
457 lines
18 KiB

use crate::avm1::opcode::OpCode;
use crate::avm1::types::*;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::read::SwfRead;
use std::io::Cursor;
pub struct Reader<'a> {
inner: Cursor<&'a [u8]>,
version: u8,
impl<'a> SwfRead<Cursor<&'a [u8]>> for Reader<'a> {
fn get_inner(&mut self) -> &mut Cursor<&'a [u8]> {
&mut self.inner
impl<'a> Reader<'a> {
pub fn new(input: &'a [u8], version: u8) -> Self {
Self {
inner: Cursor::new(input),
pub fn pos(&self) -> usize {
self.inner.position() as usize
pub fn seek(&mut self, relative_offset: isize) {
let new_pos = self.inner.position() as i64 + relative_offset as i64;
self.inner.set_position(new_pos as u64);
fn read_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<&'a [u8]> {
let pos = self.pos();
self.inner.set_position(pos as u64 + len as u64);
let slice = self.inner.get_ref().get(pos..pos + len).ok_or_else(|| {
std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "Buffer underrun")
fn read_c_string(&mut self) -> Result<&'a str> {
// Find zero terminator.
let str_slice = {
let start_pos = self.pos();
loop {
let byte = self.read_u8()?;
if byte == 0 {
&self.inner.get_ref()[start_pos..self.pos() - 1]
// TODO: What does Flash do on invalid UTF8?
// Do we silently let it pass?
// TODO: Verify ANSI for SWF 5 and earlier.
std::str::from_utf8(str_slice).map_err(|_| Error::invalid_data("Invalid string data"))
pub fn read_action(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Action<'a>>> {
let (opcode, mut length) = self.read_opcode_and_length()?;
let start_pos = self.pos();
let action = self.read_op(opcode, &mut length);
if let Err(e) = action {
return Err(Error::avm1_parse_error_with_source(opcode, e));
// Verify that we parsed the correct amount of data.
let end_pos = start_pos + length;
let pos = self.pos();
if pos != end_pos {
// We incorrectly parsed this action.
// Re-sync to the expected end of the action and throw an error.
use std::convert::TryInto;
return Err(Error::avm1_parse_error(opcode));
pub fn read_opcode_and_length(&mut self) -> Result<(u8, usize)> {
let opcode = self.read_u8()?;
let length = if opcode >= 0x80 {
self.read_u16()? as usize
} else {
Ok((opcode, length))
/// Reads an action with the given opcode.
/// `length` is an in-out parameter and will be modified in the case of instructions
/// that contain sub-blocks of code, such as `DefineFunction`.
/// The `length` passed in should be the length excluding any sub-blocks.
/// The final `length` returned will be total length of the action, including sub-blocks.
fn read_op(&mut self, opcode: u8, length: &mut usize) -> Result<Option<Action<'a>>> {
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
let action = if let Some(op) = OpCode::from_u8(opcode) {
match op {
OpCode::End => return Ok(None),
OpCode::Add => Action::Add,
OpCode::Add2 => Action::Add2,
OpCode::And => Action::And,
OpCode::AsciiToChar => Action::AsciiToChar,
OpCode::BitAnd => Action::BitAnd,
OpCode::BitLShift => Action::BitLShift,
OpCode::BitOr => Action::BitOr,
OpCode::BitRShift => Action::BitRShift,
OpCode::BitURShift => Action::BitURShift,
OpCode::BitXor => Action::BitXor,
OpCode::Call => Action::Call,
OpCode::CallFunction => Action::CallFunction,
OpCode::CallMethod => Action::CallMethod,
OpCode::CastOp => Action::CastOp,
OpCode::CharToAscii => Action::CharToAscii,
OpCode::CloneSprite => Action::CloneSprite,
OpCode::ConstantPool => {
let mut constants = vec![];
for _ in 0..self.read_u16()? {
OpCode::Decrement => Action::Decrement,
OpCode::DefineFunction => self.read_define_function(length)?,
OpCode::DefineFunction2 => self.read_define_function_2(length)?,
OpCode::DefineLocal => Action::DefineLocal,
OpCode::DefineLocal2 => Action::DefineLocal2,
OpCode::Delete => Action::Delete,
OpCode::Delete2 => Action::Delete2,
OpCode::Divide => Action::Divide,
OpCode::EndDrag => Action::EndDrag,
