pub use crate::{transform::Transform, Color}; use std::io::Read; pub use swf; pub trait RenderBackend { fn set_viewport_dimensions(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32); fn register_shape(&mut self, shape: &swf::Shape) -> ShapeHandle; fn register_glyph_shape(&mut self, shape: &swf::Glyph) -> ShapeHandle; fn register_bitmap_jpeg( &mut self, id: swf::CharacterId, data: &[u8], jpeg_tables: &[u8], ) -> BitmapInfo; fn register_bitmap_jpeg_2(&mut self, id: swf::CharacterId, data: &[u8]) -> BitmapInfo; fn register_bitmap_jpeg_3( &mut self, id: swf::CharacterId, jpeg_data: &[u8], alpha_data: &[u8], ) -> BitmapInfo; fn register_bitmap_png(&mut self, swf_tag: &swf::DefineBitsLossless) -> BitmapInfo; fn begin_frame(&mut self); fn clear(&mut self, color: Color); fn render_bitmap(&mut self, bitmap: BitmapHandle, transform: &Transform); fn render_shape(&mut self, shape: ShapeHandle, transform: &Transform); fn end_frame(&mut self); fn draw_pause_overlay(&mut self); fn draw_letterbox(&mut self, letterbox: Letterbox); fn push_mask(&mut self); fn activate_mask(&mut self); fn pop_mask(&mut self); } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct ShapeHandle(pub usize); #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct BitmapHandle(pub usize); /// Info returned by the `register_bitmap` methods. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct BitmapInfo { pub handle: BitmapHandle, pub width: u16, pub height: u16, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum Letterbox { None, Letterbox(f32), Pillarbox(f32), } pub struct NullRenderer; impl NullRenderer { pub fn new() -> Self { Self } } impl Default for NullRenderer { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl RenderBackend for NullRenderer { fn set_viewport_dimensions(&mut self, _width: u32, _height: u32) {} fn register_shape(&mut self, _shape: &swf::Shape) -> ShapeHandle { ShapeHandle(0) } fn register_glyph_shape(&mut self, _shape: &swf::Glyph) -> ShapeHandle { ShapeHandle(0) } fn register_bitmap_jpeg( &mut self, _id: swf::CharacterId, _data: &[u8], _jpeg_tables: &[u8], ) -> BitmapInfo { BitmapInfo { handle: BitmapHandle(0), width: 0, height: 0, } } fn register_bitmap_jpeg_2(&mut self, _id: swf::CharacterId, _data: &[u8]) -> BitmapInfo { BitmapInfo { handle: BitmapHandle(0), width: 0, height: 0, } } fn register_bitmap_jpeg_3( &mut self, _id: swf::CharacterId, _data: &[u8], _alpha_data: &[u8], ) -> BitmapInfo { BitmapInfo { handle: BitmapHandle(0), width: 0, height: 0, } } fn register_bitmap_png(&mut self, _swf_tag: &swf::DefineBitsLossless) -> BitmapInfo { BitmapInfo { handle: BitmapHandle(0), width: 0, height: 0, } } fn begin_frame(&mut self) {} fn end_frame(&mut self) {} fn clear(&mut self, _color: Color) {} fn render_bitmap(&mut self, _bitmap: BitmapHandle, _transform: &Transform) {} fn render_shape(&mut self, _shape: ShapeHandle, _transform: &Transform) {} fn draw_pause_overlay(&mut self) {} fn draw_letterbox(&mut self, _letterbox: Letterbox) {} fn push_mask(&mut self) {} fn activate_mask(&mut self) {} fn pop_mask(&mut self) {} } pub fn glue_swf_jpeg_to_tables(jpeg_tables: &[u8], jpeg_data: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut full_jpeg = Vec::with_capacity(jpeg_tables.len() + jpeg_data.len() - 4); full_jpeg.extend_from_slice(&jpeg_tables[..jpeg_tables.len() - 2]); full_jpeg.extend_from_slice(&jpeg_data[2..]); full_jpeg } /// Removes potential invalid JPEG data from SWF DefineBitsJPEG tags. /// /// SWF19 p.138: /// "Before version 8 of the SWF file format, SWF files could contain an erroneous header of 0xFF, 0xD9, 0xFF, 0xD8 before the JPEG SOI marker." /// These bytes need to be removed for the JPEG to decode properly. pub fn remove_invalid_jpeg_data(mut data: &[u8]) -> std::borrow::Cow<[u8]> { // TODO: Might be better to return an Box> instead of a Cow here, // where the spliced iter is a data[..n].chain(data[n+4..])