tests: Port avmplus as3 AMF test

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Nathan Adams 2023-08-01 13:23:57 +02:00
parent 5f200dc2a9
commit fc54c111c3
5 changed files with 1086 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Test extends MovieClip {}
import flash.net.IDynamicPropertyWriter;
import flash.net.IDynamicPropertyOutput;
import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
import flash.utils.IDataInput;
import flash.utils.IDataOutput;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.utils.ObjectEncoding;
import avmplus.File
import com.adobe.test.Assert;
// var SECTION = "AMFSerialization";
// var VERSION = "as3";
// var TITLE = "test AMF Serialization";
class CustomDynamicPropertyWriter implements IDynamicPropertyWriter {
public function CustomDynamicPropertyWriter() {
// constructor code
public function writeDynamicProperties(obj:Object, output:IDynamicPropertyOutput):void
for(var prop:* in obj)
if(prop != "notforserializing") {
output.writeDynamicProperty(prop, obj[prop]);
class SimpleIExternalizable implements IExternalizable {
public var stringtest:String = "Sample";
public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void {
output.writeObject("IExternalizable String");
public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
stringtest = input.readObject();
dynamic class UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs {
public var obj_DynamicVar:Object;
public function UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs() {
// constructor code
obj_DynamicVar = new Object();
class UserDefClassAllTypes {
public var null_Obj;
//Boolean - True
public var bool_True_Obj:Boolean;
//Boolean - False
public var bool_False_Obj:Boolean;
//Integer - Positive
public var int_Positive_type:int;
//Unsigned Integer - Value
public var uint_Value_type:uint;
//Number - Positive Value
public var num_Positive_Obj:Number;
//Number - Min Value
public var num_Min_Obj:Number;
//String - title case
public var str_Title_Obj:String;
//Date - 18/07/2011 9:10:01:10 AM
public var dt_Fixed_Obj:Date;
//Array - Index : int Value: String
public var arr_IntStr_Obj:Array;
//Array - Index : Mixed Value: Mixed
public var arr_MixMix_Obj:Array;
public var xml_Obj:XML;
//Vector int typed
public var vct_int_Obj:Vector.<int>;
//Vector object typed
public var obj_Test3:Object;
public var obj_Test4:Object;
public var vct_obj_Obj:Vector.<Object>;
public var dict_StrStr_Obj:Dictionary
//ByteArray - Empty
public var ba_Empty_Obj:ByteArray;
//ByteArray - String
public var ba_Str_Obj:ByteArray;
public function UserDefClassAllTypes() {
// constructor code
public function Init():void {
null_Obj = null;
//Boolean - True
bool_True_Obj = true;
//Boolean - False
bool_False_Obj = false;
//Integer - Positive
int_Positive_type = 100;
//Unsigned Integer - Value
uint_Value_type = 2000;
//Number - Positive Value
num_Positive_Obj = new Number(100);
//Number - Min Value
num_Min_Obj = new Number(Number.MIN_VALUE);
//String - title case
str_Title_Obj = new String("A Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over A Lazy Dog");
//Date - 18/07/2011 9:10:01:10 AM
dt_Fixed_Obj = new Date(2011,07,18,9,10,01,10);
//Array - Index : int Value: String
arr_IntStr_Obj = new Array("TEST1", "TEST2", "TEST3", "TEST4");
//Array - Index : Mixed Value: Mixed
arr_MixMix_Obj = new Array();
arr_MixMix_Obj["TEST1"] = 1;
arr_MixMix_Obj[2] = "Search Engine 2";
arr_MixMix_Obj[3] = "Search Engine 3";
arr_MixMix_Obj["TEST2"] = 4;
xml_Obj = <employee><name>XANDER</name><id>xan007</id><address>#5, Salarpuria Infinity, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore</address></employee>;
//Vector int typed
vct_int_Obj = new <int>[-1,100, 200, -200, 0, int.MIN_VALUE, int.MAX_VALUE];
//Vector object typed
obj_Test3 = new Object();
obj_Test3.value = "VALUE 1";
obj_Test4 = new Object();
obj_Test4.value = "VALUE 2";
vct_obj_Obj = new <Object>[obj_Test3, obj_Test4]
//Vector object
dict_StrStr_Obj= new Dictionary();
dict_StrStr_Obj["key1"] = "value1";
dict_StrStr_Obj["key2"] = "value2";
//ByteArray - String
ba_Str_Obj = new ByteArray();
ba_Str_Obj.writeObject("BYTE ARRAY TEST");
dynamic class UserDefinedDynamicClass {
public var strPubString:String;
private var strPrivString:String;
protected var strProtString:String;
public const strPubConstString:String = new String("User Defined Dynamic Class Public Constant Variable");
public function UserDefinedDynamicClass() {
strPubString = new String("User Defined Dynamic Class Public Variable");
