use lyon::path::Path; use lyon::tessellation::{ self, geometry_builder::{BuffersBuilder, FillVertexConstructor, VertexBuffers}, FillTessellator, FillVertex, StrokeTessellator, StrokeVertex, StrokeVertexConstructor, }; use lyon::tessellation::{FillOptions, StrokeOptions}; use ruffle_render::bitmap::{BitmapHandle, BitmapSource}; use ruffle_render::shape_utils::{DistilledShape, DrawCommand, DrawPath}; pub struct ShapeTessellator { fill_tess: FillTessellator, stroke_tess: StrokeTessellator, mesh: Vec, lyon_mesh: VertexBuffers, mask_index_count: Option, is_stroke: bool, } impl ShapeTessellator { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { fill_tess: FillTessellator::new(), stroke_tess: StrokeTessellator::new(), mesh: Vec::new(), lyon_mesh: VertexBuffers::new(), mask_index_count: None, is_stroke: false, } } pub fn tessellate_shape( &mut self, shape: DistilledShape, bitmap_source: &dyn BitmapSource, ) -> Mesh { self.mesh = Vec::new(); self.lyon_mesh = VertexBuffers::new(); for path in shape.paths { let (fill_style, lyon_path, next_is_stroke) = match &path { DrawPath::Fill { style, commands } => { (*style, ruffle_path_to_lyon_path(commands, true), false) } DrawPath::Stroke { style, commands, is_closed, } => ( style.fill_style(), ruffle_path_to_lyon_path(commands, *is_closed), true, ), }; let (draw, color, needs_flush) = match fill_style { swf::FillStyle::Color(color) => (DrawType::Color, color.clone(), false), swf::FillStyle::LinearGradient(gradient) => ( DrawType::Gradient(swf_gradient_to_uniforms( GradientType::Linear, gradient, swf::Fixed8::ZERO, )), swf::Color::WHITE, true, ), swf::FillStyle::RadialGradient(gradient) => ( DrawType::Gradient(swf_gradient_to_uniforms( GradientType::Radial, gradient, swf::Fixed8::ZERO, )), swf::Color::WHITE, true, ), swf::FillStyle::FocalGradient { gradient, focal_point, } => ( DrawType::Gradient(swf_gradient_to_uniforms( GradientType::Focal, gradient, *focal_point, )), swf::Color::WHITE, true, ), swf::FillStyle::Bitmap { id, matrix, is_smoothed, is_repeating, } => { if let Some(bitmap) = bitmap_source.bitmap(*id) { ( DrawType::Bitmap(Bitmap { matrix: swf_bitmap_to_gl_matrix( (*matrix).into(), bitmap.width.into(), bitmap.height.into(), ), bitmap: bitmap.handle, is_smoothed: *is_smoothed, is_repeating: *is_repeating, }), swf::Color::WHITE, true, ) } else { // Missing bitmap -- incorrect character ID in SWF? continue; } } }; if needs_flush || (self.is_stroke && !next_is_stroke) { // We flush separate draw calls in these cases: // * Non-solid color fills which require their own shader. // * Strokes followed by fills, because strokes need to be omitted // when using this shape as a mask. self.flush_draw(DrawType::Color); } else if !self.is_stroke && next_is_stroke { // Bake solid color fills followed by strokes into a single draw call, and adjust // the index count to omit the strokes when rendering this shape as a mask. debug_assert!(self.mask_index_count.is_none()); self.mask_index_count = Some(self.lyon_mesh.indices.len() as u32); } self.is_stroke = next_is_stroke; let mut buffers_builder = BuffersBuilder::new(&mut self.lyon_mesh, RuffleVertexCtor { color }); let result = match path { DrawPath::Fill { .. } => self.fill_tess.tessellate_path( &lyon_path, &FillOptions::even_odd(), &mut buffers_builder, ), DrawPath::Stroke { style, .. } => { // TODO(Herschel): 0 width indicates "hairline". let width = (style.width().to_pixels() as f32).max(1.0); let mut stroke_options = StrokeOptions::default() .with_line_width(width) .with_start_cap(match style.start_cap() { swf::LineCapStyle::None => tessellation::LineCap::Butt, swf::LineCapStyle::Round => tessellation::LineCap::Round, swf::LineCapStyle::Square => tessellation::LineCap::Square, }) .with_end_cap(match style.end_cap() { swf::LineCapStyle::None => tessellation::LineCap::Butt, swf::LineCapStyle::Round => tessellation::LineCap::Round, swf::LineCapStyle::Square => tessellation::LineCap::Square, }); let line_join = match style.join_style() { swf::LineJoinStyle::Round => tessellation::LineJoin::Round, swf::LineJoinStyle::Bevel => tessellation::LineJoin::Bevel, swf::LineJoinStyle::Miter(limit) => { // Avoid lyon assert with small miter limits. let limit = limit.to_f32(); if limit >= StrokeOptions::MINIMUM_MITER_LIMIT { stroke_options = stroke_options.with_miter_limit(limit); tessellation::LineJoin::MiterClip } else { tessellation::LineJoin::Bevel } } }; stroke_options = stroke_options.with_line_join(line_join); self.stroke_tess.tessellate_path( &lyon_path, &stroke_options, &mut buffers_builder, ) } }; match result { Ok(_) => { if needs_flush { // Non-solid color fills are isolated draw calls; flush immediately. self.flush_draw(draw); } } Err(e) => { // This may simply be a degenerate path. log::error!("Tessellation failure: {:?}", e); } } } // Flush the final pending draw. self.flush_draw(DrawType::Color); self.lyon_mesh = VertexBuffers::new(); std::mem::take(&mut self.mesh) } fn flush_draw(&mut self, draw: DrawType) { if self.lyon_mesh.vertices.is_empty() || self.lyon_mesh.indices.len() < 3 { // Ignore degenerate fills return; } let draw_mesh = std::mem::replace(&mut self.lyon_mesh, VertexBuffers::new()); self.mesh.push(Draw { draw_type: draw, mask_index_count: self .mask_index_count .unwrap_or(draw_mesh.indices.len() as u32), vertices: draw_mesh.vertices, indices: draw_mesh.indices, }); self.mask_index_count = None; } } impl Default for ShapeTessellator { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } type Mesh = Vec; pub struct Draw { pub draw_type: DrawType, pub vertices: Vec, pub indices: Vec, pub mask_index_count: u32, } pub enum DrawType { Color, Gradient(Gradient), Bitmap(Bitmap), } impl DrawType { pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Color => "Color", Self::Gradient { .. } => "Gradient", Self::Bitmap { .. } => "Bitmap", } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Gradient { pub matrix: [[f32; 3]; 3], pub gradient_type: GradientType, pub ratios: Vec, pub colors: Vec<[f32; 4]>, pub num_colors: usize, pub repeat_mode: swf::GradientSpread, pub focal_point: swf::Fixed8, pub interpolation: swf::GradientInterpolation, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Vertex { pub x: f32, pub y: f32, pub color: swf::Color, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Bitmap { pub matrix: [[f32; 3]; 3], pub bitmap: BitmapHandle, pub is_smoothed: bool, pub is_repeating: bool, } #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] fn swf_to_gl_matrix(m: ruffle_render::matrix::Matrix) -> [[f32; 3]; 3] { let tx = m.tx.get() as f32; let ty = m.ty.get() as f32; let det = m.a * m.d - m.c * m.b; let mut a = m.d / det; let mut b = -m.c / det; let mut c = -(tx * m.d - m.c * ty) / det; let mut d = -m.b / det; let mut e = m.a / det; let mut f = (tx * m.b - m.a * ty) / det; a *= 20.0 / 32768.0; b *= 20.0 / 32768.0; d *= 20.0 / 32768.0; e *= 20.0 / 32768.0; c /= 32768.0; f /= 32768.0; c += 0.5; f += 0.5; [[a, d, 0.0], [b, e, 0.0], [c, f, 