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//! String type used by SWF files.
pub use encoding_rs::{Encoding, SHIFT_JIS, UTF_8, WINDOWS_1252};
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt};
/// A bstr-like string type analogous to [`str`] that's returned by SWF parsing functions:
/// * The encoding depends on the SWF version (UTF-8 for SWF6 and higher).
/// Use `Reader::encoding` or [`SwfStr::encoding_for_version`] to get the
/// proper encoding.
/// * Invalid data for any particular encoding is allowed;
/// any conversions to std::String will be lossy for invalid data.
/// To convert this to a standard Rust string, use [`SwfStr::to_str_lossy`].
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SwfStr {
/// The string bytes.
string: [u8],
impl SwfStr {
/// Creates a new `SwfStr` from a byte slice.
/// The data is not required to be valid for the given encoding.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes(b"Hello, World!");
/// ```
pub const fn from_bytes(string: &[u8]) -> &Self {
// SAFETY: Casting is safe because internal representations are
// the same, see repr(transparent).
unsafe { &*(string as *const [u8] as *const Self) }
/// Creates a `SwfStr` from a byte slice by reading until a NULL byte (`0`) is encountered.
/// Returns `None` if no NULL byte was found.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes_null_terminated(b"I'm null-terminated!\0");
/// assert!(s.is_some());
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes_null_terminated(b"I'm not terminated...");
/// assert!(s.is_none());
/// ```
pub fn from_bytes_null_terminated(string: &[u8]) -> Option<&Self> {
// If investigations show that the bounds check is not elided,
// it should be safe to use `get_unchecked` here instead.
// Initial Godbolt research shows it doesn't make a difference.
.position(|&c| c == 0)
.map(|i| Self::from_bytes(&string[..i]))
/// Creates a new UTF-8 `SwfStr` from a Rust [`str`].
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("Hello, 🌏!");
/// ```
pub const fn from_utf8_str(string: &str) -> &Self {
/// Creates a new UTF-8 `SwfStr` from a Rust [`str`].
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str_null_terminated("I'm null-terminated!\0");
/// assert!(s.is_some());
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str_null_terminated("I'm not terminated...");
/// assert!(s.is_none());
/// ```
pub fn from_utf8_str_null_terminated(string: &str) -> Option<&Self> {
/// Creates a new `SwfStr` with the given encoding from a Rust [`str`].
/// Returns `None` if the encoding is not lossless.
/// The string will be re-encoded with the given encoding.
/// The string will be truncated if a NULL byte (`0`) is encountered.
/// Intended for tests.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// use encoding_rs::WINDOWS_1252;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_str_with_encoding("Hello, World!", WINDOWS_1252);
/// assert!(s.is_some());
/// ```
pub fn from_str_with_encoding<'a>(
string: &'a str,
encoding: &'static Encoding,
) -> Option<&'a Self> {
if let (Cow::Borrowed(s), _, false) = encoding.encode(string) {
} else {
/// Returns the suggested string encoding for the given SWF version.
/// For SWF version 6 and higher, this is always UTF-8.
/// For SWF version 5 and lower, this is locale-dependent,
/// and we default to WINDOWS-1252.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// use encoding_rs::{UTF_8, WINDOWS_1252};
/// assert_eq!(SwfStr::encoding_for_version(9), UTF_8);
/// assert_eq!(SwfStr::encoding_for_version(3), WINDOWS_1252);
/// ```
pub fn encoding_for_version(swf_version: u8) -> &'static Encoding {
if swf_version >= 6 {
} else {
/// Returns the byte slice of this string.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("💖");
/// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes(), [0xF0, 0x9F, 0x92, 0x96]);
/// ```
pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Returns `true` if the string has a length of zero, and `false` otherwise.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes(&[]);
/// assert!(s.is_empty());
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("💖");
/// assert!(!s.is_empty());
pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the length of the string in bytes.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("");
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 0);
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("Hi!");
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 3);
/// let s = SwfStr::from_utf8_str("💖");
/// assert_eq!(s.len(), 4);
/// ```
pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Decodes the string into a Rust UTF-8 [`str`].
/// The UTF-8 replacement character will be used for any invalid data.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// use encoding_rs::UTF_8;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes(&[0xF0, 0x9F, 0x92, 0x96]);
/// assert_eq!(s.to_str_lossy(UTF_8), "💖");
/// ```
pub fn to_str_lossy(&self, encoding: &'static Encoding) -> Cow<'_, str> {
/// Decodes the string into a Rust UTF-8 [`String`].
/// The UTF-8 replacement character will be used for any invalid data.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use swf::SwfStr;
/// use encoding_rs::UTF_8;
/// let s = SwfStr::from_bytes(&[0xF0, 0x9F, 0x92, 0x96]);
/// assert_eq!(s.to_string_lossy(UTF_8), "💖");
/// ```
pub fn to_string_lossy(&self, encoding: &'static Encoding) -> String {
impl<'a> Default for &'a SwfStr {
fn default() -> &'a SwfStr {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for &'a SwfStr {
fn from(s: &'a str) -> &'a SwfStr {
impl<T: ?Sized + AsRef<str>> PartialEq<T> for SwfStr {
fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool {
&self.string == other.as_ref().as_bytes()
impl fmt::Debug for SwfStr {
/// Formats the `SwfStr` using the given formatter.
/// Non-ASCII characters will be formatted in hexadecimal
/// form (`\xNN`).
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Write::write_char(f, '"')?;
for chr in self
.flat_map(|&c| std::ascii::escape_default(c))
fmt::Write::write_char(f, char::from(chr))?;
fmt::Write::write_char(f, '"')