use crate::backend::render::{RenderBackend, ShapeHandle}; use crate::html::TextSpan; use crate::prelude::*; use crate::transform::Transform; use gc_arena::{Collect, Gc, MutationContext}; /// Certain Flash routines measure text by rounding down to the nearest whole pixel. pub fn round_down_to_pixel(t: Twips) -> Twips { Twips::from_pixels(t.to_pixels().floor()) } type Error = Box; /// Parameters necessary to evaluate a font. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Collect)] #[collect(require_static)] pub struct EvalParameters { /// The height of each glyph, equivalent to a font size. height: Twips, /// Additional letter spacing to be added to or removed from each glyph /// after normal or kerned glyph advances are applied. letter_spacing: Twips, /// Whether or not to allow use of font-provided kerning metrics. /// /// Fonts can optionally add or remove additional spacing between specific /// pairs of letters, separate from the ordinary width between glyphs. This /// parameter allows enabling or disabling that feature. kerning: bool, } impl EvalParameters { /// Construct eval parameters from their individual parts. #[allow(dead_code)] fn from_parts(height: Twips, letter_spacing: Twips, kerning: bool) -> Self { Self { height, letter_spacing, kerning, } } /// Convert the formatting on a text span over to font evaluation /// parameters. pub fn from_span(span: &TextSpan) -> Self { Self { height: Twips::from_pixels(span.size), letter_spacing: Twips::from_pixels(span.letter_spacing), kerning: span.kerning, } } /// Get the height the font would be evaluated at. pub fn height(&self) -> Twips { self.height } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Collect, Copy)] #[collect(no_drop)] pub struct Font<'gc>(Gc<'gc, FontData>); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Collect)] #[collect(require_static)] struct FontData { /// The list of glyphs defined in the font. /// Used directly by `DefineText` tags. glyphs: Vec, /// A map from a Unicode code point to glyph in the `glyphs` array. /// Used by `DefineEditText` tags. code_point_to_glyph: fnv::FnvHashMap, /// The scaling applied to the font height to render at the proper size. /// This depends on the DefineFont tag version. scale: f32, /// Kerning infomration. /// Maps from a pair of unicode code points to horizontal offset value. kerning_pairs: fnv::FnvHashMap<(u16, u16), Twips>, /// The distance from the top of each glyph to the baseline of the font, in /// EM-square coordinates. ascent: u16, /// The distance from the baseline of the font to the bottom of each glyph, /// in EM-square coordinates. descent: u16, /// The distance between the bottom of any one glyph and the top of /// another, in EM-square coordinates. leading: i16, /// The identity of the font. descriptor: FontDescriptor, } impl<'gc> Font<'gc> { pub fn from_swf_tag( gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, renderer: &mut dyn RenderBackend, tag: &swf::Font, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut glyphs = vec![]; let mut code_point_to_glyph = fnv::FnvHashMap::default(); for swf_glyph in &tag.glyphs { let glyph = Glyph { shape: renderer.register_glyph_shape(swf_glyph), advance: swf_glyph.advance.unwrap_or(0), }; let index = glyphs.len(); glyphs.push(glyph); code_point_to_glyph.insert(swf_glyph.code, index); } let kerning_pairs: fnv::FnvHashMap<(u16, u16), Twips> = if let Some(layout) = &tag.layout { layout .kerning .iter() .map(|kerning| ((kerning.left_code, kerning.right_code), kerning.adjustment)) .collect() } else { fnv::FnvHashMap::default() }; let descriptor = FontDescriptor::from_swf_tag(tag); let (ascent, descent, leading) = if let Some(layout) = &tag.layout { (layout.ascent, layout.descent, layout.leading) } else { (0, 0, 0) }; Ok(Font(Gc::allocate( gc_context, FontData { glyphs, code_point_to_glyph, /// DefineFont3 stores coordinates at 20x the scale of DefineFont1/2. /// (SWF19 p.164) scale: if tag.version >= 3 { 20480.0 } else { 1024.0 }, kerning_pairs, ascent, descent, leading, descriptor, }, ))) } /// Returns whether this font contains glyph shapes. /// If not, this font should be rendered as a device font. pub fn has_glyphs(self) -> bool { !self.0.glyphs.is_empty() } /// Returns a glyph entry by index. /// Used by `Text` display objects. pub fn get_glyph(self, i: usize) -> Option { self.0.glyphs.get(i).cloned() } /// Returns a glyph entry by character. /// Used by `EditText` display objects. pub fn get_glyph_for_char(self, c: char) -> Option { // TODO: Properly handle UTF-16/out-of-bounds code points. let code_point = c as u16; if let Some(index) = self.0.code_point_to_glyph.get(&code_point) { self.get_glyph(*index) } else { None } } /// Given a pair of characters, applies the offset that should be applied /// to the advance value between these two characters. /// Returns 0 twips if no kerning offset exists between these two characters. pub fn get_kerning_offset(self, left: