
761 lines
28 KiB

use crate::avm2::{Object as Avm2Object, Value as Avm2Value};
use crate::display_object::{DisplayObject, TDisplayObject};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use gc_arena::Collect;
use ruffle_render::backend::RenderBackend;
use ruffle_render::bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat, BitmapHandle, PixelRegion, SyncHandle};
use ruffle_wstr::WStr;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::Range;
use swf::{Rectangle, Twips};
use tracing::instrument;
/// An implementation of the Lehmer/Park-Miller random number generator
/// Uses the fixed parameters m = 2,147,483,647 and a = 16,807
pub struct LehmerRng {
x: u32,
impl LehmerRng {
pub fn with_seed(seed: u32) -> Self {
Self { x: seed }
/// Generate the next value in the sequence via the following formula
/// X_(k+1) = a * X_k mod m
pub fn gen(&mut self) -> u32 {
self.x = ((self.x as u64).overflowing_mul(16_807).0 % 2_147_483_647) as u32;
pub fn gen_range(&mut self, rng: Range<u8>) -> u8 {
rng.start + (self.gen() % ((rng.end - rng.start) as u32 + 1)) as u8
/// This can represent both a premultiplied and an unmultiplied ARGB color value.
/// Note that most operations only make sense on one of these representations:
/// For example, blending on premultiplied values, and applying a `ColorTransform` on
/// unmultiplied values. Make sure to convert the color to the correct form beforehand.
// TODO: Maybe split the type into `PremultipliedColor(u32)` and
// `UnmultipliedColor(u32)`?
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Collect)]
pub struct Color(u32);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum BitmapDataDrawError {
impl Color {
pub fn blue(&self) -> u8 {
(self.0 & 0xFF) as u8
pub fn green(&self) -> u8 {
((self.0 >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8
pub fn red(&self) -> u8 {
((self.0 >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8
pub fn alpha(&self) -> u8 {
((self.0 >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8
pub fn to_premultiplied_alpha(self, transparency: bool) -> Self {
// This has some accuracy issues with some alpha values
let old_alpha = if transparency { self.alpha() } else { 255 };
let a = old_alpha as u32;
let r = (( as u32 * a + 127) / 255) as u8;
let g = (( as u32 * a + 127) / 255) as u8;
let b = (( as u32 * a + 127) / 255) as u8;
Self::argb(old_alpha, r, g, b)
pub fn to_un_multiplied_alpha(self) -> Self {
// We need to match Flash's results, and this lookup table was generated by brute force.
// For each alpha value, every value between 0..256^3 was tested to see if it produced the
// correct color value when reversing the premultiplication.
// Source code used to generate this table can be found at:
const FLASH_PREMUL_FACTOR: [u32; 256] = [
0, 16678912, 8339456, 5559638, 4169728, 3335783, 2779819, 2386603, 2086230, 1855488,
1667892, 1518251, 1391151, 1285234, 1193302, 1111928, 1043895, 981113, 927744, 879275,
834621, 795535, 759126, 726358, 695839, 668183, 642538, 618737, 596651, 576171, 555964,
538706, 522104, 506319, 490557, 477321, 464038, 451353, 439544, 428244, 417582, 407500,
397768, 388535, 379630, 371117, 363179, 355235, 348050, 340965, 334052, 327038, 321269,
315077, 309159, 303586, 298189, 293092, 287981, 283080, 278251, 273892, 269268, 265179,
261087, 256971, 253160, 249322, 245508, 242164, 238575, 235245, 231859, 228848, 225785,
222712, 219616, 216827, 213985, 211432, 208835, 206075, 203750, 201196, 198895, 196223,
194301, 191987, 189686, 187636, 185559, 183426, 181453, 179444, 177638, 175855, 174054,
171948, 170489, 168695, 166889, 165365, 163519, 162045, 160508, 158970, 157429, 156150,
154610, 153081, 151803, 150511, 148986, 147709, 146420, 145116, 143868, 142586, 141545,
140277, 139194, 137957, 136954, 135676, 134652, 133621, 132604, 131577, 130552, 129527,
128508, 127476, 126451, 125432, 124670, 123645, 122818, 121847, 121082, 120060, 119288,
118263, 117502, 116720, 115967, 115195, 114424, 113655, 112893, 112125, 111356, 110563,
109811, 109048, 108287, 107766, 107004, 106236, 105724, 104953, 104434, 103676, 102904,
102375, 101879, 101119, 100604, 99834, 99321, 98813, 98112, 97533, 97019, 96509, 95994,
95486, 94713, 94185, 93689, 93179, 92667, 92149, 91643, 91129, 90621, 90068, 89597,
89342, 88829, 88318, 87804, 87294, 87034, 86523, 85994, 85499, 85245, 84732, 84222,
83956, 83450, 82937, 82685, 82173, 81840, 81405, 80889, 80638, 80127, 79862, 79354,
79103, 78590, 78332, 78077, 77565, 77308, 76795, 76541, 76284, 75766, 75518, 75262,
74748, 74493, 74238, 73691, 73470, 73214, 72959, 72447, 72189, 71935, 71671, 71166,
70911, 70651, 70399, 70140, 69886, 69615, 69116, 68861, 68603, 68350, 68093, 67839,
67576, 67326, 67070, 66813, 66556, 66302, 66046, 65791, 65408,
let alpha_factor = FLASH_PREMUL_FACTOR[self.alpha() as usize];
let unmultiply = |c| ((c as u32 * alpha_factor + 0x8000) >> 16) as u8;
let r = unmultiply(;
let g = unmultiply(;
let b = unmultiply(;
Self::argb(self.alpha(), r, g, b)
pub fn argb(alpha: u8, red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8) -> Self {
Self(u32::from_le_bytes([blue, green, red, alpha]))
pub fn with_alpha(&self, alpha: u8) -> Self {
/// # Arguments
/// * `self` - Must be in premultiplied form.
