use crate::avm1::movie_clip::create_movie_object; use crate::avm1::object::{Object, TYPE_OF_MOVIE_CLIP}; use crate::avm1::Value; use crate::backend::audio::AudioStreamHandle; use crate::character::Character; use crate::display_object::{DisplayObject, DisplayObjectBase}; use crate::font::Font; use crate::graphic::Graphic; use crate::matrix::Matrix; use crate::morph_shape::MorphShapeStatic; use crate::player::{RenderContext, UpdateContext}; use crate::prelude::*; use crate::tag_utils::{self, DecodeResult, SwfStream}; use crate::text::Text; use gc_arena::{Gc, GcCell, MutationContext}; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use swf::read::SwfRead; type Depth = i16; type FrameNumber = u16; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct MovieClip<'gc> { base: DisplayObjectBase<'gc>, static_data: Gc<'gc, MovieClipStatic>, tag_stream_pos: u64, is_playing: bool, goto_queue: Vec, current_frame: FrameNumber, audio_stream: Option, children: BTreeMap>, object: GcCell<'gc, Object<'gc>>, } impl<'gc> MovieClip<'gc> { pub fn new(gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>) -> Self { Self { base: Default::default(), static_data: Gc::allocate(gc_context, MovieClipStatic::default()), tag_stream_pos: 0, is_playing: false, goto_queue: Vec::new(), current_frame: 0, audio_stream: None, children: BTreeMap::new(), object: GcCell::allocate(gc_context, create_movie_object(gc_context)), } } pub fn new_with_data( gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, id: CharacterId, tag_stream_start: u64, tag_stream_len: usize, num_frames: u16, ) -> Self { Self { base: Default::default(), static_data: Gc::allocate( gc_context, MovieClipStatic { id, tag_stream_start, tag_stream_len, total_frames: num_frames, audio_stream_info: None, frame_labels: HashMap::new(), }, ), tag_stream_pos: 0, is_playing: true, goto_queue: Vec::new(), current_frame: 0, audio_stream: None, children: BTreeMap::new(), object: GcCell::allocate(gc_context, create_movie_object(gc_context)), } } pub fn playing(&self) -> bool { self.is_playing } pub fn next_frame(&mut self) { if self.current_frame() < self.total_frames() { self.goto_frame(self.current_frame + 1, true); } } pub fn play(&mut self) { // Can only play clips with multiple frames. if self.total_frames() > 1 { self.is_playing = true; } } pub fn prev_frame(&mut self) { if self.current_frame > 1 { self.goto_frame(self.current_frame - 1, true); } } pub fn stop(&mut self) { self.is_playing = false; } /// Queues up a goto to the specified frame. /// `frame` should be 1-based. pub fn goto_frame(&mut self, frame: FrameNumber, stop: bool) { if frame != self.current_frame { self.goto_queue.push(frame); } if stop { self.stop(); } else {; } } pub fn x(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix().tx / Twips::TWIPS_PER_PIXEL as f32 } pub fn set_x(&mut self, val: f32) { self.matrix_mut().tx = val * Twips::TWIPS_PER_PIXEL as f32; } pub fn y(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix().ty / Twips::TWIPS_PER_PIXEL as f32 } pub fn set_y(&mut self, val: f32) { self.matrix_mut().ty = val * Twips::TWIPS_PER_PIXEL as f32; } pub fn x_scale(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix().a * 100.0 } pub fn set_x_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { self.matrix_mut().a = val / 100.0; } pub fn y_scale(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix().d * 100.0 } pub fn set_y_scale(&mut self, val: f32) { self.matrix_mut().d = val / 100.0; } pub fn current_frame(&self) -> FrameNumber { self.current_frame } pub fn total_frames(&self) -> FrameNumber { self.static_data.total_frames } pub fn rotation(&self) -> f32 { // TODO: Cache the user-friendly transform values like rotation. let matrix = self.matrix(); f32::atan2(matrix.b, matrix.a).to_degrees() } pub fn set_rotation(&mut self, degrees: f32) { // TODO: Use cached user-friendly transform values. let angle = degrees.to_radians(); let cos = f32::cos(angle); let sin = f32::sin(angle); let scale_x = self.x_scale() / 100.0; let scale_y = self.y_scale() / 100.0; let matrix = self.matrix_mut(); *matrix = Matrix { a: scale_x * cos, b: scale_x * sin, c: scale_y * cos, d: -scale_y * sin, tx: matrix.tx, ty: matrix.ty, }; } pub fn frames_loaded(&self) -> FrameNumber { // TODO(Herschel): root needs to progressively stream in frames. self.static_data.total_frames } pub fn get_child_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&DisplayNode<'gc>> { // TODO: