avm2: Stub desktop AIR APIs

This commit is contained in:
Mestery 2024-08-22 11:14:05 +02:00 committed by Tom Schuster
parent 357508ae86
commit b616f559e7
18 changed files with 1073 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/desktop/Icon.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.desktop
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
public class Icon extends EventDispatcher
// The icon image as an array of BitmapData objects of different sizes.
public var bitmaps:Array;
function Icon() {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/desktop/InteractiveIcon.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.desktop
import __ruffle__.stub_getter;
public class InteractiveIcon extends Icon
public function get height():int
stub_getter("flash.desktop.InteractiveIcon", "height");
return 64;
public function get width():int
stub_getter("flash.desktop.InteractiveIcon", "width");
return 64;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
package flash.desktop
import flash.display.NativeWindow;
import flash.events.InvokeEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import __ruffle__.stub_method;
import __ruffle__.stub_getter;
import __ruffle__.stub_setter;
public final class NativeApplication extends EventDispatcher
private static var _instance:NativeApplication;
private var _openedWindows:Array = [];
private var _idleThreshold:int = 300;
public function NativeApplication()
dispatchEvent(new InvokeEvent(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, false, false, null, []));
}, 500);
public static function get nativeApplication():NativeApplication
if (!_instance)
_instance = new NativeApplication();
return _instance;
public static function get supportsMenu():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "supportsMenu");
return false;
public static function get supportsDockIcon():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "supportsDockIcon");
return false;
public static function get supportsSystemTrayIcon():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "supportsSystemTrayIcon");
return false;
public static function get supportsDefaultApplication():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "supportsDefaultApplication");
return false;
public static function get supportsStartAtLogin():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "supportsStartAtLogin");
return false;
public function exit(exitCode:int = 0):void
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "exit");
public function get runtimeVersion():String
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "runtimeVersion");
return "5.0.0";
public function get runtimePatchLevel():uint
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "runtimePatchLevel");
return 0;
public function get applicationID():String
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "applicationID");
return "";
public function get publisherID():String
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "publisherID");
return "";
public function get applicationDescriptor():XML
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "applicationDescriptor");
return null;
public function get autoExit():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "autoExit");
return false;
public function set autoExit(param1:Boolean):void
stub_setter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "autoExit");
public function get icon():InteractiveIcon
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "icon");
return null;
public function get systemIdleMode():String
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "systemIdleMode");
return "normal";
public function set systemIdleMode(param1:String):void
stub_setter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "systemIdleMode");
public function get startAtLogin():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "startAtLogin");
return false;
public function set startAtLogin(param1:Boolean):void
stub_setter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "startAtLogin");
public function activate(window:NativeWindow = null):void
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "activate");
public function get activeWindow():NativeWindow
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "activeWindow");
return _openedWindows[0];
public function get openedWindows():Array
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "openedWindows");
return _openedWindows;
public function get timeSinceLastUserInput():int
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "timeSinceLastUserInput");
return 100;
public function get idleThreshold():int
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "idleThreshold");
return this._idleThreshold;
public function set idleThreshold(value:int):void
stub_setter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "idleThreshold");
this._idleThreshold = value;
public function copy():Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "copy");
return false;
public function cut():Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "cut");
return false;
public function paste():Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "paste");
return false;
public function clear():Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "clear");
return false;
public function selectAll():Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "selectAll");
return false;
public function getDefaultApplication(extension:String):String
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "getDefaultApplication");
return null;
public function isSetAsDefaultApplication(extension:String):Boolean
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "isSetAsDefaultApplication");
return true;
public function setAsDefaultApplication(extension:String):void
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "setAsDefaultApplication");
public function removeAsDefaultApplication(extension:String):void
stub_method("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "removeAsDefaultApplication");
public function get executeInBackground():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "executeInBackground");
return false;
public function set executeInBackground(param1:Boolean):void
stub_setter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "executeInBackground");
// [API("721")] Ruffle doesn't support this API Version
public function get isCompiledAOT():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "isCompiledAOT");
return false;
// [API("721")] Ruffle doesn't support this API Version
public function get isActive():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.desktop.NativeApplication", "isActive");
return true;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,144 @@
package flash.display {
package flash.display
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
public class NativeMenu extends EventDispatcher {
import __ruffle__.stub_method;
import __ruffle__.stub_getter;
// According to the documentation, it should be [API("661")]
// but airglobal.swc disagrees with that:
public class NativeMenu extends EventDispatcher
// Indicates whether any form of native menu is supported on the client system.
