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//! AVM2 methods
use crate::avm2::activation::Activation;
use crate::avm2::object::{ClassObject, Object};
use crate::avm2::script::TranslationUnit;
use crate::avm2::value::{abc_default_value, Value};
use crate::avm2::Error;
use crate::avm2::Multiname;
use crate::string::AvmString;
use gc_arena::{Collect, Gc, GcCell, MutationContext};
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::rc::Rc;
use swf::avm2::types::{
AbcFile, Index, Method as AbcMethod, MethodBody as AbcMethodBody,
MethodFlags as AbcMethodFlags, MethodParam as AbcMethodParam,
/// Represents a function defined in Ruffle's code.
/// Parameters are as follows:
/// * The AVM2 runtime
/// * The action context
/// * The current `this` object
/// * The arguments this function was called with
/// Native functions are allowed to return a value or `None`. `None` indicates
/// that the given value will not be returned on the stack and instead will
/// resolve on the AVM stack, as if you had called a non-native function. If
/// your function yields `None`, you must ensure that the top-most activation
/// in the AVM1 runtime will return with the value of this function.
pub type NativeMethodImpl = for<'gc> fn(
&mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
) -> Result<Value<'gc>, Error<'gc>>;
/// Configuration of a single parameter of a method.
#[derive(Clone, Collect, Debug)]
pub struct ParamConfig<'gc> {
/// The name of the parameter.
pub param_name: AvmString<'gc>,
/// The name of the type of the parameter.
pub param_type_name: Multiname<'gc>,
/// The default value for this parameter.
pub default_value: Option<Value<'gc>>,
impl<'gc> ParamConfig<'gc> {
fn from_abc_param(
config: &AbcMethodParam,
txunit: TranslationUnit<'gc>,
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
) -> Result<Self, Error<'gc>> {
let param_name = if let Some(name) = & {
.pool_string(name.0, &mut activation.borrow_gc())?
} else {
AvmString::from("<Unnamed Parameter>")
let param_type_name = txunit
.pool_multiname_static_any(config.kind, &mut activation.borrow_gc())?
let default_value = if let Some(dv) = &config.default_value {
Some(abc_default_value(txunit, dv, activation)?)
} else {
Ok(Self {
pub fn of_type(name: impl Into<AvmString<'gc>>, param_type_name: Multiname<'gc>) -> Self {
Self {
param_name: name.into(),
default_value: None,
pub fn optional(
name: impl Into<AvmString<'gc>>,
param_type_name: Multiname<'gc>,
default_value: impl Into<Value<'gc>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
param_name: name.into(),
default_value: Some(default_value.into()),
/// Represents a reference to an AVM2 method and body.
#[derive(Collect, Clone)]
pub struct BytecodeMethod<'gc> {
/// The translation unit this function was defined in.
pub txunit: TranslationUnit<'gc>,
/// The underlying ABC file of the above translation unit.
pub abc: Rc<AbcFile>,
/// The ABC method this function uses.
pub abc_method: u32,
/// The ABC method body this function uses.
pub abc_method_body: Option<u32>,
/// The parameter signature of this method.
pub signature: Vec<ParamConfig<'gc>>,
/// The return type of this method.
pub return_type: Multiname<'gc>,
/// The associated activation class. None if not needed. Initialized lazily.
pub activation_class: Option<GcCell<'gc, Option<ClassObject<'gc>>>>,
/// Whether or not this method was declared as a free-standing function.
/// A free-standing function corresponds to the `Function` trait type, and
/// is instantiated with the `newfunction` opcode.
pub is_function: bool,
impl<'gc> BytecodeMethod<'gc> {
/// Construct an `BytecodeMethod` from an `AbcFile` and method index.
pub fn from_method_index(
txunit: TranslationUnit<'gc>,
abc_method: Index<AbcMethod>,
is_function: bool,
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
) -> Result<Self, Error<'gc>> {
let abc =;
let mut signature = Vec::new();
if abc.methods.get(abc_method.0 as usize).is_some() {
let method = &abc.methods[abc_method.0 as usize];
for param in &method.params {
signature.push(ParamConfig::from_abc_param(param, txunit, activation)?);
let return_type = txunit
.pool_multiname_static_any(method.return_type, &mut activation.borrow_gc())?
let activation_class = if method.flags.contains(AbcMethodFlags::NEED_ACTIVATION) {
Some(GcCell::allocate(activation.context.gc_context, None))
} else {
for (index, method_body) in abc.method_bodies.iter().enumerate() {
if method_body.method.0 == abc_method.0 {
return Ok(Self {
abc_method: abc_method.0,
abc_method_body: Some(index as u32),
Ok(Self {
abc_method: abc_method.0,
abc_method_body: None,
return_type: Multiname::any(activation.context.gc_context),
activation_class: None,
/// Get the underlying ABC file.
pub fn abc(&self) -> Rc<AbcFile> {
/// Get the underlying translation unit this method was defined in.
pub fn translation_unit(&self) -> TranslationUnit<'gc> {
/// Get a reference to the ABC method entry this refers to.
pub fn method(&self) -> &AbcMethod { as usize).unwrap()
/// Get a reference to the ABC method body entry this refers to.
