
695 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::ops::{Bound, Index, IndexMut, Range, RangeBounds};
use super::{ptr, FromWStr, Pattern, WStr, WString, MAX_STRING_LEN};
pub(super) fn panic_on_invalid_length(len: usize) -> ! {
panic!("Too many code units in Ruffle string (len = {})", len)
/// A raw string buffer containing `u8` or `u16` code units.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Units<T, U> {
/// A buffer containing `u8` code units, interpreted as LATIN-1.
/// A buffer containing `u16` code units, interpreted as UTF-16
/// but allowing unpaired surrogates.
2021-09-01 12:50:34 +00:00
impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>, U: AsRef<[u16]>> Units<T, U> {
pub(super) fn len(&self) -> usize {
match self {
Units::Bytes(buf) => buf.as_ref().len(),
Units::Wide(buf) => buf.as_ref().len(),
/// Generate `From` implementations for `Units` type.
macro_rules! units_from {
(impl[$($generics:tt)*] Units<$ty_bytes:ty, $ty_wide:ty>; $($rest:tt)*) => {
units_from! {
impl[$($generics)*] Units<$ty_bytes, $ty_wide> {
units: Units<$ty_bytes, $ty_wide> => units
} $($rest)*
(impl[$($generics:tt)*] Units<$ty_bytes:ty, $ty_wide:ty> {
$units:ident : Units<$from_bytes:ty, $from_wide:ty> => $expr:expr
} $($rest:tt)*) => {
impl<$($generics)*> From<$from_bytes> for Units<$ty_bytes, $ty_wide> {
fn from($units: $from_bytes) -> Self {
impl<$($generics)*> From<$from_wide> for Units<$ty_bytes, $ty_wide> {
fn from($units: $from_wide) -> Self {
units_from! { $($rest)* }
() => {};
units_from! {
impl['a] Units<&'a [u8], &'a [u16]>;
impl['a] Units<&'a mut [u8], &'a mut [u16]>;
impl['a, const N: usize] Units<&'a [u8], &'a [u16]> {
units: Units<&'a [u8; N], &'a [u16; N]> => &units[..]
impl['a, const N: usize] Units<&'a mut [u8], &'a mut [u16]> {
units: Units<&'a mut [u8; N], &'a mut [u16; N]> => &mut units[..]
2021-09-01 12:50:34 +00:00
impl[] Units<Vec<u8>, Vec<u16>>;
impl WStr {
/// Creates a `&WStr` from a buffer containing 1 or 2-bytes code units.
pub fn from_units<'a>(units: impl Into<Units<&'a [u8], &'a [u16]>>) -> &'a Self {
let (ptr, len) = match units.into() {
Units::Bytes(us) => (Units::Bytes(ptr::ptr_mut(us)), us.len()),
Units::Wide(us) => (Units::Wide(ptr::ptr_mut(us)), us.len()),
if len > MAX_STRING_LEN {
// SAFETY: we validated the slice length above, and the shared borrow is valid for 'a.
unsafe { &*ptr::from_units(ptr) }
/// Creates a `&mut WStr` from a mutable buffer containing 1 or 2-bytes code units.
pub fn from_units_mut<'a>(
units: impl Into<Units<&'a mut [u8], &'a mut [u16]>>,
) -> &'a mut Self {
let (ptr, len) = match units.into() {
Units::Bytes(us) => (Units::Bytes(us as *mut _), us.len()),
Units::Wide(us) => (Units::Wide(us as *mut _), us.len()),
if len > MAX_STRING_LEN {
// SAFETY: we validated the slice length above, and the mutable borrow is valid for 'a.
unsafe { &mut *ptr::from_units(ptr) }
/// Creates an empty string.
pub fn empty<'a>() -> &'a WStr {
WStr::from_units(Units::<&'a [u8], _>::Bytes(&[]))
/// Creates an empty mutable string.
pub fn empty_mut<'a>() -> &'a mut WStr {
WStr::from_units_mut(Units::<&'a mut [u8], _>::Bytes(&mut []))
/// Provides access to the underlying buffer.
pub fn units(&self) -> Units<&[u8], &[u16]> {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr` borrowed immutably, so we can deref. the buffers.
unsafe {
match ptr::units(ptr::ptr_mut(self)) {
Units::Bytes(us) => Units::Bytes(&*us),
Units::Wide(us) => Units::Wide(&*us),
/// Provides mutable access to the underlying buffer.