strPrivString = new String("User Defined Dynamic Class Private Variable");
strProtString = new String("User Defined Dynamic Class Protected Variable");
public function getPrivString()
return strPrivString;
public function getProtString()
return strProtString;
public function setPrivString(str:String)
strPrivString = str;
public function setProtString(str:String)
strProtString = str;
final class UserDefinedFinalClass {
public var strPubString:String;
private var strPrivString:String;
protected var strProtString:String;
public const strPubConstString:String = new String("User Defined Final Class Public Constant Variable");
public function UserDefinedFinalClass() {
// constructor code
strPubString = new String("User Defined Final Class Public Variable");
strPrivString = new String("User Defined Final Class Private Variable");
strProtString = new String("User Defined Final Class Protected Variable");
public function getPrivString()
return strPrivString;
public function getProtString()
return strProtString;
public function setPrivString(str:String)
strPrivString = str;
public function setProtString(str:String)
strProtString = str;
//Register User Defined Classes
flash.net.registerClassAlias("UserDefClassAllTypes", UserDefClassAllTypes);
flash.net.registerClassAlias("UserDefinedFinalClass", UserDefinedFinalClass);
flash.net.registerClassAlias("UserDefinedDynamicClass", UserDefinedDynamicClass);
flash.net.registerClassAlias("UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs", UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs);
flash.net.registerClassAlias("SimpleIExternalizable", SimpleIExternalizable);
var userdef_Obj:UserDefClassAllTypes = new UserDefClassAllTypes();
var null_Obj = null;
buildBAnCallAddTC("null test " , null_Obj);
//Boolean - True
var bool_True_Obj:Boolean = true;
buildBAnCallAddTC("bool true " , bool_True_Obj);
//Boolean - False
var bool_False_Obj:Boolean = false;
buildBAnCallAddTC("bool false " , bool_False_Obj);
//Integer - Positive
var int_Positive_type:int = 1234567890;
buildBAnCallAddTC("int positive" , int_Positive_type);
//Integer - Negative
var int_Negative_type:int = -1234567890;
buildBAnCallAddTC("int negative" , int_Negative_type);
//Unsigned Integer - Value
var uint_Value_type:uint = 21234567890;
buildBAnCallAddTC("uint value" , uint_Value_type);
//Number - Positive Value
var num_Positive_Obj:Number = new Number(1234567890);
buildBAnCallAddTC("Num Positive" , num_Positive_Obj);
//Number - Negative Value
var num_Negative_Obj:Number = new Number(-1234567890);
buildBAnCallAddTC("Num Negative" , num_Negative_Obj);
//String - title case
var str_Title_Obj:String = new String("A Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over A Lazy Dog");
buildBAnCallAddTC("String Mixed case characters" , str_Title_Obj);
//Date - 18/07/2011 9:10:01:10 AM
var dt_Obj:Date = new Date(2011,07,18,9,10,01,10);
testDate("Date FIXED" , dt_Obj);
//Array - Index : Mixed Value: Mixed (WithObject)
var arr_MixMixObj_Obj:Array = new Array();
arr_MixMixObj_Obj["TRIANGLE"] = 1;
arr_MixMixObj_Obj[0] = "Shape 2";
arr_MixMixObj_Obj[1] = "Shape 3";
arr_MixMixObj_Obj["HEXAGON"] = 4;
arr_MixMixObj_Obj[2] = userdef_Obj;
arr_MixMixObj_Obj[2.222] = 5.555;
arr_MixMixObj_Obj[3.14] = "pi";
testArrayTypes("Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed" , arr_MixMixObj_Obj);
//XML With Comment and CDATA
var xml_CmntCDATA_Obj:XML = <testfunc><![CDATA[function printAlert(a,b){alert "hello";}]]> <!-- name --> <name> SQUARE!!!!! </name></testfunc>
testXMLTypes("XML with Comments and CDATA", xml_CmntCDATA_Obj);
//Vector int typed
var vct_int_Obj:Vector.<int> = new <int>[-1,100, 200, -200, 0, int.MIN_VALUE, int.MAX_VALUE];
testVectorTypesInt("Typed Vector type: Int", vct_int_Obj);
//Vector uint typed
var vct_uint_Obj:Vector.<uint> = new <uint>[100, 200, 0, uint.MIN_VALUE, uint.MAX_VALUE];
testVectorTypesUInt("Typed Vector type: Uint", vct_uint_Obj);
//Vector double typed
var vct_double_Obj:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[-1, 100, 200, -200, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY];
testVectorTypesNumber("Typed Vector type: Double", vct_double_Obj);
//Vector object typed
var obj_Test3:Object = new Object();
obj_Test3.value = "VALUE 1";
var obj_Test4:Object = new Object();
obj_Test4.value = "VALUE 2";
var vct_obj_Obj:Vector.<Object> = new <Object>[obj_Test3, obj_Test4, "Test Value", 11];
testVectorTypesObject("Typed Vector type: Object", vct_obj_Obj);
//Dictionary Key: String - Value: String
