const RuffleObject = require("./ruffle-object"); const RuffleEmbed = require("./ruffle-embed"); const { install_plugin, FLASH_PLUGIN } = require("./plugin-polyfill"); const { public_path } = require("./public-path"); if (!window.RufflePlayer) { window.RufflePlayer = {}; } let top_level_ruffle_config; let ruffle_script_src = public_path({}, "ruffle.js"); if (window.RufflePlayer.config) { top_level_ruffle_config = window.RufflePlayer.config; ruffle_script_src = public_path(window.RufflePlayer.config, "ruffle.js"); } /* public_path returns the directory where the file is, * * so we need to append the filename. We don't need to * * worry about the directory not having a slash because * * public_path appends a slash. */ ruffle_script_src += "ruffle.js"; /** * Polyfill native elements with Ruffle equivalents. * * This polyfill isn't fool-proof: If there's a chance site JavaScript has * access to a pre-polyfill element, then this will break horribly. We can * keep native objects out of the DOM, and thus out of JavaScript's grubby * little hands, but only if we load first. */ let objects; let embeds; function replace_flash_instances() { try { // Create live collections to track embed tags. objects = objects || document.getElementsByTagName("object"); embeds = embeds || document.getElementsByTagName("embed"); // Replace first, because often wraps . for (let elem of Array.from(objects)) { if (RuffleObject.is_interdictable(elem)) { let ruffle_obj = RuffleObject.from_native_object_element(elem); elem.replaceWith(ruffle_obj); } } for (let elem of Array.from(embeds)) { if (RuffleEmbed.is_interdictable(elem)) { let ruffle_obj = RuffleEmbed.from_native_embed_element(elem); elem.replaceWith(ruffle_obj); } } } catch (err) { console.error( "Serious error encountered when polyfilling native Flash elements: " + err ); } } function polyfill_static_content() { replace_flash_instances(); } function polyfill_dynamic_content() { // Listen for changes to the DOM. If nodes are added, re-check for any Flash instances. const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) { // If any nodes were added, re-run the polyfill to replace any new instances. let nodesAdded = mutationsList.some( (mutation) => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 ); if (nodesAdded) { replace_flash_instances(); } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function load_ruffle_player_into_frame(event) { loadFrame(event.currentTarget.contentWindow); } function loadFrame(current_frame) { let frame_document; try { frame_document = current_frame.document; if (!frame_document) { console.log("Frame has no document."); return; } } catch (e) { console.log("Error Getting Frame: " + e.message); return; } if (!current_frame.RufflePlayer) { /* Make sure we populate the frame's window.RufflePlayer.config */ current_frame.RufflePlayer = {}; current_frame.RufflePlayer.config = top_level_ruffle_config; let script = frame_document.createElement("script"); script.src = ruffle_script_src; /* Load this script(ruffle.js) into the frame */ frame_document.body.appendChild(script); } else { console.log("(i)frame already has RufflePlayer"); } polyfill_frames_common(current_frame); } function handleFrames(frameList) { let originalOnLoad; for (let i = 0; i < frameList.length; i++) { let current_frame = frameList[i]; /* Apparently, using addEventListener attaches the event * * to the dummy document, which is overwritten when the * * iframe is loaded, so we do this. It can only works if * * it's attached to the frame object itself, which is why * * we're using * * depth.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe") instead * * of depth.frames to get the iframes at the depth. * * Also, this way we should be able to handle frame * * frame navigation, which is good. */ setTimeout(function () { try { if ( current_frame.contentDocument && current_frame.contentDocument.readyState && current_frame.contentDocument.readyState == "complete" ) { loadFrame(current_frame.contentWindow); } } catch (e) { console.log( "error loading ruffle player into frame: " + e.message ); } }, 500); try { if ((originalOnLoad = current_frame.onload)) { current_frame.onload = function (event) { try { originalOnLoad(event); } catch (e) { console.log( "Error calling original onload: " + e.message ); } load_ruffle_player_into_frame(event); }; } else { current_frame.onload = load_ruffle_player_into_frame; } polyfill_frames_common(current_frame.contentWindow); } catch (e) { console.log("error loading ruffle player into frame: " + e.message); } } } function polyfill_frames_common(depth) { handleFrames(depth.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")); handleFrames(depth.document.getElementsByTagName("frame")); } function polyfill_static_frames() { polyfill_frames_common(window); } function ruffle_frame_listener(mutationsList) { /* Basically the same as the listener for dynamic embeds. */ let nodesAdded = mutationsList.some( (mutation) => mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 ); if (nodesAdded) { polyfill_frames_common(window); } } function polyfill_dynamic_frames() { const observer = new MutationObserver(ruffle_frame_listener); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } exports.plugin_polyfill = function plugin_polyfill() { install_plugin(FLASH_PLUGIN); }; exports.polyfill = function polyfill() { polyfill_static_content(); polyfill_dynamic_content(); polyfill_static_frames(); polyfill_dynamic_frames(); };