# To use the crowdin-cli, set an access token in CROWDIN_PERSONAL_TOKEN or a ~/.crowdin.yml # File structure documentation can be found at: https://developer.crowdin.com/configuration-file/ "project_id": 582621 # This is https://crowdin.com/project/ruffle "preserve_hierarchy": true # Keep the directory structure so that we know, for example, "messages.json" belongs to the extension # Github integration "pull_request_title": "Update text translations" "pull_request_labels": [ "localization" ] "commit_message": "chore: Updates translations in %original_file_name% from Crowdin" "append_commit_message": false # Files we want to translate "files": [ { "source" : "/web/packages/extension/assets/_locales/en/messages.json", "translation" : "/web/packages/extension/assets/_locales/%two_letters_code%/messages.json", # The crowdin path doesn't actually matter, so let's make it slightly more intelligible than what we have "dest": "/web/extension.json", # Even though it's used by other browsers, the schema used is called "chrome" on crowdin # https://store.crowdin.com/chrome-json "type": "chrome", } ]