var dict_StrStr_Obj:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict_StrStr_Obj["key1"] = "value1";
dict_StrStr_Obj["key2"] = "value2";
dict_StrStr_Obj[3] = "value3";
dict_StrStr_Obj[4] = "value4";
testDictionaryTypes("Dictionary Value: String", dict_StrStr_Obj);
//ByteArray - String
var ba_Str_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_Str_Obj.writeObject("BYTE ARRAY TEST");
testByteArrayTypes(" Byte Array : String ", ba_Str_Obj);
//User Defined Final Class
var udfc_Obj:UserDefinedFinalClass = new UserDefinedFinalClass();
udfc_Obj.setPrivString("My private string");
udfc_Obj.setProtString("My protected string");
//Testing User Defined Final Class - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var udfc_Read_Obj:UserDefinedFinalClass = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Final Class - Const ", udfc_Obj.strPubConstString, udfc_Read_Obj.strPubConstString);
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Final Class - Public String ", udfc_Obj.strPubString, udfc_Read_Obj.strPubString);
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Final Class - Private String", "User Defined Final Class Private Variable", udfc_Read_Obj.getPrivString());
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Final Class - Protected String", "User Defined Final Class Protected Variable", udfc_Read_Obj.getProtString());
//Testing User Defined Final Class - Ends
//User Defined Dynamic Class
var uddc_Obj:UserDefinedDynamicClass = new UserDefinedDynamicClass();
uddc_Obj.setPrivString("My private string");
uddc_Obj.setProtString("My protected string");
//Testing User Defined Dynamic Class - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var uddc_Read_Obj:UserDefinedDynamicClass = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class - Const ", uddc_Obj.strPubConstString, uddc_Read_Obj.strPubConstString);
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class - Public String ", uddc_Obj.strPubString, uddc_Read_Obj.strPubString);
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class - Private String ", "User Defined Dynamic Class Private Variable", uddc_Read_Obj.getPrivString());
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class - Protected String ", "User Defined Dynamic Class Protected Variable", uddc_Read_Obj.getProtString());
//Testing User Defined Dynamic Class - Ends
//User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Member
uddc_Obj.testvalue = "TEST VALUE";
//Testing User Defined Dynamic Class With Dynamic Member- Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
uddc_Read_Obj = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class With Dynamic Member - Dynamic Member", uddc_Obj.testvalue, uddc_Read_Obj.testvalue);
//User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Members having Dynamic Members
var uddcwd_Obj:UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs = new UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs();
uddcwd_Obj.obj_DynamicVar.testvalue = "TEST VALUE";
//Testing User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Members having Dynamic Members - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var uddcwd_Read_Obj:UDefDynClassWithDynamicAttrs = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Members having Dynamic Members", uddcwd_Obj.obj_DynamicVar.testvalue, uddcwd_Read_Obj.obj_DynamicVar.testvalue);
//Testing User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Members having Dynamic Members - Ends
//Objects with Circular Reference
var obj_drcheck_Obj:Object = new Object();
var obj_drcheck1_Obj:Object = new Object();
obj_drcheck_Obj.refobject = obj_drcheck1_Obj;
obj_drcheck_Obj.othervalue = 5;
obj_drcheck1_Obj.refobject = obj_drcheck_Obj;
obj_drcheck1_Obj.othervalue = "TEST VALUE";
//Testing Objects with Circular Reference - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var obj_drcheck_Read_Obj:Object = ba_TestObject.readObject();
var obj_drcheck1_Read_Obj:Object = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("Object with Circular Reference A to B", obj_drcheck_Obj.refobject.othervalue, obj_drcheck_Read_Obj.refobject.othervalue);
Assert.expectEq("Object with Circular Reference B to A", obj_drcheck1_Obj.refobject.othervalue, obj_drcheck1_Read_Obj.refobject.othervalue);
//Testing Objects with Circular Reference - Ends
//Object with dynamic properties
var obj_dyn_Obj:Object = new Object();
var obj_level2_Obj:Object = new Object();
obj_level2_Obj.testvalue = " TEST VALUE";
obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue1="TEST VALUE 1";
obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue2="TEST VALUE 2";
obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue3= obj_level2_Obj;
obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue4="TEST VALUE 3";
//Testing Objects with Dynamic Properties- Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var obj_Read_dyn_Obj:Object = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("Object with Dynamic Properties: Prop 1", obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue1, obj_Read_dyn_Obj.testvalue1);
Assert.expectEq("Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 2", obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue2, obj_Read_dyn_Obj.testvalue2);
Assert.expectEq("Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 3", obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue4, obj_Read_dyn_Obj.testvalue4);
Assert.expectEq("Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 3 (1)", obj_dyn_Obj.testvalue3.testvalue, obj_Read_dyn_Obj.testvalue3.testvalue);
//Testing Objects with Dynamic Properties- Ends
//Undefined Value
var obj_Undefined = undefined;
//Testing Undefined - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
Assert.expectEq("Undefined", obj_Undefined, ba_TestObject.readObject());
//Testing Undefined - Ends
//Custom Dynamic Property Writer
ObjectEncoding.dynamicPropertyWriter = new CustomDynamicPropertyWriter();
var obj_dyn_Custom_Obj:Object = new Object();
obj_dyn_Custom_Obj.notforserializing = "Don't Serialize";
obj_dyn_Custom_Obj.testvalue = "TEST VALUE";
//Testing Custom Dynamic Property Writer - Starts
var ba_TestObject3:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject3.position = 0;
var obj_Read_dyn_Custom_Obj:Object= ba_TestObject3.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("Custom Encoding: Prop notforserialzing", undefined, obj_Read_dyn_Custom_Obj.notforserializing);
Assert.expectEq("Custom Encoding: Prop testvalue", obj_dyn_Custom_Obj.testvalue, obj_Read_dyn_Custom_Obj.testvalue);
//Testing Custom Dynamic Property Writer - Ends
var obj_sie:SimpleIExternalizable = new SimpleIExternalizable();
//Testing IExternalizable - Starts
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
var obj_sie1:SimpleIExternalizable = ba_TestObject.readObject();
Assert.expectEq("IExternalizable", "IExternalizable String", obj_sie1.stringtest);
//Testing IExternalizable - Ends
//Testing String Reference Tables
var arr_Rednt_Obj:Array = new Array("Adobe", "Adobe", "Test Adobe", "Test Adobe");
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
compareArrays("Array: Redundant Values" , arr_Rednt_Obj, ba_TestObject.readObject());
var vct_Rednt:Vector.<Object> = new <Object>["Adobe", "Adobe", "Test Adobe", "Test Adobe"];
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
compareVectorsObject("Vector: Redundant Values" , vct_Rednt, ba_TestObject.readObject());
var dict_Rednt:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict_Rednt["key1"] = "Adobe";
dict_Rednt["key2"] = "Adobe";
dict_Rednt["key3"] = "Adobe";
dict_Rednt["Adobe"] = "key2";
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
compareDictionary("Dictionary: Redundant Values" , dict_Rednt, ba_TestObject.readObject());
var obj_Rednt:Object = new Dictionary();
obj_Rednt.testvalue = "TEST VALUE";
obj_Rednt.testvalue1 = "TEST VALUE";
obj_Rednt.testvalue2 = "TEST VALUE";
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
compareObjects("Objects: Redundant Values" , obj_Rednt, ba_TestObject.readObject());
//Checking User Defined Object
ba_TestObject = new ByteArray();
ba_TestObject.position = 0;
compareUserDefTypes("User Defined Class", userdef_Obj, ba_TestObject.readObject());
function buildBAnCallAddTC(strTitle:String, input:*)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function testNaN(strTitle:String, input:Number)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, isNaN(input), isNaN(ba_test_Obj.readObject()));
function testDate(strTitle:String, input:Date)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareDates(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareDates(strTitle:String, input:Date, actual:Date)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input.getTime(), actual.getTime());
function testArrayTypes(strTitle:String, input:Array)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
var actual:Array = ba_test_Obj.readObject();
compareArrays(strTitle, input, actual);
function compareArrays(strTitle:String, input:Array, actual:Array)
