
227 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! Contexts and helper types passed between functions.
use crate::avm1;
use crate::avm1::listeners::SystemListener;
use crate::avm1::Value;
use crate::backend::{audio::AudioBackend, navigator::NavigatorBackend, render::RenderBackend};
use crate::library::Library;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::tag_utils::SwfSlice;
use crate::transform::TransformStack;
use core::fmt;
use gc_arena::{Collect, MutationContext};
use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// `UpdateContext` holds shared data that is used by the various subsystems of Ruffle.
/// `Player` crates this when it begins a tick and passes it through the call stack to
/// children and the VM.
pub struct UpdateContext<'a, 'gc, 'gc_context> {
/// The queue of actions that will be run after the display list updates.
/// Display objects and actions can push actions onto the queue.
pub action_queue: &'a mut ActionQueue<'gc>,
/// The background color of the Stage. Changed by the `SetBackgroundColor` SWF tag.
/// TODO: Move this into a `Stage` display object.
pub background_color: &'a mut Color,
/// The mutation context to allocate and mutate `GcCell` types.
pub gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, 'gc_context>,
/// The time elapsed since this SWF started executing.
/// Used by AVM1 `GetTime` action and `getTimer` function.
pub global_time: u64,
/// The library containing character definitions for this SWF.
/// Used to instantiate a `DisplayObject` of a given ID.
pub library: &'a mut Library<'gc>,
/// The version of the Flash Player we are emulating.
/// TODO: This is a little confusing because this represents the player's max SWF version,
/// which is an integer (e.g. 13), but "Flash Player version" is a triplet (11.6.0), and these
/// aren't in sync. It may be better to have separate `player_swf_version` and `player_version`
/// variables.
pub player_version: u8,
/// The version of the SWF file we are running.
pub swf_version: u8,
/// The raw data of the SWF file.
pub swf_data: &'a Arc<Vec<u8>>,
/// The audio backend, used by display objects and AVM to play audio.
pub audio: &'a mut dyn AudioBackend,
/// The navigator backend, used by the AVM to make HTTP requests and visit webpages.
pub navigator: &'a mut dyn NavigatorBackend,
/// The renderer, used by the display objects to draw themselves.
pub renderer: &'a mut dyn RenderBackend,
/// The RNG, used by the AVM `RandomNumber` opcode, `Math.random(),` and `random()`.
pub rng: &'a mut SmallRng,
/// The root of the current timeline.
/// This will generally be `_level0`, except for loadMovie/loadMovieNum.
pub root: DisplayObject<'gc>,
/// The current set of system-specified prototypes to use when constructing
/// new built-in objects.
pub system_prototypes: avm1::SystemPrototypes<'gc>,
/// The display object that the mouse is currently hovering over.
pub mouse_hovered_object: Option<DisplayObject<'gc>>,
/// The location of the mouse when it was last over the player.
pub mouse_position: &'a (Twips, Twips),
/// The dimensions of the stage.
pub stage_size: (Twips, Twips),
/// A queued ActionScript call.
pub struct QueuedActions<'gc> {
/// The movie clip this ActionScript is running on.
pub clip: DisplayObject<'gc>,
/// The type of action this is, along with the corresponding bytecode/method data.
pub action_type: ActionType<'gc>,
/// Whether this is an unload action, which can still run if the clip is removed.
pub is_unload: bool,
unsafe impl<'gc> Collect for QueuedActions<'gc> {
fn trace(&self, cc: gc_arena::CollectionContext) {
/// Action and gotos need to be queued up to execute at the end of the frame.
pub struct ActionQueue<'gc> {
queue: std::collections::VecDeque<QueuedActions<'gc>>,
impl<'gc> ActionQueue<'gc> {
const DEFAULT_CAPACITY: usize = 32;
/// Crates a new `ActionQueue` with an empty queue.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
queue: std::collections::VecDeque::with_capacity(Self::DEFAULT_CAPACITY),
/// Queues ActionScript to run for the given movie clip.
/// `actions` is the slice of ActionScript bytecode to run.
/// The actions will be skipped if the clip is removed before the actions run.
pub fn queue_actions(
&mut self,
clip: DisplayObject<'gc>,
action_type: ActionType<'gc>,
is_unload: bool,
) {
self.queue.push_back(QueuedActions {
/// Pops the next actions off of the queue.
pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<QueuedActions<'gc>> {
impl<'gc> Default for ActionQueue<'gc> {
fn default() -> Self {
unsafe impl<'gc> Collect for ActionQueue<'gc> {
fn trace(&self, cc: gc_arena::CollectionContext) {
self.queue.iter().for_each(|o| o.trace(cc));
/// Shared data used during rendering.
/// `Player` creates this when it renders a frame and passes it down to display objects.
pub struct RenderContext<'a, 'gc> {
/// The renderer, used by the display objects to draw themselves.
pub renderer: &'a mut dyn RenderBackend,
/// The library, which provides access to fonts and other definitions when rendering.
pub library: &'a Library<'gc>,
/// The transform stack controls the matrix and color transform as we traverse the display hierarchy.
pub transform_stack: &'a mut TransformStack,
/// The bounds of the current viewport in twips. Used for culling.
pub view_bounds: BoundingBox,
/// The stack of clip depths, used in masking.
pub clip_depth_stack: Vec<Depth>,
/// The type of action being run.
pub enum ActionType<'gc> {
/// Normal frame or event actions.
Normal { bytecode: SwfSlice },
/// A `DoInitAction` action.
Init { bytecode: SwfSlice },
/// An event handler method, e.g. `onEnterFrame`.
Method { name: &'static str },
/// A system listener method,
NotifyListeners {
listener: SystemListener,
method: &'static str,
args: Vec<Value<'gc>>,
impl fmt::Debug for ActionType<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ActionType::Normal { bytecode } => f
.field("bytecode", bytecode)
ActionType::Init { bytecode } => f
.field("bytecode", bytecode)
ActionType::Method { name } => f
.field("name", name)
ActionType::NotifyListeners {
} => f
.field("listener", listener)
.field("method", method)
.field("args", args)
unsafe impl<'gc> Collect for ActionType<'gc> {
fn trace(&self, cc: gc_arena::CollectionContext) {
if let ActionType::NotifyListeners { args, .. } = self {