private var _isSupported:Boolean;
// The array of NativeMenuItem objects in this menu.
public var items:Array;
// The parent menu.
private var _parent:NativeMenu;
public function NativeMenu()
// Adds a menu item at the bottom of the menu.
public function addItem(item:NativeMenuItem):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "addItem");
return item;
// Inserts a menu item at the specified position.
public function addItemAt(item:NativeMenuItem, index:int):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "addItemAt");
this.items[index] = item;
return item;
// Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item.
public function addSubmenu(submenu:NativeMenu, label:String):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "addSubmenu");
return null;
// Adds a submenu to the menu by inserting a new menu item at the specified position.
public function addSubmenuAt(submenu:NativeMenu, index:int, label:String):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "addSubmenuAt");
return null;
// Creates a copy of the menu and all items.
public function clone():NativeMenu
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "clone");
return null;
// Reports whether this menu contains the specified menu item.
public function containsItem(item:NativeMenuItem):Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "containsItem");
return false;
// Pops up this menu at the specified location.
public function display(stage:Stage, stageX:Number, stageY:Number):void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "display");
// Gets the menu item at the specified index.
public function getItemAt(index:int):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "getItemAt");
return null;
// Gets the menu item with the specified name.
public function getItemByName(name:String):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "getItemByName");
return null;
// Gets the position of the specified item.
public function getItemIndex(item:NativeMenuItem):int
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "getItemIndex");
return -1;
// Removes all items from the menu.
public function removeAllItems():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "removeAllItems");
this.items = [];
// Removes the specified menu item.
public function removeItem(item:NativeMenuItem):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "removeItem");
return null;
// Removes and returns the menu item at the specified index.
public function removeItemAt(index:int):NativeMenuItem
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "removeItemAt");
return null;
// Moves a menu item to the specified position.
public function setItemIndex(item:NativeMenuItem, index:int):void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeMenu", "setItemIndex");
// According to the documentation, it should be [API("668")]
// but there is no version gate in airglobal.swc
public function get isSupported():Boolean
return this._isSupported;
public function get numItems():int
return this.items.length;
public function get parent():NativeMenu
return this._parent;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
package flash.display {
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import __ruffle__.stub_constructor;
import __ruffle__.stub_getter;
// According to the documentation, it should be [API("661")]
// but airglobal.swc disagrees with that:
public class NativeMenuItem extends EventDispatcher {
public var enabled: Boolean;
public var enabled: Boolean = false;
public var checked: Boolean = false;
public var data: Object;
public var isSeparator: Boolean;
public var keyEquivalent: String = "k";
public var keyEquivalentModifiers: Array = [];
public var label: String;
public var mnemonicIndex: int = 0;
public var name: String = "";
public var submenu: NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();
public function NativeMenuItem(label:String = "", isSeparator:Boolean = false)
this.label = label;
this.isSeparator = isSeparator;
public function get menu():NativeMenu
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeMenuItem", "menu");
return new NativeMenu();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
package flash.display
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.events.NativeWindowBoundsEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
import __ruffle__.stub_method;
import __ruffle__.stub_getter;
import __ruffle__.stub_setter;
import __ruffle__.stub_constructor;
public class NativeWindow extends EventDispatcher
public const systemMaxSize:Point = new Point(2880, 2880);
public const systemMinSize:Point = new Point(1, 1);
public var minSize:Point = systemMinSize;
public var maxSize:Point = systemMaxSize;
public var title:String;
public var alwaysInFront:Boolean = true;
public var visible:Boolean = true;
private var _bounds:Rectangle;
private var _maximizable:Boolean;
private var _minimizable:Boolean;
private var _resizable:Boolean;
private var _systemChrome:String;
private var _transparent:Boolean;
private var _type:String;
private var _closed:Boolean = false;
private var _stage:Stage;
public function NativeWindow(initOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions, _stage:Stage = null)
if (_stage)
this._stage = _stage;
_stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, function(e:Event):void
dispatchEvent(new NativeWindowBoundsEvent(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, false, false, _bounds, _bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)));
_maximizable = initOptions.maximizable;
_minimizable = initOptions.minimizable;
_resizable = initOptions.resizable;
_systemChrome = initOptions.systemChrome;
_transparent = initOptions.transparent;
_type = initOptions.type;
public function get width():Number
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "width");
return _stage.stageWidth;
public function set width(value:Number):void
stub_setter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "width");
_stage.stageWidth = value;
public function get height():Number
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "height");
return _stage.stageHeight;
public function set height(value:Number):void
stub_setter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "height");
_stage.stageHeight = value;
public function get x():Number
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "x");
return _stage.x;
public function set x(value:Number):void
stub_setter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "x");
public function get y():Number
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "y");
return _stage.y;
public function set y(value:Number):void
stub_setter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "y");
public function get bounds():Rectangle
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "bounds");
return _bounds;
public function set bounds(value:Rectangle):void
stub_setter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "bounds");
_bounds = value;
public function get maximizable():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "maximizable");
return _maximizable;
public function get minimizable():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "minimizable");
return _minimizable;
public function get resizable():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "resizable");
return _resizable;
public function get systemChrome():String
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "systemChrome");
return _systemChrome;
public function get transparent():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "transparent");
return _transparent;
public function get type():String
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "type");
return _type;
public function get stage():Stage
return _stage;
// Activates this window.
