player` crates this when it begins a tick and passes it through the call stack to
/// children and the VM.
pub struct UpdateContext<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> {
/// The queue of actions that will be run after the display list updates.
/// Display objects and actions can push actions onto the queue.
pub action_queue: &'a mut ActionQueue<'gc>,
/// The mutation context to allocate and mutate `GcCell` types.
pub gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, 'gc_context>,
/// The library containing character definitions for this SWF.
/// Used to instantiate a `DisplayObject` of a given ID.
pub library: &'a mut Library<'gc>,
/// The version of the Flash Player we are emulating.
/// TODO: This is a little confusing because this represents the player's max SWF version,
/// which is an integer (e.g. 13), but "Flash Player version" is a triplet (11.6.0), and these
/// aren't in sync. It may be better to have separate `player_swf_version` and `player_version`
/// variables.
pub player_version: u8,
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/// Requests a that the player re-renders after this execution (e.g. due to `updateAfterEvent`).
pub needs_render: &'a mut bool,
/// The root SWF file.
pub swf: &'a Arc<SwfMovie>,
/// The audio backend, used by display objects and AVM to play audio.
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pub audio: &'a mut dyn AudioBackend,
/// The audio manager, manging all actively playing sounds.
pub audio_manager: &'a mut AudioManager<'gc>,
/// The navigator backend, used by the AVM to make HTTP requests and visit webpages.
pub navigator: &'a mut (dyn NavigatorBackend + 'a),
/// The renderer, used by the display objects to draw themselves.
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pub renderer: &'a mut dyn RenderBackend,
/// The UI backend, used to detect user interactions.
pub ui: &'a mut dyn UiBackend,
/// The storage backend, used for storing persistent state
pub storage: &'a mut dyn StorageBackend,
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/// The locale backend, used for localisation and personalisation
pub locale: &'a mut dyn LocaleBackend,
/// The logging backend, used for trace output capturing
pub log: &'a mut dyn LogBackend,
/// The video backend, used for video decoding
pub video: &'a mut dyn VideoBackend,
/// The RNG, used by the AVM `RandomNumber` opcode, `Math.random(),` and `random()`.
pub rng: &'a mut SmallRng,
/// The current player's stage (including all loaded levels)
pub stage: Stage<'gc>,
/// The display object that the mouse is currently hovering over.
pub mouse_hovered_object: Option<DisplayObject<'gc>>,
/// The location of the mouse when it was last over the player.
pub mouse_position: &'a (Twips, Twips),
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/// The object being dragged via a `startDrag` action.
pub drag_object: &'a mut Option<crate::player::DragObject<'gc>>,
/// Weak reference to the player.
/// Recipients of an update context may upgrade the reference to ensure
/// that the player lives across I/O boundaries.
pub player: Option<Weak<Mutex<Player>>>,
/// The player's load manager.
/// This is required for asynchronous behavior, such as fetching data from
/// a URL.
pub load_manager: &'a mut LoadManager<'gc>,
/// The system properties
pub system: &'a mut SystemProperties,
/// The current instance ID. Used to generate default `instanceN` names.
pub instance_counter: &'a mut i32,
/// Shared objects cache
pub shared_objects: &'a mut HashMap<String, Avm1Object<'gc>>,
/// Text fields with unbound variable bindings.
pub unbound_text_fields: &'a mut Vec<EditText<'gc>>,
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/// Timed callbacks created with `setInterval`/`setTimeout`.
pub timers: &'a mut Timers<'gc>,
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/// The AVM1 global state.
pub avm1: &'a mut Avm1<'gc>,
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/// The AVM2 global state.
pub avm2: &'a mut Avm2<'gc>,
/// External interface for (for example) JavaScript <-> ActionScript interaction
pub external_interface: &'a mut ExternalInterface<'gc>,
/// The instant at which the current update started.
pub update_start: Instant,
/// The maximum amount of time that can be called before a `Error::ExecutionTimeout`
/// is raised. This defaults to 15 seconds but can be changed.
