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//! Raw pointers to `WStr` slices.
//! # Internal representation
//! What we actually want here is a custom DST, but they don't exist so we must cheat
//! and abuse the slice metadata field.
//! The data pointer points to the start of the units buffer, which is either a
//! `[u8]` (`Units::Bytes`) or a `[u16]` (`Units::Wide`).
//! String lengths are limited to less than `2³¹` units long, and the kind of
//! buffer is indicated by the 32nd bit of the raw slice length:
//! - for `Units::Bytes`, it is a zero;
//! - for `Units::Wide`, it is a one.
//! Note that on 64-bits targets, this leaves the high 32 bits of the length unused.
//! # (Un)soundness
//! Unfortunately, this scheme is technically unsound under Stacked Borrows because of provenance:
//! when we cast a `*mut [u8]` or `*mut [u16]` to a `*mut WStr`, we lose the provenance over the
//! original buffer as `[()]` always occupies zero bytes (which is what allows use to mess up the slice length).
//! As such, when we access the buffer data (e.g. in `read_at` or when converting back to raw buffer references),
//! the read is considered out-of-bounds by Stacked Borrows and causes undefined behavior.
//! This unsoundness doesn't seem to manifest in practice though, as Rust doesn't pass through slice
//! length information to LLVM (yet?).
//! One observable consequence of this is that `std::mem::size_of_val::<WStr>` won't return the actual
//! byte length of the string contents, but will instead always return 0.
use core::mem::transmute;
use core::ops::Range;
use core::ptr::{slice_from_raw_parts, slice_from_raw_parts_mut};
use super::{Units, WStr};
#[cfg(not(any(target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64")))]
compile_error!("WStr only supports 32-bits and 64-bits targets");
const WIDE_MASK: u32 = 0x8000_0000;
const _: () = assert!(WIDE_MASK as usize == WStr::MAX_LEN + 1);
/// The metadata of a `WStr` pointer. This is always 4 bytes wide, even on 64-bits targets.
/// The layout of `WStr` depends on the value of `self.is_wide()`:
/// - if `false`, it has the layout of `[u8; self.len()]`;
/// - if `true`, it has the layout of `[u16; self.len()]`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct WStrMetadata(u32);
impl WStrMetadata {
/// SAFETY: raw must fit in a u32
const unsafe fn from_usize(raw: usize) -> Self {
if raw > u32::MAX as usize {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
panic!("invalid WStr metadata");
} else {
Self(raw as u32)
/// Assemble `WStr` metadata from its components.
/// # Safety
/// `len` must be less than or equal to `WStr::MAX_LEN`.
pub const unsafe fn new(len: usize, is_wide: bool) -> Self {
Self::from_usize(len | if is_wide { WIDE_MASK as usize } else { 0 })
/// Assemble `WStr` metadata from its components.
/// Unlike `Self::new`, this is safe, but passing a `len` bigger
/// than `WStr::MAX_LEN` will give a bogus result.
pub const fn new32(len: u32, is_wide: bool) -> Self {
Self(len | if is_wide { WIDE_MASK } else { 0 })
/// Gets the metadata of the given pointer.
/// # Safety
/// `ptr` must be non-null and its metadata must be valid.
pub const unsafe fn of(ptr: *const WStr) -> Self {
Self::from_usize(raw_len(ptr as *const _ as *mut [()]))
/// Gets the metadata of the given mutable pointer.
/// # Safety
/// `ptr` must be non-null and its metadata must be valid.
pub const unsafe fn of_mut(ptr: *mut WStr) -> Self {
Self::from_usize(raw_len(ptr as *mut [()]))
/// Returns whether this metadata describes a wide `WStr`.
pub const fn is_wide(self) -> bool {
(self.0 & WIDE_MASK) != 0
/// Returns the length of the described `WStr`. This is never greater than `WStr::MAX_LEN`.
pub const fn len(self) -> usize {
(self.0 & (WIDE_MASK - 1)) as usize
/// Same as `Self::len`, but returns an `u32`.
pub const fn len32(self) -> u32 {
self.0 & (WIDE_MASK - 1)
/// Replacement for unstable `<*mut [T]>::len` method.