var propInput:Array = new Array();
for (var p:* in input) {
propInput = propInput.sort();
var propActual:Array = new Array();
for (var p1:* in input) {
propActual = propActual.sort();
for each (var prop:* in propInput)
if(input[prop] is UserDefClassAllTypes && actual[prop] is UserDefClassAllTypes)
compareUserDefTypes(strTitle, input[prop], actual[prop]);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " value check EXP vs ACT: " + prop, input[prop], actual[prop]);
for each (var prop1:* in propActual)
if(input[prop1] is UserDefClassAllTypes && actual[prop1] is UserDefClassAllTypes)
compareUserDefTypes(strTitle, input[prop1], actual[prop1]);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " value check ACT vs EXP: " + prop1, actual[prop1], input[prop1]);
function testXMLTypes(strTitle:String, input:XML)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareXMLS(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareXMLS(strTitle:String, input:XML, actual:XML)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input.toString(), actual.toString());
function compareObjects(strTitle:String, input:Object, actual:Object)
var propInput:Array = new Array();
var propActual:Array = new Array();
for (var p:* in input)
propInput = propInput.sort();
for (var p1:* in actual)
propActual = propActual.sort();
for each (var prop:* in propInput)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[prop], actual[prop]);
for each (var prop1:* in propActual)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, actual[prop1], input[prop1]);
function testVectorTypesInt(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<int>)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareVectorsInt(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareVectorsInt(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<int>, actual:Vector.<int>)
var inputlen:int = input.length;
var actuallen:int = actual.length;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Vector Len ", inputlen, actuallen);
if(inputlen == actuallen)
for (var i:int; i < inputlen; i++)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
function testVectorTypesUInt(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<uint>)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareVectorsUInt(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareVectorsUInt(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<uint>, actual:Vector.<uint>)
var inputlen:int = input.length;
var actuallen:int = actual.length;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Vector Len ", inputlen, actuallen);
if(inputlen == actuallen)
for (var i:int; i < inputlen; i++)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
function testVectorTypesNumber(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<Number>)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareVectorsNumber(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareVectorsNumber(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<Number>, actual:Vector.<Number>)
var inputlen:int = input.length;
var actuallen:int = actual.length;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Vector Len ", inputlen, actuallen);
if(inputlen == actuallen)
for (var i:int; i < inputlen; i++)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
function testVectorTypesObject(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<Object>)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareVectorsObject(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareVectorsObject(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<Object>, actual:Vector.<Object>)
var inputlen:int = input.length;
var actuallen:int = actual.length;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Vector Len ", inputlen, actuallen);
if(inputlen == actuallen)
for (var i:int; i < inputlen; i++)
if (input[i] is String && actual[i] is String)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
else if (input[i] is int && actual[i] is int)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
compareObjects(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
function testVectorTypesUDef(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<UserDefClassAllTypes>)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareVectorsUDef(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareVectorsUDef(strTitle:String, input:Vector.<UserDefClassAllTypes>, actual:Vector.<UserDefClassAllTypes>)
var inputlen:int = input.length;
