
136 lines
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#version 100
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;
uniform mat4 view_matrix;
uniform mat4 world_matrix;
uniform vec4 mult_color;
uniform vec4 add_color;
uniform mat3 u_matrix;
uniform int u_gradient_type;
uniform float u_ratios[16];
uniform vec4 u_colors[16];
uniform int u_num_colors;
uniform int u_repeat_mode;
uniform float u_focal_point;
uniform int u_interpolation;
varying vec2 frag_uv;
vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 linear)
vec3 a = 12.92 * linear;
vec3 b = 1.055 * pow(linear, vec3(1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
vec3 c = step(vec3(0.0031308), linear);
return mix(a, b, c);
void main() {
float t;
if( u_gradient_type == 0 )
t = frag_uv.x;
else if( u_gradient_type == 1 )
t = length(frag_uv * 2.0 - 1.0);
else if( u_gradient_type == 2 )
vec2 uv = frag_uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 d = vec2(u_focal_point, 0.0) - uv;
float l = length(d);
d /= l;
t = l / (sqrt(1.0 - u_focal_point*u_focal_point*d.y*d.y) + u_focal_point*d.x);
if( u_repeat_mode == 0 )
// Clamp
t = clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0);
else if( u_repeat_mode == 1 )
// Repeat
t = fract(t);
// Mirror
if( t < 0.0 )
t = -t;
if( int(mod(t, 2.0)) == 0 ) {
t = fract(t);
} else {
t = 1.0 - fract(t);
// TODO: No non-constant array access in WebGL 1, so the following is kind of painful.
// We'd probably be better off passing in the gradient as a texture and sampling from there.
vec4 color;
float a;
if( t <= u_ratios[0] ) {
color = u_colors[0];
} else if( t <= u_ratios[1] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[0]) / (u_ratios[1] - u_ratios[0]);
color = mix(u_colors[0], u_colors[1], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[2] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[1]) / (u_ratios[2] - u_ratios[1]);
color = mix(u_colors[1], u_colors[2], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[3] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[2]) / (u_ratios[3] - u_ratios[2]);
color = mix(u_colors[2], u_colors[3], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[4] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[3]) / (u_ratios[4] - u_ratios[3]);
color = mix(u_colors[3], u_colors[4], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[5] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[4]) / (u_ratios[5] - u_ratios[4]);
color = mix(u_colors[4], u_colors[5], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[6] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[5]) / (u_ratios[6] - u_ratios[5]);
color = mix(u_colors[5], u_colors[6], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[7] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[6]) / (u_ratios[7] - u_ratios[6]);
color = mix(u_colors[6], u_colors[7], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[8] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[7]) / (u_ratios[8] - u_ratios[7]);
color = mix(u_colors[7], u_colors[8], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[9] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[8]) / (u_ratios[9] - u_ratios[8]);
color = mix(u_colors[8], u_colors[9], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[10] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[9]) / (u_ratios[10] - u_ratios[9]);
color = mix(u_colors[9], u_colors[10], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[11] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[10]) / (u_ratios[11] - u_ratios[10]);
color = mix(u_colors[10], u_colors[11], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[12] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[11]) / (u_ratios[12] - u_ratios[11]);
color = mix(u_colors[11], u_colors[12], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[13] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[12]) / (u_ratios[13] - u_ratios[12]);
color = mix(u_colors[12], u_colors[13], a);
} else if( t <= u_ratios[14] ) {
a = (t - u_ratios[13]) / (u_ratios[14] - u_ratios[13]);
color = mix(u_colors[13], u_colors[14], a);
} else {
color = u_colors[14];
if( u_interpolation != 0 ) {
color = vec4(linear_to_srgb(vec3(color)), color.a);
color = mult_color * color + add_color;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb * color.a, color.a);