
204 lines
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import { RuffleObject } from "./ruffle-object";
import { RuffleEmbed } from "./ruffle-embed";
import { installPlugin, FLASH_PLUGIN } from "./plugin-polyfill";
import { publicPath } from "./public-path";
import { Config } from "./config";
let isExtension: boolean;
const globalConfig: Config = window.RufflePlayer?.config ?? {};
const jsScriptUrl = publicPath(globalConfig, "ruffle.js") + "ruffle.js";
* Polyfill native Flash elements with Ruffle equivalents.
* This polyfill isn't fool-proof: If there's a chance site JavaScript has
* access to a pre-polyfill element, then this will break horribly. We can
* keep native objects out of the DOM, and thus out of JavaScript's grubby
* little hands, but only if we load first.
let objects: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLObjectElement>;
let embeds: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLEmbedElement>;
function polyfillFlashInstances(): void {
try {
// Create live collections to track embed tags.
objects = objects ?? document.getElementsByTagName("object");
embeds = embeds ?? document.getElementsByTagName("embed");
// Replace <object> first, because <object> often wraps <embed>.
for (const elem of Array.from(objects)) {
if (RuffleObject.isInterdictable(elem)) {
const ruffleObject = RuffleObject.fromNativeObjectElement(elem);
for (const elem of Array.from(embeds)) {
if (RuffleEmbed.isInterdictable(elem)) {
const ruffleEmbed = RuffleEmbed.fromNativeEmbedElement(elem);
} catch (err) {
`Serious error encountered when polyfilling native Flash elements: ${err}`
* Inject Ruffle into <iframe> and <frame> elements.
* This polyfill isn't fool-proof either: On self-hosted builds, it may
* not work due to browsers CORS policy or be loaded too late for some
* libraries like SWFObject. These should be less of a problem on the
* web extension. This polyfill should, however, do the trick in most
* cases, but users should be aware of its natural limits.
let iframes: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLIFrameElement>;
let frames: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLFrameElement>;
function polyfillFrames(): void {
// Create live collections to track embed tags.
iframes = iframes ?? document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
frames = frames ?? document.getElementsByTagName("frame");
[iframes, frames].forEach((elementsList) => {
for (let i = 0; i < elementsList.length; i++) {
const element = elementsList[i];
if (element.dataset.rufflePolyfilled !== undefined) {
// Don't re-polyfill elements with the "data-ruffle-polyfilled" attribute.
element.dataset.rufflePolyfilled = "";
const elementWindow = element.contentWindow;
// Cross origin requests may reach an exception, so let's prepare for this eventuality.
const errorMessage = `Couldn't load Ruffle into ${element.tagName}[${element.src}]: `;
try {
if (elementWindow!.document!.readyState === "complete") {
injectRuffle(elementWindow!, errorMessage);
} catch (err) {
if (!isExtension) {
// The web extension should be able to load Ruffle into cross origin frames
// because it has "all_frames" set to true in its manifest.json: RufflePlayer
// config won't be injected but it's not worth showing an error.
console.warn(errorMessage + err);
// Attach listener to the element to handle frame navigation.
() => {
injectRuffle(elementWindow!, errorMessage);
* @param elementWindow The (i)frame's window object.
* @param errorMessage The message to log when Ruffle cannot access the (i)frame's document.
async function injectRuffle(
elementWindow: Window,
errorMessage: string
): Promise<void> {
// The document is supposed to be completely loaded when this function is run.
// As Chrome may be unable to access the document properties, we have to delay the execution a little bit.
await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
let elementDocument: HTMLDocument;
try {
elementDocument = elementWindow.document;
if (!elementDocument) {
// Don't polyfill if the window has no document: the element may have been removed from the parent window.
} catch (err) {
if (!isExtension) {
console.warn(errorMessage + err);
if (
!isExtension &&
elementDocument.documentElement.dataset.ruffleOptout !== undefined
) {
// Don't polyfill elements with the "data-ruffle-optout" attribute.
if (!isExtension) {
if (!elementWindow.RufflePlayer) {
const script = elementDocument.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", jsScriptUrl);
script.onload = () => {
// Inject parent configuration once the script is loaded, preventing it from being ignored.
elementWindow.RufflePlayer = {};
elementWindow.RufflePlayer.config = globalConfig;
} else {
if (!elementWindow.RufflePlayer) {
elementWindow.RufflePlayer = {};
// Merge parent window and frame configurations, will likely be applied too late though.
elementWindow.RufflePlayer.config = {
...(elementWindow.RufflePlayer.config ?? {}),
* Listen for changes to the DOM.
function initMutationObserver(): void {
const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) {
// If any nodes were added, re-run the polyfill to detect any new instances.
const nodesAdded = mutationsList.some(
(mutation) => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0
if (nodesAdded) {
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
* Polyfills the detection of Flash plugins in the browser.
export function pluginPolyfill(): void {
* Polyfills legacy Flash content on the page.
* @param isExt Whether or not Ruffle is running as a browser's extension.
export function polyfill(isExt: boolean): void {
isExtension = isExt;