const replace = require("replace-in-file"); const fs = require("fs"); const bundled_texts = {}; const locales = []; fs.readdirSync("texts", { withFileTypes: true }).forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isDirectory()) { locales.push(; } }); // For build reproducibility, sort the locales to make sure we don't accidentally rearrange them on different machines. // The actual order isn't important, just that it's the same. locales.sort(); locales.forEach((locale) => { const files = []; fs.readdirSync("texts/" + locale, { withFileTypes: true }).forEach( (entry) => { if (entry.isFile() &&".ftl")) { files.push(; } } ); files.sort(); if (files.length > 0) { bundled_texts[locale] = {}; files.forEach((filename) => { bundled_texts[locale][filename] = fs .readFileSync("texts/" + locale + "/" + filename, "utf8") .replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); }); } }); const options = { files: "dist/**", from: [/\{\s*\/\*\s*%BUNDLED_TEXTS%\s*\*\/\s*}/g], to: [ JSON.stringify(bundled_texts, null, 2).replace( // Escape most non-ASCII characters to prevent strings from looking broken on non-UTF-8 encoded pages. /[\u{0080}-\u{FFFF}]/gu, (char) => { const code = char.charCodeAt(0); if (code > 0xff) { return `\\u${code.toString(16).padStart(4, "0")}`; } else { return `\\x${code.toString(16)}`; } } ), ], }; replace.sync(options);