Make a HashMap from name -> child? self.children .values() .find(|child| == name) } pub fn frame_label_to_number(&self, frame_label: &str) -> Option { self.static_data.frame_labels.get(frame_label).copied() } pub fn run_goto_queue(&mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>) { let mut i = 0; while i < self.goto_queue.len() { let frame = self.goto_queue[i]; if self.current_frame != frame { self.run_goto(context, frame); } i += 1; } self.goto_queue.clear(); } fn tag_stream_start(&self) -> u64 { self.static_data.tag_stream_start } fn tag_stream_len(&self) -> usize { self.static_data.tag_stream_len } fn reader<'a>( &self, context: &UpdateContext<'a, '_, '_>, ) -> swf::read::Reader> { let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new( &context.swf_data[self.tag_stream_start() as usize ..self.tag_stream_start() as usize + self.tag_stream_len()], ); cursor.set_position(self.tag_stream_pos); swf::read::Reader::new(cursor, context.swf_version) } fn run_frame_internal( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, run_display_actions: bool, ) { // Advance frame number. if self.current_frame() < self.total_frames() { self.current_frame += 1; } else if self.total_frames() > 1 { // Looping acts exactly like a gotoAndPlay(1). // Specifically, object that existed on frame 1 should not be destroyed // and recreated. self.run_goto(context, 1); return; } else { // Single frame clips do not play. self.stop(); } let _tag_pos = self.tag_stream_pos; let mut reader = self.reader(context); use swf::TagCode; let tag_callback = |reader: &mut _, tag_code, tag_len| match tag_code { TagCode::DoAction => self.do_action(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::PlaceObject if run_display_actions => { self.place_object(context, reader, tag_len, 1) } TagCode::PlaceObject2 if run_display_actions => { self.place_object(context, reader, tag_len, 2) } TagCode::PlaceObject3 if run_display_actions => { self.place_object(context, reader, tag_len, 3) } TagCode::PlaceObject4 if run_display_actions => { self.place_object(context, reader, tag_len, 4) } TagCode::RemoveObject if run_display_actions => self.remove_object(context, reader, 1), TagCode::RemoveObject2 if run_display_actions => self.remove_object(context, reader, 2), TagCode::SetBackgroundColor => self.set_background_color(context, reader), TagCode::StartSound => self.start_sound_1(context, reader), TagCode::SoundStreamBlock => self.sound_stream_block(context, reader), _ => Ok(()), }; let _ = tag_utils::decode_tags(&mut reader, tag_callback, TagCode::ShowFrame); self.tag_stream_pos = reader.get_ref().position(); } fn instantiate_child( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, id: CharacterId, depth: Depth, copy_previous_properties: bool, ) -> Option> { if let Ok(child) = context .library .instantiate_display_object(id, context.gc_context) { let prev_child = self.children.insert(depth, child); { let mut child = child.write(context.gc_context); child.set_parent(Some(context.active_clip)); child.set_place_frame(self.current_frame); if copy_previous_properties { if let Some(prev_child) = prev_child { child.copy_display_properties_from(prev_child); } } } Some(child) } else { log::error!("Unable to instantiate display node id {}", id); None } } fn run_goto(&mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, frame: FrameNumber) { // Flash gotos are tricky: // 1) MovieClip timelines are stored as deltas from frame to frame, // so we have to step through the intermediate frames to goto a target frame. // For rewinds, this means starting from frame 1. // 2) Objects that would persist over the goto should not be recreated and destroyed, // they should keep their properties. // Particularly for rewinds, the object should persist if it was create // *before* the frame we are going to. (DisplayNode::place_frame). // 3) We want to avoid creating objects just to destroy them if they aren't on // the goto frame, so we should instead aggregate the deltas into a list // of commands at the end of the goto, and THEN create the needed objects. // This map will maintain a map of depth -> placement commands. let mut goto_commands = fnv::FnvHashMap::default(); let is_rewind = if frame < self.current_frame() { // Because we can only step forward, we have to start at frame 1 // when rewinding. self.tag_stream_pos = 0; self.current_frame = 