version: 2.1 description: Ruffle - Flash Player emulator written in Rust orbs: win: circleci/windows@1.0.0 jobs: # General testing, linux + web build build: docker: - image: circleci/rust:1.42 steps: # Git checkout - checkout # Restore cached assets (cargo registry) - restore_cache: keys: - v4-cargo-cache-linux-{{ .Revision }} - v4-cargo-cache-linux- # Install dependencies - run: name: Setup command: | rustup toolchain install stable rustup run stable rustc --version --verbose rustup component add --toolchain stable clippy rustup run stable cargo clippy --version rustup component add --toolchain stable rustfmt rustup run stable cargo fmt --version sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install libasound2-dev # Required for cpal crate on Linux curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs curl -sSf | sh mkdir workspace # Run tests - run: name: Tests command: | rustup run stable cargo test --package=ruffle_core # Run cargo clippy and fmt - run: name: Clippy + Format command: | rustup run stable cargo clippy --all --tests -- -D warnings rustup run stable cargo fmt --all -- --check # Build the linux binary - run: name: Linux Build command: | rustup run stable cargo build --package ruffle_desktop --release mkdir linux cp target/release/ruffle_desktop linux/ruffle cp LICENSE_APACHE LICENSE_MIT linux cd linux tar -czvf ../workspace/linux.tar.gz * # Build the web self-hosted binary - run: name: Web Build command: | cd web/selfhosted npm install npm run build -- --mode=production cd dist cp ../../../ . cp ../../../LICENSE_APACHE . cp ../../../LICENSE_MIT . zip -r . cd ../../.. mkdir -p workspace/web cp web/selfhosted/dist/ workspace/ # Build the wasm demo binary - run: name: Web Demo Build command: | cd web/demo npm install npm run build -- --mode=production cd ../.. mkdir -p workspace/web-demo cp web/demo/dist/* workspace/web-demo # Build the web extension - run: name: Extension Build command: | cd web/extension npm install npm run build -- --mode=production cd build cp ../../../ . cp ../../../LICENSE_APACHE . cp ../../../LICENSE_MIT . zip -r . cd ../../.. cp web/extension/build/ workspace # Save cached assets - save_cache: key: v4-cargo-cache-linux-{{ .Revision }} paths: - "/usr/local/cargo/registry" - "./target" # Persist build artifacts for deploy job - persist_to_workspace: root: workspace paths: - linux.tar.gz - - - web-demo # OSX Build build_osx: macos: xcode: "9.3.0" steps: # Git checkout - checkout # Restore cached assets (cargo registry) - restore_cache: keys: - v4-cargo-cache-osx-{{ .Revision }} - v4-cargo-cache-osx- # Install dependencies - run: name: Setup command: | # Install rustup curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y source $HOME/.cargo/env # Install stable rust toolchain rustup toolchain install stable rustup run stable rustc --version --verbose rustup run stable cargo --version --verbose mkdir workspace # Build the OSX binary - run: name: OSX Build command: | source $HOME/.cargo/env rustup run stable cargo build --package ruffle_desktop --release mkdir osx cp target/release/ruffle_desktop osx/ruffle cp LICENSE_APACHE LICENSE_MIT osx cd osx tar -czvf ../workspace/osx.tar.gz * # Save cached assets - save_cache: key: v4-cargo-cache-osx-{{ .Revision }} paths: - "~/.cargo/registry" - "./target" # Persist build artifacts for deploy job - persist_to_workspace: root: workspace paths: - osx.tar.gz # Windows build build_windows: executor: name: win/vs2019 shell: powershell.exe steps: # Git checkout - checkout # Restore cached assets (cargo registry) - restore_cache: keys: - v4-cargo-cache-windows-{{ .Revision }} - v4-cargo-cache-windows- # Install dependencies - run: name: Install dependencies command: | # Install rustup $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient $client.DownloadFile('', "$pwd\rustup-init.exe") .