var actuallen:int = actual.length;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Vector Len ", inputlen, actuallen);
if(inputlen == actuallen)
for (var i:int; i < inputlen; i++)
compareUserDefTypes(strTitle, input[i], actual[i]);
function testByteArrayTypes(strTitle:String, input:ByteArray)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareByteArray(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareByteArray(strTitle:String, input:ByteArray, actual:ByteArray)
input.position = 0;
actual.position = 0;
Assert.expectEq(strTitle, input.readObject(), actual.readObject());
function testDictionaryTypes(strTitle:String, input:Dictionary)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareDictionary(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareDictionary(strTitle:String, input:Dictionary, actual:Dictionary)
var propInput:Array = new Array();
for (var p:* in input)
propInput = propInput.sort();
for each (var prop:* in propInput)
if ( input[prop] is UserDefClassAllTypes)
compareUserDefTypes(strTitle + " User Defined ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input [prop] is Array)
compareArrays(strTitle + " Array ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is Vector.<Number>)
compareVectorsNumber(strTitle + " Vector ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is XML)
compareXMLS(strTitle + " XML ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is Date)
compareDates(strTitle + " Dates ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is Boolean)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Boolean ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is String)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " String ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is int)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " int ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is uint)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " uint ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is Number)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Number ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
else if (input[prop] is ByteArray)
compareByteArray(strTitle + " Byte Array ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " Object ", input[prop], actual[prop]);
function testUserDefTypes(strTitle:String, input:UserDefClassAllTypes)
var ba_test_Obj:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba_test_Obj.position = 0;
compareUserDefTypes(strTitle, input, ba_test_Obj.readObject());
function compareUserDefTypes(strTitle:String, input:UserDefClassAllTypes, actual:UserDefClassAllTypes)
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined null ", input.null_Obj, actual.null_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined boolean True ", input.bool_True_Obj, actual.bool_True_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined boolean False " , input.bool_False_Obj, actual.bool_False_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined int" , input.int_Positive_type, actual.int_Positive_type);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined uint" , input.uint_Value_type, actual.uint_Value_type);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined Number min" , input.num_Min_Obj, actual.num_Min_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined Number Positive" , input.num_Positive_Obj, actual.num_Positive_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined Number Positive" , input.num_Positive_Obj, actual.num_Positive_Obj);
Assert.expectEq(strTitle + " User Defined String " , input.str_Title_Obj, actual.str_Title_Obj);
compareDates(strTitle + " User Defined Date " , input.dt_Fixed_Obj, actual.dt_Fixed_Obj);
compareArrays(strTitle + " User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String", input.arr_IntStr_Obj, actual.arr_IntStr_Obj);
compareArrays(strTitle + " User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed", input.arr_MixMix_Obj, actual.arr_MixMix_Obj);
compareObjects(strTitle + " User Defined Object " , input.obj_Test3, actual.obj_Test3);
compareObjects(strTitle + " User Defined Object " , input.obj_Test4, actual.obj_Test4);
compareVectorsInt(strTitle + " User Defined Vector ", input.vct_int_Obj, actual.vct_int_Obj);
compareDictionary(strTitle + " User Defined Dictionary", input.dict_StrStr_Obj, actual.dict_StrStr_Obj);
compareByteArray(strTitle + " User Defined ByteArray (String)", input.ba_Str_Obj, actual.ba_Str_Obj);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
null test PASSED!