public function activate():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "activate");
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.ACTIVATE));
// Closes this window.
public function close():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "close");
if (dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSING, false, true)))
_closed = true;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.DEACTIVATE));
// Converts a point in pixel coordinates relative to the origin of the window stage (a global point in terms of the display list), to a point on the virtual desktop.
public function globalToScreen(globalPoint:Point):Point
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "globalToScreen");
return null;
// Returns a list of the NativeWindow objects that are owned by this window.
public function listOwnedWindows():Vector.<NativeWindow>
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "listOwnedWindows");
return new Vector.<NativeWindow>();
// Maximizes this window.
public function maximize():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "maximize");
// Minimizes this window.
public function minimize():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "minimize");
// Triggers a visual cue through the operating system that an event of interest has occurred.
public function notifyUser(type:String):void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "notifyUser");
// Sends this window directly behind the specified window.
public function orderInBackOf(window:NativeWindow):Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "orderInBackOf");
return false;
// Brings this window directly in front of the specified window.
public function orderInFrontOf(window:NativeWindow):Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "orderInFrontOf");
return false;
// Sends this window behind any other visible windows.
public function orderToBack():Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "orderToBack");
return false;
// Brings this window in front of any other visible windows.
public function orderToFront():Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "orderToFront");
return false;
// Restores this window from either a minimized or a maximized state.
public function restore():void
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "restore");
// Starts a system-controlled move of this window.
public function startMove():Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "startMove");
return false;
// Starts a system-controlled resize operation of this window.
public function startResize(edgeOrCorner:String = "BR"):Boolean
stub_method("flash.display.NativeWindow", "startResize");
return false;
public function get active():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "active");
return true;
public function get closed():Boolean
return this._closed;
public function get displayState():String
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "displayState");
return "normal";
public function get isSupported():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "isSupported");
return false;
public function get owner():NativeWindow
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "owner");
return this;
public function get renderMode():String
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "renderMode");
return "auto";
public function get supportsMenu():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "supportsMenu");
return false;
public function get supportsNotification():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "supportsNotification");
return false;
public function get supportsTransparency():Boolean
stub_getter("flash.display.NativeWindow", "supportsTransparency");
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package flash.display
public final class NativeWindowDisplayState
public static const MAXIMIZED:String = "maximized";
public static const MINIMIZED:String = "minimized";
public static const NORMAL:String = "normal";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/display/NativeWindowInitOptions.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.display
public class NativeWindowInitOptions
// Specifies whether the window can be maximized by the user.
public var maximizable:Boolean;
// Specifies whether the window can be minimized by the user.
public var minimizable:Boolean;
// Specifies the NativeWindow object that should own any windows created with this NativeWindowInitOptions.
public var owner:NativeWindow;
// Specifies the render mode of the NativeWindow object created with this NativeWindowInitOptions.
public var renderMode:String;
// Specifies whether the window can be resized by the user.
public var resizable:Boolean;
// Specifies whether system chrome is provided for the window.
public var systemChrome:String;
// Specifies whether the window supports transparency and alpha blending against the desktop.
public var transparent:Boolean;
// Specifies the type of the window to be created.