/// * `source` - Must be in premultiplied form.
pub fn blend_over(&self, source: &Self) -> Self {
let sa = source.alpha();
let r = + (( as u16 * (255 - sa as u16)) >> 8) as u8;
let g = + (( as u16 * (255 - sa as u16)) >> 8) as u8;
let b = + (( as u16 * (255 - sa as u16)) >> 8) as u8;
let a = source.alpha() + ((self.alpha() as u16 * (255 - sa as u16)) >> 8) as u8;
Self::argb(a, r, g, b)
impl std::fmt::Display for Color {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str(&format!("{:#x}", self.0))
impl From<Color> for u32 {
fn from(c: Color) -> Self {
impl From<u32> for Color {
fn from(i: u32) -> Self {
impl From<swf::Color> for Color {
fn from(c: swf::Color) -> Self {
Self::argb(c.a, c.r, c.g, c.b)
impl From<Color> for swf::Color {
fn from(c: Color) -> Self {
let r =;
let g =;
let b =;
let a = c.alpha();
Self { r, g, b, a }
bitflags! {
pub struct ChannelOptions: u8 {
const RED = 1 << 0;
const GREEN = 1 << 1;
const BLUE = 1 << 2;
const ALPHA = 1 << 3;
const RGB = Self::RED.bits() | Self::GREEN.bits() | Self::BLUE.bits();
#[derive(Clone, Collect)]
pub struct BitmapData<'gc> {
/// The pixels in the bitmap, stored as a array of pre-multiplied ARGB colour values
pixels: Vec<Color>,
width: u32,
height: u32,
transparency: bool,
// Note that it's technically possible to have a BitmapData with zero width and height,
// (by embedding it in the SWF instead of using the BitmapData constructor),
// so we need a separate 'disposed' flag.
disposed: bool,
/// The bitmap handle for this data.
/// This is lazily initialized; a value of `None` indicates that
/// initialization has not yet happened.
bitmap_handle: Option<BitmapHandle>,
/// The AVM2 side of this `BitmapData`.
/// AVM1 cannot retrieve `BitmapData` back from the display object tree, so
/// this does not need to hold an AVM1 object.
avm2_object: Option<Avm2Object<'gc>>,
dirty_state: DirtyState,
#[derive(Clone, Collect, Debug)]
enum DirtyState {
// Both the CPU and GPU pixels are up to date. We do not need to wait for any syncs to complete
// The CPU pixels have been modified, and need to be synced to the GPU via `update_dirty_texture`
// The GPU pixels have been modified, and need to be synced to the CPU via `BitmapDataWrapper::sync`
GpuModified(Box<dyn SyncHandle>, PixelRegion),
mod wrapper {
use crate::avm2::{Object as Avm2Object, Value as Avm2Value};
use crate::context::RenderContext;
use gc_arena::{Collect, GcCell, MutationContext};
use ruffle_render::backend::RenderBackend;
use ruffle_render::bitmap::{BitmapHandle, PixelRegion};
use ruffle_render::commands::CommandHandler;
use std::cell::Ref;
use super::{copy_pixels_to_bitmapdata, BitmapData, DirtyState};
/// A wrapper type that ensures that we always wait for a pending
/// GPU -> CPU sync to complete (using `sync_handle`) before accessing
/// the CPU-side pixels.