pub max_execution_duration: Duration,
/// A tracker for the current keyboard focused element
pub focus_tracker: FocusTracker<'gc>,
/// How many times getTimer() was called so far. Used to detect busy-loops.
pub times_get_time_called: u32,
/// This frame's current fake time offset, used to pretend passage of time in time functions
pub time_offset: &'a mut u32,
/// Convenience methods for controlling audio.
impl<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> UpdateContext<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> {
pub fn update_sounds(&mut self) {
pub fn global_sound_transform(&self) -> &SoundTransform {
pub fn set_global_sound_transform(&mut self, sound_transform: SoundTransform) {
pub fn start_sound(
&mut self,
sound: SoundHandle,
settings: &swf::SoundInfo,
owner: Option<DisplayObject<'gc>>,
avm1_object: Option<crate::avm1::SoundObject<'gc>>,
) -> Option<SoundInstanceHandle> {
.start_sound(, sound, settings, owner, avm1_object)
pub fn stop_sound(&mut self, instance: SoundInstanceHandle) {
self.audio_manager.stop_sound(, instance)
pub fn stop_sounds_with_handle(&mut self, sound: SoundHandle) {
.stop_sounds_with_handle(, sound)
pub fn stop_sounds_with_display_object(&mut self, display_object: DisplayObject<'gc>) {
.stop_sounds_with_display_object(, display_object)
pub fn stop_all_sounds(&mut self) {
pub fn is_sound_playing_with_handle(&mut self, sound: SoundHandle) -> bool {
pub fn start_stream(
&mut self,
stream_handle: Option<SoundHandle>,
movie_clip: MovieClip<'gc>,
frame: u16,
data: crate::tag_utils::SwfSlice,
stream_info: &swf::SoundStreamHead,
) -> Option<SoundInstanceHandle> {
pub fn set_sound_transforms_dirty(&mut self) {
impl<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> UpdateContext<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> {
/// Transform a borrowed update context into an owned update context with
/// a shorter internal lifetime.
/// This is particularly useful for structures that may wish to hold an
/// update context without adding further lifetimes for its borrowing.
/// Please note that you will not be able to use the original update
/// context until this reborrowed copy has fallen out of scope.
pub fn reborrow<'b>(&'b mut self) -> UpdateContext<'b, 'gc, 'gc_context>
'a: 'b,
UpdateContext {
action_queue: self.action_queue,
gc_context: self.gc_context,
library: self.library,
player_version: self.player_version,
needs_render: self.needs_render,
swf: self.swf,
audio_manager: self.audio_manager,
navigator: self.navigator,
renderer: self.renderer,
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locale: self.locale,
log: self.log,
ui: self.ui,
rng: self.rng,
stage: self.stage,
mouse_hovered_object: self.mouse_hovered_object,
mouse_position: self.mouse_position,
drag_object: self.drag_object,
player: self.player.clone(),
load_manager: self.load_manager,
system: self.system,
instance_counter: self.instance_counter,
shared_objects: self.shared_objects,
unbound_text_fields: self.unbound_text_fields,
timers: self.timers,
avm1: self.avm1,
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avm2: self.avm2,
external_interface: self.external_interface,
update_start: self.update_start,
max_execution_duration: self.max_execution_duration,
focus_tracker: self.focus_tracker,
times_get_time_called: self.times_get_time_called,
time_offset: self.time_offset,
/// A queued ActionScript call.
pub struct QueuedActions<'gc> {
/// The movie clip this ActionScript is running on.
pub clip: DisplayObject<'gc>,
/// The type of action this is, along with the corresponding bytecode/method data.
pub action_type: ActionType<'gc>,
/// Whether this is an unload action, which can still run if the clip is removed.
pub is_unload: bool,
/// Action and gotos need to be queued up to execute at the end of the frame.