public var type:String;
public function NativeWindowInitOptions()
systemChrome = NativeWindowSystemChrome.STANDARD;
type = NativeWindowType.NORMAL;
transparent = false;
owner = null;
resizable = true;
maximizable = true;
minimizable = true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package flash.display
public final class NativeWindowSystemChrome
public static const ALTERNATE:String = "alternate";
public static const NONE:String = "none";
public static const STANDARD:String = "standard";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package flash.display
public final class NativeWindowType
public static const LIGHTWEIGHT:String = "lightweight";
public static const NORMAL:String = "normal";
public static const UTILITY:String = "utility";

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ package flash.display {
public class Stage extends DisplayObjectContainer {
private var _colorCorrection:String = ColorCorrection.DEFAULT;
private var _mouseLock:Boolean = false;
private var _nativeWindow:NativeWindow;
private var _fullScreenSourceRect:Rectangle;
public function Stage() {
throw new Error("You cannot construct new instances of the Stage.");
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ package flash.display {
override public function set x(value:Number):void {
throw new IllegalOperationError("Error #2071: The Stage class does not implement this property or method.", 2071);
override public function set y(value:Number):void {
throw new IllegalOperationError("Error #2071: The Stage class does not implement this property or method.", 2071);
@ -214,8 +216,15 @@ package flash.display {
public native function get fullScreenHeight():uint;
public native function get fullScreenSourceRect():Rectangle;
public native function set fullScreenSourceRect(value:Rectangle):void;
public function get fullScreenSourceRect():Rectangle {
stub_getter("flash.display.Stage", "fullScreenSourceRect");
return this._fullScreenSourceRect;
public function set fullScreenSourceRect(rect: Rectangle):void {
stub_setter("flash.display.Stage", "fullScreenSourceRect");
this._fullScreenSourceRect = rect;
public native function get fullScreenWidth():uint;
@ -326,5 +335,14 @@ package flash.display {
public function setAspectRatio(newAspectRatio:String):void {
stub_method("flash.display.Stage", "setAspectRatio");
public function get nativeWindow():NativeWindow {
stub_getter("flash.display.Stage", "nativeWindow");
if (!this._nativeWindow) {
this._nativeWindow = new NativeWindow(new NativeWindowInitOptions(), this);
return this._nativeWindow;

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ use crate::avm2::parameters::ParametersExt;
use crate::avm2::value::Value;
use crate::avm2::vector::VectorStorage;
use crate::avm2::Error;
use crate::avm2_stub_getter;
use crate::display_object::{
StageDisplayState, TDisplayObject, TDisplayObjectContainer, TInteractiveObject,
use crate::string::{AvmString, WString};
use crate::{avm2_stub_getter, avm2_stub_setter};
use swf::Color;
/// Implements `flash.display.Stage`'s native instance constructor.
@ -443,26 +443,6 @@ pub fn invalidate<'gc>(
/// Stage.fullScreenSourceRect's getter
pub fn get_full_screen_source_rect<'gc>(
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
_this: Object<'gc>,
_args: &[Value<'gc>],
) -> Result<Value<'gc>, Error<'gc>> {
avm2_stub_getter!(activation, "flash.display.Stage", "fullScreenSourceRect");
/// Stage.fullScreenSourceRect's setter
pub fn set_full_screen_source_rect<'gc>(
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,
_this: Object<'gc>,
_args: &[Value<'gc>],
) -> Result<Value<'gc>, Error<'gc>> {
avm2_stub_setter!(activation, "flash.display.Stage", "fullScreenSourceRect");
/// Stage.fullScreenHeight's getter
pub fn get_full_screen_height<'gc>(
activation: &mut Activation<'_, 'gc>,

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ package flash.events {
public static const CLOSE:String = "close";
public static const CLOSING:String = "closing";
public static const COMPLETE:String = "complete";
public static const CONNECT:String = "connect";
@ -31,6 +34,9 @@ package flash.events {
public static const FRAME_CONSTRUCTED:String = "frameConstructed";
public static const EXITING:String = "exiting";
public static const EXIT_FRAME:String = "exitFrame";
public static const FRAME_LABEL:String = "frameLabel";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/InvokeEvent.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.events
import flash.filesystem.File;
public class InvokeEvent extends Event
public static const INVOKE:String = "invoke";
// The array of string arguments passed during this invocation.
private var _arguments:Array;
// The reason for this InvokeEvent.
private var _reason:String;
// The directory that should be used to resolve any relative paths in the arguments array.
private var _currentDirectory:File;
public function InvokeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, dir:File = null, argv:Array = null, reason:String = "standard")
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this._currentDirectory = dir;
this._arguments = argv;
this._reason = reason;
// [override] Creates a new copy of this event.