/// Some methods do not have bodies; this returns `None` in that case.
pub fn body(&self) -> Option<&AbcMethodBody> {
if let Some(abc_method_body) = self.abc_method_body { as usize)
} else {
/// Get the list of method params for this method.
pub fn signature(&self) -> &[ParamConfig<'gc>] {
/// Get the name of this method.
pub fn method_name(&self) -> &str {
let name_index = self.method().name.0 as usize;
if name_index == 0 {
return "";
.get(name_index - 1)
.map(|s| s.as_str())
/// Determine if a given method is variadic.
/// Variadic methods shove excess parameters into a final register.
pub fn is_variadic(&self) -> bool {
.intersects(AbcMethodFlags::NEED_ARGUMENTS | AbcMethodFlags::NEED_REST)
/// Determine if a given method is unchecked.
/// A method is unchecked if all of the following are true:
/// * The method was declared as a free-standing function
/// * The function does not use rest-parameters
/// * The function's parameters have no declared types or default values
pub fn is_unchecked(&self) -> bool {
if !self.is_function {
return false;
for param in self.signature() {
if !param.param_type_name.is_any_name() || param.default_value.is_some() {
return false;
/// An uninstantiated method
#[derive(Clone, Collect)]
pub struct NativeMethod<'gc> {
/// The function to call to execute the method.
pub method: NativeMethodImpl,
/// The name of the method.
pub name: &'static str,
/// The parameter signature of the method.
pub signature: Vec<ParamConfig<'gc>>,
/// The return type of this method.
pub return_type: Multiname<'gc>,
/// Whether or not this method accepts parameters beyond those
/// mentioned in the parameter list.
pub is_variadic: bool,
impl<'gc> fmt::Debug for NativeMethod<'gc> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("method", &format!("{:p}", &self.method))
.field("name", &
.field("signature", &self.signature)
.field("is_variadic", &self.is_variadic)
/// An uninstantiated method that can either be natively implemented or sourced
/// from an ABC file.
#[derive(Clone, Collect)]
pub enum Method<'gc> {
/// A native method.
Native(Gc<'gc, NativeMethod<'gc>>),
/// An ABC-provided method entry.
Bytecode(Gc<'gc, BytecodeMethod<'gc>>),
impl<'gc> From<Gc<'gc, BytecodeMethod<'gc>>> for Method<'gc> {
fn from(bm: Gc<'gc, BytecodeMethod<'gc>>) -> Self {
impl<'gc> Method<'gc> {
/// Define a builtin method with a particular param configuration.
pub fn from_builtin_and_params(
method: NativeMethodImpl,
name: &'static str,
signature: Vec<ParamConfig<'gc>>,
is_variadic: bool,
mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
) -> Self {
NativeMethod {
// FIXME - take in the real return type. This is needed for 'describeType'
return_type: Multiname::any(mc),
/// Define a builtin with no parameter constraints.
pub fn from_builtin(
method: NativeMethodImpl,
name: &'static str,
mc: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
) -> Self {
NativeMethod {
signature: Vec::new(),
// FIXME - take in the real return type. This is needed for 'describeType'
return_type: Multiname::any(mc),
is_variadic: true,
/// Access the bytecode of this method.
/// This function returns `Err` if there is no bytecode for this method.
pub fn into_bytecode(self) -> Result<Gc<'gc, BytecodeMethod<'gc>>, Error<'gc>> {
match self {
Method::Native { .. } => {
Err("Attempted to unwrap a native method as a user-defined one".into())
Method::Bytecode(bm) => Ok(bm),
pub fn return_type(&self) -> Multiname<'gc> {
match self {
Method::Native(nm) => nm.return_type.clone(),
Method::Bytecode(bm) => bm.return_type.clone(),
pub fn signature(&self) -> &[ParamConfig<'gc>] {
match self {
Method::Native(nm) => &nm.signature,
Method::Bytecode(bm) => bm.signature(),
pub fn is_variadic(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Method::Native(nm) => nm.is_variadic,
Method::Bytecode(bm) => bm.is_variadic(),
/// Check if this method needs `arguments`.
pub fn needs_arguments_object(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Method::Native { .. } => false,
Method::Bytecode(bm) => bm.method().flags.contains(AbcMethodFlags::NEED_ARGUMENTS),