avm2: Add flash.geom.Rectangle tests

This commit is contained in:
lukaszN 2021-08-17 20:47:04 +02:00 committed by kmeisthax
parent 3670676e2d
commit 65eb6f3dfd
3 changed files with 468 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package {
public class Test {
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;
function dump(rect, desc)
var _loc1_ = "(";
_loc1_ += "top=" + rect.top + ", ";
_loc1_ += "right=" + rect.right + ", ";
_loc1_ += "bottom=" + rect.bottom + ", ";
_loc1_ += "left=" + rect.left + ", ";
_loc1_ += "topLeft=" + rect.topLeft + ", ";
_loc1_ += "bottomRight=" + rect.bottomRight + ", ";
_loc1_ += "width=" + rect.width + ", ";
_loc1_ += "height=" + rect.height + ", ";
_loc1_ += "size=" + rect.size + ", ";
_loc1_ += "x=" + rect.x + ", ";
_loc1_ += "y=" + rect.y + ")";
trace(" // " + desc);
function setAndDump(rect, key, value)
rect[key] = value;
dump(rect,"rect." + key + " = " + value);
function tryValues(key, values)
trace("/// " + key);
var _loc2_ = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
dump(_loc2_,"before modifications");
var _loc1_ = 0;
while(_loc1_ < values.length)
_loc2_ = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
_loc1_ = _loc1_ + 1;
function tryMethod(name, argsList, isRect, dumpOrig)
trace("/// " + name);
var _loc5_ = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
var _loc4_ = 0;
while(_loc4_ < argsList.length)
_loc5_ = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
var _loc3_ = argsList[_loc4_];
var _loc1_ = "";
var _loc2_ = 0;
while(_loc2_ < _loc3_.length)
if(_loc1_.length > 0)
_loc1_ += ", ";
_loc1_ += _loc3_[_loc2_];
_loc2_ = _loc2_ + 1;
var _loc6_ = _loc5_[name].apply(_loc5_,_loc3_);
dump(_loc6_,"rect." + name + "(" + _loc1_ + ")");
trace("// rect." + name + "(" + _loc1_ + ")");
_loc4_ = _loc4_ + 1;
trace("/// Constructor");
dump(new Rectangle(),"new Rectangle()");
dump(new Rectangle(1),"new Rectangle(1)");
dump(new Rectangle(1,2),"new Rectangle(1, 2)");
dump(new Rectangle(1,2,3),"new Rectangle(1, 2, 3)");
dump(new Rectangle(1,2,3,4),"new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4)");
var numberValues = [0,100,-200,NaN,Infinity];
var pointValues = [new Point(0,0),new Point(-100,-200),new Point(100,200),new Point(Infinity,Infinity),new Point(NaN,NaN)];
trace("/// clone");
var orig = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
var cloned = orig.clone();
trace("// orig == cloned");
trace(orig == cloned);
trace("// orig.equals(cloned)");
trace("/// equals");
var orig = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
trace("// orig.equals(new Rectangle(1, 3, 5, 7))");
trace(orig.equals(new Rectangle(1,3,5,7)));
// trace("");
// trace("/// isEmpty");
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle().isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle().isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(0,0,0,0).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 0).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,3,0).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, 0, 4).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,0,4).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,3,4).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, Infinity, Infinity).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,Infinity,Infinity).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, NaN, NaN).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,NaN,NaN).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, undefined, undefined).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,undefined,undefined).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("// new Rectangle(1, 2, -1, -2).isEmpty()");
// trace(new Rectangle(1,2,-1,-2).isEmpty());
// trace("");
// trace("");
// trace("/// setEmpty");
// trace("");
// var orig = new Rectangle(1,3,5,7);
// dump(orig,"orig");
// trace("// orig.setEmpty()");
// trace(orig.setEmpty());
// trace("");
// dump(orig,"orig");
// tryMethod("contains",[[1,2],[1,3],[1.1,3.1],[6,10],[5.9,9.9],[4,NaN],[undefined,5],[5,"5"],[5,Infinity]],false,false);
// tryMethod("containsPoint",[[new Point()],[new Point(1)],[new Point(1,2)],[new Point(1,3)],[new Point(1.1,3.1)],[new Point(6,10)],[new Point(5.9,9.9)],[new Point(undefined,5)]],false,false);
// tryMethod("containsRect",[[new Rectangle(0.9,2.9,5,7)],[new Rectangle(1,3,5.1,7.1)],[new Rectangle(2,undefined,1,1)],[new Rectangle(5,5,NaN,1)]],false,false);
