use crate::bitmap::{Bitmap, BitmapFormat}; use crate::error::Error; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io::Read; use swf::Color; /// The format of image data in a DefineBitsJpeg2/3 tag. /// Generally this will be JPEG, but according to SWF19, these tags can also contain PNG and GIF data. /// SWF19 pp.138-139 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum JpegTagFormat { Jpeg, Png, Gif, Unknown, } /// Determines the format of the image data in `data` from a DefineBitsJPEG2/3 tag. pub fn determine_jpeg_tag_format(data: &[u8]) -> JpegTagFormat { match data { [0xff, 0xd8, ..] => JpegTagFormat::Jpeg, [0xff, 0xd9, 0xff, 0xd8, ..] => JpegTagFormat::Jpeg, // erroneous header in SWF [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a, ..] => JpegTagFormat::Png, [0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61, ..] => JpegTagFormat::Gif, _ => JpegTagFormat::Unknown, } } /// Decodes bitmap data from a DefineBitsJPEG2/3 tag. /// The data is returned with pre-multiplied alpha. pub fn decode_define_bits_jpeg(data: &[u8], alpha_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result { let format = determine_jpeg_tag_format(data); if format != JpegTagFormat::Jpeg && alpha_data.is_some() { // Only DefineBitsJPEG3 with true JPEG data should have separate alpha data. tracing::warn!("DefineBitsJPEG contains non-JPEG data with alpha; probably incorrect") } match format { JpegTagFormat::Jpeg => decode_jpeg(data, alpha_data), JpegTagFormat::Png => decode_png(data), JpegTagFormat::Gif => decode_gif(data), JpegTagFormat::Unknown => Err(Error::UnknownType), } } /// Glues the JPEG encoding tables from a JPEGTables SWF tag to the JPEG data /// in a DefineBits tag, producing complete JPEG data suitable for a decoder. pub fn glue_tables_to_jpeg<'a>( jpeg_data: &'a [u8], jpeg_tables: Option<&'a [u8]>, ) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> { if let Some(jpeg_tables) = jpeg_tables { if jpeg_tables.len() >= 2 { let mut full_jpeg = Vec::with_capacity(jpeg_tables.len() + jpeg_data.len()); full_jpeg.extend_from_slice(&jpeg_tables[..jpeg_tables.len() - 2]); if jpeg_data.len() >= 2 { full_jpeg.extend_from_slice(&jpeg_data[2..]); } return full_jpeg.into(); } } // No JPEG tables or not enough data; return JPEG data as is jpeg_data.into() } /// Removes potential invalid JPEG data from SWF DefineBitsJPEG tags. /// These bytes need to be removed for the JPEG to decode properly. pub fn remove_invalid_jpeg_data(data: &[u8]) -> Cow<[u8]> { // SWF19 errata p.138: // "Before version 8 of the SWF file format, SWF files could contain an erroneous header of 0xFF, 0xD9, 0xFF, 0xD8 // before the JPEG SOI marker." // 0xFFD9FFD8 is a JPEG EOI+SOI marker pair. Contrary to the spec, this invalid marker sequence can actually appear // at any time before the 0xFFC0 SOF marker, not only at the beginning of the data. I believe this is a relic from // the SWF JPEGTables tag, which stores encoding tables separately from the DefineBits image data, encased in its // own SOI+EOI pair. When these data are glued together, an interior EOI+SOI sequence is produced. The Flash JPEG // decoder expects this pair and ignores it, despite standard JPEG decoders stopping at the EOI. // When DefineBitsJPEG2 etc. were introduced, the Flash encoders/decoders weren't properly adjusted, resulting in // this sequence persisting. Also, despite what the spec says, this doesn't appear to be version checked (e.g., a // v9 SWF can contain one of these malformed JPEGs and display correctly). // See for