pub fn units_mut(&mut self) -> super::Units<&mut [u8], &mut [u16]> {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr` borrowed mutably, so we can mut. deref. the buffers.
unsafe {
match ptr::units(self) {
Units::Bytes(us) => Units::Bytes(&mut *us),
Units::Wide(us) => Units::Wide(&mut *us),
/// Returns `true` if `self` is a wide string.
pub fn is_wide(&self) -> bool {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr`.
unsafe { ptr::is_wide(ptr::ptr_mut(self)) }
/// Returns the number of code units.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr`.
unsafe { ptr::len(ptr::ptr_mut(self)) }
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains no code units.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Returns the `i`th code unit of `self`; panics if the index is out of range.
pub fn at(&self, i: usize) -> u16 {
self.get(i).expect("string index out of bounds")
/// Returns the `i`th code unit of `self`, or `None` if the index is out of range.
pub fn get(&self, i: usize) -> Option<u16> {
if i < self.len() {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr` and `i` is a valid index.
Some(unsafe { ptr::read_at(ptr::ptr_mut(self), i) })
} else {
/// Returns the `i`th code unit of `self` without doing bound checks.
/// # Safety
/// `i` must be less than `self.len()`.
pub unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, i: usize) -> u16 {
ptr::read_at(ptr::ptr_mut(self), i)
fn check_range<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
let len = self.len();
let min = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(n) => *n,
Bound::Excluded(n) => n.checked_add(1)?,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let max = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(n) => n.checked_add(1)?,
Bound::Excluded(n) => *n,
Bound::Unbounded => len,
if min <= max && max <= len {
} else {
/// Returns a subslice of `self`, or `None` if the slice indices are out of range.
/// Use indexing for a panicking version.
pub fn slice<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> Option<&Self> {
self.check_range(range).map(|r| {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr` and `r` is a valid slice range.
unsafe { &*ptr::slice(ptr::ptr_mut(self), r) }
/// Returns a mutable subslice of `self`, or `None` if the slice indices are out of range.
/// Use indexing for a panicking version.
pub fn slice_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&mut self, range: R) -> Option<&mut Self> {
self.check_range(range).map(|r| {
// SAFETY: `self` is a valid `WStr` and `r` is a valid slice range.
unsafe { &mut *ptr::slice(self, r) }
/// Returns a subslice of `self` without doing bound checks.
/// # Safety
/// The range indices must be less than or equal to `self.len()`.
pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&self, range: R) -> &Self {
.unwrap_or_else(|| core::hint::unreachable_unchecked())
/// Returns a mutable subslice of `self` without doing bound checks.
/// # Safety
/// The range indices must be less than or equal to `self.len()`.
pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked_mut<R: RangeBounds<usize>>(&mut self, range: R) -> &Self {
.unwrap_or_else(|| core::hint::unreachable_unchecked())
/// Iterates over the code units of `self`.
pub fn iter(&self) -> super::ops::Iter<'_> {
/// Iterates over the unicode characters of `self`.
pub fn chars(&self) -> super::ops::Chars<'_> {
/// Iterates over the unicode characters of `self`, together with their indices.
pub fn char_indices(&self) -> crate::ops::CharIndices<'_> {
2021-09-29 17:27:26 +00:00
/// Returns the offset of `self` in `other`, if `self` is a substring of `other`.
/// This is the value such that `self == other.slice(offset..offset + self.len())`.
pub fn offset_in(&self, other: &WStr) -> Option<usize> {
super::ops::str_offset_in(self, other)
2021-10-03 00:33:19 +00:00
/// Compares two strings for equality, ignoring case as done by the Flash Player.
/// Note that the case mapping is different than Rust's case mapping.
pub fn eq_ignore_case(&self, other: &WStr) -> bool {
super::ops::str_eq_ignore_case(self, other)
2022-05-08 18:39:41 +00:00
/// Compares two strings with the specified case sensitivity.
/// Note that the case mapping is different than Rust's case mapping.
pub fn eq_with_case<'a>(
other: impl Into<Units<&'a [u8], &'a [u16]>>,
case_sensitive: bool,
) -> bool {
if case_sensitive {
self == WStr::from_units(other.into())
} else {
/// Compares two strings, ignoring case as done by the Flash Player.