/// This is overly conservative - we perform a sync before allowing any access
/// to the underlying `BitmapData`, even if we wouldn't be accessing the pixels.
/// Implementing more fine-grained tracking turned out to be extremely invasive,
/// and made the code much less readable. This should be enough for the simple
/// case where ActionScript calls `BitmapData.draw`, and then doesn't interact
/// with the Bitmap/BitmapData object at all for some time.
/// There are three ways that this type gets used:
/// 1. Blocking on the current GPU->CPU sync via the `sync` method,
/// and obtainng a `GcCell<'gc, BitmapData<'gc>>` (or implicily through `as_bitmap_data`).
/// This is done for the vast majority of BitmapData AS2/AS3 methods, as they need to access CPU-side pixels.
/// 2. Ignoring the current GPU->CPU sync state. This is done by the `render` method defined on this type,
/// since rendering only uses GPU-side data, and ignores CPU-side pixels entirely.
/// 3. Explicitly cancelling any in-progress GPU->CPU sync via `overwrite_cpu_pixels_from_gpu`. This is
/// used by `BitmapData.draw` and `BitmapData.apply_filter`, since the new rendering result will completely
/// replace the current CPU-side pixels. This performs a CPU -> GPU sync, to ensure that the GPU side
/// is up to date before we overwrite the CPU-side pixels.
/// In the future, we could explore using this in additional
/// cases where we know that the entire CPU-side pixel array will be overwritten without being read
/// (e.g. `BitmapData.fillRect` with a rectangle covering the entire bitmap). However, `overwrite_cpu_pixels`
/// is always a performance optimization, and can always be safely replaced with `sync` (at the cost of worse performance)
/// Note that we also perform CPU-GPU syncs from `BitmapData.update_dirty_texture` when `dirty` is set.
/// `sync_handle` and `dirty` can never be set at the same time - we can only have one of them set, or none of them set.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Collect, Debug)]
pub struct BitmapDataWrapper<'gc>(GcCell<'gc, BitmapData<'gc>>);
impl<'gc> BitmapDataWrapper<'gc> {
pub fn new(data: GcCell<'gc, BitmapData<'gc>>) -> Self {
// Creates a dummy BitmapData with no pixels or handle, marked as disposed.
// This is used for AS3 `Bitmap` instances without a corresponding AS3 `BitmapData` instance.
// Marking it as disposed skips rendering, and the unset `avm2_object` will cause this to
// be inaccessible to AS3 code.
pub fn dummy(mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>) -> Self {
BitmapData {
pixels: Vec::new(),
width: 0,
height: 0,
transparency: false,
disposed: true,
bitmap_handle: None,
avm2_object: None,
dirty_state: DirtyState::Clean,
// Provides access to the underlying `BitmapData`. If a GPU -> CPU sync
// is in progress, waits for it to complete
pub fn sync(&self) -> GcCell<'gc, BitmapData<'gc>> {
// SAFETY: The only field that can store gc pointers is `avm2_object`,
// which we don't update here. Ideally, we would refactor this so that
// `BitmapData` doesn't contain any gc pointers, allowing us to use a normal
// `RefCell` instead of a `GcCell`.
let mut write = unsafe { self.0.borrow_mut() };
match std::mem::replace(&mut write.dirty_state, DirtyState::Clean) {
DirtyState::GpuModified(sync_handle, bounds) => {
.retrieve_offscreen_texture(Box::new(|buffer, buffer_width| {
copy_pixels_to_bitmapdata(&mut write, buffer, buffer_width, bounds)
.expect("Failed to sync BitmapData");
write.dirty_state = DirtyState::Clean
old_state => write.dirty_state = old_state,
/// Provides access to the underlying `BitmapHandle`.
/// If the CPU pixels are dirty, syncs them to the GPU.
/// If the GPU pixels are dirty, then handle is returned immediately
/// without waiting for the sync to complete, as a BitmapHandle can
/// only be used to access the GPU data. Unlike `overwrite_cpu_pixels_from_gpu`,
/// this does not cancel the GPU -> CPU sync.
pub fn bitmap_handle(
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
renderer: &mut dyn RenderBackend,
) -> BitmapHandle {
let mut bitmap_data = self.0.write(gc_context);
/// Provides access to the underlying `BitmapData`.
/// This should only be used when you will be overwriting the entire
/// `pixels` vec without reading from it. Cancels any in-progress GPU -> CPU sync.
