
41 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
Raw Normal View History

struct VertexOutput {
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
@location(0) uv: vec2<f32>,
@group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> textureTransforms: TextureTransforms;
fn main_vertex(in: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
let matrix_ = textureTransforms.matrix_;
let uv = (mat3x3<f32>(matrix_[0].xyz, matrix_[1].xyz, matrix_[2].xyz) * vec3<f32>(in.position, 1.0)).xy;
let pos = globals.view_matrix * transforms.world_matrix * vec4<f32>(in.position.x, in.position.y, 0.0, 1.0);
return VertexOutput(pos, uv);
fn main_fragment(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
let last = gradient.num_colors - 1u;
// Calculate normalized `t` position in gradient, [0.0, 1.0] being the bounds of the ratios.
var t: f32 = find_t(gradient.focal_point, in.uv);
t = normalize_t(t);
t = clamp(t, ratio(0u), ratio(last));
// Find the two gradient colors bordering our position.
var j: u32;
for( j = 1u; t > ratio(j); j = j + 1u) {
// Noop
let i = j - 1u;
// Lerp between the two colors.
let a = (t - ratio(i)) / (ratio(j) - ratio(i));
var color: vec4<f32> = mix(gradient.colors[i], gradient.colors[j], a);
if( gradient.interpolation != 0 ) {
color = linear_to_srgb(color);
let out = color * transforms.mult_color + transforms.add_color;
let alpha = clamp(out.a, 0.0, 1.0);
return vec4<f32>(out.rgb * alpha, alpha);