/// # Safety
/// `ptr` must be non-null.
const unsafe fn raw_len<T>(ptr: *mut [T]) -> usize {
/// Creates a `WStr` pointer from its raw parts.
pub const fn from_raw_parts(data: *const (), metadata: WStrMetadata) -> *const WStr {
slice_from_raw_parts(data, metadata.0 as usize) as *const WStr
/// Creates a mutable `WStr` pointer from its raw parts.
pub fn from_raw_parts_mut(data: *mut (), metadata: WStrMetadata) -> *mut WStr {
slice_from_raw_parts_mut(data, metadata.0 as usize) as *mut WStr
/// Creates a `WStr` pointer from a raw units buffer.
/// # Safety
/// - the buffer must be non-null.
/// - the buffer length must be less than or equals to `WStr::MAX_LEN`.
pub const unsafe fn from_units(units: Units<*const [u8], *const [u16]>) -> *const WStr {
let (data, len, is_wide) = match units {
Units::Bytes(us) => (us as *const (), raw_len::<u8>(us as *mut _), false),
Units::Wide(us) => (us as *const (), raw_len::<u16>(us as *mut _), true),
from_raw_parts(data, WStrMetadata::new(len, is_wide))
/// Creates a `WStr` pointer from a mutable, raw units buffer.
/// # Safety
/// - the buffer must be non-null.
/// - the buffer length must be less than or equals to `WStr::MAX_LEN`.
pub const unsafe fn from_units_mut(units: Units<*mut [u8], *mut [u16]>) -> *mut WStr {
// SAFETY: `Units` is `repr(C)` so the transmute is sound.
from_units(transmute(units)) as *mut WStr
/// Gets a pointer to the buffer designated by `ptr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must be non-null and its metadata must be valid.
pub const unsafe fn units(ptr: *const WStr) -> Units<*const [u8], *const [u16]> {
let (data, meta) = (ptr as *const (), WStrMetadata::of(ptr));
if meta.is_wide() {
Units::Wide(slice_from_raw_parts(data as *const u16, meta.len()))
} else {
Units::Bytes(slice_from_raw_parts(data as *const u8, meta.len()))
/// Gets a mutable pointer to the buffer designated by `ptr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must be non-null and its metadata must be valid.
pub const unsafe fn units_mut(ptr: *mut WStr) -> Units<*mut [u8], *mut [u16]> {
// SAFETY: `Units` is `repr(C)` so the transmute is sound.
/// Gets a pointer to the `n`th unit of this `WStr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must point to a valid `WStr`;
/// - `i` must be less than or equals to `metadata(ptr).len()`.
pub const unsafe fn offset(ptr: *const WStr, i: usize) -> Units<*const u8, *const u16> {
if WStrMetadata::of(ptr).is_wide() {
Units::Wide((ptr as *mut u16).add(i))
} else {
Units::Bytes((ptr as *mut u8).add(i))
/// Gets a mutable pointer to the `n`th unit of this `WStr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must point to a valid `WStr`;
/// - `i` must be less than or equals to `metadata(ptr).len()`.
pub unsafe fn offset_mut(ptr: *mut WStr, i: usize) -> Units<*mut u8, *mut u16> {
// SAFETY: `Units` is `repr(C)` so the transmute is sound.
transmute(offset(ptr, i))
/// Dereferences the `n`th unit of this `WStr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must point to a valid `WStr` for reading;
/// - `i` must be less than `metadata(ptr).len()`.
pub const unsafe fn read_at(ptr: *const WStr, i: usize) -> u16 {
match offset(ptr, i) {
Units::Bytes(p) => *p as u16,
Units::Wide(p) => *p,
/// Returns a pointer to a subslice of this `WStr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must point to a valid `WStr`;
/// - `range.start` must be less than or equals to `range.end`;
/// - `range.end` must be less than or equals to `metadata(ptr).len()`.
pub const unsafe fn slice(ptr: *const WStr, range: Range<usize>) -> *const WStr {
let len = range.end - range.start;
let (data, is_wide) = match offset(ptr, range.start) {
Units::Bytes(p) => (p as *const (), false),
Units::Wide(p) => (p as *const (), true),
from_raw_parts(data, WStrMetadata::new(len, is_wide))
/// Returns a mutable pointer to a subslice of this `WStr`.
/// # Safety
/// - `ptr` must point to a valid `WStr`;
/// - `range.start` must be less than or equals to `range.end`;
/// - `range.end` must be less than or equals to `metadata(ptr).len()`.
pub unsafe fn slice_mut(ptr: *mut WStr, range: Range<usize>) -> *mut WStr {
slice(ptr, range) as *mut WStr