// tryMethod("inflate",[[1,2],[-3,-4],[Infinity,5],[5,NaN],[3,{}]],false,true);
// tryMethod("inflatePoint",[[new Point(1,2)]],false,true);
// tryMethod("intersection",[[new Rectangle(3,5,7,9)],[new Rectangle(-1,-3,5,7)],[new Rectangle(30,50,1,1)]],true, false);
// tryMethod("intersects",[[new Rectangle(3,5,7,9)],[new Rectangle(-1,-3,5,7)]], false, false);
// tryMethod("offset",[[1,2],[-3,-4],[Infinity,5]],false,true);
// tryMethod("offsetPoint",[[new Point(1,2)]],false,true);
// tryMethod("union",[[new Rectangle(3,5,7,9)],[new Rectangle(-1,-3,5,7)]],true, false);
tryMethod("setTo",[[3,5,7,9],[-1,-3,5,7]],false, true);

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
/// Constructor
// new Rectangle()
(top=0, right=0, bottom=0, left=0, topLeft=(x=0, y=0), bottomRight=(x=0, y=0), width=0, height=0, size=(x=0, y=0), x=0, y=0)
// new Rectangle(1)
(top=0, right=1, bottom=0, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=0), bottomRight=(x=1, y=0), width=0, height=0, size=(x=0, y=0), x=1, y=0)
// new Rectangle(1, 2)
(top=2, right=1, bottom=2, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=2), bottomRight=(x=1, y=2), width=0, height=0, size=(x=0, y=0), x=1, y=2)
// new Rectangle(1, 2, 3)
(top=2, right=4, bottom=2, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=2), bottomRight=(x=4, y=2), width=3, height=0, size=(x=3, y=0), x=1, y=2)
// new Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4)
(top=2, right=4, bottom=6, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=2), bottomRight=(x=4, y=6), width=3, height=4, size=(x=3, y=4), x=1, y=2)
/// top
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.top = 0
(top=0, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=0), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=10, size=(x=5, y=10), x=1, y=0)
// rect.top = 100
(top=100, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=100), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=-90, size=(x=5, y=-90), x=1, y=100)
// rect.top = -200
(top=-200, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=-200), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=210, size=(x=5, y=210), x=1, y=-200)
// rect.top = NaN
(top=NaN, right=6, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=NaN), bottomRight=(x=6, y=NaN), width=5, height=NaN, size=(x=5, y=NaN), x=1, y=NaN)
// rect.top = Infinity
(top=Infinity, right=6, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=Infinity), bottomRight=(x=6, y=NaN), width=5, height=-Infinity, size=(x=5, y=-Infinity), x=1, y=Infinity)
/// right
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.right = 0
(top=3, right=0, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=0, y=10), width=-1, height=7, size=(x=-1, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.right = 100
(top=3, right=100, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=100, y=10), width=99, height=7, size=(x=99, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.right = -200
(top=3, right=-200, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=-200, y=10), width=-201, height=7, size=(x=-201, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.right = NaN
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=10), width=NaN, height=7, size=(x=NaN, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.right = Infinity
(top=3, right=Infinity, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=Infinity, y=10), width=Infinity, height=7, size=(x=Infinity, y=7), x=1, y=3)
/// left
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.left = 0
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=0, topLeft=(x=0, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=6, height=7, size=(x=6, y=7), x=0, y=3)
// rect.left = 100
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=100, topLeft=(x=100, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=-94, height=7, size=(x=-94, y=7), x=100, y=3)
// rect.left = -200
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=-200, topLeft=(x=-200, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=206, height=7, size=(x=206, y=7), x=-200, y=3)
// rect.left = NaN
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=10, left=NaN, topLeft=(x=NaN, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=10), width=NaN, height=7, size=(x=NaN, y=7), x=NaN, y=3)
// rect.left = Infinity
