
164 lines
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* Pierce the extension sandbox by copying our code into main world.
* The isolation extension content scripts get is neat, but it causes problems
* based on what browser you use:
* 1. On Chrome, you are explicitly banned from registering custom elements.
* 2. On Firefox, you can register custom elements but they can't expose any
* useful API surface, and can't even see their own methods.
* This code exists to pierce the extension sandbox, while maintaining:
* 1. The isolation of not interfering with the page's execution environment
* unintentionally.
* 2. The ability to load extension resources such as .wasm files.
* We also provide a content script message listener that proxies messages
* into/from the main world.
import * as utils from "./utils";
const pendingMessages: ({
resolve(value: unknown): void;
reject(reason?: unknown): void;
} | null)[] = [];
const uniqueMessageSuffix = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000000);
* Send a message to the main world, where Ruffle runs.
* @param {*} data - JSON-serializable data to send to main world.
* @returns {Promise<*>} JSON-serializable response from main world.
function sendMessageToPage(data: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
const message = {
type: `FROM_RUFFLE${uniqueMessageSuffix}`,
index: pendingMessages.length,
window.postMessage(message, "*");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pendingMessages.push({ resolve, reject });
* Inject a raw script to the main world.
* @param {string} src - Script to inject.
function injectScriptRaw(src: string) {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.textContent = src;
(document.head || document.documentElement).append(script);
* Inject a script by URL to the main world.
* @param {string} url - Script URL to inject.
function injectScriptURL(url: string) {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = url;
(document.head || document.documentElement).append(script);
* Check whether the current page (or one of its ancestors) is configured
* to opt-out from Ruffle.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the current page opts-out or not.
function checkPageOptout(): boolean {
if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute("data-ruffle-optout")) {
return true;
try {
if ( && && &&
) {
// In case the opting-out page uses iframes.
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Unable to check top-level optout: ${e.message}`);
return false;
* @returns {boolean} Whether the current page is an XML document or not.
function isXMLDocument(): boolean {
// Based on
return document.createElement("foo").tagName !== "FOO";
(async () => {
const options = await utils.getOptions(["ruffleEnable", "ignoreOptout"]);
const pageOptout = checkPageOptout();
const shouldLoad =
!isXMLDocument() &&
options.ruffleEnable &&
!window.RufflePlayer &&
(options.ignoreOptout || !pageOptout);
utils.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (shouldLoad) {
sendMessageToPage(message).then((response) => {
loaded: true,
tabSettings: options,
optout: pageOptout,
data: response,
return true;
} else {
loaded: false,
tabSettings: options,
optout: pageOptout,
return false;
if (shouldLoad) {
// We must run the plugin polyfill before any flash detection scripts.
// Unfortunately, this might still be too late for some websites when using Chrome (issue #969).
// TODO: use plugin-polyfill.ts
'(function(){class RuffleMimeType{constructor(a,b,c){this.type=a,this.description=b,this.suffixes=c}}class RuffleMimeTypeArray{constructor(a){this.__mimetypes=[],this.__named_mimetypes={};for(let b of a)this.install(b)}install(a){let b=this.__mimetypes.length;this.__mimetypes.push(a),this.__named_mimetypes[a.type]=a,this[a.type]=a,this[b]=a}item(a){return this.__mimetypes[a]}namedItem(a){return this.__named_mimetypes[a]}get length(){return this.__mimetypes.length}}class RufflePlugin extends RuffleMimeTypeArray{constructor(a,b,c,d){super(d),,this.description=b,this.filename=c}install(a){a.enabledPlugin||(a.enabledPlugin=this),super.install(a)}}class RufflePluginArray{constructor(a){this.__plugins=[],this.__named_plugins={};for(let b of a)this.install(b)}install(a){let b=this.__plugins.length;this.__plugins.push(a),this.__named_plugins[]=a,this[]=a,this[b]=a}item(a){return this.__plugins[a]}namedItem(a){return this.__named_plugins[a]}get length(){return this.__plugins.length}}const FLASH_PLUGIN=new RufflePlugin("Shockwave Flash","Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0","ruffle.js",[new RuffleMimeType("application/futuresplash","Shockwave Flash","spl"),new RuffleMimeType("application/x-shockwave-flash","Shockwave Flash","swf"),new RuffleMimeType("application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview","Shockwave Flash","swf"),new RuffleMimeType("application/vnd.adobe.flash-movie","Shockwave Flash","swf")]);function install_plugin(a){navigator.plugins.install||Object.defineProperty(navigator,"plugins",{value:new RufflePluginArray(navigator.plugins),writable:!1}),navigator.plugins.install(a),0<a.length&&!navigator.mimeTypes.install&&Object.defineProperty(navigator,"mimeTypes",{value:new RuffleMimeTypeArray(navigator.mimeTypes),writable:!1});for(var b=0;b<a.length;b+=1)navigator.mimeTypes.install(a[b])}install_plugin(FLASH_PLUGIN);})();'
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
// We only accept messages from ourselves.
if (event.source !== window) {
const { type, index, data } =;
if (type === `TO_RUFFLE${uniqueMessageSuffix}`) {
const request = pendingMessages[index];
if (request) {
pendingMessages[index] = null;
} else {
// TODO: Handle page-initiated messages.
console.warn("No pending request.");