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pub struct ActionQueue<'gc> {
/// Each priority is kept in a separate bucket.
action_queue: Vec<VecDeque<QueuedActions<'gc>>>,
impl<'gc> ActionQueue<'gc> {
const DEFAULT_CAPACITY: usize = 32;
const NUM_PRIORITIES: usize = 3;
/// Crates a new `ActionQueue` with an empty queue.
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut action_queue = Vec::with_capacity(Self::NUM_PRIORITIES);
for _ in 0..Self::NUM_PRIORITIES {
Self { action_queue }
/// Queues ActionScript to run for the given movie clip.
/// `actions` is the slice of ActionScript bytecode to run.
/// The actions will be skipped if the clip is removed before the actions run.
pub fn queue_actions(
&mut self,
clip: DisplayObject<'gc>,
action_type: ActionType<'gc>,
is_unload: bool,
) {
let priority = action_type.priority();
let action = QueuedActions {
debug_assert!(priority < Self::NUM_PRIORITIES);
if let Some(queue) = self.action_queue.get_mut(priority) {
/// Sorts and drains the actions from the queue.
pub fn pop_action(&mut self) -> Option<QueuedActions<'gc>> {
for queue in self.action_queue.iter_mut().rev() {
let action = queue.pop_front();
if action.is_some() {
return action;
impl<'gc> Default for ActionQueue<'gc> {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Shared data used during rendering.
/// `Player` creates this when it renders a frame and passes it down to display objects.
pub struct RenderContext<'a, 'gc> {
/// The renderer, used by the display objects to draw themselves.
pub renderer: &'a mut dyn RenderBackend,
/// The UI backend, used to detect user interactions.
pub ui: &'a mut dyn UiBackend,
/// The library, which provides access to fonts and other definitions when rendering.
pub library: &'a Library<'gc>,
/// The transform stack controls the matrix and color transform as we traverse the display hierarchy.
pub transform_stack: &'a mut TransformStack,
/// The current player's stage (including all loaded levels)
pub stage: Stage<'gc>,
/// The stack of clip depths, used in masking.
pub clip_depth_stack: Vec<Depth>,
/// Whether to allow pushing a new mask. A masker-inside-a-masker does not work in Flash, instead
/// causing the inner mask to be included as part of the outer mask. Maskee-inside-a-maskee works as one expects.
pub allow_mask: bool,
/// The type of action being run.
#[derive(Clone, Collect)]
pub enum ActionType<'gc> {
/// Normal frame or event actions.
Normal { bytecode: SwfSlice },
/// AVM1 initialize clip event
Initialize { bytecode: SwfSlice },
/// Construct a movie with a custom class or on(construct) events
Construct {
constructor: Option<Avm1Object<'gc>>,
events: Vec<SwfSlice>,
/// An event handler method, e.g. `onEnterFrame`.
Method {
object: Avm1Object<'gc>,
name: &'static str,
args: Vec<Avm1Value<'gc>>,
/// A system listener method,
NotifyListeners {
listener: &'static str,
method: &'static str,
args: Vec<Avm1Value<'gc>>,
/// An AVM2 callable, e.g. a frame script or event handler.
Callable2 {
callable: Avm2Object<'gc>,
reciever: Option<Avm2Object<'gc>>,
args: Vec<Avm2Value<'gc>>,
impl ActionType<'_> {
fn priority(&self) -> usize {
match self {
ActionType::Initialize { .. } => 2,
ActionType::Construct { .. } => 1,
_ => 0,
impl fmt::Debug for ActionType<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ActionType::Normal { bytecode } => f
.field("bytecode", bytecode)
ActionType::Initialize { bytecode } => f
.field("bytecode", bytecode)
ActionType::Construct {
} => f
.field("constructor", constructor)
.field("events", events)
ActionType::Method { object, name, args } => f
.field("object", object)
.field("name", name)
.field("args", args)
ActionType::NotifyListeners {
} => f
.field("listener", listener)
.field("method", method)
.field("args", args)
ActionType::Callable2 {
} => f
.field("callable", callable)
.field("reciever", reciever)
.field("args", args)