0; true } else { false }; // Step through the intermediate frames, and aggregate the deltas of each frame. let mut frame_pos = self.tag_stream_pos; let mut reader = self.reader(context); while self.current_frame < frame { self.current_frame += 1; frame_pos = reader.get_inner().position(); use swf::TagCode; let tag_callback = |reader: &mut _, tag_code, tag_len| match tag_code { TagCode::PlaceObject => { self.goto_place_object(reader, tag_len, 1, &mut goto_commands) } TagCode::PlaceObject2 => { self.goto_place_object(reader, tag_len, 2, &mut goto_commands) } TagCode::PlaceObject3 => { self.goto_place_object(reader, tag_len, 3, &mut goto_commands) } TagCode::PlaceObject4 => { self.goto_place_object(reader, tag_len, 4, &mut goto_commands) } TagCode::RemoveObject => { self.goto_remove_object(reader, 1, &mut goto_commands, is_rewind) } TagCode::RemoveObject2 => { self.goto_remove_object(reader, 2, &mut goto_commands, is_rewind) } _ => Ok(()), }; let _ = tag_utils::decode_tags(&mut reader, tag_callback, TagCode::ShowFrame); } let prev_active_clip = context.active_clip; // Run the final list of commands. if is_rewind { // TODO: We want to do something like self.children.retain here, // but BTreeMap::retain does not exist. let mut children = std::mem::replace(&mut self.children, BTreeMap::new()); goto_commands.into_iter().for_each(|(depth, params)| { let (was_instantiated, child) = match children.get_mut(&depth).copied() { // For rewinds, if an object was created before the final frame, // it will exist on the final frame as well. Re-use this object // instead of recreating. Some(prev_child) if <= frame => { self.children.insert(depth, prev_child); (false, prev_child) } _ => { if let Some(child) = self.instantiate_child(context,, depth, false) { (true, child) } else { return; } } }; // Apply final delta to display pamareters. let child_node = child; let mut child = child.write(context.gc_context); child.apply_place_object(params.place_object); if was_instantiated { // Set the placement frame for the new object to the frame // it is actually created on. child.set_place_frame(params.frame); // We must run newly created objects for one frame // to ensure they place any children objects. // TODO: This will probably move as our order-of-execution // becomes more accurate. context.active_clip = child_node; child.run_frame(context); context.active_clip = prev_active_clip; } }); } else { goto_commands.into_iter().for_each(|(depth, params)| { let id =; let child = if id != 0 { if let Some(child) = self.instantiate_child(context, id, depth, params.modifies_original_item()) { child } else { return; } } else if let Some(child) = self.children.get_mut(&depth) { *child } else { return; }; // Apply final delta to display pamareters. let child_node = child; let mut child = child.write(context.gc_context); child.apply_place_object(params.place_object); if id != 0 { // Set the placement frame for the new object to the frame // it is actually created on. child.set_place_frame(params.frame); // We must run newly created objects for one frame // to ensure they place any children objects. // TODO: This will probably move as our order-of-execution // becomes more accurate. context.active_clip = child_node; child.run_frame(context); context.active_clip = prev_active_clip; } }); } // Re-run the final frame to run all other tags (DoAction, StartSound, etc.) self.current_frame = frame - 1; self.tag_stream_pos = frame_pos; self.run_frame_internal(context, false); } /// Handles a PlaceObject tag when running a goto action. #[inline] fn goto_place_object<'a>( &mut self, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, version: u8, goto_commands: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, ) -> DecodeResult { let place_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_place_object(tag_len) } else { reader.read_place_object_2_or_3(version) }?; // We merge the deltas from this PlaceObject with the previous command. let depth = place_object.depth; let mut goto_place = GotoPlaceObject { frame: self.current_frame, place_object, }; goto_commands .entry(depth) .and_modify(|prev_place| prev_place.merge(&mut goto_place)) .or_insert(goto_place); Ok(()) } /// Handle a RemoveObject tag when running a goto action. #[inline] fn goto_remove_object<'a>( &mut self, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, version: u8, goto_commands: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, is_rewind: bool, ) -> DecodeResult { let remove_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_remove_object_1() } else { reader.read_remove_object_2() }?; goto_commands.remove(&remove_object.depth); if !is_rewind { // For fast-forwards, if this tag were to remove an object // that existed before the goto, then we can remove that child right away. // Don't do this for rewinds, because they conceptually // start from an empty display list, and we also want to examine // the old children to decide if they persist (place_frame <= goto_frame). self.children.remove(&remove_object.depth); } Ok(()) } } impl<'gc> DisplayObject<'gc> for MovieClip<'gc> { impl_display_object!(base); fn id(&self) -> CharacterId { } fn run_frame(&mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>) { if self.is_playing { self.run_frame_internal(context, true); } // TODO(Herschel): Verify order of execution for parent/children. // Parent first? Children first? Sorted by depth? for child in self.children.values_mut() { context.active_clip = *child; child.write(context.gc_context).run_frame(context); } } fn run_post_frame(&mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>) { self.run_goto_queue(context); for child in self.children.values() { context.active_clip = *child; child.write(context.gc_context).run_post_frame(context); } } fn render(&self, context: &mut RenderContext<'_, 'gc>) { context.transform_stack.push(self.transform()); crate::display_object::render_children(context, &self.children); context.transform_stack.pop(); } fn mouse_pick( &self, _self_node: DisplayNode<'gc>, point: (Twips, Twips), ) -> Option> { for child in self.children.values().rev() { let result =*child, point); if result.is_some() { return result; } } None } fn as_movie_clip(&self) -> Option<&crate::movie_clip::MovieClip<'gc>> { Some(self) } fn as_movie_clip_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut crate::movie_clip::MovieClip<'gc>> { Some(self) } fn post_instantiation( &mut self, gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, display_object: DisplayNode<'gc>, ) { let mut object = self.object.write(gc_context); object.set_display_node(display_object); object.set_type_of(TYPE_OF_MOVIE_CLIP); } fn object(&self) -> Value<'gc> { Value::Object(self.object) } } unsafe impl<'gc> gc_arena::Collect for MovieClip<'gc> { #[inline] fn trace(&self, cc: gc_arena::CollectionContext) { for child in self.children.values() { child.trace(cc); } self.base.trace(cc); self.static_data.trace(cc); self.object.trace(cc); } } // Preloading of definition tags impl<'gc, 'a> MovieClip<'gc> { pub fn preload( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, morph_shapes: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, ) { use swf::TagCode; // TODO: Re-creating static data because preload step occurs after construction. // Should be able to hoist this up somewhere, or use MaybeUninit. let mut static_data = (&*self.static_data).clone(); let mut reader = self.reader(context); let mut cur_frame = 1; let mut ids = fnv::FnvHashMap::default(); let tag_callback = |reader: &mut _, tag_code, tag_len| match tag_code { TagCode::DefineBits => self.define_bits(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::DefineBitsJpeg2 => self.define_bits_jpeg_2(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::DefineBitsJpeg3 => self.define_bits_jpeg_3(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::DefineBitsJpeg4 => self.define_bits_jpeg_4(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::DefineBitsLossless => self.define_bits_lossless(context, reader, 1), TagCode::DefineBitsLossless2 => self.define_bits_lossless(context, reader, 2), TagCode::DefineButton => self.define_button_1(context, reader), TagCode::DefineButton2 => self.define_button_2(context, reader), TagCode::DefineEditText => self.define_edit_text(context, reader), TagCode::DefineFont => self.define_font_1(context, reader), TagCode::DefineFont2 => self.define_font_2(context, reader), TagCode::DefineFont3 => self.define_font_3(context, reader), TagCode::DefineFont4 => unimplemented!