use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fmt::{self, Write}; use std::hash::Hasher; use std::slice::Iter as SliceIter; use super::pattern::{SearchStep, Searcher}; use super::{utils, BorrowWStr, Pattern, Units, WStr, WString}; pub struct Iter<'a> { inner: Units, SliceIter<'a, u16>>, } impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> { type Item = u16; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match &mut self.inner { Units::Bytes(it) =>|c| *c as u16), Units::Wide(it) =>, } } } impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a> { #[inline] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option { match &mut self.inner { Units::Bytes(it) => it.next_back().map(|c| *c as u16), Units::Wide(it) => it.next_back().copied(), } } } #[inline] pub fn str_iter(s: WStr<'_>) -> Iter<'_> { let inner = match s.units() { Units::Bytes(us) => Units::Bytes(us.iter()), Units::Wide(us) => Units::Wide(us.iter()), }; Iter { inner } } pub fn str_fmt(s: WStr<'_>, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let utf8 = WStrToUtf8::new(s); f.write_str(utf8.head)?; std::char::decode_utf16(utf8.tail.iter()) .map(|c| c.unwrap_or(char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER)) .try_for_each(|c| f.write_char(c)) } pub fn str_debug_fmt(s: WStr<'_>, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_char('"')?; for c in std::char::decode_utf16(s.iter()) { match c { Ok(c) => c.escape_debug().try_for_each(|c| f.write_char(c))?, Err(err) => write!(f, "\\u{{{:x}}}", err.unpaired_surrogate())?, } } f.write_char('"') } pub fn str_eq(left: WStr<'_>, right: WStr<'_>) -> bool { let (bytes, wide) = match (left.units(), right.units()) { (Units::Bytes(a), Units::Bytes(b)) => return a == b, (Units::Wide(a), Units::Wide(b)) => return a == b, (Units::Bytes(a), Units::Wide(b)) => (a, b), (Units::Wide(a), Units::Bytes(b)) => (b, a), }; if bytes.len() != wide.len() { return false; } (0..bytes.len()).all(|i| { // SAFETY: Both slices have the same length. unsafe { *bytes.get_unchecked(i) as u16 == *wide.get_unchecked(i) } }) } pub fn str_eq_ignore_case(left: WStr<'_>, right: WStr<'_>) -> bool { let left = left.iter().map(utils::swf_to_lowercase); let right = right.iter().map(utils::swf_to_lowercase); left.eq(right) } pub fn str_cmp(left: WStr<'_>, right: WStr<'_>) -> std::cmp::Ordering { let (bytes, wide, rev) = match (left.units(), right.units()) { (Units::Bytes(a), Units::Bytes(b)) => return a.cmp(b), (Units::Wide(a), Units::Wide(b)) => return a.cmp(b), (Units::Bytes(a), Units::Wide(b)) => (a, b, false), (Units::Wide(a), Units::Bytes(b)) => (b, a, true), }; let bytes = bytes.iter().map(|c| *c as u16); let wide = wide.iter().copied(); let cmp = bytes.cmp(wide); if rev { cmp.reverse() } else { cmp } } pub fn str_cmp_ignore_case(left: WStr<'_>, right: WStr<'_>) -> std::cmp::Ordering { let left = left.iter().map(utils::swf_to_lowercase); let right = right.iter().map(utils::swf_to_lowercase); left.cmp(right) } pub fn str_hash(s: WStr<'_>, state: &mut H) { match s.units() { Units::Bytes(us) => us.iter().for_each(|u| state.write_u16(u16::from(*u))), Units::Wide(us) => us.iter().for_each(|u| state.write_u16(*u)), } } fn map_latin1_chars(s: WStr<'_>, mut map: impl FnMut(u8) -> u8) -> WString { match s.units() { Units::Bytes(us) => { let us: Vec = us.iter().map(|c| map(*c)).collect(); WString::from_buf(us) } Units::Wide(us) => { let us: Vec = us .iter() .map(|c| match u8::try_from(*c) { Ok(c) => map(c).into(), Err(_) => *c, }) .collect(); WString::from_buf(us) } } } pub fn str_to_ascii_lowercase(s: WStr<'_>) -> WString { map_latin1_chars(s, |c| c.to_ascii_lowercase()) } pub fn str_is_latin1(s: WStr<'_>) -> bool { match s.units() { Units::Bytes(_) => true, Units::Wide(us) => us.iter().all(|c| *c <= u16::from(u8::MAX)), } } pub fn str_join(elems: &[E], sep: WStr<'_>) -> WString { fn join_inner(total_len: usize, elems: &[E], sep: WStr<'_>, mut extend: F) -> Vec where E: BorrowWStr, F: FnMut(&mut Vec, WStr<'_>), { let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(total_len); extend(&mut buf, elems[0].borrow()); for e in &elems[1..] { extend(&mut buf, sep); extend(&mut buf, e.borrow()); } buf } if elems.is_empty() { return WString::default(); } let (len, is_latin1) = elems.iter().fold( (sep.len() * elems.len().saturating_sub(1), sep.is_latin1()), |(len, is_latin1), e| { let e = e.borrow(); (len + e.len(), is_latin1 && e.is_latin1()) }, ); if is_latin1 { let buf = join_inner(len, elems, sep, |buf: &mut Vec, e| match e.units() { Units::Bytes(us) => buf.extend_from_slice(us), Units::Wide(us) => buf.extend(us.iter().map(|c| *c as u8)), }); WString::from_buf(buf) } else { let buf = join_inner(len, elems, sep, |buf: &mut Vec, e| match e.units() { Units::Bytes(us) => buf.extend(us.iter().map(|c| *c as u16)), Units::Wide(us) => buf.extend_from_slice(us), }); WString::from_buf(buf) } } pub fn str_find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(haystack: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> Option { pattern .into_searcher(haystack) .next_match() .map(|(start, _)| start) } pub fn str_rfind<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(haystack: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> Option { pattern .into_searcher(haystack) .next_match_back() .map(|(start, _)| start) } #[inline] pub fn str_split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> Split<'a, P> { Split { string: Some(string), searcher: pattern.into_searcher(string), prev_end: 0, } } pub fn str_rsplit_once<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>( string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P, ) -> Option<(WStr<'a>, WStr<'a>)> { let (start, end) = pattern.into_searcher(string).next_match_back()?; Some((string.slice(..start), string.slice(end..))) } pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> bool { matches!( pattern.into_searcher(string).next(), SearchStep::Match(_, _) ) } pub fn ends_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> bool { matches!( pattern.into_searcher(string).next_back(), SearchStep::Match(_, _) ) } pub fn strip_prefix<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> Option> { match pattern.into_searcher(string).next() { SearchStep::Match(_, end) => Some(string.slice(end..)), _ => None, } } pub fn strip_suffix<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> Option> { match pattern.into_searcher(string).next_back() { SearchStep::Match(start, _) => Some(string.slice(..start)), _ => None, } } pub fn str_trim_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> WStr<'a> { let mut i = 0; let mut j = 0; let mut searcher = pattern.into_searcher(string); if let Some((start, end)) = searcher.next_reject() { i = start; j = end; } if let Some((_, end)) = searcher.next_reject_back() { j = end; } string.slice(i..j) } pub fn str_trim_start_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> WStr<'a> { let mut i = string.len(); let mut searcher = pattern.into_searcher(string); if let Some((start, _)) = searcher.next_reject() { i = start; } string.slice(i..) } pub fn str_trim_end_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(string: WStr<'a>, pattern: P) -> WStr<'a> { let mut i = 0; let mut searcher = pattern.into_searcher(string); if let Some((_, end)) = searcher.next_reject_back() { i = end; } string.slice(..i) } pub struct Split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> { string: Option>, searcher: P::Searcher, prev_end: usize, } impl<'a, P: Pattern<'a>> Iterator for Split<'a, P> { type Item = WStr<'a>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let string = self.string?; match self.searcher.next_match() { Some((start, end)) => { let end = std::mem::replace(&mut self.prev_end, end); Some(string.slice(end..start)) } None => { self.string = None; Some(string.slice(self.prev_end..)) } } } } /// A struct for converting a `WStr<'_>` to an UTF8 `String`. pub struct WStrToUtf8<'a> { head: &'a str, tail: WStr<'a>, } impl<'a> WStrToUtf8<'a> { pub fn new(s: WStr<'a>) -> Self { let (head, tail) = match s.units() { Units::Bytes(b) => { let (head, tail) = utils::split_ascii_prefix_bytes(b); (head, WStr::from_units(tail)) } Units::Wide(_) => ("", s), }; Self { head, tail } } pub fn to_utf8_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'a, str> { if self.tail.is_empty() { Cow::Borrowed(self.head) } else { let mut out = String::with_capacity(self.head.len() + self.tail.len()); out.push_str(self.head); write!(out, "{}", self.tail).unwrap(); Cow::Owned(out) } } #[inline] pub fn prefix(&self) -> &str { self.head } }