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//! AVM1 object type to represent XML nodes
use crate::avm1::function::Executable;
use crate::avm1::object::{ObjectPtr, TObject};
use crate::avm1::property::Attribute;
use crate::avm1::return_value::ReturnValue;
use crate::avm1::{Avm1, Error, Object, ScriptObject, UpdateContext, Value};
use crate::xml::{XMLDocument, XMLNode};
use enumset::EnumSet;
use gc_arena::{Collect, MutationContext};
use std::fmt;
/// A ScriptObject that is inherently tied to an XML node.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Collect)]
pub struct XMLObject<'gc>(ScriptObject<'gc>, XMLNode<'gc>);
impl<'gc> XMLObject<'gc> {
/// Construct a new XML node and object pair.
pub fn empty_node(
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
proto: Option<Object<'gc>>,
) -> Object<'gc> {
let empty_document = XMLDocument::new(gc_context);
let mut xml_node = XMLNode::new_text(gc_context, "", empty_document);
let base_object = ScriptObject::object(gc_context, proto);
let object = XMLObject(base_object, xml_node).into();
xml_node.introduce_script_object(gc_context, object);
/// Construct an XMLObject for an already existing node.
pub fn from_xml_node(
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
xml_node: XMLNode<'gc>,
proto: Option<Object<'gc>>,
) -> Object<'gc> {
XMLObject(ScriptObject::object(gc_context, proto), xml_node).into()
fn base(&self) -> ScriptObject<'gc> {
match self {
XMLObject(base, ..) => *base,
impl fmt::Debug for XMLObject<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
XMLObject(base, node) => f.debug_tuple("XMLObject").field(base).field(node).finish(),
impl<'gc> TObject<'gc> for XMLObject<'gc> {
fn get_local(
name: &str,
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
this: Object<'gc>,
) -> Result<Value<'gc>, Error> {
self.base().get_local(name, avm, context, this)
fn set(
name: &str,
value: Value<'gc>,
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.base().set(name, value, avm, context)
fn call(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
this: Object<'gc>,
base_proto: Option<Object<'gc>>,
args: &[Value<'gc>],
) -> Result<Value<'gc>, Error> {
self.base().call(avm, context, this, base_proto, args)
fn call_setter(
name: &str,
value: Value<'gc>,
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
this: Object<'gc>,
) -> Result<ReturnValue<'gc>, Error> {
self.base().call_setter(name, value, avm, context, this)
2019-12-20 20:28:49 +00:00
fn new(
_avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
this: Object<'gc>,
_args: &[Value<'gc>],
) -> Result<Object<'gc>, Error> {
2019-12-22 03:54:59 +00:00
Ok(XMLObject::empty_node(context.gc_context, Some(this)))
fn delete(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
self.base().delete(avm, gc_context, name)
fn add_property(
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
get: Executable<'gc>,
set: Option<Executable<'gc>>,
attributes: EnumSet<Attribute>,
) {
.add_property(gc_context, name, get, set, attributes)
fn add_property_with_case(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
get: Executable<'gc>,
set: Option<Executable<'gc>>,
attributes: EnumSet<Attribute>,
) {
.add_property_with_case(avm, gc_context, name, get, set, attributes)
fn define_value(
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
value: Value<'gc>,
attributes: EnumSet<Attribute>,
) {
.define_value(gc_context, name, value, attributes)
fn set_attributes(
&mut self,
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
name: Option<&str>,
set_attributes: EnumSet<Attribute>,
clear_attributes: EnumSet<Attribute>,
) {
.set_attributes(gc_context, name, set_attributes, clear_attributes)
fn proto(&self) -> Option<Object<'gc>> {
2020-04-12 17:52:16 +00:00
fn set_proto(&self, gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, prototype: Option<Object<'gc>>) {
self.base().set_proto(gc_context, prototype);
fn has_property(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
self.base().has_property(avm, context, name)
fn has_own_property(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
self.base().has_own_property(avm, context, name)
fn has_own_virtual(
avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>,
context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, 'gc, '_>,
name: &str,
) -> bool {
self.base().has_own_virtual(avm, context, name)
fn is_property_overwritable(&self, avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>, name: &str) -> bool {
self.base().is_property_overwritable(avm, name)
fn is_property_enumerable(&self, avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>, name: &str) -> bool {
self.base().is_property_enumerable(avm, name)
fn get_keys(&self, avm: &mut Avm1<'gc>) -> Vec<String> {
fn as_string(&self) -> String {
fn type_of(&self) -> &'static str {
fn interfaces(&self) -> Vec<Object<'gc>> {
fn set_interfaces(&mut self, context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, iface_list: Vec<Object<'gc>>) {
self.base().set_interfaces(context, iface_list)
fn as_script_object(&self) -> Option<ScriptObject<'gc>> {
fn as_xml_node(&self) -> Option<XMLNode<'gc>> {
match self {
XMLObject(_base, node) => Some(*node),
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ObjectPtr {
self.base().as_ptr() as *const ObjectPtr
fn length(&self) -> usize {
fn array(&self) -> Vec<Value<'gc>> {
fn set_length(&self, gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>, length: usize) {
self.base().set_length(gc_context, length)
fn array_element(&self, index: usize) -> Value<'gc> {
fn set_array_element(
index: usize,
value: Value<'gc>,
gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>,
) -> usize {
self.base().set_array_element(index, value, gc_context)
fn delete_array_element(&self, index: usize, gc_context: MutationContext<'gc, '_>) {
self.base().delete_array_element(index, gc_context)