use ruffle_core::backend::render::swf::{self, CharacterId, Color, FillStyle, LineStyle, Shape}; use ruffle_core::matrix::Matrix; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use svg::node::element::{ path::Data, Definitions, Image, LinearGradient, Path as SvgPath, Pattern, RadialGradient, Stop, }; use svg::Document; pub fn swf_shape_to_svg(shape: &Shape, bitmaps: &HashMap) -> String { // Some browsers will vomit if you try to load/draw an image with 0 width/height. // TODO(Herschel): Might be better to just return None in this case and skip // rendering altogether. let (width, height) = ( f32::max(shape.shape_bounds.x_max - shape.shape_bounds.x_min, 1.0), f32::max(shape.shape_bounds.y_max - shape.shape_bounds.y_min, 1.0), ); let mut document = Document::new() .set("width", width) .set("height", height) .set( "viewBox", ( shape.shape_bounds.x_min, shape.shape_bounds.y_min, width, height, ), ) .set("xmlns:xlink", ""); let mut bitmap_defs = HashSet::::new(); let mut defs = Definitions::new(); let mut num_defs = 0; let mut svg_paths = vec![]; let (paths, strokes) = swf_shape_to_paths(shape); for path in paths { let mut svg_path = SvgPath::new(); svg_path = svg_path.set( "fill", match path.fill_style { FillStyle::Color(Color { r, g, b, a }) => { format!("rgba({},{},{},{})", r, g, b, f32::from(a) / 255.0) } FillStyle::LinearGradient(gradient) => { let matrix = Matrix::from(gradient.matrix); let shift = Matrix { a: 1638.4 / width, d: 1638.4 / height, tx: -819.2, ty: -819.2, ..Default::default() }; let gradient_matrix = matrix * shift; let mut svg_gradient = LinearGradient::new() .set("id", format!("f{}", num_defs)) .set("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse") .set( "gradientTransform", format!( "matrix({} {} {} {} {} {})", gradient_matrix.a, gradient_matrix.b, gradient_matrix.c, gradient_matrix.d, gradient_matrix.tx, gradient_matrix.ty ), ); for record in &gradient.records { let stop = Stop::new() .set("offset", format!("{}%", f32::from(record.ratio) / 2.55)) .set( "stop-color", format!( "rgba({},{},{},{})", record.color.r, record.color.g, record.color.b, f32::from(record.color.a) / 255.0 ), ); svg_gradient = svg_gradient.add(stop); } defs = defs.add(svg_gradient); let fill_id = format!("url(#f{})", num_defs); num_defs += 1; fill_id } FillStyle::RadialGradient(gradient) => { let matrix = Matrix::from(gradient.matrix); let shift = Matrix { a: 1638.4 / width, d: 1638.4 / height, tx: -819.2, ty: -819.2, ..Default::default() }; let gradient_matrix = matrix * shift; let mut svg_gradient = RadialGradient::new() .set("id", format!("f{}", num_defs)) .set("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse") .set( "gradientTransform", format!( "matrix({} {} {} {} {} {})", gradient_matrix.a, gradient_matrix.b, gradient_matrix.c, gradient_matrix.d, gradient_matrix.tx, gradient_matrix.ty ), ); for record in &gradient.records { let stop = Stop::new() .set("offset", format!("{}%", f32::from(record.ratio) / 2.55)) .set( "stop-color", format!( "rgba({},{},{},{})", record.color.r, record.color.g, record.color.b, record.color.a ), ); svg_gradient = svg_gradient.add(stop); } defs = defs.add(svg_gradient); let fill_id = format!("url(#f{})", num_defs); num_defs += 1; fill_id } FillStyle::FocalGradient { gradient, focal_point, } => { let matrix = Matrix::from(gradient.matrix); let shift = Matrix { a: 1638.4 / width, d: 1638.4 / height, tx: -819.2, ty: -819.2, ..Default::default() }; let gradient_matrix = matrix * shift; let mut svg_gradient = RadialGradient::new() .set("id", format!("f{}", num_defs)) .set("fx", -focal_point) .set("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse") .set( "gradientTransform", format!( "matrix({} {} {} {} {} {})", gradient_matrix.a, gradient_matrix.b, gradient_matrix.c, gradient_matrix.d, gradient_matrix.tx, gradient_matrix.ty ), ); for record in &gradient.records { let stop = Stop::new() .set("offset", format!("{}%", f32::from(record.ratio) / 2.55)) .set( "stop-color", format!