bool true PASSED!
bool false PASSED!
int positive PASSED!
int negative PASSED!
uint value PASSED!
Num Positive PASSED!
Num Negative PASSED!
String Mixed case characters PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined null PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined boolean True PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined boolean False PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined int PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined uint PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number min PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Date PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector Vector Len PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined ByteArray (String) PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 2.222 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 3.14 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: HEXAGON PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TRIANGLE PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined null PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined boolean True PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined boolean False PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined int PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined uint PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number min PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Date PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 0 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST1 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST2 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Object PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector Vector Len PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Vector PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed User Defined ByteArray (String) PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 2.222 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 3.14 PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: HEXAGON PASSED!
Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TRIANGLE PASSED!
XML with Comments and CDATA PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int Vector Len PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Int PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint Vector Len PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Uint PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double Vector Len PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Double PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object Vector Len PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Typed Vector type: Object PASSED!
Dictionary Value: String String PASSED!
Dictionary Value: String String PASSED!
Dictionary Value: String String PASSED!
Dictionary Value: String String PASSED!
Byte Array : String PASSED!
User Defined Final Class - Const PASSED!
User Defined Final Class - Public String PASSED!
User Defined Final Class - Private String PASSED!
User Defined Final Class - Protected String PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class - Const PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class - Public String PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class - Private String PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class - Protected String PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class With Dynamic Member - Dynamic Member PASSED!
User Defined Dynamic Class with Dynamic Members having Dynamic Members PASSED!
Object with Circular Reference A to B PASSED!
Object with Circular Reference B to A PASSED!
Object with Dynamic Properties: Prop 1 PASSED!
Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 2 PASSED!
Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 3 PASSED!
Object with Dynamic Properties : Prop 3 (1) PASSED!
Undefined PASSED!
Custom Encoding: Prop notforserialzing PASSED!
Custom Encoding: Prop testvalue PASSED!
IExternalizable PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check EXP vs ACT: 0 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check EXP vs ACT: 1 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check ACT vs EXP: 0 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check ACT vs EXP: 1 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
Array: Redundant Values value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
Vector: Redundant Values Vector Len PASSED!
Vector: Redundant Values PASSED!
Vector: Redundant Values PASSED!
Vector: Redundant Values PASSED!
Vector: Redundant Values PASSED!
Dictionary: Redundant Values String PASSED!
Dictionary: Redundant Values String PASSED!
Dictionary: Redundant Values String PASSED!
Dictionary: Redundant Values String PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
Objects: Redundant Values PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined null PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined boolean True PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined boolean False PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined int PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined uint PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Number min PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Number Positive PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined String PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Date PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 0 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 1 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 0 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 1 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Int Value:String value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: 3 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST1 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check EXP vs ACT: TEST2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: 3 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST1 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Array Index:Mixed Value:Mixed value check ACT vs EXP: TEST2 PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Object PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Object PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Object PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Object PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector Vector Len PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Vector PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined Dictionary String PASSED!
User Defined Class User Defined ByteArray (String) PASSED!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
num_ticks = 1
known_failure = true