/// This does not sync from cpu to gpu.
pub fn overwrite_cpu_pixels_from_gpu(
mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
) -> (GcCell<'gc, BitmapData<'gc>>, Option<PixelRegion>) {
let mut write = self.0.write(mc);
let dirty_rect = match write.dirty_state {
DirtyState::GpuModified(_, rect) => {
write.dirty_state = DirtyState::Clean;
DirtyState::CpuModified(_) | DirtyState::Clean => None,
(self.0, dirty_rect)
/// Provides read access to the BitmapData pixels.
/// Only the provided region is guaranteed to be up-to-date.
/// It is an error to access any other pixels outside of that region.
pub fn read_area(&self, read_area: PixelRegion) -> Ref<'_, BitmapData<'gc>> {
let needs_update = if let DirtyState::GpuModified(_, area) = {
} else {
if needs_update {
// These methods do not require a sync to complete, as they do not depend on the
// CPU-side pixels. They are implemented directly on `BitmapDataWrapper`, allowing
// callers to avoid calling sync()
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn object2(&self) -> Avm2Value<'gc> {
pub fn disposed(&self) -> bool {
pub fn transparency(&self) -> bool {
pub fn check_valid(
activation: &mut crate::avm2::Activation<'_, 'gc>,
) -> Result<(), crate::avm2::Error<'gc>> {
if self.disposed() {
return Err(crate::avm2::Error::AvmError(
"Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.",
pub fn dispose(&self, mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>) {
pub fn init_object2(&self, mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, object: Avm2Object<'gc>) {
self.0.write(mc).avm2_object = Some(object)
pub fn render(&self, smoothing: bool, context: &mut RenderContext<'_, 'gc>) {
let mut inner_bitmap_data = self.0.write(context.gc_context);
if inner_bitmap_data.disposed() {
// Note - we do a CPU -> GPU sync, but we do *not* do a GPU -> CPU sync
// (rendering is done on the GPU, so the CPU pixels don't need to be up-to-date).
let handle = inner_bitmap_data
.expect("Missing bitmap handle");
.render_bitmap(handle, context.transform_stack.transform(), smoothing);
pub fn can_read(&self, read_area: PixelRegion) -> bool {
if let DirtyState::GpuModified(_, area) = {
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "egui")]
pub fn debug_sync_status(&self) -> std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
match {
DirtyState::Clean => std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("Clean"),
DirtyState::CpuModified(area) => std::borrow::Cow::Owned(format!(
"CPU modified from {}, {} to {}, {}",
area.x_min, area.y_min, area.x_max, area.y_max
DirtyState::GpuModified(_, area) => std::borrow::Cow::Owned(format!(
"GPU modified from {}, {} to {}, {}",
area.x_min, area.y_min, area.x_max, area.y_max
pub fn is_point_in_bounds(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
x >= 0 && x < self.width() as i32 && y >= 0 && y < self.height() as i32
pub fn ptr_eq(&self, other: BitmapDataWrapper<'gc>) -> bool {
GcCell::ptr_eq(self.0, other.0)
pub use wrapper::BitmapDataWrapper;
impl std::fmt::Debug for BitmapData<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("dirty_state", &self.dirty_state)
.field("width", &self.width)
.field("height", &self.height)
.field("transparency", &self.transparency)
.field("disposed", &self.disposed)
.field("bitmap_handle", &self.bitmap_handle)
impl<'gc> BitmapData<'gc> {
pub fn new(width: u32, height: u32, transparency: bool, fill_color: u32) -> Self {
Self {
pixels: vec![
width as usize * height as usize
disposed: false,
bitmap_handle: None,
avm2_object: None,
dirty_state: DirtyState::Clean,
pub fn new_with_pixels(
width: u32,
height: u32,
transparency: bool,
pixels: Vec<Color>,
) -> Self {
Self {
bitmap_handle: None,
avm2_object: None,
disposed: false,
dirty_state: DirtyState::Clean,
pub fn disposed(&self) -> bool {
pub fn dispose(&mut self) {
self.width = 0;
self.height = 0;
self.bitmap_handle = None;
// There's no longer a handle to update
self.dirty_state = DirtyState::Clean;
self.disposed = true;
pub fn bitmap_handle(&mut self, renderer: &mut dyn RenderBackend) -> Option<BitmapHandle> {
if self.bitmap_handle.is_none() {
let bitmap = Bitmap::new(
let bitmap_handle = renderer.register_bitmap(bitmap);
if let Err(e) = &bitmap_handle {
tracing::warn!("Failed to register raw bitmap for BitmapData: {:?}", e);
self.bitmap_handle = bitmap_handle.ok();
pub fn transparency(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_gpu_dirty(&mut self, sync_handle: Box<dyn SyncHandle>, region: PixelRegion) {
self.dirty_state = DirtyState::GpuModified(sync_handle, region);
pub fn set_cpu_dirty(&mut self, region: PixelRegion) {
debug_assert!(region.x_max <= self.width);
debug_assert!(region.y_max <= self.height);
match &mut self.dirty_state {
DirtyState::CpuModified(old_region) => old_region.union(region),
DirtyState::Clean => self.dirty_state = DirtyState::CpuModified(region),
DirtyState::GpuModified(_, _) => {
panic!("Attempted to modify CPU dirty state while GPU sync is in progress!")
