
211 lines
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//! Property data structures
use crate::avm2::object::TObject;
use crate::avm2::Activation;
use crate::avm2::ClassObject;
use crate::avm2::Error;
use crate::avm2::Multiname;
use crate::avm2::TranslationUnit;
use crate::avm2::Value;
use gc_arena::MutationContext;
use gc_arena::{Collect, Gc};
#[derive(Debug, Collect, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Property {
Virtual { get: Option<u32>, set: Option<u32> },
Method { disp_id: u32 },
Slot { slot_id: u32 },
ConstSlot { slot_id: u32 },
/// The type of a `Slot`/`ConstSlot` property, represented
/// as a lazily-resolved class. This also implements the
/// property-specific coercion logic applied when setting
/// or initializing a property.
/// The class resolution needs to be lazy, since we can have
/// a cycle of property type references between classes
/// (e.g. Class1 has `var prop1:Class2`, and Class2
/// has `var prop2:Class1`).
/// Additionally, property class resolution uses special
/// logic, different from normal "runtime" class resolution,
/// that allows private types to be referenced.
#[derive(Collect, Clone)]
pub enum PropertyClass<'gc> {
/// The type `*` (Multiname::is_any()). This allows
/// `Value::Undefined`, so it needs to be distinguished
/// from the `Object` class
Name(Gc<'gc, (Multiname<'gc>, Option<TranslationUnit<'gc>>)>),
impl<'gc> PropertyClass<'gc> {
pub fn name(
mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: Multiname<'gc>,
unit: Option<TranslationUnit<'gc>>,
) -> Self {
PropertyClass::Name(Gc::allocate(mc, (name, unit)))
/// Returns `value` coerced to the type of this `PropertyClass`.
/// The bool is `true` if this `PropertyClass` was just modified
/// to cache a class resolution, and `false` if it was not modified.
pub fn coerce(
&mut self,
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
value: Value<'gc>,
) -> Result<(Value<'gc>, bool), Error<'gc>> {
let (class, changed) = match self {
PropertyClass::Class(class) => (Some(*class), false),
PropertyClass::Name(gc) => {
let (name, unit) = &**gc;
let outcome = resolve_class_private(name, *unit, activation)?;
let class = match outcome {
ResolveOutcome::Class(class) => {
*self = PropertyClass::Class(class);
(Some(class), true)
ResolveOutcome::Any => {
*self = PropertyClass::Any;
(None, true)
ResolveOutcome::NotFound => {
// FP allows a class to reference its own type in a static initializer:
// `class Foo { static var INSTANCE: Foo = new Foo(); }`
// When this happens, the `ClassObject` for `Foo` will not yet
// be available when we perform the coercion, since we're still
// in the process of constructing it.
// Fortunately, a coercion to a non-primitive class either
// succeeds with the value unchanged, or fails (if the object
// is not an instance of the class). Therefore, we can just check
// if the class name and domain match our property name, without
// actually needing to perform resolution. This does not handle subclasses,
// but that's fine - a superclass cannot reference a subclass from a class
// initializer.
// We should eventually be able to remove this when we refactor
// `Class`/`ClassObject` to be closer to what avmplus does.
if let Some(object) = value.as_object() {
if let Some(class) = object.instance_of() {
if name.contains_name(&class.inner_class_definition().read().name())
&&|u| u.domain())
== Some(class.class_scope().domain())
// Even though resolution succeeded, we haven't modified
// this `PropertyClass`, so return `false`
return Ok((value, false));
} else if matches!(value, Value::Null) || matches!(value, Value::Undefined)
//AVM2 properties are nullable, so null is always an instance of the class
return Ok((Value::Null, false));
return Err(Error::from(format!(
"Attempted to perform (private) resolution of nonexistent type {name:?}",
PropertyClass::Any => (None, false),
if let Some(class) = class {
Ok((value.coerce_to_type(activation, class)?, changed))
} else {
// We have a type of '*' ("any"), so don't
// perform any coercions
Ok((value, changed))
pub fn get_name(&self, mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>) -> Multiname<'gc> {
match self {
PropertyClass::Class(class) => class.inner_class_definition().read().name().into(),
PropertyClass::Name(gc) => gc.0.clone(),
PropertyClass::Any => Multiname::any(mc),
enum ResolveOutcome<'gc> {
/// Resolves a class definition referenced by the type of a property.
/// This supports private (`Namespace::Private`) classes,
/// and does not use the `ScopeStack`/`ScopeChain`.
/// This is an internal operation used to resolve property type names.
/// It does not correspond to any opcode or native method.
fn resolve_class_private<'gc>(
name: &Multiname<'gc>,
unit: Option<TranslationUnit<'gc>>,
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
) -> Result<ResolveOutcome<'gc>, Error<'gc>> {
// A Property may have a type of '*' (which corresponds to 'Multiname::any()')
// We don't want to perform any coercions in this case - in particular,
// this means that the property can have a value of `Undefined`.
// If the type is `Object`, then a value of `Undefind` gets coerced
// to `Null`
if name.is_any_name() {
} else {
// First, check the domain for an exported (non-private) class.
// If the property we're resolving for lacks a `TranslationUnit`,
// use the stage domain
let domain = unit.map_or(activation.avm2().stage_domain, |u| u.domain());
let globals = if let Some((_, mut script)) = domain.get_defining_script(name)? {
script.globals(&mut activation.context)?
} else if unit.is_some() {
return Err(format!("Could not find script for class trait {name:?}").into());
} else {
return Err(format!("Missing script and translation unit for class {name:?}").into());
.get_property(name, activation)?
.and_then(|o| o.as_class_object())
.map_or(ResolveOutcome::NotFound, ResolveOutcome::Class))
impl Property {
pub fn new_method(disp_id: u32) -> Self {
Property::Method { disp_id }
pub fn new_getter(disp_id: u32) -> Self {
Property::Virtual {
get: Some(disp_id),
set: None,
pub fn new_setter(disp_id: u32) -> Self {
Property::Virtual {
get: None,
set: Some(disp_id),
pub fn new_slot(slot_id: u32) -> Self {
Property::Slot { slot_id }
pub fn new_const_slot(slot_id: u32) -> Self {
Property::ConstSlot { slot_id }