char, right: char) -> Twips { // TODO: Properly handle UTF-16/out-of-bounds code points. let left_code_point = left as u16; let right_code_point = right as u16; self.0 .kerning_pairs .get(&(left_code_point, right_code_point)) .cloned() .unwrap_or_default() } /// Return the leading for this font at a given height. pub fn get_leading_for_height(self, height: Twips) -> Twips { let scale = height.get() as f32 / self.scale(); Twips::new((self.0.leading as f32 * scale) as i32) } /// Get the baseline from the top of the glyph at a given height. pub fn get_baseline_for_height(self, height: Twips) -> Twips { let scale = height.get() as f32 / self.scale(); Twips::new((self.0.ascent as f32 * scale) as i32) } /// Returns whether this font contains kerning information. pub fn has_kerning_info(self) -> bool { !self.0.kerning_pairs.is_empty() } pub fn scale(self) -> f32 { self.0.scale } /// Evaluate this font against a particular string on a glyph-by-glyph /// basis. /// /// This function takes the text string to evaluate against, the base /// transform to start from, the height of each glyph, and produces a list /// of transforms and glyphs which will be consumed by the `glyph_func` /// closure. This corresponds to the series of drawing operations necessary /// to render the text on a single horizontal line. pub fn evaluate( self, text: &str, mut transform: Transform, params: EvalParameters, mut glyph_func: FGlyph, ) where FGlyph: FnMut(&Transform, &Glyph, Twips), { transform.matrix.ty += params.height; let scale = params.height.get() as f32 / self.scale(); transform.matrix.a = scale; transform.matrix.d = scale; let mut chars = text.chars().peekable(); let has_kerning_info = self.has_kerning_info(); while let Some(c) = { if let Some(glyph) = self.get_glyph_for_char(c) { let mut advance = Twips::new(glyph.advance); if has_kerning_info && params.kerning { advance += self.get_kerning_offset(c, chars.peek().cloned().unwrap_or('\0')); } let twips_advance = Twips::new((advance.get() as f32 * scale) as i32) + params.letter_spacing; glyph_func(&transform, &glyph, twips_advance); // Step horizontally. transform.matrix.tx += twips_advance; } } } /// Measure a particular string's metrics (width and height). /// /// The `round` flag causes the returned coordinates to be rounded down to /// the nearest pixel. pub fn measure(self, text: &str, params: EvalParameters, round: bool) -> (Twips, Twips) { let mut size = (Twips::new(0), Twips::new(0)); self.evaluate( text, Default::default(), params, |transform, _glyph, advance| { let tx = transform.matrix.tx; let ty = transform.matrix.ty; if round { size.0 = std::cmp::max(size.0, round_down_to_pixel(tx + advance)); size.1 = std::cmp::max(size.1, round_down_to_pixel(ty)); } else { size.0 = std::cmp::max(size.0, tx + advance); size.1 = std::cmp::max(size.1, ty); } }, ); size } /// Given a line of text, find the first breakpoint within the text. /// /// This function assumes only `" "` is valid whitespace to split words on, /// and will not attempt to break words that are longer than `width`, nor /// will it break at newlines. /// /// The given `offset` determines the start of the initial line, while the /// `width` indicates how long the line is supposed to be. Be careful to /// note that it is possible for this function to return `0`; that /// indicates that the string itself cannot fit on the line and should /// break onto the next one. /// /// This function yields `None` if the line is not broken. /// /// TODO: This function and, more generally, this entire file will need to /// be internationalized to implement AS3 `flash.text.engine`. pub fn wrap_line( self, text: &str, params: EvalParameters, width: Twips, offset: Twips, mut is_start_of_line: bool, ) -> Option { let mut remaining_width = width - offset; if remaining_width < Twips::from_pixels(0.0) { return Some(0); } let mut line_end = 0; for word in text.split(' ') { let word_start = word.as_ptr() as usize - text.as_ptr() as usize; let word_end = word_start + word.len(); let measure = self.measure( text.get(word_start..word_end + 1).unwrap_or(word), params, false, ); if is_start_of_line && measure.0 > remaining_width { //Failsafe for if we get a word wider than the field. let mut last_passing_breakpoint = (Twips::new(0), Twips::new(0)); let mut frag_end = word_start; while last_passing_breakpoint.0 < remaining_width { frag_end += 1; last_passing_breakpoint = self.measure(&text[word_start..frag_end], params, false); } return Some(frag_end - 1); } else if measure.0 > remaining_width { //The word is wider than our remaining width, return the end of //the line. return Some(line_end); } else { //Space remains for our current word, move up the word pointer. line_end = word_end; is_start_of_line = is_start_of_line && text[0..line_end].trim().is_empty(); //If the additional space were to cause an overflow, then //return now. remaining_width -= measure.0; if remaining_width < Twips::from_pixels(0.0) { return Some(word_end); } } } None } pub fn descriptor(self) -> FontDescriptor { self.0.descriptor.clone() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Glyph { pub shape: ShapeHandle, pub advance: i16, } /// Structure which identifies a particular font by name and properties. