import * as utils from "./utils"; function camelize(string) { return string.replace(/[^a-z\d](.)/gi, (_, char) => char.toUpperCase()); } function getBooleanElements() { const elements = {}; for (const option of document.getElementsByClassName("option")) { const [checkbox] = option.getElementsByTagName("input"); if (checkbox.type !== "checkbox") { continue; } const [label] = option.getElementsByTagName("label"); const key = camelize(; elements[key] = { option, checkbox, label }; } return elements; } export async function bindBooleanOptions(onChange) { const elements = getBooleanElements(); // Bind initial values. const options = await utils.getOptions(Object.keys(elements)); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { elements[key].checkbox.checked = value; } for (const [key, { checkbox, label }] of Object.entries(elements)) { // TODO: click/change/input? checkbox.addEventListener("click", () => { const value = checkbox.checked; options[key] = value;{ [key]: value }); }); label.textContent = utils.i18n.getMessage(`settings_${}`); // Prevent transition on load. // Method from label.classList.add("notransition"); label.offsetHeight; // Trigger a reflow, flushing the CSS changes. label.classList.remove("notransition"); } // Listen for future changes., namespace) => { if (namespace !== "sync") { return; } for (const [key, option] of Object.entries(changes)) { if (!elements[key]) { continue; } elements[key].checkbox.checked = option.newValue; options[key] = option.newValue; } if (onChange) { onChange(options); } }); if (onChange) { onChange(options); } }