/// Note that the case mapping is different than Rust's case mapping.
pub fn cmp_ignore_case(&self, other: &WStr) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
super::ops::str_cmp_ignore_case(self, other)
/// Parses the given string into another type.
pub fn parse<T: FromWStr>(&self) -> Result<T, T::Err> {
/// Returns `true` is the string contains only LATIN1 characters.
/// Note that this doesn't necessarily means that `self.is_wide()` is `false`.
pub fn is_latin1(&self) -> bool {
/// Converts this string to an UTF8 `String`.
/// Unpaired surrogates are replaced by the replacement character.
pub fn to_utf8_lossy(&self) -> alloc::borrow::Cow<'_, str> {
/// Returns a new string with all ASCII characters mapped to their lowercase equivalent.
pub fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> WString {
/// Analogue of [`str::replace`].
pub fn replace<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P, with: &WStr) -> WString {
super::ops::str_replace(self, pattern, with)
/// Analogue of [`str::find`].
pub fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Option<usize> {
super::ops::str_find(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::rfind`].
pub fn rfind<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Option<usize> {
super::ops::str_rfind(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::contains`].
pub fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool {
/// Analogue of [`str::split`].
pub fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, separator: P) -> super::ops::Split<'a, P> {
super::ops::str_split(self, separator)
/// Analogue of [`str::split_at`].
pub fn split_at(&self, index: usize) -> (&WStr, &WStr) {
(&self[..index], &self[index..])
/// Analogue of [`str::rsplit_once`].
pub fn rsplit_once<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Option<(&'a WStr, &'a WStr)> {
super::ops::str_rsplit_once(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::trim_matches`].
pub fn trim_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> &'a WStr {
super::ops::str_trim_matches(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::trim_start_matches`].
pub fn trim_start_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> &'a WStr {
super::ops::str_trim_start_matches(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::trim_end_matches`].
pub fn trim_end_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> &'a WStr {
super::ops::str_trim_end_matches(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::trim`], but uses Flash's definition of whitespace.
pub fn trim(&self) -> &WStr {
/// Analogue of [`str::trim_start`], but uses Flash's definition of whitespace.
pub fn trim_start(&self) -> &WStr {
/// Analogue of [`str::trim_end`], but uses Flash's definition of whitespace.
pub fn trim_end(&self) -> &WStr {
/// Analogue of [`str::starts_with`].
pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool {
super::ops::starts_with(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::ends_with`].
pub fn ends_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool {
super::ops::ends_with(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::strip_prefix`].
pub fn strip_prefix<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Option<&'a WStr> {
super::ops::strip_prefix(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::strip_suffix`].
pub fn strip_suffix<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Option<&'a WStr> {
super::ops::strip_suffix(self, pattern)
/// Analogue of [`str::repeat`]
pub fn repeat(&self, count: usize) -> WString {
super::ops::str_repeat(self, count)
impl<'a> Default for &'a WStr {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<'a> Default for &'a mut WStr {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<R: RangeBounds<usize>> Index<R> for WStr {
type Output = WStr;
fn index(&self, idx: R) -> &Self::Output {
self.slice(idx).expect("string indices out of bounds")
impl<R: RangeBounds<usize>> IndexMut<R> for WStr {
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: R) -> &mut Self::Output {
self.slice_mut(idx).expect("string indices out of bounds")
impl core::cmp::PartialEq<WStr> for WStr {
fn eq(&self, other: &WStr) -> bool {
super::ops::str_eq(self, other)
impl core::cmp::Ord for WStr {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
super::ops::str_cmp(self, other)
impl core::hash::Hash for WStr {
fn hash<H: core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
super::ops::str_hash(self, state)
impl core::fmt::Display for WStr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
super::ops::str_fmt(self, f)
impl core::fmt::Debug for WStr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
super::ops::str_debug_fmt(self, f)
impl<'a> core::iter::IntoIterator for &'a WStr {
type Item = u16;
type IntoIter = super::Iter<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
macro_rules! __wstr_impl_internal {
(@eq_ord_units [$($generics:tt)*] for $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty) => {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialEq<$rhs> for $lhs {
fn eq(&self, other: &$rhs) -> bool {
::core::cmp::PartialEq::eq(&self[..], $crate::WStr::from_units(other))
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialOrd<$rhs> for $lhs {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$rhs) -> Option<::core::cmp::Ordering> {
Some(::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&self[..], $crate::WStr::from_units(other)))
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialEq<$lhs> for $rhs {
fn eq(&self, other: &$lhs) -> bool {
::core::cmp::PartialEq::eq(WStr::from_units(self), &other[..])
