
645 lines
18 KiB

use crate::display_object::InteractiveObject;
use serde::Deserialize;
use swf::ClipEventFlag;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum PlayerEvent {
KeyDown {
key_code: KeyCode,
key_char: Option<char>,
KeyUp {
key_code: KeyCode,
key_char: Option<char>,
MouseMove {
x: f64,
y: f64,
MouseUp {
x: f64,
y: f64,
button: MouseButton,
MouseDown {
x: f64,
y: f64,
button: MouseButton,
MouseWheel {
delta: MouseWheelDelta,
TextInput {
codepoint: char,
TextControl {
code: TextControlCode,
/// The distance scrolled by the mouse wheel.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MouseWheelDelta {
impl MouseWheelDelta {
const MOUSE_WHEEL_SCALE: f64 = 100.0;
/// Returns the number of lines that this delta represents.
pub fn lines(self) -> f64 {
// TODO: Should we always return an integer here?
match self {
Self::Lines(delta) => delta,
Self::Pixels(delta) => delta / Self::MOUSE_WHEEL_SCALE,
impl PartialEq for MouseWheelDelta {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, rhs) {
(Self::Lines(s), Self::Lines(r))
| (Self::Pixels(s), Self::Pixels(r))
| (Self::Pixels(s), Self::Lines(r))
| (Self::Lines(s), Self::Pixels(r))
if s.is_nan() && r.is_nan() =>
(Self::Lines(s), Self::Lines(r)) => s == r,
(Self::Pixels(s), Self::Pixels(r)) => s == r,
(Self::Pixels(s), Self::Lines(r)) => *s == r * Self::MOUSE_WHEEL_SCALE,
(Self::Lines(s), Self::Pixels(r)) => s * Self::MOUSE_WHEEL_SCALE == *r,
impl Eq for MouseWheelDelta {}
/// Whether this button event was handled by some child.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ClipEventResult {
/// An event type that can be handled by a movie clip instance.
/// Clip events come in three flavors: broadcast, anycast and targeted. An
/// anycast event is provided to the first `DisplayObject` that claims it, in
/// render list order. Targeted events are sent to a particular object and are
/// lost if not handled by the object. Broadcast events are delivered to all
/// objects in the display list tree.
/// These events are consumed both by display objects themselves as well as
/// event handlers in AVM1 and AVM2. These have slightly different event
/// handling semantics:
/// * AVM1 delivers broadcasts via `ClipEvent` or system listeners
/// * AVM2 delivers broadcasts to all registered `EventDispatcher`s
/// * Anycast events are not delivered to AVM2
/// * Targeted events are supported and consumed by both VMs
/// * AVM2 additionally supports bubble/capture, which AVM1 and
/// `InteractiveObject` itself does not support
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ClipEvent<'gc> {
/// Mouse moved out of a display object while the primary button is held
/// down.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseMove` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. In AVM2, it is dispatched identically to `RollOut`, with
/// the only difference being that the `buttonDown` flag is set to true.
DragOut {
to: Option<InteractiveObject<'gc>>,
/// Mouse moved into of a display object while the primary button is held
/// down.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseMove` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. In AVM2, it is dispatched identically to `RollOver`,
/// with the only difference being that the `buttonDown` flag is set to
/// true.
DragOver {
from: Option<InteractiveObject<'gc>>,
KeyPress {
key_code: ButtonKeyCode,
/// Mouse button was released.
/// This is an anycast event.
/// Mouse button was released inside this current display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseUp` and corresponds directly to
/// the AVM2 `mouseUp` event, which has no AVM1 equivalent. The target of
/// this event is determined by the position of the mouse cursor.
/// Mouse button was pressed.
/// This is an anycast event.
/// Mouse was moved.
/// This is an anycast event.
/// Mouse was moved inside this current display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseMove` to support AVM2's
/// `mouseMove` event, since AVM2 cannot consume anycast events.
/// Mouse button was pressed inside this current display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseDown` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. The target of this event is determined by the position
/// of the mouse cursor.
/// Mouse moved out of a display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseMove` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. Confusingly, it covers both `mouseOut` and `rollOut`,
/// the difference being that the former bubbles, while the latter only
/// fires when the cursor has left the parent *and* it's children.