(), TagCode::DefineMorphShape => self.define_morph_shape(context, reader, morph_shapes, 1), TagCode::DefineMorphShape2 => self.define_morph_shape(context, reader, morph_shapes, 2), TagCode::DefineShape => self.define_shape(context, reader, 1), TagCode::DefineShape2 => self.define_shape(context, reader, 2), TagCode::DefineShape3 => self.define_shape(context, reader, 3), TagCode::DefineShape4 => self.define_shape(context, reader, 4), TagCode::DefineSound => self.define_sound(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::DefineSprite => self.define_sprite(context, reader, tag_len, morph_shapes), TagCode::DefineText => self.define_text(context, reader, 1), TagCode::DefineText2 => self.define_text(context, reader, 2), TagCode::FrameLabel => { self.frame_label(context, reader, tag_len, cur_frame, &mut static_data) } TagCode::JpegTables => self.jpeg_tables(context, reader, tag_len), TagCode::PlaceObject => { self.preload_place_object(context, reader, tag_len, &mut ids, morph_shapes, 1) } TagCode::PlaceObject2 => { self.preload_place_object(context, reader, tag_len, &mut ids, morph_shapes, 2) } TagCode::PlaceObject3 => { self.preload_place_object(context, reader, tag_len, &mut ids, morph_shapes, 3) } TagCode::PlaceObject4 => { self.preload_place_object(context, reader, tag_len, &mut ids, morph_shapes, 4) } TagCode::RemoveObject => self.preload_remove_object(context, reader, &mut ids, 1), TagCode::RemoveObject2 => self.preload_remove_object(context, reader, &mut ids, 2), TagCode::ShowFrame => self.preload_show_frame(context, reader, &mut cur_frame), TagCode::SoundStreamHead => { self.preload_sound_stream_head(context, reader, &mut static_data, 1) } TagCode::SoundStreamHead2 => { self.preload_sound_stream_head(context, reader, &mut static_data, 2) } TagCode::SoundStreamBlock => { self.preload_sound_stream_block(context, reader, &mut static_data, tag_len) } _ => Ok(()), }; let _ = tag_utils::decode_tags(&mut reader, tag_callback, TagCode::End); self.static_data = Gc::allocate(context.gc_context, static_data); // Finalize audio stream. if self.static_data.audio_stream_info.is_some() {; } } #[inline] fn define_bits_lossless( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let define_bits_lossless = reader.read_define_bits_lossless(version)?; let handle = context.renderer.register_bitmap_png(&define_bits_lossless); context .library .register_character(, Character::Bitmap(handle)); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_morph_shape( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, morph_shapes: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { // Certain backends may have to preload morph shape frames, so defer registering until the end. let swf_shape = reader.read_define_morph_shape(version)?; let morph_shape = MorphShapeStatic::from_swf_tag(context.renderer, &swf_shape); morph_shapes.insert(, morph_shape); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_shape( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let swf_shape = reader.read_define_shape(version)?; let graphic = Graphic::from_swf_tag(context, &swf_shape); context .library .register_character(, Character::Graphic(Box::new(graphic))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn preload_place_object( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ids: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, morph_shapes: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { use swf::PlaceObjectAction; let place_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_place_object(tag_len) } else { reader.read_place_object_2_or_3(version) }?; match place_object.action { PlaceObjectAction::Place(id) => { if let Some(morph_shape) = morph_shapes.get_mut(&id) { ids.insert(place_object.depth, id); if let Some(ratio) = place_object.ratio { morph_shape.register_ratio(context.renderer, ratio); } } } PlaceObjectAction::Modify => { if let Some(&id) = ids.get(&place_object.depth) { if let Some(morph_shape) = morph_shapes.get_mut(&id) { ids.insert(place_object.depth, id); if let Some(ratio) = place_object.ratio { morph_shape.register_ratio(context.renderer, ratio); } } } } PlaceObjectAction::Replace(id) => { if let Some(morph_shape) = morph_shapes.get_mut(&id) { ids.insert(place_object.depth, id); if let Some(ratio) = place_object.ratio { morph_shape.register_ratio(context.renderer, ratio); } } else { ids.remove(&place_object.depth); } } }; Ok(()) } #[inline] fn preload_sound_stream_block( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, static_data: &mut MovieClipStatic, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { if static_data.audio_stream_info.is_some() { let pos = reader.get_ref().position() as usize; let data = reader.get_ref().get_ref(); let data = &data[pos..pos + tag_len];, data); } Ok(()) } #[inline] fn preload_sound_stream_head( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, static_data: &mut MovieClipStatic, _version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let audio_stream_info = reader.read_sound_stream_head()?; context .audio .preload_sound_stream_head(, &audio_stream_info); static_data.audio_stream_info = Some(audio_stream_info); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_bits( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { use std::io::Read; let id = reader.read_u16()?; let data_len = tag_len - 2; let mut jpeg_data = Vec::with_capacity(data_len); reader .get_mut() .take(data_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut jpeg_data)?; let handle = context.renderer.register_bitmap_jpeg( id, &jpeg_data, context.library.jpeg_tables().unwrap(), ); context .library .register_character(id, Character::Bitmap(handle)); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_bits_jpeg_2( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { use std::io::Read; let id = reader.read_u16()?; let data_len = tag_len - 2; let mut jpeg_data = Vec::with_capacity(data_len); reader .get_mut() .take(data_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut jpeg_data)?; let handle = context.renderer.register_bitmap_jpeg_2(id, &jpeg_data); context .library .register_character(id, Character::Bitmap(handle)); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_bits_jpeg_3( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { use std::io::Read; let id = reader.read_u16()?; let jpeg_len = reader.read_u32()? as usize; let alpha_len = tag_len - 6 - jpeg_len; let mut jpeg_data = Vec::with_capacity(jpeg_len); let mut alpha_data = Vec::with_capacity(alpha_len); reader .get_mut() .take(jpeg_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut jpeg_data)?; reader .get_mut() .take(alpha_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut alpha_data)?; let handle = context .renderer .register_bitmap_jpeg_3(id, &jpeg_data, &alpha_data); context .library .register_character(id, Character::Bitmap(handle)); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_bits_jpeg_4( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { use std::io::Read; let id = reader.read_u16()?; let jpeg_len = reader.read_u32()? as usize; let _deblocking = reader.read_u16()?; let alpha_len = tag_len - 6 - jpeg_len; let mut jpeg_data = Vec::with_capacity(jpeg_len); let mut alpha_data = Vec::with_capacity(alpha_len); reader .get_mut() .take(jpeg_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut jpeg_data)?; reader .get_mut() .take(alpha_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut alpha_data)?; let handle = context .renderer .register_bitmap_jpeg_3(id, &jpeg_data, &alpha_data); context .library .register_character(id, Character::Bitmap(handle)); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_button_1( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let swf_button = reader.read_define_button_1()?; let button = crate::button::Button::from_swf_tag(&swf_button, &context.library, context.gc_context); context .library .register_character(, Character::Button(Box::new(button))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_button_2( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let swf_button = reader.read_define_button_2()?; let button = crate::button::Button::from_swf_tag(&swf_button, &context.library, context.gc_context); context .library .register_character(, Character::Button(Box::new(button))); Ok(()) } /// Defines a dynamic text field character. #[inline] fn define_edit_text( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let swf_edit_text = reader.read_define_edit_text()?; let edit_text = crate::edit_text::EditText::from_swf_tag(context, swf_edit_text); context .library .register_character(, Character::EditText(Box::new(edit_text))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_font_1( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let font = reader.read_define_font_1()?; let glyphs = font .glyphs .into_iter() .map(|g| swf::Glyph { shape_records: g, code: 0, advance: None, bounds: None, }) .collect::>(); let font = swf::Font { id:, version: 0, name: "".to_string(), glyphs, language: swf::Language::Unknown, layout: None, is_small_text: false, is_shift_jis: false, is_ansi: false, is_bold: false, is_italic: false, }; let font_object = Font::from_swf_tag(context.renderer, &font).unwrap(); context .library .register_character(, Character::Font(Box::new(font_object))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_font_2( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let font = reader.read_define_font_2(2)?; let font_object = Font::from_swf_tag(context.renderer, &font).unwrap(); context .library .register_character(, Character::Font(Box::new(font_object))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_font_3( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let font = reader.read_define_font_2(3)?; let font_object = Font::from_swf_tag(context.renderer, &font).unwrap(); context .library .register_character(, Character::Font(Box::new(font_object))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_sound( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { // TODO(Herschel): Can we use a slice of the sound data instead of copying the data? use std::io::Read; let mut reader = swf::read::Reader::new(reader.get_mut().take(tag_len as u64), context.swf_version); let sound = reader.read_define_sound()?; let handle =; context .library .register_character(, Character::Sound(handle)); Ok(()) } fn define_sprite( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, morph_shapes: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, ) -> DecodeResult { let id = reader.read_character_id()?; let num_frames = reader.read_u16()?; let mut movie_clip = MovieClip::new_with_data( context.gc_context, id, reader.get_ref().position(), tag_len - 4, num_frames, ); movie_clip.preload(context, morph_shapes); context .library .register_character(id, Character::MovieClip(Box::new(movie_clip))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn define_text( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let text = reader.read_define_text(version)?; let text_object = Text::from_swf_tag(context, &text); context .library .register_character(, Character::Text(Box::new(text_object))); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn frame_label( &mut self, _context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, cur_frame: FrameNumber, static_data: &mut MovieClipStatic, ) -> DecodeResult { let frame_label = reader.read_frame_label(tag_len)?; if static_data .frame_labels .insert(frame_label.label, cur_frame) .is_some() { log::warn!("Movie clip {}: Duplicated frame label",; } Ok(()) } #[inline] fn jpeg_tables( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { use std::io::Read; // TODO(Herschel): Can we use a slice instead of copying? let mut jpeg_data = Vec::with_capacity(tag_len); reader .get_mut() .take(tag_len as u64) .read_to_end(&mut jpeg_data)?; context.library.set_jpeg_tables(jpeg_data); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn preload_remove_object( &mut self, _context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ids: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let remove_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_remove_object_1() } else { reader.read_remove_object_2() }?; ids.remove(&remove_object.depth); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn preload_show_frame( &mut self, _context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, _reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, cur_frame: &mut FrameNumber, ) -> DecodeResult { *cur_frame += 1; Ok(()) } } // Control tags impl<'gc, 'a> MovieClip<'gc> { #[inline] fn do_action( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, ) -> DecodeResult { // Queue the actions. // TODO: The reader is actually reading the tag slice at this point (tag_stream.take()), // so make sure to get the proper offsets. This feels kind of bad. let start = (self.tag_stream_start() + reader.get_ref().position()) as usize; let end = start + tag_len; let slice = crate::tag_utils::SwfSlice { data: std::sync::Arc::clone(context.swf_data), start, end, }; context.actions.push((context.active_clip, slice)); Ok(()) } fn place_object( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, tag_len: usize, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let place_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_place_object(tag_len) } else { reader.read_place_object_2_or_3(version) }?; use swf::PlaceObjectAction; match place_object.action { PlaceObjectAction::Place(id) | PlaceObjectAction::Replace(id) => { if