\rustup-init.exe -y mkdir workspace # Build the Windows binary - run: name: Windows Build command: | # This is necessary because otherwise cargo fails when trying to use git? mkdir .cargo Add-Content .cargo\config "[net]`ngit-fetch-with-cli = true" rustup run stable rustc --version --verbose rustup run stable cargo --version --verbose rustup run stable cargo build --package ruffle_desktop --release mkdir windows copy target\release\ruffle_desktop.exe windows\ruffle.exe copy windows copy LICENSE_APACHE windows copy LICENSE_MIT windows\ # Have to turn off progress bar or CI explodes?! $progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue' Compress-Archive -Path windows\* -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath workspace\ # Save cached assets - save_cache: key: v4-cargo-cache-windows-{{ .Revision }} paths: - c:\users\circleci\.cargo\registry - target # Persist build artifacts for deploy job - persist_to_workspace: root: workspace paths: - # Upload builds to S3 deploy: docker: - image: circleci/python:3.7-stretch steps: # Access build artifacts in workspace - attach_workspace: at: workspace # Set environment variables for nightly build name - run: name: Environment vars command: | echo 'export SHORT_GIT_HASH=$(echo $CIRCLE_SHA1 | cut -c -7)' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export BUILD_ID=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")_${SHORT_GIT_HASH}' >> $BASH_ENV echo 'export NUM_BUILDS=27' >> $BASH_ENV # Install AWS CLI - run: name: Install awscli command: sudo pip install awscli - run: name: Sync with S3 command: | mkdir -p builds aws s3 sync s3://ruffle-rs/builds builds - run: name: Check if stale build command: | # Check if files exist with this Git commit ID. # If so, this isn't a new commit, so cancel the deployment. if ls builds/linux/*${SHORT_GIT_HASH}.tar.gz 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "No new commits; cancelling deploy" circleci-agent step halt fi - run: name: Deploy to S3 command: | rm -f builds/web-demo/*.wasm rm -f builds/web-demo/*.js rm -f builds/web-demo/*.html mkdir -p builds/linux cp -f workspace/linux.tar.gz builds/linux/ruffle_linux_latest.tar.gz cp -f workspace/linux.tar.gz builds/linux/ruffle_linux_${BUILD_ID}.tar.gz mkdir -p builds/osx cp -f workspace/osx.tar.gz builds/osx/ruffle_osx_latest.tar.gz cp -f workspace/osx.tar.gz builds/osx/ruffle_osx_${BUILD_ID}.tar.gz mkdir -p builds/windows cp -f workspace/ builds/windows/ cp -f workspace/ builds/windows/ruffle_windows_${BUILD_ID}.zip mkdir -p builds/web cp -f workspace/ builds/web/ cp -f workspace/ builds/web/ruffle_web_${BUILD_ID}.zip mkdir -p builds/extension cp -f workspace/ builds/extension/ cp -f workspace/ builds/extension/ruffle_extension_${BUILD_ID}.zip # Only keep a certain # of builds. ls -1t builds/linux/* | tail -n +${NUM_BUILDS} | xargs rm -f ls -1t builds/osx/* | tail -n +${NUM_BUILDS} | xargs rm -f ls -1t builds/windows/* | tail -n +${NUM_BUILDS} | xargs rm -f ls -1t builds/web/* | tail -n +${NUM_BUILDS} | xargs rm -f ls -1t builds/extension/* | tail -n +${NUM_BUILDS} | xargs rm -f # Copy over web demo. cp -rf workspace/web-demo builds # Upload to S3. # S3 currently gives .wasm files the wrong MIME type, so have to upload that separately. aws s3 sync builds s3://ruffle-rs/builds --acl public-read --exclude '*.wasm' --delete aws s3 sync builds s3://ruffle-rs/builds --acl public-read --exclude '*' --include '*.wasm' --delete --content-type 'application/wasm' # By default, S3 serves workflows: version: 2 # Basic linux build on each push or pull request to the repo commit_build: jobs: - build # Nightly builds nightly_build: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: - master jobs: - build - build_osx - build_windows - deploy: requires: - build - build_osx - build_windows