const { inject_ruffle_and_wait, open_test, play_and_monitor, } = require("../utils"); const { expect, use } = require("chai"); const chaiHtml = require("chai-html"); const fs = require("fs"); use(chaiHtml); describe("Object tag", () => { it("loads the test", () => { open_test(browser, __dirname); }); it("polyfills with ruffle", () => { inject_ruffle_and_wait(browser); const actual = browser.$("#test-container").getHTML(false); const expected = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/expected.html`, "utf8"); expect(actual); }); it("Plays a movie with flashvars", () => { play_and_monitor( browser, browser.$("#test-container").$(""), `// _level0.a 1 // typeof(a) string // _level0.b 3 %3 // typeof(b) string // _level0.c // typeof(c) string // _level0.d undefined // typeof(d) undefined ` ); }); });