pub fn pixels(&self) -> &[Color] {
pub fn pixels_rgba(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// TODO: This could have been implemented as follows:
// self.pixels
// .iter()
// .flat_map(|p| [,,, p.alpha()])
// .collect()
// But currently Rust emits suboptimal code in that case. For now we use
// `Vec::with_capacity` manually to avoid unnecessary re-allocations.
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(self.pixels.len() * 4);
for p in &self.pixels {
output.extend_from_slice(&[,,, p.alpha()])
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn is_point_in_bounds(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
x >= 0 && x < self.width() as i32 && y >= 0 && y < self.height() as i32
pub fn set_pixel32_raw(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, color: Color) {
self.pixels[(x + y * self.width) as usize] = color;
pub fn get_pixel32_raw(&self, x: u32, y: u32) -> Color {
self.pixels[(x + y * self.width()) as usize]
pub fn raw_pixels_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Color> {
&mut self.pixels
pub fn raw_pixels(&self) -> &[Color] {
// Updates the data stored with our `BitmapHandle` if this `BitmapData`
// is dirty
pub fn update_dirty_texture(&mut self, renderer: &mut dyn RenderBackend) {
let handle = self.bitmap_handle(renderer).unwrap();
match &self.dirty_state {
DirtyState::CpuModified(region) => {
if let Err(e) = renderer.update_texture(
) {
tracing::error!("Failed to update dirty bitmap {:?}: {:?}", handle, e);
self.dirty_state = DirtyState::Clean;
DirtyState::Clean | DirtyState::GpuModified(_, _) => {}
pub fn object2(&self) -> Avm2Value<'gc> {
.map(|o| o.into())
pub fn init_object2(&mut self, object: Avm2Object<'gc>) {
self.avm2_object = Some(object)
pub enum IBitmapDrawable<'gc> {
impl IBitmapDrawable<'_> {
pub fn bounds(&self) -> Rectangle<Twips> {
match self {
IBitmapDrawable::BitmapData(bmd) => Rectangle {
x_min: Twips::ZERO,
x_max: Twips::from_pixels(bmd.width() as f64),
y_min: Twips::ZERO,
y_max: Twips::from_pixels(bmd.height() as f64),
IBitmapDrawable::DisplayObject(o) => o.bounds(),
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
fn copy_pixels_to_bitmapdata(
write: &mut BitmapData,
buffer: &[u8],
buffer_width: u32,
area: PixelRegion,
) {
let buffer_width_pixels = buffer_width / 4;
for y in area.y_min..area.y_max {
for x in area.x_min..area.x_max {
// note: this order of conversions helps llvm realize the index is 4-byte-aligned
let ind = (((x - area.x_min) + (y - area.y_min) * buffer_width_pixels) as usize) * 4;
// TODO(mid): optimize this A LOT
let r = buffer[ind];
let g = buffer[ind + 1usize];
let b = buffer[ind + 2usize];
let a = if write.transparency() {
buffer[ind + 3usize]
} else {
// TODO(later): we might want to swap Color storage from argb to rgba, to make it cheaper
let nc = Color::argb(a, r, g, b);
// Ignore the original color entirely - the blending (including alpha)
// was done by the renderer when it wrote over the previous texture contents.
write.set_pixel32_raw(x, y, nc);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ThresholdOperation {
impl ThresholdOperation {
pub fn from_wstr(str: &WStr) -> Option<Self> {
if str == b"==" {
} else if str == b"!=" {
} else if str == b"<" {
} else if str == b"<=" {
} else if str == b">" {
} else if str == b">=" {
} else {
pub fn matches(&self, value: u32, masked_threshold: u32) -> bool {
match self {
ThresholdOperation::Equals => value == masked_threshold,
ThresholdOperation::NotEquals => value != masked_threshold,
ThresholdOperation::LessThan => value < masked_threshold,
ThresholdOperation::LessThanOrEquals => value <= masked_threshold,
ThresholdOperation::GreaterThan => value > masked_threshold,
ThresholdOperation::GreaterThanOrEquals => value >= masked_threshold,