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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-  
# @name: dictionary
# @auth:
# @version:
from bson import ObjectId
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, File, UploadFile
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
from api.users import verify_token
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorCursor, AsyncIOMotorGridFSBucket
from core.db import get_mongo_db
from core.redis_handler import refresh_config
from loguru import logger
router = APIRouter()
# @router.get("/subdomain/data")
# async def get_subdomain_data(db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# try:
# # Find document with name equal to "DomainDic"
# result = await db.config.find_one({"name": "DomainDic"})
# return {
# "code": 200,
# "data": {
# "dict": result.get("value", '')
# }
# }
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(str(e))
# # Handle exceptions as needed
# return {"message": "error","code":500}
async def get_subdomain_data(db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFSBucket(db)
# 查找文件
file_doc = await fs.find({"filename": "DomainDic"}).to_list(1)
if not file_doc:
return {'code': 404, 'message': 'file is not found'}
file_id = file_doc[0]['_id']
grid_out = await fs.open_download_stream(file_id)
# 返回文件流
return StreamingResponse(grid_out, media_type="application/octet-stream",
headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename=DomainDic"})
except Exception as e:
async def save_subdomain_data(file: UploadFile = File(...), db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
content = await
fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFSBucket(db)
old_file = await fs.find({'filename': 'DomainDic'}).to_list(1)
if old_file:
await fs.delete(old_file[0]['_id'])
await fs.upload_from_stream('DomainDic', content)
await refresh_config('all', 'subdomain')
return {"code": 200, "message": "upload successful"}
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error", "code": 500}
# async def save_subdomain_data(data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# try:
# # Update the document with name equal to "DomainDic"
# result = await db.config.update_one({"name": "DomainDic"}, {"$set": {"value": data.get('dict','')}}, upsert=True)
# if result.modified_count > 0:
# await refresh_config('all', 'subdomain')
# return {"code": 200, "message": "Successfully updated DomainDic value"}
# else:
# return {"code": 404, "message": "DomainDic not found"}
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(str(e))
# # Handle exceptions as needed
# return {"message": "error", "code": 500}
# @router.get("/dir/data")
# async def get_dir_data(db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# try:
# # Find document with name equal to "DomainDic"
# result = await db.config.find_one({"name": "DirDic"})
# return {
# "code": 200,
# "data": {
# "dict": result.get("value", '')
# }
# }
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(str(e))
# # Handle exceptions as needed
# return {"message": "error","code":500}
async def get_dir_data(db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFSBucket(db)
# 查找文件
file_doc = await fs.find({"filename": "dirdict"}).to_list(1)
if not file_doc:
return {'code': 404, 'message': 'file is not found'}
file_id = file_doc[0]['_id']
grid_out = await fs.open_download_stream(file_id)
# 返回文件流
return StreamingResponse(grid_out, media_type="application/octet-stream",
headers={"Content-Disposition": f"attachment; filename=dirdict"})
except Exception as e:
# async def save_subdomain_data(data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# try:
# # Update the document with name equal to "DomainDic"
# result = await db.config.update_one({"name": "DirDic"}, {"$set": {"value": data.get('dict','')}}, upsert=True)
# if result.modified_count > 0:
# await refresh_config('all', 'dir')
# return {"code": 200, "message": "Successfully updated DirDic value"}
# else:
# return {"code": 404, "message": "DirDic not found"}
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(str(e))
# # Handle exceptions as needed
# return {"message": "error", "code": 500}"/dir/save")
async def save_dir_data(file: UploadFile = File(...), db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
content = await
fs = AsyncIOMotorGridFSBucket(db)
old_file = await fs.find({'filename': 'dirdict'}).to_list(1)
if old_file:
await fs.delete(old_file[0]['_id'])
await fs.upload_from_stream('dirdict', content)
await refresh_config('all', 'dir')
return {"code": 200, "message": "upload successful"}
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error", "code": 500}"/port/data")
async def get_port_data(request_data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
page_index = request_data.get("pageIndex", 1)
page_size = request_data.get("pageSize", 10)
search = request_data.get("search", None) # 获取search参数
# Construct the search query
search_query = {}
if search:
search_regex = {"$regex": search, "$options": "i"} # Case-insensitive regex
search_query = {"$or": [{"name": search_regex}, {"value": search_regex}]}
total_count = await db.PortDict.count_documents(search_query)
# Perform pagination query
cursor: AsyncIOMotorCursor = db.PortDict.find(search_query).skip((page_index - 1) * page_size).limit(page_size)
result = await cursor.to_list(length=None)
# Process the result as needed
response_data = [{"id": str(doc["_id"]),"name": doc["name"], "value": doc["value"]} for doc in result]
return {
"code": 200,
"data": {
'list': response_data,
'total': total_count
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error","code":500}"/port/upgrade")
async def upgrade_port_dict(request_data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# Extract values from request data
port_id = request_data.get("id")
name = request_data.get("name")
value = request_data.get("value")
# Update query based on rule_id
update_query = {"_id": ObjectId(port_id)}
# Values to be updated
update_values = {"$set": {"name": name, "value": value}}
# Perform the update
result = await db.PortDict.update_one(update_query, update_values)
await refresh_config('all', 'port')
if result:
return {"code": 200, "message": "SensitiveRule updated successfully"}
return {"code": 404, "message": "SensitiveRule not found"}
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error", "code": 500}"/port/add")
async def add_port_dict(request_data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# Extract values from request data
name = request_data.get("name")
value = request_data.get("value",'')
if value == '':
return {"code": 400, "message": "value is null"}
# Create a new SensitiveRule document
new_port_dict = {
"name": name,
"value": value
# Insert the new document into the SensitiveRule collection
result = await db.PortDict.insert_one(new_port_dict)
await refresh_config('all', 'port')
# Check if the insertion was successful
if result.inserted_id:
return {"code": 200, "message": "Port dict added successfully"}
return {"code": 400, "message": "Failed to add port dict"}
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error", "code": 500}"/port/delete")
async def delete_port_dict(request_data: dict, db=Depends(get_mongo_db), _: dict = Depends(verify_token)):
# Extract the list of IDs from the request_data dictionary
port_dict_ids = request_data.get("ids", [])
# Convert the provided rule_ids to ObjectId
obj_ids = [ObjectId(port_dict_id) for port_dict_id in port_dict_ids]
# Delete the SensitiveRule documents based on the provided IDs
result = await db.PortDict.delete_many({"_id": {"$in": obj_ids}})
await refresh_config('all', 'port')
# Check if the deletion was successful
if result.deleted_count > 0:
return {"code": 200, "message": "Port dict deleted successfully"}
return {"code": 404, "message": "Port dict not found"}
except Exception as e:
# Handle exceptions as needed
return {"message": "error", "code": 500}