import * as utils from "./utils"; import { isMessage } from "./messages"; async function contentScriptRegistered() { const matchingScripts = await utils.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts({ ids: ["plugin-polyfill"], }); return matchingScripts?.length > 0; } async function enable() { if ( !utils.scripting || (utils.scripting.ExecutionWorld && !utils.scripting.ExecutionWorld.MAIN) ) { return; } if (!(await contentScriptRegistered())) { await utils.scripting.registerContentScripts([ { id: "plugin-polyfill", js: ["dist/pluginPolyfill.js"], persistAcrossSessions: true, matches: [""], excludeMatches: [ "*", "*", "https://**", "*", "https://**", "https://**", "https://**", ], runAt: "document_start", world: "MAIN", }, { id: "4399", matches: ["*"], js: ["dist/siteContentScript4399.js"], world: "MAIN", runAt: "document_start", }, ]); } } async function disable() { if ( !utils.scripting || (utils.scripting.ExecutionWorld && !utils.scripting.ExecutionWorld.MAIN) ) { return; } if (await contentScriptRegistered()) { await utils.scripting.unregisterContentScripts({ ids: ["plugin-polyfill", "4399"], }); } } async function onAdded(permissions: chrome.permissions.Permissions) { if ( && >= 1 &&[0] !== "" ) { await{ ["showReloadButton"]: true, }); } } function onMessage( request: unknown, _sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, _sendResponse: (response: unknown) => void, ): void { if (isMessage(request)) { if (request.type === "open_url_in_player") { chrome.tabs.create({ url: utils.runtime.getURL(`player.html#${request.url}`), }); } } } (async () => { const { ruffleEnable } = await utils.getOptions(); if (ruffleEnable) { await enable(); } })(); // Listeners must be registered synchronously at the top level, // otherwise they won't be called in time when the service worker wakes up if (chrome?.runtime && !chrome.runtime.onMessage.hasListener(onMessage)) { chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onMessage); } (changes, namespace) => { if (namespace === "sync" && "ruffleEnable" in changes) { if (changes["ruffleEnable"]!.newValue) { await enable(); } else { await disable(); } } }); async function handleInstalled(details: chrome.runtime.InstalledDetails) { if ( details.reason === chrome.runtime.OnInstalledReason.INSTALL && !(await utils.hasAllUrlsPermission()) ) { await utils.openOnboardPage(); } } chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(handleInstalled); utils.permissions.onAdded.addListener(onAdded);