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//! Tests running SWFs in a headless Ruffle instance.
2021-01-15 11:47:23 +00:00
//! Trace output can be compared with correct output from the official Flash Player.
use approx::assert_relative_eq;
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
use regex::Regex;
2019-09-17 03:37:11 +00:00
use ruffle_core::backend::{
navigator::{NullExecutor, NullNavigatorBackend},
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
storage::{MemoryStorageBackend, StorageBackend},
2019-09-17 03:37:11 +00:00
use ruffle_core::context::UpdateContext;
use ruffle_core::events::MouseButton as RuffleMouseButton;
use ruffle_core::external::Value as ExternalValue;
use ruffle_core::external::{ExternalInterfaceMethod, ExternalInterfaceProvider};
use ruffle_core::limits::ExecutionLimit;
use ruffle_core::tag_utils::SwfMovie;
use ruffle_core::{Player, PlayerBuilder, PlayerEvent, ViewportDimensions};
use ruffle_input_format::{AutomatedEvent, InputInjector, MouseButton as InputMouseButton};
#[cfg(feature = "imgtests")]
use ruffle_render_wgpu::backend::WgpuRenderBackend;
#[cfg(feature = "imgtests")]
use ruffle_render_wgpu::{target::TextureTarget, wgpu};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
const RUN_IMG_TESTS: bool = cfg!(feature = "imgtests");
fn set_logger() {
let _ = env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info"))
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
macro_rules! val_or_false {
($val:literal) => {
() => {
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
macro_rules! val_or_empty_slice {
($val:expr) => {
() => {
// This macro generates test cases for a given list of SWFs.
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
// If 'img' is true, then we will render an image of the final frame
// of the SWF, and compare it against a reference image on disk.
macro_rules! swf_tests {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* ($name:ident, $path:expr, $num_frames:literal $(, img = $img:literal)? $(, frame_time_sleep = $frame_time_sleep:literal)? ),)*) => {
fn $name() -> Result<(), Error> {
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/test.swf"),
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/input.json"),
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/output.txt"),
// This macro generates test cases for a given list of SWFs using `test_swf_approx`.
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
// If provided, `@num_patterns` must be a `&[Regex]`. Each regex in the slice is
// tested against the expected and actual - if it matches, then each capture
// group is treated as a floating-point value to be compared approximately.
// The rest of the string (outside of the capture groups) is compared exactly.
macro_rules! swf_tests_approx {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* ($name:ident, $path:expr, $num_frames:literal $(, @num_patterns = $num_patterns:expr)? $(, @img = $img:literal)? $(, $opt:ident = $val:expr)*),)*) => {
fn $name() -> Result<(), Error> {
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/test.swf"),
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/input.json"),
concat!("tests/swfs/", $path, "/output.txt"),
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
|actual, expected| assert_relative_eq!(actual, expected $(, $opt = $val)*),
// List of SWFs to test.
// Format: (test_name, test_folder, number_of_frames_to_run)
// The test folder is a relative to core/tests/swfs
// Inside the folder is expected to be "test.swf" and "output.txt" with the correct output.
swf_tests! {
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(action_to_integer, "avm1/action_to_integer", 1),
(add_swf4, "avm1/add_swf4", 1),
(add_swf5, "avm1/add_swf5", 1),
(add, "avm1/add", 1),
2022-03-30 20:43:59 +00:00
(add2, "avm1/add2", 1),
2019-12-03 23:01:39 +00:00
(add_property, "avm1/add_property", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(arguments, "avm1/arguments", 1),
(array_call_method, "avm1/array_call_method", 1),
2019-11-27 22:54:19 +00:00
(array_concat, "avm1/array_concat", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(array_constructor, "avm1/array_constructor", 1),
(array_enumerate, "avm1/array_enumerate", 1),
(array_length, "avm1/array_length", 1),
(array_properties, "avm1/array_properties", 1),
(array_prototyping, "avm1/array_prototyping", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(array_slice, "avm1/array_slice", 1),
2020-04-01 11:24:46 +00:00
(array_sort, "avm1/array_sort", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(array_splice, "avm1/array_splice", 1),
(array_trivial, "avm1/array_trivial", 1),
(as_broadcaster_initialize, "avm1/as_broadcaster_initialize", 1),
