/** * Pierce the extension sandbox by copying our code into window space. * * The isolation extension content scripts get is neat, but it causes problems * based on what browser you use: * * 1. On Chrome, you are explicitly banned from registering custom elements * 2. On Firefox, you can register custom elements but they can't expose any * useful API surface, and can't even see their own methods. * * This code exists to pierce the extension sandbox, while maintaining: * * 1. The isolation of not interfering with the page's execution environment * unintentionally. * 2. The ability to load extension resources such as .wasm files * * We also provide a content script message listener that sends messages into * the untrusted world via custom events. We use a dynamically generated event * prefix that is only shared within the injected closure. This isn't entirely * foolproof, but is designed to */ chrome.storage.sync.get(['ruffle_enable', 'ignore_optout'], async function (data) { let page_optout = document.documentElement.hasAttribute("data-ruffle-optout"); try { if ( !page_optout && window.top && window.top.document && window.top.document.documentElement ) { /* In case the opting out page uses iframes */ page_optout = window.top.document.documentElement.hasAttribute( "data-ruffle-optout" ); } } catch (e) { console.log("Unable to check top-level optout: " + e.message); } let should_load_untrusted_world = data.ruffle_enable === "on" && !(page_optout || data.ignore_optout === "on" || window.RufflePlayer); let obfuscated_event_prefix = "rufEvent" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000000); let next_response_promise = null; let next_response_promise_resolve = null; document.addEventListener(obfuscated_event_prefix + "_response", function (e) { if (next_response_promise_resolve !== null) { next_response_promise_resolve(e); next_response_promise = null; next_response_promise_resolve = null; } }); /** * Returns a promise which resolves the next time we receive our custom * event response. */ function next_response() { if (next_response_promise == null) { next_response_promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { next_response_promise_resolve = resolve; }); } return next_response_promise; } /** * Given a trusted request object, send it to the untrusted world and return * the response. * * Due to extension sandboxing (V8 worlds / Gecko Xrays) all data passed * into and out of the untrusted world must be plain data. * * @param request The request data from the background/popup page * @returns Response data to reply to the sender with. */ async function marshal_message_into_untrusted_world(request) { let req_event = new CustomEvent(obfuscated_event_prefix + "_request", {"detail": JSON.stringify(request)}); let resp_event_handler = next_response(); document.dispatchEvent(req_event); let resp_event = await resp_event_handler; console.log(resp_event.detail); return JSON.parse(resp_event.detail); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, response_callback) { if (should_load_untrusted_world) { let response_promise = marshal_message_into_untrusted_world(request); response_promise.then(function (response) { response_callback({ "loaded": true, "data": data, "optout": page_optout, "untrusted_response": response }); }).catch(function(e) { console.error("Error when marshalling tab message into untrusted world: " + e); throw e; }); return true; } else { response_callback({ "loaded": false, "data": data, "optout": page_optout }); return false; } }); let ext_path = ""; if (chrome && chrome.extension && chrome.extension.getURL) { ext_path = chrome.extension .getURL("dist/ruffle.js") .replace("dist/ruffle.js", ""); } else if (browser && browser.runtime && browser.runtime.getURL) { ext_path = browser.runtime .getURL("dist/ruffle.js") .replace("dist/ruffle.js", ""); } if (should_load_untrusted_world) { let setup_scriptelem = document.createElement("script"); let setup_src = 'var runtime_path = "' + ext_path + '";\nvar obfuscated_event_prefix = "' + obfuscated_event_prefix + '";' + '(function(){class RuffleMimeType{constructor(a,b,c){this.type=a,this.description=b,this.suffixes=c}}class RuffleMimeTypeArray{constructor(a){this.__mimetypes=[],this.__named_mimetypes={};for(let b of a)this.install(b)}install(a){let b=this.__mimetypes.length;this.__mimetypes.push(a),this.__named_mimetypes[a.type]=a,this[a.type]=a,this[b]=a}item(a){return this.__mimetypes[a]}namedItem(a){return this.__named_mimetypes[a]}get length(){return this.__mimetypes.length}}class RufflePlugin extends RuffleMimeTypeArray{constructor(a,b,c,d){super(d),this.name=a,this.description=b,this.filename=c}install(a){a.enabledPlugin||(a.enabledPlugin=this),super.install(a)}}class RufflePluginArray{constructor(a){this.__plugins=[],this.__named_plugins={};for(let b of a)this.install(b)}install(a){let b=this.__plugins.length;this.__plugins.push(a),this.__named_plugins[a.name]=a,this[a.name]=a,this[b]=a}item(a){return this.__plugins[a]}namedItem(a){return this.__named_plugins[a]}get length(){return this.__plugins.length}}const FLASH_PLUGIN=new RufflePlugin("Shockwave Flash","Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0","ruffle.js",[new RuffleMimeType("application/futuresplash","Shockwave Flash","spl"),new RuffleMimeType("application/x-shockwave-flash","Shockwave Flash","swf"),new RuffleMimeType("application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview","Shockwave Flash","swf"),new RuffleMimeType("application/vnd.adobe.flash-movie","Shockwave Flash","swf")]);function install_plugin(a){navigator.plugins.install||Object.defineProperty(navigator,"plugins",{value:new RufflePluginArray(navigator.plugins),writable:!1}),navigator.plugins.install(a),0