( "rgba({},{},{},{})", record.color.r, record.color.g, record.color.b, record.color.a ), ); svg_gradient = svg_gradient.add(stop); } defs = defs.add(svg_gradient); let fill_id = format!("url(#f{})", num_defs); num_defs += 1; fill_id } FillStyle::Bitmap { id, matrix, .. } => { let (bitmap_data, bitmap_width, bitmap_height) = bitmaps.get(&id).unwrap_or(&("", 0, 0)); if !bitmap_defs.contains(&id) { let image = Image::new() .set("width", *bitmap_width) .set("height", *bitmap_height) .set("xlink:href", *bitmap_data); let bitmap_pattern = Pattern::new() .set("id", format!("b{}", id)) .set("width", *bitmap_width) .set("height", *bitmap_height) .set("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse") .add(image); defs = defs.add(bitmap_pattern); bitmap_defs.insert(id); } log::info!("{:?}", matrix); let a = Matrix::from(matrix); // let shift = Matrix { // a: 1.0 / 20.0, // a: 1.0 / 20.0, // d: 1.0 / 20.0, // tx: 0.0, //-819.2, // ty: 0.0, //-819.2, // ..Default::default() // }; let mut bitmap_matrix = a; bitmap_matrix.a /= 20.0; bitmap_matrix.b /= 20.0; bitmap_matrix.c /= 20.0; bitmap_matrix.d /= 20.0; let svg_pattern = Pattern::new() .set("id", format!("f{}", num_defs)) .set("xlink:href", format!("#b{}", id)) .set( "patternTransform", format!( "matrix({} {} {} {} {} {})", bitmap_matrix.a, bitmap_matrix.b, bitmap_matrix.c, bitmap_matrix.d, bitmap_matrix.tx, bitmap_matrix.ty ), ); defs = defs.add(svg_pattern); let fill_id = format!("url(#f{})", num_defs); num_defs += 1; fill_id } }, ); let mut data = Data::new(); for subpath in &path.subpaths { //svg_paths.push_str(&format!("M{} {}", subpath.start.0, subpath.start.1)); data = data.move_to(subpath.start); for edge in &subpath.edges { match edge { SubpathEdge::Straight(x, y) => { data = data.line_to((*x, *y)); } SubpathEdge::Bezier(cx, cy, ax, ay) => { data = data.quadratic_curve_to((*cx, *cy, *ax, *ay)); } } } } svg_path = svg_path.set("d", data); svg_paths.push(svg_path); } for stroke in strokes { let mut svg_path = SvgPath::new(); let line_style = stroke.line_style.unwrap(); svg_path = svg_path .set("fill", "none") .set( "stroke", format!( "rgba({},{},{},{})", line_style.color.r, line_style.color.g, line_style.color.b, line_style.color.a ), ) .set("width", f32::from(line_style.width) / 20.0); let mut data = Data::new(); for subpath in &stroke.subpaths { data = data.move_to(subpath.start); for edge in &subpath.edges { match edge { SubpathEdge::Straight(x, y) => { data = data.line_to((*x, *y)); } SubpathEdge::Bezier(cx, cy, ax, ay) => { data = data.quadratic_curve_to((*cx, *cy, *ax, *ay)); } } } } svg_path = svg_path.set("d", data); svg_paths.push(svg_path); } if num_defs > 0 { document = document.add(defs); } for svg_path in svg_paths { document = document.add(svg_path); } document.to_string() } struct Stroke { path: Path, line_style: LineStyle, } // TODO(Herschel): Iterater-ize this. pub fn swf_shape_to_paths(shape: &Shape) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut layers = vec![]; let mut paths = HashMap::::new(); let mut stroke_paths = HashMap::::new(); let mut x = 0f32; let mut y = 0f32; let mut fill_style_0 = 0; let mut fill_style_1 = 0; let mut line_style = 0; let mut fill_styles = &shape.styles.fill_styles; let mut line_styles = &shape.styles.line_styles; for record in &shape.shape { use swf::ShapeRecord::*; match record { StyleChange(style_change) => { if let Some((move_x, move_y)) = style_change.move_to { x = move_x; y = move_y; } if let Some(i) = style_change.fill_style_0 { fill_style_0 = i; } if let Some(i) = style_change.fill_style_1 { fill_style_1 = i; } if let Some(i) = style_change.line_style { line_style = i; } if let Some(ref new_styles) = style_change.new_styles { // TODO layers.push((paths, stroke_paths)); paths = HashMap::new(); stroke_paths = HashMap::new(); fill_styles = &new_styles.fill_styles; line_styles = &new_styles.line_styles; } } StraightEdge { delta_x, delta_y } => { if fill_style_0 != 0 { let path = paths.entry(fill_style_0).