various examples. // JPEG markers const SOF0: u8 = 0xC0; // Start of frame const RST0: u8 = 0xD0; // Restart (we shouldn't see this before SOS, but just in case) const RST7: u8 = 0xD7; const SOI: u8 = 0xD8; // Start of image const EOI: u8 = 0xD9; // End of image let mut data: Cow<[u8]> = if let Some(stripped) = data.strip_prefix(&[0xFF, EOI, 0xFF, SOI]) { // Common case: usually the sequence is at the beginning as the spec says, so adjust the slice to avoid a copy. stripped.into() } else { // Parse the JPEG markers searching for the 0xFFD9FFD8 marker sequence to splice out. // We only have to search up to the SOF0 marker. // This might be another case where eventually we want to write our own full JPEG decoder to match Flash's decoder. let mut jpeg_data = data; let mut pos = 0; loop { if jpeg_data.len() < 4 { // No invalid sequence found before SOF marker, return data as-is. break data.into(); } let payload_len: usize = match &jpeg_data[..4] { [0xFF, EOI, 0xFF, SOI] => { // Invalid EOI+SOI sequence found, splice it out. let mut out_data = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() - 4); out_data.extend_from_slice(&data[..pos]); out_data.extend_from_slice(&data[pos + 4..]); break out_data.into(); } // EOI, SOI, RST markers do not include a size. [0xFF, EOI | SOI | RST0..=RST7, _, _] => 0, [0xFF, SOF0, _, _] => { // No invalid sequence found before SOF marker, return data as-is. break data.into(); } // Other tags include a length. [0xFF, _, a, b] => u16::from_be_bytes([*a, *b]).into(), _ => { // All JPEG markers should start with 0xFF. // So this is either not a JPEG, or we screwed up parsing the markers. Bail out. break data.into(); } }; // Advance to next JPEG marker. jpeg_data = jpeg_data.get(payload_len + 2..).unwrap_or_default(); pos += payload_len + 2; } }; // Some JPEGs are missing the final EOI marker (JPEG optimizers truncate it?) // Flash and most image decoders will still display these images, but jpeg-decoder errors. // Glue on an EOI marker if its not already there and hope for the best. if data.ends_with(&[0xFF, EOI]) { data } else { tracing::warn!("JPEG is missing EOI marker and may not decode properly"); data.to_mut().extend_from_slice(&[0xFF, EOI]); data } } /// Decodes a JPEG with optional alpha data. /// The decoded bitmap will have pre-multiplied alpha. fn decode_jpeg(jpeg_data: &[u8], alpha_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result { let jpeg_data = remove_invalid_jpeg_data(jpeg_data); let mut decoder = jpeg_decoder::Decoder::new(&jpeg_data[..]); decoder.read_info()?; let metadata = decoder .info() .expect("info() should always return Some if read_info returned Ok"); let decoded_data = decoder.decode()?; let decoded_data = match metadata.pixel_format { jpeg_decoder::PixelFormat::RGB24 => decoded_data, jpeg_decoder::PixelFormat::CMYK32 => decoded_data .chunks_exact(4) .flat_map(|cmyk| { let c = 255 - u16::from(cmyk[0]); let m = 255 - u16::from(cmyk[1]); let y = 255 - u16::from(cmyk[2]); let k = 256 - u16::from(cmyk[3]); let r = c * k / 255; let g = m * k / 255; let b = y * k / 255; [r as u8, g as u8, b as u8] }) .collect(), jpeg_decoder::PixelFormat::L8 => decoded_data.iter().flat_map(|&c| [c, c, c]).collect(), jpeg_decoder::PixelFormat::L16 => { tracing::warn!