let Some(child) = self.instantiate_child( context, id, place_object.depth, if let PlaceObjectAction::Replace(_) = place_object.action { true } else { false }, ) { child .write(context.gc_context) .apply_place_object(place_object); child } else { return Ok(()); } } PlaceObjectAction::Modify => { if let Some(child) = self.children.get_mut(&place_object.depth) { child .write(context.gc_context) .apply_place_object(place_object); *child } else { return Ok(()); } } }; Ok(()) } #[inline] fn remove_object( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, version: u8, ) -> DecodeResult { let remove_object = if version == 1 { reader.read_remove_object_1() } else { reader.read_remove_object_2() }?; if let Some(child) = self.children.remove(&remove_object.depth) { child.write(context.gc_context).set_parent(None); } Ok(()) } #[inline] fn set_background_color( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { *context.background_color = reader.read_rgb()?; Ok(()) } #[inline] fn sound_stream_block( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, _reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { if let (Some(stream_info), None) = (&self.static_data.audio_stream_info, &self.audio_stream) { let slice = crate::tag_utils::SwfSlice { data: std::sync::Arc::clone(context.swf_data), start: self.tag_stream_start() as usize, end: self.tag_stream_start() as usize + self.tag_stream_len(), }; let audio_stream =, slice, stream_info); self.audio_stream = Some(audio_stream); } Ok(()) } #[inline] fn start_sound_1( &mut self, context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>, reader: &mut SwfStream<&'a [u8]>, ) -> DecodeResult { let start_sound = reader.read_start_sound_1()?; if let Some(handle) = context.library.get_sound( { use swf::SoundEvent; // The sound event type is controlled by the "Sync" setting in the Flash IDE. match start_sound.sound_info.event { // "Event" sounds always play, independent of the timeline. SoundEvent::Event =>, &start_sound.sound_info), // "Start" sounds only play if an instance of the same sound is not already playing. SoundEvent::Start => { if ! {, &start_sound.sound_info); } } // "Stop" stops any active instances of a given sound. SoundEvent::Stop =>, } } Ok(()) } } /// Static data shared between all instances of a movie clip. #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone)] struct MovieClipStatic { id: CharacterId, tag_stream_start: u64, tag_stream_len: usize, frame_labels: HashMap, audio_stream_info: Option, total_frames: FrameNumber, } impl Default for MovieClipStatic { fn default() -> Self { Self { id: 0, tag_stream_start: 0, tag_stream_len: 0, total_frames: 1, frame_labels: HashMap::new(), audio_stream_info: None, } } } unsafe impl<'gc> gc_arena::Collect for MovieClipStatic { #[inline] fn needs_trace() -> bool { false } } /// Stores the placement settings for display objects during a /// goto command. #[derive(Debug)] struct GotoPlaceObject { /// The frame number that this character was first placed on. frame: FrameNumber, /// The display properties of the object. place_object: swf::PlaceObject, } impl GotoPlaceObject { #[inline] fn id(&self) -> CharacterId { match &self.place_object.action { swf::PlaceObjectAction::Place(id) | swf::PlaceObjectAction::Replace(id) => *id, swf::PlaceObjectAction::Modify => 0, } } #[inline] fn modifies_original_item(&self) -> bool { if let swf::PlaceObjectAction::Replace(_) = &self.place_object.action { true } else { false } } fn merge(&mut self, next: &mut GotoPlaceObject) { use swf::PlaceObjectAction; let cur_place = &mut self.place_object; let next_place = &mut next.place_object; match (cur_place.action, next_place.action) { (cur, PlaceObjectAction::Modify) => { cur_place.action = cur; } (_, new) => { cur_place.action = new; self.frame = next.frame; } }; if next_place.matrix.is_some() { cur_place.matrix = next_place.matrix.take(); } if next_place.color_transform.is_some() { cur_place.color_transform = next_place.color_transform.take(); } if next_place.ratio.is_some() { cur_place.ratio = next_place.ratio.take(); } if { =; } if next_place.clip_depth.is_some() { cur_place.clip_depth = next_place.clip_depth.take(); } if next_place.class_name.is_some() { cur_place.class_name = next_place.class_name.take(); } if next_place.background_color.is_some() { cur_place.background_color = next_place.background_color.take(); } // TODO: Other stuff. } }