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialOrd<$lhs> for $rhs {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$lhs) -> Option<::core::cmp::Ordering> {
Some(::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(WStr::from_units(self), &other[..]))
(@eq_ord [$($generics:tt)*] for $lhs:ty, $rhs:ty) => {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialEq<$lhs> for $rhs {
fn eq(&self, other: &$lhs) -> bool {
::core::cmp::PartialEq::eq(&self[..], &other[..])
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialOrd<$lhs> for $rhs {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$lhs) -> Option<::core::cmp::Ordering> {
Some(::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(&self[..], &other[..]))
(@eq_ord_self [$($generics:tt)*] for $ty:ty) => {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::Eq for $ty {}
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialOrd<$ty> for $ty {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$ty) -> Option<::core::cmp::Ordering> {
Some(::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(self, other))
__wstr_impl_internal! { @eq_ord_units [$($generics)* const N: usize] for $ty, [u8; N] }
__wstr_impl_internal! { @eq_ord_units [$($generics)* const N: usize] for $ty, [u16; N] }
__wstr_impl_internal! { @eq_ord_units [$($generics)*] for $ty, [u8] }
__wstr_impl_internal! { @eq_ord_units [$($generics)*] for $ty, [u16] }
(@base [$($generics:tt)*] for $ty:ty) => {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::convert::AsRef<$crate::WStr> for $ty {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &$crate::WStr {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::borrow::Borrow<$crate::WStr> for $ty {
fn borrow(&self) -> &$crate::WStr {
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::PartialEq<$ty> for $ty {
fn eq(&self, other: &$ty) -> bool {
::core::cmp::PartialEq::eq(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), ::core::ops::Deref::deref(other))
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::cmp::Ord for $ty {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> ::core::cmp::Ordering {
::core::cmp::Ord::cmp(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), ::core::ops::Deref::deref(other))
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::hash::Hash for $ty {
fn hash<H: ::core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
::core::hash::Hash::hash(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), state)
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::fmt::Display for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
::core::fmt::Display::fmt(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), f)
impl<$($generics)*> ::core::fmt::Debug for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
::core::fmt::Debug::fmt(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), f)
impl<'_0, $($generics)*> ::core::iter::IntoIterator for &'_0 $ty {
type Item = u16;
type IntoIter = $crate::Iter<'_0>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'_0, $($generics)*> $crate::Pattern<'_0> for &'_0 $ty {
type Searcher = <&'_0 WStr as $crate::Pattern<'_0>>::Searcher;
fn into_searcher(self, haystack: &'_0 $crate::WStr) -> Self::Searcher {
$crate::Pattern::into_searcher(::core::ops::Deref::deref(self), haystack)
(@full [$($generics:tt)*] for $ty:ty) => {
__wstr_impl_internal!(@base [$($generics)*] for $ty);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord_self [$($generics)*] for $ty);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord [$($generics)*] for $ty, $crate::WStr);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord [$($generics)*] for $crate::WStr, $ty);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord [$($generics)* 'a,] for $ty, &'a $crate::WStr);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord [$($generics)* 'a,] for &'a $crate::WStr, $ty);
/// Implements standard traits for `WStr`-like types.
2022-08-08 15:25:39 +00:00
/// This macro requires a pre-existing [`Deref<Target=WStr>`][core::ops::Deref] impl, and will emit
/// delegating impls for the following traits:
/// - [`AsRef<WStr>`], [`Borrow<WStr>`][core::borrow::Borrow];
/// - [`Eq`], [`PartialEq`], [`Ord`], [`PartialOrd`];
/// - [`PartialEq<_>`], [`PartialOrd<_>`] for [`WStr`], [`&WStr`][WStr],
/// `[u8]`, `[u16]`, `[u8; N]` and `[u16; N]`;
/// - [`Display`][core::fmt::Display], [`Debug`][core::fmt::Debug];
/// - [`Hash`][core::hash::Hash];
/// - [`IntoIterator<Item=u16>`][IntoIterator].
macro_rules! wstr_impl_traits {
(impl for $ty_name:ty) => {
__wstr_impl_internal!(@full [] for $ty_name);
(impl [$($generics:tt)+] for $ty_name:ty) => {
__wstr_impl_internal!(@full [$($generics)*,] for $ty_name);
__wstr_impl_internal!(@eq_ord_self [] for WStr);