OpCode::Enumerate => Action::Enumerate,
OpCode::Enumerate2 => Action::Enumerate2,
OpCode::Equals => Action::Equals,
OpCode::Equals2 => Action::Equals2,
OpCode::Extends => Action::Extends,
OpCode::GetMember => Action::GetMember,
OpCode::GetProperty => Action::GetProperty,
OpCode::GetTime => Action::GetTime,
OpCode::GetUrl => Action::GetUrl {
url: self.read_c_string()?,
target: self.read_c_string()?,
OpCode::GetUrl2 => {
let flags = self.read_u8()?;
Action::GetUrl2 {
is_load_vars: flags & 0b10_0000_00 != 0,
is_target_sprite: flags & 0b01_0000_00 != 0,
send_vars_method: match flags & 0b11 {
0 => SendVarsMethod::None,
1 => SendVarsMethod::Get,
2 => SendVarsMethod::Post,
_ => {
return Err(Error::invalid_data(
"Invalid HTTP method in ActionGetUrl2",
OpCode::GetVariable => Action::GetVariable,
OpCode::GotoFrame => {
let frame = self.read_u16()?;
OpCode::GotoFrame2 => {
let flags = self.read_u8()?;
Action::GotoFrame2 {
set_playing: flags & 0b1 != 0,
scene_offset: if flags & 0b10 != 0 {
} else {
OpCode::GotoLabel => Action::GotoLabel(self.read_c_string()?),
OpCode::Greater => Action::Greater,
OpCode::If => Action::If {
offset: self.read_i16()?,
OpCode::ImplementsOp => Action::ImplementsOp,
OpCode::Increment => Action::Increment,
OpCode::InitArray => Action::InitArray,
OpCode::InitObject => Action::InitObject,
OpCode::InstanceOf => Action::InstanceOf,
OpCode::Jump => Action::Jump {
offset: self.read_i16()?,
OpCode::Less => Action::Less,
OpCode::Less2 => Action::Less2,
OpCode::MBAsciiToChar => Action::MBAsciiToChar,
OpCode::MBCharToAscii => Action::MBCharToAscii,
OpCode::MBStringExtract => Action::MBStringExtract,
OpCode::MBStringLength => Action::MBStringLength,
OpCode::Modulo => Action::Modulo,
OpCode::Multiply => Action::Multiply,
OpCode::NewMethod => Action::NewMethod,
OpCode::NewObject => Action::NewObject,
OpCode::NextFrame => Action::NextFrame,
OpCode::Not => Action::Not,
OpCode::Or => Action::Or,
OpCode::Play => Action::Play,
OpCode::Pop => Action::Pop,
OpCode::PreviousFrame => Action::PreviousFrame,
// TODO: Verify correct version for complex types.
OpCode::Push => self.read_push(*length)?,
OpCode::PushDuplicate => Action::PushDuplicate,
OpCode::RandomNumber => Action::RandomNumber,
OpCode::RemoveSprite => Action::RemoveSprite,
OpCode::Return => Action::Return,
OpCode::SetMember => Action::SetMember,
OpCode::SetProperty => Action::SetProperty,
OpCode::SetTarget => Action::SetTarget(self.read_c_string()?),
OpCode::SetTarget2 => Action::SetTarget2,
OpCode::SetVariable => Action::SetVariable,
OpCode::StackSwap => Action::StackSwap,
OpCode::StartDrag => Action::StartDrag,
OpCode::Stop => Action::Stop,
OpCode::StopSounds => Action::StopSounds,
OpCode::StoreRegister => Action::StoreRegister(self.read_u8()?),
OpCode::StrictEquals => Action::StrictEquals,
OpCode::StringAdd => Action::StringAdd,
OpCode::StringEquals => Action::StringEquals,
OpCode::StringExtract => Action::StringExtract,
OpCode::StringGreater => Action::StringGreater,
OpCode::StringLength => Action::StringLength,
OpCode::StringLess => Action::StringLess,
OpCode::Subtract => Action::Subtract,
OpCode::TargetPath => Action::TargetPath,
OpCode::Throw => Action::Throw,
OpCode::ToggleQuality => Action::ToggleQuality,
OpCode::ToInteger => Action::ToInteger,
OpCode::ToNumber => Action::ToNumber,
OpCode::ToString => Action::ToString,
OpCode::Trace => Action::Trace,
OpCode::Try => self.read_try(length)?,
OpCode::TypeOf => Action::TypeOf,
OpCode::WaitForFrame => Action::WaitForFrame {
frame: self.read_u16()?,
num_actions_to_skip: self.read_u8()?,
OpCode::With => {
let code_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
*length += code_length;
Action::With {
actions: self.read_slice(code_length)?,
OpCode::WaitForFrame2 => Action::WaitForFrame2 {
num_actions_to_skip: self.read_u8()?,
} else {
self.read_unknown_action(opcode, *length)?