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=10, left=Infinity, topLeft=(x=Infinity, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=10), width=-Infinity, height=7, size=(x=-Infinity, y=7), x=Infinity, y=3)
/// bottom
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottom = 0
(top=3, right=6, bottom=0, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=0), width=5, height=-3, size=(x=5, y=-3), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottom = 100
(top=3, right=6, bottom=100, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=100), width=5, height=97, size=(x=5, y=97), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottom = -200
(top=3, right=6, bottom=-200, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=-200), width=5, height=-203, size=(x=5, y=-203), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottom = NaN
(top=3, right=6, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=NaN), width=5, height=NaN, size=(x=5, y=NaN), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottom = Infinity
(top=3, right=6, bottom=Infinity, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=Infinity), width=5, height=Infinity, size=(x=5, y=Infinity), x=1, y=3)
/// width
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.width = 0
(top=3, right=1, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=1, y=10), width=0, height=7, size=(x=0, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.width = 100
(top=3, right=101, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=101, y=10), width=100, height=7, size=(x=100, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.width = -200
(top=3, right=-199, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=-199, y=10), width=-200, height=7, size=(x=-200, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.width = NaN
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=10), width=NaN, height=7, size=(x=NaN, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.width = Infinity
(top=3, right=Infinity, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=Infinity, y=10), width=Infinity, height=7, size=(x=Infinity, y=7), x=1, y=3)
/// height
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.height = 0
(top=3, right=6, bottom=3, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=3), width=5, height=0, size=(x=5, y=0), x=1, y=3)
// rect.height = 100
(top=3, right=6, bottom=103, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=103), width=5, height=100, size=(x=5, y=100), x=1, y=3)
// rect.height = -200
(top=3, right=6, bottom=-197, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=-197), width=5, height=-200, size=(x=5, y=-200), x=1, y=3)
// rect.height = NaN
(top=3, right=6, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=NaN), width=5, height=NaN, size=(x=5, y=NaN), x=1, y=3)
// rect.height = Infinity
(top=3, right=6, bottom=Infinity, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=Infinity), width=5, height=Infinity, size=(x=5, y=Infinity), x=1, y=3)
/// x
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.x = 0
(top=3, right=5, bottom=10, left=0, topLeft=(x=0, y=3), bottomRight=(x=5, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=0, y=3)
// rect.x = 100
(top=3, right=105, bottom=10, left=100, topLeft=(x=100, y=3), bottomRight=(x=105, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=100, y=3)
// rect.x = -200
(top=3, right=-195, bottom=10, left=-200, topLeft=(x=-200, y=3), bottomRight=(x=-195, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=-200, y=3)
// rect.x = NaN
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=10, left=NaN, topLeft=(x=NaN, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=NaN, y=3)
// rect.x = Infinity
(top=3, right=Infinity, bottom=10, left=Infinity, topLeft=(x=Infinity, y=3), bottomRight=(x=Infinity, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=Infinity, y=3)
/// y
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.y = 0
(top=0, right=6, bottom=7, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=0), bottomRight=(x=6, y=7), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=0)
// rect.y = 100
(top=100, right=6, bottom=107, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=100), bottomRight=(x=6, y=107), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=100)
// rect.y = -200
(top=-200, right=6, bottom=-193, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=-200), bottomRight=(x=6, y=-193), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=-200)
// rect.y = NaN
