function bind_boolean_setting(checkbox_elem) { let name =, default_val = checkbox_elem.checked, get_obj = {}; get_obj[name] = default_val;, function (items) { checkbox_elem.checked = items[name] === checkbox_elem.value; }); (changes, namespace) { if (changes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { checkbox_elem.checked = changes[name].newValue === checkbox_elem.value; } }); checkbox_elem.addEventListener("click", function (e) { let setting = {}; setting[name] = checkbox_elem.checked ? checkbox_elem.value : "";; }); } /** * Promise-based version of `chrome.tabs.query`. * * Mozilla does this by default in `browser.tabs` but Chrome is behind on this * sort of thing. Chrome won't even let us check if we're running in */ function tab_query() { let my_args = arguments; if (window.browser && browser.tabs && browser.tabs.query) { return browser.tabs.query.apply(this, arguments); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let new_arguments =; new_arguments.push(resolve); chrome.tabs.query.apply(this, new_arguments); }); } /** * Promise-based version of `chrome.tabs.sendMessage`. */ function tab_sendmessage() { let my_args = arguments; if (window.browser && browser.tabs && browser.tabs.sendMessage) { return browser.tabs.sendMessage.apply(this, arguments); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let new_arguments =; new_arguments.push(function (response) { if (chrome.runtime.lastError !== undefined) { reject(chrome.runtime.lastError.message); } resolve(response); }); chrome.tabs.sendMessage.apply(this, new_arguments); }); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function (e) { bind_boolean_setting(document.getElementById("ruffle_enable")); let ruffle_status = document.getElementById("ruffle_status"); if (ruffle_status === null) { debugger; } ruffle_status.textContent = "Reading current tab..."; let tabs = null; try { tabs = await tab_query({ "currentWindow": true, "active": true }); if (tabs.length < 1) { ruffle_status.textContent = "There is no active tab."; return; } if (tabs.length > 1) { console.warn("Got " + tabs.length + " tabs in response to active tab query"); } } catch (e) { ruffle_status.textContent = "An error occured when looking up the current tab."; throw e; } try { let active_tab = tabs[0]; ruffle_status.textContent = "Checking Ruffle status on current tab..."; let resp = await tab_sendmessage(, {"action": "get_page_options"}); console.log(resp); if (resp !== undefined && resp.loaded) { ruffle_status.textContent = "Ruffle is loaded and running Flash content on the current tab."; } else if (resp !== undefined && !resp.loaded) { ruffle_status.textContent = "Ruffle is not loaded because the current page has marked itself as incompatible."; } else { ruffle_status.textContent = "Current tab responded with invalid data."; } } catch (e) { ruffle_status.textContent = "Ruffle is not loaded on the current tab."; throw e; } });