fn read_unknown_action(&mut self, opcode: u8, length: usize) -> Result<Action<'a>> {
Ok(Action::Unknown {
data: self.read_slice(length)?,
fn read_push(&mut self, length: usize) -> Result<Action<'a>> {
let end_pos = self.pos() + length;
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(end_pos);
while self.pos() < end_pos {
fn read_push_value(&mut self) -> Result<Value<'a>> {
let value = match self.read_u8()? {
0 => Value::Str(self.read_c_string()?),
1 => Value::Float(self.read_f32()?),
2 => Value::Null,
3 => Value::Undefined,
4 => Value::Register(self.read_u8()?),
5 => Value::Bool(self.read_u8()? != 0),
6 => Value::Double(self.read_f64()?),
7 => Value::Int(self.read_i32()?),
8 => Value::ConstantPool(self.read_u8()?.into()),
9 => Value::ConstantPool(self.read_u16()?),
_ => return Err(Error::invalid_data("Invalid value type in ActionPush")),
fn read_define_function(&mut self, action_length: &mut usize) -> Result<Action<'a>> {
let name = self.read_c_string()?;
let num_params = self.read_u16()?;
let mut params = Vec::with_capacity(num_params as usize);
for _ in 0..num_params {
// code_length isn't included in the DefineFunction's action length.
let code_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
*action_length += code_length;
Ok(Action::DefineFunction {
actions: self.read_slice(code_length)?,
fn read_define_function_2(&mut self, action_length: &mut usize) -> Result<Action<'a>> {
let name = self.read_c_string()?;
let num_params = self.read_u16()?;
let register_count = self.read_u8()?; // Number of registers
let flags = self.read_u16()?;
let mut params = Vec::with_capacity(num_params as usize);
for _ in 0..num_params {
let register = self.read_u8()?;
params.push(FunctionParam {
name: self.read_c_string()?,
register_index: if register == 0 { None } else { Some(register) },
// code_length isn't included in the DefineFunction's length.
let code_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
*action_length += code_length;
Ok(Action::DefineFunction2(Function {
preload_global: flags & 0b1_00000000 != 0,
preload_parent: flags & 0b10000000 != 0,
preload_root: flags & 0b1000000 != 0,
suppress_super: flags & 0b100000 != 0,
preload_super: flags & 0b10000 != 0,
suppress_arguments: flags & 0b1000 != 0,
preload_arguments: flags & 0b100 != 0,
suppress_this: flags & 0b10 != 0,
preload_this: flags & 0b1 != 0,
actions: self.read_slice(code_length)?,
fn read_try(&mut self, length: &mut usize) -> Result<Action<'a>> {
let flags = self.read_u8()?;
let try_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
let catch_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
let finally_length = usize::from(self.read_u16()?);
*length += try_length + catch_length + finally_length;
let catch_var = if flags & 0b100 != 0 {
} else {
let try_actions = self.read_slice(try_length)?;
let catch_actions = self.read_slice(catch_length)?;
let finally_actions = self.read_slice(finally_length)?;
Ok(Action::Try(TryBlock {
catch: if flags & 0b1 != 0 {
Some((catch_var, catch_actions))
} else {
finally: if flags & 0b10 != 0 {
} else {
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::test_data;
fn read_action() {
for (swf_version, expected_action, action_bytes) in test_data::avm1_tests() {
let mut reader = Reader::new(&action_bytes[..], swf_version);
let parsed_action = reader.read_action().unwrap().unwrap();
if parsed_action != expected_action {
// Failed, result doesn't match.
"Incorrectly parsed action.\nRead:\n{:?}\n\nExpected:\n{:?}",
parsed_action, expected_action
/// Ensure that we return an error on invalid data.
fn read_parse_error() {
let action_bytes = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00];
let mut reader = Reader::new(&action_bytes[..], 5);
match reader.read_action() {
Err(crate::error::Error::Avm1ParseError { .. }) => (),
result => {
panic!("Expected Avm1ParseError, got {:?}", result);
fn read_define_function() {
// Ensure we read a function properly along with the function data.
let action_bytes = vec![
0x9b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x96, 0x06, 0x00,
0x00, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x00, 0x26, 0x00,
let mut reader = Reader::new(&action_bytes[..], 5);
let action = reader.read_action().unwrap().unwrap();
Action::DefineFunction {
name: "foo",
params: vec![],
actions: &[0x96, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x00, 0x26],
if let Action::DefineFunction { actions, .. } = action {
let mut reader = Reader::new(actions, 5);
let action = reader.read_action().unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(action, Action::Push(vec![Value::Str("test")]));
fn read_push_to_end_of_action() {
// ActionPush doesn't provide an explicit # of values, but instead reads values
// until the end of the action. Ensure we don't read extra values.
let action_bytes = [0x96, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3]; // Extra 3 at the end shouldn't be read.
let mut reader = Reader::new(&action_bytes[..], 5);
let action = reader.read_action().unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(action, Action::Push(vec![Value::Null, Value::Undefined]));