/// The parameter `to` is the current object that is now under the cursor.
RollOut {
to: Option<InteractiveObject<'gc>>,
/// Mouse moved into a display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseMove` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. Confusingly, it covers both `mouseOver` and `rollOver`,
/// the difference being that the former bubbles, while the latter only
/// fires when the cursor has left the parent *and* it's children.
/// The parameter `from` is the previous object that was under the cursor
/// before this one.
RollOver {
from: Option<InteractiveObject<'gc>>,
/// Mouse button was released inside a previously-pressed display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseUp` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. The target of this event is the last target of the
/// `Press` event.
/// Mouse button was released outside a previously-pressed display object.
/// This is a targeted equivalent to `MouseUp` and is available in both
/// AVM1 and AVM2. The target of this event is the last target of the
/// `Press` event.
/// Mouse wheel was turned over a particular display object.
/// This is a targeted event with no anycast equivalent. It is targeted to
/// any interactive object under the mouse cursor, including the stage
/// itself. Only AVM2 can receive these events.
MouseWheel {
delta: MouseWheelDelta,
impl<'gc> ClipEvent<'gc> {
/// Method names for button event handles.
pub const BUTTON_EVENT_METHODS: [&'static str; 7] = [
pub const BUTTON_EVENT_FLAGS: ClipEventFlag = ClipEventFlag::from_bits_truncate(
| ClipEventFlag::DRAG_OVER.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::KEY_PRESS.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::PRESS.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::ROLL_OUT.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::ROLL_OVER.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::RELEASE.bits()
| ClipEventFlag::RELEASE_OUTSIDE.bits(),
/// Returns the `swf::ClipEventFlag` corresponding to this event type.
pub const fn flag(self) -> Option<ClipEventFlag> {
match self {
ClipEvent::Construct => Some(ClipEventFlag::CONSTRUCT),
ClipEvent::Data => Some(ClipEventFlag::DATA),
ClipEvent::DragOut { .. } => Some(ClipEventFlag::DRAG_OUT),
ClipEvent::DragOver { .. } => Some(ClipEventFlag::DRAG_OVER),
ClipEvent::EnterFrame => Some(ClipEventFlag::ENTER_FRAME),
ClipEvent::Initialize => Some(ClipEventFlag::INITIALIZE),
ClipEvent::KeyDown => Some(ClipEventFlag::KEY_DOWN),
ClipEvent::KeyPress { .. } => Some(ClipEventFlag::KEY_PRESS),
ClipEvent::KeyUp => Some(ClipEventFlag::KEY_UP),
ClipEvent::Load => Some(ClipEventFlag::LOAD),
ClipEvent::MouseDown => Some(ClipEventFlag::MOUSE_DOWN),
ClipEvent::MouseMove => Some(ClipEventFlag::MOUSE_MOVE),
ClipEvent::MouseUp => Some(ClipEventFlag::MOUSE_UP),
ClipEvent::Press => Some(ClipEventFlag::PRESS),
ClipEvent::RollOut { .. } => Some(ClipEventFlag::ROLL_OUT),
ClipEvent::RollOver { .. } => Some(ClipEventFlag::ROLL_OVER),
ClipEvent::Release => Some(ClipEventFlag::RELEASE),
ClipEvent::ReleaseOutside => Some(ClipEventFlag::RELEASE_OUTSIDE),
ClipEvent::Unload => Some(ClipEventFlag::UNLOAD),
ClipEvent::MouseWheel { .. }
| ClipEvent::MouseMoveInside
| ClipEvent::MouseUpInside => None,
/// Indicates that the event should be propagated down to children.
pub const fn propagates(self) -> bool {
| Self::MouseDown
| Self::MouseMove
| Self::KeyPress { .. }
| Self::KeyDown
| Self::KeyUp
/// Indicates whether this is an event type used by Buttons (i.e., on that can be used in an `on` handler in Flash).
pub const fn is_button_event(self) -> bool {
if let Some(flag) = self.flag() {
} else {
/// Indicates whether this is a keyboard event type (keyUp, keyDown, keyPress).
pub const fn is_key_event(self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::KeyDown | Self::KeyUp | Self::KeyPress { .. })
/// Returns the method name of the event handler for this event.