1.0]] } #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] fn swf_bitmap_to_gl_matrix( m: ruffle_render::matrix::Matrix, bitmap_width: u32, bitmap_height: u32, ) -> [[f32; 3]; 3] { let bitmap_width = bitmap_width as f32; let bitmap_height = bitmap_height as f32; let tx = m.tx.get() as f32; let ty = m.ty.get() as f32; let det = m.a * m.d - m.c * m.b; let mut a = m.d / det; let mut b = -m.c / det; let mut c = -(tx * m.d - m.c * ty) / det; let mut d = -m.b / det; let mut e = m.a / det; let mut f = (tx * m.b - m.a * ty) / det; a *= 20.0 / bitmap_width; b *= 20.0 / bitmap_width; d *= 20.0 / bitmap_height; e *= 20.0 / bitmap_height; c /= bitmap_width; f /= bitmap_height; [[a, d, 0.0], [b, e, 0.0], [c, f, 1.0]] } fn ruffle_path_to_lyon_path(commands: &[DrawCommand], is_closed: bool) -> Path { fn point(x: swf::Twips, y: swf::Twips) -> lyon::math::Point { lyon::math::Point::new(x.to_pixels() as f32, y.to_pixels() as f32) } let mut builder = Path::builder(); let mut move_to = Some((swf::Twips::default(), swf::Twips::default())); for cmd in commands { match *cmd { DrawCommand::MoveTo { x, y } => { if move_to.is_none() { builder.end(false); } move_to = Some((x, y)); } DrawCommand::LineTo { x, y } => { if let Some((x, y)) = move_to.take() { builder.begin(point(x, y)); } builder.line_to(point(x, y)); } DrawCommand::CurveTo { x1, y1, x2, y2 } => { if let Some((x, y)) = move_to.take() { builder.begin(point(x, y)); } builder.quadratic_bezier_to(point(x1, y1), point(x2, y2)); } } } if move_to.is_none() { if is_closed { builder.close(); } else { builder.end(false); } } } const MAX_GRADIENT_COLORS: usize = 15; /// Converts a gradient to the uniforms used by the shader. fn swf_gradient_to_uniforms( gradient_type: GradientType, gradient: &swf::Gradient, focal_point: swf::Fixed8, ) -> Gradient { // TODO: Support more than MAX_GRADIENT_COLORS. let num_colors = gradient.records.len().min(MAX_GRADIENT_COLORS); let mut colors = Vec::with_capacity(num_colors); let mut ratios = Vec::with_capacity(num_colors); for record in &gradient.records[..num_colors] { let mut color = [ f32::from(record.color.r) / 255.0, f32::from(record.color.g) / 255.0, f32::from(record.color.b) / 255.0, f32::from(record.color.a) / 255.0, ]; // Convert to linear color space if this is a linear-interpolated gradient. match gradient.interpolation { swf::GradientInterpolation::Rgb => {} swf::GradientInterpolation::LinearRgb => srgb_to_linear(&mut color), } colors.push(color); ratios.push(f32::from(record.ratio) / 255.0); } Gradient { matrix: swf_to_gl_matrix(gradient.matrix.into()), gradient_type, ratios, colors, num_colors, repeat_mode: gradient.spread, focal_point, interpolation: gradient.interpolation, } } /// Converts an RGBA color from sRGB space to linear color space. fn srgb_to_linear(color: &mut [f32; 4]) { for n in &mut color[..3] { *n = if *n <= 0.04045 { *n / 12.92 } else { f32::powf((*n + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) }; } } struct RuffleVertexCtor { color: swf::Color, } impl FillVertexConstructor for RuffleVertexCtor { fn new_vertex(&mut self, vertex: FillVertex) -> Vertex { Vertex { x: vertex.position().x, y: vertex.position().y, color: self.color.clone(), } } } impl StrokeVertexConstructor for RuffleVertexCtor { fn new_vertex(&mut self, vertex: StrokeVertex) -> Vertex { Vertex { x: vertex.position().x, y: vertex.position().y, color: self.color.clone(), } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum GradientType { Linear, Radial, Focal, }