? if data[..4] == [0xFF, 0xD9, 0xFF, 0xD8] { data = &data[4..]; } if let Some(pos) = ( - 4).find(|&n| data[n..n + 4] == [0xFF, 0xD9, 0xFF, 0xD8]) { let mut out_data = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() - 4); out_data.extend_from_slice(&data[..pos]); out_data.extend_from_slice(&data[pos + 4..]); std::borrow::Cow::from(out_data) } else { std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(data) } } /// Decodes a JPEG with optional alpha data. /// pub fn define_bits_jpeg_to_rgba( jpeg_data: &[u8], alpha_data: &[u8], ) -> Result<(u32, u32, Vec), Box> { let jpeg_data = remove_invalid_jpeg_data(jpeg_data); let mut decoder = jpeg_decoder::Decoder::new(&jpeg_data[..]); decoder.read_info().unwrap(); let metadata =; let decoded_data = decoder.decode().expect("failed to decode image"); // Decompress the alpha data (DEFLATE compression). let alpha_data = { let mut data = vec![]; let mut decoder = libflate::zlib::Decoder::new(alpha_data)?; decoder.read_to_end(&mut data)?; data }; let mut rgba = Vec::with_capacity((decoded_data.len() / 3) * 4); let mut i = 0; let mut a = 0; while i < decoded_data.len() { rgba.push(decoded_data[i]); rgba.push(decoded_data[i + 1]); rgba.push(decoded_data[i + 2]); rgba.push(alpha_data[a]); i += 3; a += 1; } Ok((metadata.width.into(), metadata.height.into(), rgba)) } /// Decodes the bitmap data in DefineBitsLossless tag into RGBA. /// DefineBitsLossless is Zlib encoded pixel data (similar to PNG), possibly /// palletized. pub fn define_bits_lossless_to_rgba( swf_tag: &swf::DefineBitsLossless, ) -> Result, Box> { // Decompress the image data (DEFLATE compression). let mut decoded_data = { let mut data = vec![]; let mut decoder = libflate::zlib::Decoder::new(&[..])?; decoder.read_to_end(&mut data)?; data }; // Swizzle/de-palettize the bitmap. let out_data = match (swf_tag.version, swf_tag.format) { (1, swf::BitmapFormat::Rgb15) => unimplemented!("15-bit PNG"), (1, swf::BitmapFormat::Rgb32) => { let mut i = 0; while i < decoded_data.len() { decoded_data[i] = decoded_data[i + 1]; decoded_data[i + 1] = decoded_data[i + 2]; decoded_data[i + 2] = decoded_data[i + 3]; decoded_data[i + 3] = 0xff; i += 4; } decoded_data } (2, swf::BitmapFormat::Rgb32) => { let mut i = 0; while i < decoded_data.len() { let alpha = decoded_data[i]; decoded_data[i] = decoded_data[i + 1]; decoded_data[i + 1] = decoded_data[i + 2]; decoded_data[i + 2] = decoded_data[i + 3]; decoded_data[i + 3] = alpha; i += 4; } decoded_data } (1, swf::BitmapFormat::ColorMap8) => { let mut i = 0; let padded_width = (swf_tag.width + 0b11) & !0b11; let mut palette = Vec::with_capacity(swf_tag.num_colors as usize + 1); for _ in 0..=swf_tag.num_colors { palette.push(Color { r: decoded_data[i], g: decoded_data[i + 1], b: decoded_data[i + 2], a: 255, }); i += 3; } let mut out_data = vec![]; for _ in 0..swf_tag.height { for _ in 0..swf_tag.width { let entry = decoded_data[i] as usize; if entry < palette.len() { let color = &palette[entry]; out_data.push(color.r); out_data.push(color.g); out_data.push(color.b); out_data.push(color.a); } else { out_data.push(0); out_data.push(0); out_data.push(0); out_data.push(255); } i += 1; } i += (padded_width - swf_tag.width) as usize; } out_data } (2, swf::BitmapFormat::ColorMap8) => { let mut i = 0; let padded_width = (swf_tag.width + 0b11) & !0b11; let mut palette = Vec::with_capacity(swf_tag.num_colors as usize + 1); for _ in 0..=swf_tag.num_colors { palette.push(Color { r: decoded_data[i], g: decoded_data[i + 1], b: decoded_data[i + 2], a: decoded_data[i + 3], }); i += 4; } let mut out_data = vec![]; for _ in 0..swf_tag.height { for _ in 0..swf_tag.width { let entry = decoded_data[i] as usize; if entry < palette.len() { let color = &palette[entry]; out_data.push(color.r); out_data.push(color.g); out_data.push(color.b); out_data.push(color.a); } else { out_data.push(0); out_data.push(0); out_data.push(0); out_data.push(0); } i += 1; } i += (padded_width - swf_tag.width) as usize; } out_data } _ => unimplemented!("{:?} {:?}", swf_tag.version, swf_tag.format), }; Ok(out_data) } /// Images in SWFs are stored with premultiplied alpha. /// Converts RGBA premultiplied alpha to standard RBGA. pub fn unmultiply_alpha_rgba(rgba: &mut [u8]) { rgba.chunks_exact_mut(4).for_each(|rgba| { if rgba[3] > 0 { let a = f32::from(rgba[3]) / 255.0; rgba[0] = (f32::from(rgba[0]) / a) as u8; rgba[1] = (f32::from(rgba[1]) / a) as u8; rgba[2] = (f32::from(rgba[2]) / a) as u8; } }) }