use futures::executor::block_on; use image::RgbaImage; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use ruffle_core::backend::audio::NullAudioBackend; use ruffle_core::backend::input::NullInputBackend; use ruffle_core::backend::navigator::NullNavigatorBackend; use ruffle_core::backend::storage::MemoryStorageBackend; use ruffle_core::tag_utils::SwfMovie; use ruffle_core::Player; use ruffle_render_wgpu::target::TextureTarget; use ruffle_render_wgpu::WgpuRenderBackend; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::create_dir_all; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::rc::Rc; use structopt::StructOpt; use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir}; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct SizeOpt { /// The amount to scale the page size with #[structopt(long = "scale", default_value = "1.0")] scale: f32, /// Optionaly override the output width #[structopt(long = "width")] width: Option, /// Optionaly override the output height #[structopt(long = "height")] height: Option, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] struct Opt { /// The file or directory of files to export frames from #[structopt(name = "swf", parse(from_os_str))] swf: PathBuf, /// The file or directory (if multiple frames/files) to store the capture in. /// The default value will either be: /// - If given one swf and one frame, the name of the swf + ".png" /// - If given one swf and multiple frames, the name of the swf as a directory /// - If given multiple swfs, this field is required. #[structopt(name = "output", parse(from_os_str))] output_path: Option, /// Number of frames to capture per file #[structopt(short = "f", long = "frames", default_value = "1")] frames: u32, /// Number of frames to skip #[structopt(long = "skipframes", default_value = "0")] skipframes: u32, /// Don't show a progress bar #[structopt(short, long)] silent: bool, #[structopt(flatten)] size: SizeOpt, } fn take_screenshot( device: Rc, queue: Rc, swf_path: &Path, frames: u32, skipframes: u32, progress: &Option, size: SizeOpt, ) -> Result, Box> { let movie = SwfMovie::from_path(&swf_path)?; let width = size.width.unwrap_or_else(|| movie.width()); let width = (width as f32 * size.scale).round() as u32; let height = size.height.unwrap_or_else(|| movie.height()); let height = (height as f32 * size.scale).round() as u32; let target = TextureTarget::new(&device, (width, height)); let player = Player::new( Box::new(WgpuRenderBackend::new(device, queue, target)?), Box::new(NullAudioBackend::new()), Box::new(NullNavigatorBackend::new()), Box::new(NullInputBackend::new()), movie, Box::new(MemoryStorageBackend::default()), )?; player .lock() .unwrap() .set_viewport_dimensions(width, height); let mut result = Vec::new(); let totalframes = frames + skipframes; for i in 0..totalframes { if let Some(progress) = &progress { progress.set_message(&format!( "{} frame {}", swf_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), i )); } player.lock().unwrap().run_frame(); if i >= skipframes { player.lock().unwrap().render(); let mut player = player.lock().unwrap(); let renderer = player .renderer_mut() .downcast_mut::>() .unwrap(); let target =; if let Some(image) = target.capture(renderer.device()) { result.push(image); } else { return Err(format!("Unable to capture frame {} of {:?}", i, swf_path).into()); } } if let Some(progress) = &progress {; } } Ok(result) } fn find_files(root: &Path, with_progress: bool) -> Vec { let progress = if with_progress { Some(ProgressBar::new_spinner()) } else { None }; let mut results = Vec::new(); for entry in WalkDir::new(root) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) { let f_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy(); if f_name.ends_with(".swf") { results.push(entry); if let Some(progress) = &progress { progress.set_message(&format!("Searching for swf files... {}", results.len())); } } } if let Some(progress) = &progress { progress.finish_with_message(&format!("Found {} swf files to export", results.len())); } results } fn capture_single_swf( device: Rc, queue: Rc, opt: &Opt, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let output = opt.output_path.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| { let mut result = PathBuf::new(); if opt.frames == 1 { result.set_file_name(opt.swf.file_stem().unwrap()); result.set_extension("png"); } else { result.set_file_name(opt.swf.file_stem().unwrap()); } result }); if opt.frames > 1 { let _ = create_dir_all(&output); } let progress = if !opt.silent { let progress = ProgressBar::new(opt.frames as u64); progress.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template( "[{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} [{eta_precise}] {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg}", ) .progress_chars("##-"), ); Some(progress) } else { None }; let frames = take_screenshot( device, queue, &opt.swf, opt.frames, opt.skipframes, &progress, opt.size, )?; if let Some(progress) = &progress { progress.set_message(&opt.swf.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy()); } if frames.len() == 1 { frames.get(0).unwrap().save(&output)?; } else { for (frame, image) in frames.iter().enumerate() { let mut path = PathBuf::from(&output); path.push(format!("{}.png", frame));; } } let message = if frames.len() == 1 { format!( "Saved first frame of {} to {}", opt.swf.to_string_lossy(), output.to_string_lossy() ) } else { format!( "Saved first {} frames of {} to {}", frames.len(), opt.swf.to_string_lossy(), output.to_string_lossy() ) }; if let Some(progress) = progress { progress.finish_with_message(&message); } else { println!("{}", message); } Ok(()) } fn capture_multiple_swfs( device: Rc, queue: Rc, opt: &Opt, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let output = opt.output_path.clone().unwrap(); let files = find_files(&opt.swf, !opt.silent); let progress = if !opt.silent { let progress = ProgressBar::new((files.len() as u64) * (opt.frames as u64)); progress.set_style( ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template( "[{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} [{eta_precise}] {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg}", ) .progress_chars("##-"), ); Some(progress) } else { None }; for file in &files { let frames = take_screenshot( device.clone(), queue.clone(), &file.path(), opt.frames, opt.skipframes, &progress, opt.size, )?; if let Some(progress) = &progress { progress.set_message(&file.path().file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy()); } let mut relative_path = file .path() .strip_prefix(&opt.swf) .unwrap_or_else(|_| &file.path()) .to_path_buf(); if frames.len() == 1 { let mut destination = PathBuf::from(&output); relative_path.set_extension("png"); destination.push(relative_path); if let Some(parent) = destination.parent() { let _ = create_dir_all(parent); } frames.get(0).unwrap().save(&destination)?; } else { let mut parent = PathBuf::from(&output); relative_path.set_extension(""); parent.push(&relative_path); let _ = create_dir_all(&parent); for (frame, image) in frames.iter().enumerate() { let mut destination = parent.clone(); destination.push(format!("{}.png", frame));; } } } let message = if opt.frames == 1 { format!( "Saved first frame of {} files to {}", files.len(), output.to_string_lossy() ) } else { format!( "Saved first {} frames of {} files to {}", opt.frames, files.len(), output.to_string_lossy() ) }; if let Some(progress) = progress { progress.finish_with_message(&message); } else { println!("{}", message); } Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let opt: Opt = Opt::from_args(); let adapter = block_on(wgpu::Adapter::request( &wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions { power_preference: wgpu::PowerPreference::Default, compatible_surface: None, }, wgpu::BackendBit::PRIMARY, )) .ok_or_else(|| { "This tool requires hardware acceleration, but no compatible graphics device was found." })?; let (device, queue) = block_on(adapter.request_device(&wgpu::DeviceDescriptor { extensions: wgpu::Extensions { anisotropic_filtering: false, }, limits: wgpu::Limits::default(), })); if opt.swf.is_file() { capture_single_swf(Rc::new(device), Rc::new(queue), &opt)?; } else if opt.output_path.is_some() { capture_multiple_swfs(Rc::new(device), Rc::new(queue), &opt)?; } else { return Err("Output directory is required when exporting multiple files.".into()); } Ok(()) }