/// `ClipEvent::Data` returns `None` rather than `onData` because its behavior
/// differs from the other events: the method must fire before the SWF-defined
/// event handler, so we'll explicitly call `onData` in the appropriate places.
pub const fn method_name(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self {
ClipEvent::Construct => None,
ClipEvent::Data => None,
ClipEvent::DragOut { .. } => Some("onDragOut"),
ClipEvent::DragOver { .. } => Some("onDragOver"),
ClipEvent::EnterFrame => Some("onEnterFrame"),
ClipEvent::Initialize => None,
ClipEvent::KeyDown => Some("onKeyDown"),
ClipEvent::KeyPress { .. } => None,
ClipEvent::KeyUp => Some("onKeyUp"),
ClipEvent::Load => Some("onLoad"),
ClipEvent::MouseDown => Some("onMouseDown"),
ClipEvent::MouseMove => Some("onMouseMove"),
ClipEvent::MouseUp => Some("onMouseUp"),
ClipEvent::Press => Some("onPress"),
ClipEvent::RollOut { .. } => Some("onRollOut"),
ClipEvent::RollOver { .. } => Some("onRollOver"),
ClipEvent::Release => Some("onRelease"),
ClipEvent::ReleaseOutside => Some("onReleaseOutside"),
ClipEvent::Unload => Some("onUnload"),
ClipEvent::MouseWheel { .. }
| ClipEvent::MouseMoveInside
| ClipEvent::MouseUpInside => None,
/// Control inputs to a text field
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize)]
pub enum TextControlCode {
// TODO: Add control codes for Ctrl+Arrows and Home/End keys
impl TextControlCode {
/// Indicates whether this is an event that edits the text content
pub fn is_edit_input(self) -> bool {
Self::Paste | Self::Cut | Self::Backspace | Self::Enter | Self::Delete
/// Flash virtual keycode.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum KeyCode {
Unknown = 0,
MouseLeft = 1,
MouseRight = 2,
MouseMiddle = 4,
Backspace = 8,
Tab = 9,
Return = 13,
Command = 15,
Shift = 16,
Control = 17,
Alt = 18,
Pause = 19,
CapsLock = 20,
Numpad = 21,
Escape = 27,
Space = 32,
PgUp = 33,
PgDown = 34,
End = 35,
Home = 36,
Left = 37,
Up = 38,
Right = 39,
Down = 40,
Insert = 45,
Delete = 46,
Key0 = 48,
Key1 = 49,
Key2 = 50,
Key3 = 51,
Key4 = 52,
Key5 = 53,
Key6 = 54,
Key7 = 55,
Key8 = 56,
Key9 = 57,
A = 65,
B = 66,
C = 67,
D = 68,
E = 69,
F = 70,
G = 71,
H = 72,
I = 73,
J = 74,
K = 75,
L = 76,
M = 77,
N = 78,
O = 79,
P = 80,
Q = 81,
R = 82,
S = 83,
T = 84,
U = 85,
V = 86,
W = 87,
X = 88,
Y = 89,
Z = 90,
Numpad0 = 96,
Numpad1 = 97,
Numpad2 = 98,
Numpad3 = 99,
Numpad4 = 100,
Numpad5 = 101,
Numpad6 = 102,
Numpad7 = 103,
Numpad8 = 104,
Numpad9 = 105,
Multiply = 106,
Plus = 107,
NumpadEnter = 108,
NumpadMinus = 109,
NumpadPeriod = 110,
NumpadSlash = 111,
F1 = 112,
F2 = 113,
F3 = 114,
F4 = 115,
F5 = 116,
F6 = 117,
F7 = 118,
F8 = 119,
F9 = 120,
F10 = 121,
F11 = 122,
F12 = 123,
F13 = 124,
F14 = 125,
F15 = 126,
ScrollLock = 145,
Semicolon = 186,
Equals = 187,
Comma = 188,
Minus = 189,
Period = 190,
Slash = 191,
Grave = 192,
LBracket = 219,
Backslash = 220,
RBracket = 221,
Apostrophe = 222,
impl KeyCode {
pub fn from_u8(n: u8) -> Option<Self> {
/// Subset of `KeyCode` that contains only mouse buttons.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MouseButton {
Unknown = KeyCode::Unknown as isize,
Left = KeyCode::MouseLeft as isize,
Right = KeyCode::MouseRight as isize,
Middle = KeyCode::MouseMiddle as isize,
impl From<MouseButton> for KeyCode {
fn from(button: MouseButton) -> Self {
match button {
MouseButton::Unknown => Self::Unknown,
MouseButton::Left => Self::MouseLeft,
MouseButton::Right => Self::MouseRight,
MouseButton::Middle => Self::MouseMiddle,
/// Key codes for SWF4 keyPress button handlers. These are annoyingly different than
/// `Key.isDown` key codes.
