import { openTest, injectRuffleAndWait, playAndMonitor } from "../../utils.js"; import { expect, use } from "chai"; import chaiHtml from "chai-html"; import fs from "fs"; use(chaiHtml); describe("Embed with case-insensitive MIME type", () => { it("loads the test", async () => { await openTest(browser, `polyfill/embed_insensitive`); }); it("Polyfills", async () => { await injectRuffleAndWait(browser); await browser.$("").waitForExist(); const actual = await browser.$("#test-container").getHTML(false); const expected = fs.readFileSync( `${import.meta.dirname}/expected.html`, "utf8", ); expect(actual); }); it("Plays a movie", async () => { await playAndMonitor( browser, await browser.$("#test-container").$(""), ); }); });