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Collect)] #[collect(require_static)] pub struct FontDescriptor { name: String, is_bold: bool, is_italic: bool, } impl FontDescriptor { /// Obtain a font descriptor from a SWF font tag. pub fn from_swf_tag(val: &swf::Font) -> Self { let mut name =; if let Some(first_null) = name.find('\0') { name.truncate(first_null); }; Self { name, is_bold: val.is_bold, is_italic: val.is_italic, } } /// Obtain a font descriptor from a name/bold/italic triplet. pub fn from_parts(name: &str, is_bold: bool, is_italic: bool) -> Self { let mut name = name.to_string(); if let Some(first_null) = name.find('\0') { name.truncate(first_null); }; Self { name, is_bold, is_italic, } } /// Get the name of the font class this descriptor references. pub fn class(&self) -> &str { & } /// Get the boldness of the described font. pub fn bold(&self) -> bool { self.is_bold } /// Get the italic-ness of the described font. pub fn italic(&self) -> bool { self.is_italic } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::backend::render::{NullRenderer, RenderBackend}; use crate::font::{EvalParameters, Font}; use crate::player::{Player, DEVICE_FONT_TAG}; use gc_arena::{rootless_arena, MutationContext}; use swf::Twips; fn with_device_font(callback: F) where F: for<'gc> FnOnce(MutationContext<'gc, '_>, Font<'gc>), { rootless_arena(|mc| { let mut renderer: Box = Box::new(NullRenderer::new()); let device_font = Player::load_device_font(mc, DEVICE_FONT_TAG, &mut renderer).unwrap(); callback(mc, device_font); }) } #[test] fn wrap_line_no_breakpoint() { with_device_font(|_mc, df| { let params = EvalParameters::from_parts(Twips::from_pixels(12.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true); let string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"; let breakpoint = df.wrap_line( &string, params, Twips::from_pixels(200.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(None, breakpoint); }); } #[test] fn wrap_line_breakpoint_every_word() { with_device_font(|_mc, df| { let params = EvalParameters::from_parts(Twips::from_pixels(12.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true); let string = "abcd efgh ijkl mnop"; let mut last_bp = 0; let breakpoint = df.wrap_line( &string, params, Twips::from_pixels(35.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(4), breakpoint); last_bp += breakpoint.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint2 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(35.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(4), breakpoint2); last_bp += breakpoint2.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint3 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(35.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(4), breakpoint3); last_bp += breakpoint3.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint4 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(35.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(None, breakpoint4); }); } #[test] fn wrap_line_breakpoint_no_room() { with_device_font(|_mc, df| { let params = EvalParameters::from_parts(Twips::from_pixels(12.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true); let string = "abcd efgh ijkl mnop"; let breakpoint = df.wrap_line( &string, params, Twips::from_pixels(30.0), Twips::from_pixels(29.0), false, ); assert_eq!(Some(0), breakpoint); }); } #[test] fn wrap_line_breakpoint_irregular_sized_words() { with_device_font(|_mc, df| { let params = EvalParameters::from_parts(Twips::from_pixels(12.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true); let string = "abcdi j kl mnop q rstuv"; let mut last_bp = 0; let breakpoint = df.wrap_line( &string, params, Twips::from_pixels(37.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(5), breakpoint); last_bp += breakpoint.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint2 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(37.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(4), breakpoint2); last_bp += breakpoint2.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint3 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(37.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(4), breakpoint3); last_bp += breakpoint3.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint4 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(37.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(Some(1), breakpoint4); last_bp += breakpoint4.unwrap() + 1; let breakpoint5 = df.wrap_line( &string[last_bp..], params, Twips::from_pixels(37.0), Twips::from_pixels(0.0), true, ); assert_eq!(None, breakpoint5); }); } }