/// TODO: After 18, these are mostly ASCII... should we just use u8? How are different
/// keyboard layouts/languages handled?
/// SWF19 pp. 198-199
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ButtonKeyCode {
Unknown = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2,
Home = 3,
End = 4,
Insert = 5,
Delete = 6,
Backspace = 8,
Return = 13,
Up = 14,
Down = 15,
PgUp = 16,
PgDown = 17,
Tab = 18,
Escape = 19,
Space = 32,
Exclamation = 33,
DoubleQuote = 34,
NumberSign = 35,
Dollar = 36,
Percent = 37,
Ampersand = 38,
SingleQuote = 39,
LParen = 40,
RParen = 41,
Asterisk = 42,
Plus = 43,
Comma = 44,
Minus = 45,
Period = 46,
Slash = 47,
Zero = 48,
One = 49,
Two = 50,
Three = 51,
Four = 52,
Five = 53,
Six = 54,
Seven = 55,
Eight = 56,
Nine = 57,
Colon = 58,
Semicolon = 59,
LessThan = 60,
Equals = 61,
GreaterThan = 62,
Question = 63,
At = 64,
UppercaseA = 65,
UppercaseB = 66,
UppercaseC = 67,
UppercaseD = 68,
UppercaseE = 69,
UppercaseF = 70,
UppercaseG = 71,
UppercaseH = 72,
UppercaseI = 73,
UppercaseJ = 74,
UppercaseK = 75,
UppercaseL = 76,
UppercaseM = 77,
UppercaseN = 78,
UppercaseO = 79,
UppercaseP = 80,
UppercaseQ = 81,
UppercaseR = 82,
UppercaseS = 83,
UppercaseT = 84,
UppercaseU = 85,
UppercaseV = 86,
UppercaseW = 87,
UppercaseX = 88,
UppercaseY = 89,
UppercaseZ = 90,
LBracket = 91,
Backslash = 92,
RBracket = 93,
Caret = 94,
Underscore = 95,
Backquote = 96,
A = 97,
B = 98,
C = 99,
D = 100,
E = 101,
F = 102,
G = 103,
H = 104,
I = 105,
J = 106,
K = 107,
L = 108,
M = 109,
N = 110,
O = 111,
P = 112,
Q = 113,
R = 114,
S = 115,
T = 116,
U = 117,
V = 118,
W = 119,
X = 120,
Y = 121,
Z = 122,
LBrace = 123,
Pipe = 124,
RBrace = 125,
Tilde = 126,
impl ButtonKeyCode {
pub fn from_u8(n: u8) -> Option<Self> {
pub fn key_code_to_button_key_code(key_code: KeyCode) -> Option<ButtonKeyCode> {
let out = match key_code {
KeyCode::Left => ButtonKeyCode::Left,
KeyCode::Right => ButtonKeyCode::Right,
KeyCode::Home => ButtonKeyCode::Home,
KeyCode::End => ButtonKeyCode::End,
KeyCode::Insert => ButtonKeyCode::Insert,
KeyCode::Delete => ButtonKeyCode::Delete,
KeyCode::Backspace => ButtonKeyCode::Backspace,
KeyCode::Return => ButtonKeyCode::Return,
KeyCode::Up => ButtonKeyCode::Up,
KeyCode::Down => ButtonKeyCode::Down,
KeyCode::PgUp => ButtonKeyCode::PgUp,
KeyCode::PgDown => ButtonKeyCode::PgDown,
KeyCode::Escape => ButtonKeyCode::Escape,
KeyCode::Tab => ButtonKeyCode::Tab,
_ => return None,