override public function clone():Event
return new InvokeEvent(this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable, this.arguments, this.reason);
public function get arguments():Array
return this._arguments;
public function get reason():String
return this._reason;
public function get currentDirectory():File
return this._currentDirectory;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/NativeWindowBoundsEvent.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.events
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public class NativeWindowBoundsEvent extends Event
public static const MOVING:String = "moving";
public static const MOVE:String = "move";
public static const RESIZING:String = "resizing";
public static const RESIZE:String = "resize";
// The bounds of the window before the change.
private var _beforeBounds:Rectangle;
// The bounds of the window after the change.
private var _afterBounds:Rectangle;
public function NativeWindowBoundsEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, beforeBounds:Rectangle = null, afterBounds:Rectangle = null)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this._beforeBounds = beforeBounds;
this._afterBounds = afterBounds;
// [override] Creates a copy of the NativeWindowBoundsEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original.
override public function clone():Event
return new NativeWindowBoundsEvent(this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable, this.beforeBounds, this.afterBounds);
// [override] Returns a string that contains all the properties of the NativeWindowBoundsEvent object.
override public function toString():String
// According to the documentation, the format should be:
// [NativeWindowBoundsEvent type=value bubbles=value cancelable=value previousDisplayState=value currentDisplayState=value]
// but it seems that previousDisplayState and currentDisplayState doesn't exist.
// It's likely a mistake in the documentation.
return this.formatToString("NativeWindowBoundsEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "beforeBounds", "afterBounds");
public function get beforeBounds():Rectangle
return this._beforeBounds;
public function get afterBounds():Rectangle
return this._afterBounds;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// The initial version of this file was autogenerated from the official AS3 reference at
// https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.html
// by https://github.com/golfinq/ActionScript_Event_Builder
// It won't be regenerated in the future, so feel free to edit and/or fix
package flash.events
public class NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent extends Event
public static const DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING:String = "displayStateChanging";
public static const DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE:String = "displayStateChange";
// The display state of the NativeWindow before the change.
private var _beforeDisplayState:String;
// The display state of the NativeWindow after the change.
private var _afterDisplayState:String;
public function NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false, beforeDisplayState:String = "", afterDisplayState:String = "")
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this._beforeDisplayState = beforeDisplayState;
this._afterDisplayState = afterDisplayState;
// [override] Creates a copy of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original.
override public function clone():Event
return new NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent(this.type, this.bubbles, this.cancelable, this.beforeDisplayState, this.afterDisplayState);
// [override] Returns a string that contains all the properties of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent object.
override public function toString():String
return this.formatToString("NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "beforeDisplayState", "afterDisplayState");
public function get beforeDisplayState():String
return this._beforeDisplayState;
public function get afterDisplayState():String
return this._afterDisplayState;

View File

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ include "flash/desktop/IFilePromise.as"
include "flash/desktop/NativeProcess.as"
include "flash/desktop/NativeProcessStartupInfo.as"
include "flash/desktop/Icon.as"
include "flash/desktop/InteractiveIcon.as"
include "flash/desktop/NativeApplication.as"
include "flash/display/IBitmapDrawable.as"
include "flash/display/DisplayObject.as"
include "flash/display/Bitmap.as"
@ -103,6 +107,11 @@ include "flash/display/LineScaleMode.as"
include "flash/display/MorphShape.as"
include "flash/display/NativeMenu.as"
include "flash/display/NativeMenuItem.as"
include "flash/display/NativeWindowDisplayState.as"
include "flash/display/NativeWindowSystemChrome.as"
include "flash/display/NativeWindowType.as"
include "flash/display/NativeWindowInitOptions.as"
include "flash/display/NativeWindow.as"
include "flash/display/PixelSnapping.as"
include "flash/display/PNGEncoderOptions.as"
include "flash/display/Scene.as"
@ -188,7 +197,10 @@ include "flash/events/GameInputEvent.as"
include "flash/events/GesturePhase.as"
include "flash/events/HTTPStatusEvent.as"
include "flash/events/IOErrorEvent.as"
include "flash/events/InvokeEvent.as"
include "flash/events/KeyboardEvent.as"
include "flash/events/NativeWindowBoundsEvent.as"
include "flash/events/NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.as"
include "flash/events/NetDataEvent.as"
include "flash/events/NetFilterEvent.as"
include "flash/events/NetStatusEvent.as"

View File

@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ impl App {
let viewport_scale_factor = self.window.scale_factor();
player.set_viewport_dimensions(ViewportDimensions {
width: size.width,
height: size.height - height_offset as u32,
height: size.height.saturating_sub(height_offset as u32),
scale_factor: viewport_scale_factor,