use ruffle_core::events::{KeyCode, TextControlCode}; /// Convert a web `KeyboardEvent.code` value into a Ruffle `KeyCode`. /// Return `KeyCode::Unknown` if there is no matching Flash key code. pub fn web_to_ruffle_key_code(key_code: &str) -> KeyCode { match key_code { "Backspace" => KeyCode::Backspace, "Tab" => KeyCode::Tab, "Enter" => KeyCode::Return, "ShiftLeft" | "ShiftRight" => KeyCode::Shift, "ControlLeft" | "ControlRight" => KeyCode::Control, "AltLeft" | "AltRight" => KeyCode::Alt, "CapsLock" => KeyCode::CapsLock, "Escape" => KeyCode::Escape, "Space" => KeyCode::Space, "Digit0" => KeyCode::Key0, "Digit1" => KeyCode::Key1, "Digit2" => KeyCode::Key2, "Digit3" => KeyCode::Key3, "Digit4" => KeyCode::Key4, "Digit5" => KeyCode::Key5, "Digit6" => KeyCode::Key6, "Digit7" => KeyCode::Key7, "Digit8" => KeyCode::Key8, "Digit9" => KeyCode::Key9, "KeyA" => KeyCode::A, "KeyB" => KeyCode::B, "KeyC" => KeyCode::C, "KeyD" => KeyCode::D, "KeyE" => KeyCode::E, "KeyF" => KeyCode::F, "KeyG" => KeyCode::G, "KeyH" => KeyCode::H, "KeyI" => KeyCode::I, "KeyJ" => KeyCode::J, "KeyK" => KeyCode::K, "KeyL" => KeyCode::L, "KeyM" => KeyCode::M, "KeyN" => KeyCode::N, "KeyO" => KeyCode::O, "KeyP" => KeyCode::P, "KeyQ" => KeyCode::Q, "KeyR" => KeyCode::R, "KeyS" => KeyCode::S, "KeyT" => KeyCode::T, "KeyU" => KeyCode::U, "KeyV" => KeyCode::V, "KeyW" => KeyCode::W, "KeyX" => KeyCode::X, "KeyY" => KeyCode::Y, "KeyZ" => KeyCode::Z, "Semicolon" => KeyCode::Semicolon, "Equal" => KeyCode::Equals, "Comma" => KeyCode::Comma, "Minus" => KeyCode::Minus, "Period" => KeyCode::Period, "Slash" => KeyCode::Slash, "Backquote" => KeyCode::Grave, "BracketLeft" => KeyCode::LBracket, "Backslash" => KeyCode::Backslash, "BracketRight" => KeyCode::RBracket, "Quote" => KeyCode::Apostrophe, "Numpad0" => KeyCode::Numpad0, "Numpad1" => KeyCode::Numpad1, "Numpad2" => KeyCode::Numpad2, "Numpad3" => KeyCode::Numpad3, "Numpad4" => KeyCode::Numpad4, "Numpad5" => KeyCode::Numpad5, "Numpad6" => KeyCode::Numpad6, "Numpad7" => KeyCode::Numpad7, "Numpad8" => KeyCode::Numpad8, "Numpad9" => KeyCode::Numpad9, "NumpadMultiply" => KeyCode::Multiply, "NumpadAdd" => KeyCode::Plus, "NumpadSubtract" => KeyCode::NumpadMinus, "NumpadDecimal" => KeyCode::NumpadPeriod, "NumpadDivide" => KeyCode::NumpadSlash, "NumpadEnter" => KeyCode::Return, "PageUp" => KeyCode::PgUp, "PageDown" => KeyCode::PgDown, "End" => KeyCode::End, "Home" => KeyCode::Home, "ArrowLeft" => KeyCode::Left, "ArrowUp" => KeyCode::Up, "ArrowRight" => KeyCode::Right, "ArrowDown" => KeyCode::Down, "Insert" => KeyCode::Insert, "Delete" => KeyCode::Delete, "Pause" => KeyCode::Pause, "NumLock" => KeyCode::NumLock, "ScrollLock" => KeyCode::ScrollLock, "F1" => KeyCode::F1, "F2" => KeyCode::F2, "F3" => KeyCode::F3, "F4" => KeyCode::F4, "F5" => KeyCode::F5, "F6" => KeyCode::F6, "F7" => KeyCode::F7, "F8" => KeyCode::F8, "F9" => KeyCode::F9, "F10" => KeyCode::F10, "F11" => KeyCode::F11, "F12" => KeyCode::F12, "F13" => KeyCode::F13, "F14" => KeyCode::F14, "F15" => KeyCode::F15, "F16" => KeyCode::F16, "F17" => KeyCode::F17, "F18" => KeyCode::F18, "F19" => KeyCode::F19, "F20" => KeyCode::F20, "F21" => KeyCode::F21, "F22" => KeyCode::F22, "F23" => KeyCode::F23, "F24" => KeyCode::F24, _ => KeyCode::Unknown, } } /// Convert a web `KeyboardEvent.key` value into a character codepoint. /// Return `None` if they input was not a printable character. pub fn web_key_to_codepoint(key: &str) -> Option { // TODO: This is a very cheesy way to tell if a `KeyboardEvent.key` is a printable character. // Single character strings will be an actual printable char that we can use as text input. // All the other special values are multiple characters (e.g. "ArrowLeft"). // It's probably better to explicitly match on all the variants. let mut chars = key.chars(); let (c1, c2) = (,; if c2.is_none() { // Single character. c1 } else { // Check for special characters. match key { "Backspace" => Some(8 as char), "Delete" => Some(127 as char), "Enter" => Some(13 as char), _ => None, } } } /// Convert a web `KeyboardEvent.key` value to a Ruffle `TextControlCode`, /// given the states of the modifier keys. Return `None` if there is no match. pub fn web_to_ruffle_text_control( key: &str, ctrl_key: bool, shift_key: bool, ) -> Option { let mut chars = key.chars(); let (c1, c2) = (,; if c2.is_none() { // Single character. if ctrl_key { match c1 { Some('a') => Some(TextControlCode::SelectAll), Some('c') => Some(TextControlCode::Copy), Some('v') => Some(TextControlCode::Paste), Some('x') => Some(TextControlCode::Cut), _ => None, } } else { None } } else { match key { "Enter" => Some(TextControlCode::Enter), "Delete" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::DeleteWord), "Delete" => Some(TextControlCode::Delete), "Backspace" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::BackspaceWord), "Backspace" => Some(TextControlCode::Backspace), "ArrowLeft" if ctrl_key && shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectLeftWord), "ArrowLeft" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::MoveLeftWord), "ArrowLeft" if shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectLeft), "ArrowLeft" => Some(TextControlCode::MoveLeft), "ArrowRight" if ctrl_key && shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectRightWord), "ArrowRight" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::MoveRightWord), "ArrowRight" if shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectRight), "ArrowRight" => Some(TextControlCode::MoveRight), "Home" if ctrl_key && shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectLeftDocument), "Home" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::MoveLeftDocument), "Home" if shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectLeftLine), "Home" => Some(TextControlCode::MoveLeftLine), "End" if ctrl_key && shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectRightDocument), "End" if ctrl_key => Some(TextControlCode::MoveRightDocument), "End" if shift_key => Some(TextControlCode::SelectRightLine), "End" => Some(TextControlCode::MoveRightLine), _ => None, } } }