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new(fill_styles[fill_style_0 as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge((x + delta_x, y + delta_y), SubpathEdge::Straight(x, y)); } if fill_style_1 != 0 { let path = paths.entry(fill_style_1).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new(fill_styles[fill_style_1 as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge((x, y), SubpathEdge::Straight(x + delta_x, y + delta_y)); } if line_style != 0 { let path = stroke_paths.entry(line_style).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new_stroke(line_styles[line_style as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge((x, y), SubpathEdge::Straight(x + delta_x, y + delta_y)); } x += delta_x; y += delta_y; } CurvedEdge { control_delta_x, control_delta_y, anchor_delta_x, anchor_delta_y, } => { if fill_style_0 != 0 { let path = paths.entry(fill_style_0).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new(fill_styles[fill_style_0 as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge( ( x + control_delta_x + anchor_delta_x, y + control_delta_y + anchor_delta_y, ), SubpathEdge::Bezier(x + control_delta_x, y + control_delta_y, x, y), ); } if fill_style_1 != 0 { let path = paths.entry(fill_style_1).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new(fill_styles[fill_style_1 as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge( (x, y), SubpathEdge::Bezier( x + control_delta_x, y + control_delta_y, x + control_delta_x + anchor_delta_x, y + control_delta_y + anchor_delta_y, ), ); } if line_style != 0 { let path = stroke_paths.entry(line_style).or_insert_with(|| { Path::new_stroke(line_styles[line_style as usize - 1].clone()) }); path.add_edge( (x, y), SubpathEdge::Bezier( x + control_delta_x, y + control_delta_y, x + control_delta_x + anchor_delta_x, y + control_delta_y + anchor_delta_y, ), ); } x += control_delta_x + anchor_delta_x; y += control_delta_y + anchor_delta_y; } } } layers.push((paths, stroke_paths)); let mut out_paths = vec![]; let mut out_strokes = vec![]; for (paths, strokes) in layers { for (_, path) in paths { out_paths.push(path); } for (_, stroke) in strokes { out_strokes.push(stroke); } } (out_paths, out_strokes) } pub struct Path { fill_style: FillStyle, line_style: Option, subpaths: Vec, } impl Path { fn new(fill_style: FillStyle) -> Path { Path { fill_style, line_style: None, subpaths: vec![], } } fn new_stroke(line_style: LineStyle) -> Path { Path { fill_style: FillStyle::Color(Color { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, }), line_style: Some(line_style), subpaths: vec![], } } fn add_edge(&mut self, start: (f32, f32), edge: SubpathEdge) { let new_subpath = Subpath { start, end: match edge { SubpathEdge::Straight(x, y) => (x, y), SubpathEdge::Bezier(_cx, _cy, ax, ay) => (ax, ay), }, edges: { let mut edges = VecDeque::new(); edges.push_back(edge); edges }, }; self.merge_subpath(new_subpath); } fn merge_subpath(&mut self, mut subpath: Subpath) { fn approx_eq(a: (f32, f32), b: (f32, f32)) -> bool { let dx = a.0 - b.0; let dy = a.1 - b.1; const EPSILON: f32 = 0.0001; dx.abs() < EPSILON && dy.abs() < EPSILON } let mut subpath_index = None; for (i, other) in self.subpaths.iter_mut().enumerate() { if approx_eq(subpath.end, other.start) { other.start = subpath.start; for edge in subpath.edges.iter().rev() { other.edges.push_front(*edge); } subpath_index = Some(i); break; } if approx_eq(other.end, subpath.start) { other.end = subpath.end; other.edges.append(&mut subpath.edges); subpath_index = Some(i); break; } } if let Some(i) = subpath_index { let subpath = self.subpaths.swap_remove(i); self.merge_subpath(subpath); } else { self.subpaths.push(subpath); } } } struct Subpath { start: (f32, f32), end: (f32, f32), edges: VecDeque, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum SubpathEdge { Straight(f32, f32), Bezier(f32, f32, f32, f32), }