("Unimplemented L16 JPEG pixel format"); decoded_data } }; // Decompress the alpha data (DEFLATE compression). if let Some(alpha_data) = alpha_data { let alpha_data = decompress_zlib(alpha_data)?; if alpha_data.len() == decoded_data.len() / 3 { let rgba = decoded_data .chunks_exact(3) .zip(alpha_data) .flat_map(|(rgb, a)| { // The JPEG data should be premultiplied alpha, but it isn't in some incorrect // SWFs (see #6893). // This means 0% alpha pixels may have color and incorrectly show as visible. // Flash Player clamps color to the alpha value to fix this case. // Only applies to DefineBitsJPEG3; DefineBitsLossless does not seem to clamp. let r = rgb[0].min(a); let g = rgb[1].min(a); let b = rgb[2].min(a); [r, g, b, a] }) .collect(); return Ok(Bitmap::new( metadata.width.into(), metadata.height.into(), BitmapFormat::Rgba, rgba, )); } else { // Size isn't correct; fallback to RGB? tracing::error!("Size mismatch in DefineBitsJPEG3 alpha data"); } } // No alpha. Ok(Bitmap::new( metadata.width.into(), metadata.height.into(), BitmapFormat::Rgb, decoded_data, )) } /// Decodes the bitmap data in DefineBitsLossless tag into RGBA. /// DefineBitsLossless is Zlib encoded pixel data (similar to PNG), possibly /// palletized. pub fn decode_define_bits_lossless(swf_tag: &swf::DefineBitsLossless) -> Result { // Decompress the image data (DEFLATE compression). let mut decoded_data = decompress_zlib(; // Swizzle/de-palettize the bitmap. let out_data = match (swf_tag.version, swf_tag.format) { (1, swf::BitmapFormat::Rgb15) => { let padded_width = (swf_tag.width + 0b1) & !0b1; let mut out_data: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(swf_tag.width as usize * swf_tag.height as usize * 4); let mut i = 0; for _ in 0..swf_tag.height { for _ in 0..swf_tag.width { let compressed = u16::from_be_bytes([decoded_data[i], decoded_data[i + 1]]); let rgb5_component = |shift: u16| { let component = (compressed >> shift) & 0x1F; ((component * 255 + 15) / 31) as u8 }; out_data.extend([ rgb5_component(10), rgb5_component(5), rgb5_component(0), 0xff, ]); i += 2; } i += (padded_width - swf_tag.width) as usize * 2; } out_data } (1 | 2, swf::BitmapFormat::Rgb32) => { let has_alpha = swf_tag.version == 2; for rgba in decoded_data.chunks_exact_mut(4) { rgba.rotate_left(1); if !has_alpha { rgba[3] = 0xff; } } decoded_data } (1, swf::BitmapFormat::ColorMap8 { num_colors }) => { let mut i = 0; let padded_width = (swf_tag.width + 0b11) & !0b11; let mut palette = Vec::with_capacity(num_colors as usize + 1); for _ in 0..=num_colors { palette.push(Color { r: decoded_data[i], g: decoded_data[i + 1], b: decoded_data[i + 2], a: 255, }); i += 3; } let mut out_data: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(swf_tag.width as usize * swf_tag.height as usize * 4); for _ in 0..swf_tag.height { for _ in 0..swf_tag.width { let entry = decoded_data[i] as usize; let color = palette.get(entry).unwrap_or(&Color::BLACK); out_data.extend([color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a]); i += 1; } i += (padded_width - swf_tag.width) as usize; } out_data } (2, swf::BitmapFormat::ColorMap8 { num_colors }) => { let mut i = 0; let padded_width = (swf_tag.width + 0b11) & !0b11; let mut palette = Vec::with_capacity(num_colors as usize + 1); for _ in 0..=num_colors { palette.push(Color { r: decoded_data[i], g: decoded_data[i + 1], b: decoded_data[i + 2], a: decoded_data[i + 3], }); i += 4; } let mut out_data: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(swf_tag.width as usize * swf_tag.height as usize * 4); for _ in 0..swf_tag.height { for _ in 0..swf_tag.width { let entry = decoded_data[i] as usize; const TRANSPARENT: Color = Color::from_rgb(0, 0); let color = palette.get(entry).unwrap_or(&TRANSPARENT); out_data.extend([color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a]); i += 1; } i += (padded_width - swf_tag.width) as usize; } out_data } _ => { return Err(Error::UnsupportedLosslessFormat( swf_tag.version, swf_tag.format, )); } }; Ok(Bitmap::new( swf_tag.width.into(), swf_tag.height.into(), BitmapFormat::Rgba, out_data, )) } /// Decodes the bitmap data in DefineBitsLossless tag into RGBA. /// DefineBitsLossless is Zlib encoded pixel data (similar to PNG), possibly /// palletized. fn decode_png(data: &[u8]) -> Result { use png::{ColorType, Transformations}; let mut decoder = png::Decoder::new(data); // Normalize output to 8-bit grayscale or RGB. // Ideally we'd want to normalize to 8-bit RGB only, but seems like the `png` crate provides no such a feature. decoder.set_transformations(Transformations::normalize_to_color8()); let mut reader = decoder.read_info()?; let mut data = vec![0; reader.output_buffer_size()]; let info = reader.next_frame(&mut data)?; let (format, data) = match info.color_type { ColorType::Rgb => (BitmapFormat::Rgb, data), ColorType::Rgba => { // In contrast to DefineBitsLossless tags, PNGs embedded in a DefineBitsJPEG tag will not have // premultiplied alpha and need to be converted before sending to the renderer. premultiply_alpha_rgba(&mut data); (BitmapFormat::Rgba, data) } ColorType::Grayscale => ( BitmapFormat::Rgb, data.into_iter().flat_map(|v| [v, v, v]).collect(), ), ColorType::GrayscaleAlpha => { ( BitmapFormat::Rgba, data.chunks_exact(2) .flat_map(|pixel| { // Pre-multiply alpha. let a = pixel[1]; let v = (u16::from(pixel[0]) * u16::from(a) / 255) as u8; [v, v, v, a] }) .collect(), ) } ColorType::Indexed => { // Shouldn't get here because of `normalize_to_color8` transformation above. unreachable!("Unexpected PNG ColorType::Indexed"); } }; Ok(Bitmap::new(info.width, info.height, format, data)) } /// Decodes the bitmap data in DefineBitsLossless tag into RGBA. /// DefineBitsLossless is Zlib encoded pixel data (similar to PNG), possibly /// palletized. fn decode_gif(data: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut decode_options = gif::DecodeOptions::new(); decode_options.set_color_output(gif::ColorOutput::RGBA); let mut reader = decode_options.read_info(data)?; let frame = reader.read_next_frame()?.ok_or(Error::EmptyGif)?; // GIFs embedded in a DefineBitsJPEG tag will not have premultiplied alpha and need to be converted before sending to the renderer. let mut data = frame.buffer.to_vec(); premultiply_alpha_rgba(&mut data); Ok(Bitmap::new( frame.width.into(), frame.height.into(), BitmapFormat::Rgba, data, )) } /// Converts standard RBGA to premultiplied alpha. fn premultiply_alpha_rgba(rgba: &mut [u8]) { rgba.chunks_exact_mut(4).for_each(|rgba| { let a = f32::from(rgba[3]) / 255.0; rgba[0] = (f32::from(rgba[0]) * a) as u8; rgba[1] = (f32::from(rgba[1]) * a) as u8; rgba[2] = (f32::from(rgba[2]) * a) as u8; }) } /// Converts premultiplied RBGA to unmultipled RGBA. pub fn unmultiply_alpha_rgba(rgba: &mut [u8]) { rgba.chunks_exact_mut(4).for_each(|rgba| { let a = rgba[3]; if a > 0 { let a = f32::from(a) / 255.0; rgba[0] = (f32::from(rgba[0]) / a) as u8; rgba[1] = (f32::from(rgba[1]) / a) as u8; rgba[2] = (f32::from(rgba[2]) / a) as u8; } }) } /// Decodes zlib-compressed data. fn decompress_zlib(data: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { let mut out_data = Vec::new(); let mut decoder = flate2::bufread::ZlibDecoder::new(data); decoder .read_to_end(&mut out_data) .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidZlibCompression)?; out_data.shrink_to_fit(); Ok(out_data) }