(top=NaN, right=6, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=NaN), bottomRight=(x=6, y=NaN), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=NaN)
// rect.y = Infinity
(top=Infinity, right=6, bottom=Infinity, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=Infinity), bottomRight=(x=6, y=Infinity), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=Infinity)
/// topLeft
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.topLeft = (x=0, y=0)
(top=0, right=6, bottom=10, left=0, topLeft=(x=0, y=0), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=6, height=10, size=(x=6, y=10), x=0, y=0)
// rect.topLeft = (x=-100, y=-200)
(top=-200, right=6, bottom=10, left=-100, topLeft=(x=-100, y=-200), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=106, height=210, size=(x=106, y=210), x=-100, y=-200)
// rect.topLeft = (x=100, y=200)
(top=200, right=6, bottom=10, left=100, topLeft=(x=100, y=200), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=-94, height=-190, size=(x=-94, y=-190), x=100, y=200)
// rect.topLeft = (x=Infinity, y=Infinity)
(top=Infinity, right=NaN, bottom=NaN, left=Infinity, topLeft=(x=Infinity, y=Infinity), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=NaN), width=-Infinity, height=-Infinity, size=(x=-Infinity, y=-Infinity), x=Infinity, y=Infinity)
// rect.topLeft = (x=NaN, y=NaN)
(top=NaN, right=NaN, bottom=NaN, left=NaN, topLeft=(x=NaN, y=NaN), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=NaN), width=NaN, height=NaN, size=(x=NaN, y=NaN), x=NaN, y=NaN)
/// bottomRight
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottomRight = (x=0, y=0)
(top=3, right=0, bottom=0, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=0, y=0), width=-1, height=-3, size=(x=-1, y=-3), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottomRight = (x=-100, y=-200)
(top=3, right=-100, bottom=-200, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=-100, y=-200), width=-101, height=-203, size=(x=-101, y=-203), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottomRight = (x=100, y=200)
(top=3, right=100, bottom=200, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=100, y=200), width=99, height=197, size=(x=99, y=197), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottomRight = (x=Infinity, y=Infinity)
(top=3, right=Infinity, bottom=Infinity, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=Infinity, y=Infinity), width=Infinity, height=Infinity, size=(x=Infinity, y=Infinity), x=1, y=3)
// rect.bottomRight = (x=NaN, y=NaN)
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=NaN), width=NaN, height=NaN, size=(x=NaN, y=NaN), x=1, y=3)
/// size
// before modifications
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.size = (x=0, y=0)
(top=3, right=1, bottom=3, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=1, y=3), width=0, height=0, size=(x=0, y=0), x=1, y=3)
// rect.size = (x=-100, y=-200)
(top=3, right=-99, bottom=-197, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=-99, y=-197), width=-100, height=-200, size=(x=-100, y=-200), x=1, y=3)
// rect.size = (x=100, y=200)
(top=3, right=101, bottom=203, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=101, y=203), width=100, height=200, size=(x=100, y=200), x=1, y=3)
// rect.size = (x=Infinity, y=Infinity)
(top=3, right=Infinity, bottom=Infinity, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=Infinity, y=Infinity), width=Infinity, height=Infinity, size=(x=Infinity, y=Infinity), x=1, y=3)
// rect.size = (x=NaN, y=NaN)
(top=3, right=NaN, bottom=NaN, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=NaN, y=NaN), width=NaN, height=NaN, size=(x=NaN, y=NaN), x=1, y=3)
/// clone
// orig
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// cloned
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// orig == cloned
// orig.equals(cloned)
/// equals
// orig
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// orig.equals(new Rectangle(1, 3, 5, 7))
/// setTo
// rect
(top=3, right=6, bottom=10, left=1, topLeft=(x=1, y=3), bottomRight=(x=6, y=10), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=1, y=3)
// rect.setTo(3, 5, 7, 9)
// rect
(top=5, right=10, bottom=14, left=3, topLeft=(x=3, y=5), bottomRight=(x=10, y=14), width=7, height=9, size=(x=7, y=9), x=3, y=5)
// rect.setTo(-1, -3, 5, 7)
// rect
(top=-3, right=4, bottom=4, left=-1, topLeft=(x=-1, y=-3), bottomRight=(x=4, y=4), width=5, height=7, size=(x=5, y=7), x=-1, y=-3)