(as_broadcaster, "avm1/as_broadcaster", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version_swf5, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version_swf5", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version_swf6, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version_swf6", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version_swf7, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version_swf7", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version_swf8, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version_swf8", 1),
(as_set_prop_flags_version_swf9, "avm1/as_set_prop_flags_version_swf9", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as_transformed_flag, "avm1/as_transformed_flag", 3),
(as1_constructor_v6, "avm1/as1_constructor_v6", 1),
(as1_constructor_v7, "avm1/as1_constructor_v7", 1),
(as2_bitand, "avm1/bitand", 1),
(as2_bitor, "avm1/bitor", 1),
(as2_bitxor, "avm1/bitxor", 1),
(as2_oop, "avm1/as2_oop", 1),
(as2_super_and_this_v6, "avm1/as2_super_and_this_v6", 1),
(as2_super_and_this_v8, "avm1/as2_super_and_this_v8", 1),
(as2_super_via_manual_prototype, "avm1/as2_super_via_manual_prototype", 1),
(as3_add, "avm2/add", 1),
(as3_agal_compiler, "avm2/agal_compiler", 1),
(as3_application_domain, "avm2/application_domain", 1),
(as3_array_access, "avm2/array_access", 1),
2020-08-29 18:06:41 +00:00
(as3_array_concat, "avm2/array_concat", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_constr, "avm2/array_constr", 1),
(as3_array_delete, "avm2/array_delete", 1),
(as3_array_enumeration_elements, "avm2/array_enumeration_elements", 1),
(as3_array_enumeration, "avm2/array_enumeration", 1),
(as3_array_every, "avm2/array_every", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_filter, "avm2/array_filter", 1),
(as3_array_foreach, "avm2/array_foreach", 1),
(as3_array_hasownproperty, "avm2/array_hasownproperty", 1),
(as3_array_holes, "avm2/array_holes", 1),
(as3_array_indexof, "avm2/array_indexof", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_join, "avm2/array_join", 1),
(as3_array_lastindexof, "avm2/array_lastindexof", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_length, "avm2/array_length", 1),
(as3_array_literal, "avm2/array_literal", 1),
(as3_array_map, "avm2/array_map", 1),
(as3_array_pop, "avm2/array_pop", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_push, "avm2/array_push", 1),
2020-09-01 00:46:57 +00:00
(as3_array_reverse, "avm2/array_reverse", 1),
(as3_array_shift, "avm2/array_shift", 1),
2020-09-01 03:15:03 +00:00
(as3_array_slice, "avm2/array_slice", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_some, "avm2/array_some", 1),
2020-09-04 00:22:42 +00:00
(as3_array_sort, "avm2/array_sort", 1),
2020-09-05 22:50:43 +00:00
(as3_array_sorton, "avm2/array_sorton", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_array_splice, "avm2/array_splice", 1),
(as3_array_storage, "avm2/array_storage", 1),
(as3_array_tolocalestring, "avm2/array_tolocalestring", 1),
(as3_array_tostring, "avm2/array_tostring", 1),
(as3_array_unshift, "avm2/array_unshift", 1),
(as3_array_valueof, "avm2/array_valueof", 1),
(as3_astype, "avm2/astype", 1),
(as3_astypelate, "avm2/astypelate", 1),
(as3_bitand, "avm2/bitand", 1),
(as3_bitmap_constr, "avm2/bitmap_constr", 1),
(as3_bitmap_data, "avm2/bitmap_data", 1),
(as3_bitmapdata_copypixels, "avm2/bitmapdata_copypixels", 2, img = true),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
#[ignore] (as3_bitmap_properties, "avm2/bitmap_properties", 1),
(as3_bitmap_subclass, "avm2/bitmap_subclass", 1),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "imgtests"), ignore)] (as3_bitmap_subclass_properties, "avm2/bitmap_subclass_properties", 1, img = true),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_bitmap_timeline, "avm2/bitmap_timeline", 1),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "imgtests"), ignore)] (as3_bitmapdata_clone, "avm2/bitmapdata_clone", 1, img = true),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_bitmapdata_constr, "avm2/bitmapdata_constr", 1),
(as3_bitmapdata_dispose, "avm2/bitmapdata_dispose", 1),
// We need a render backend in order to call `BitmapData.draw`
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "imgtests"), ignore)] (as3_bitmapdata_draw, "avm2/bitmapdata_draw", 1, img = true),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "imgtests"), ignore)] (as3_bitmapdata_opaque, "avm2/bitmapdata_opaque", 1, img = true),
(as3_bitmapdata_zero_size, "avm2/bitmapdata_zero_size", 1),
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "imgtests"), ignore)] (as3_bitmapdata_embedded, "avm2/bitmapdata_embedded", 1, img = true),
(as3_bitmapdata_fillrect, "avm2/bitmapdata_fillrect", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_bitnot, "avm2/bitnot", 1),
(as3_bitor, "avm2/bitor", 1),
(as3_bitxor, "avm2/bitxor", 1),
(as3_boolean_constr, "avm2/boolean_constr", 1),
(as3_boolean_negation, "avm2/boolean_negation", 1),
(as3_boolean_tostring, "avm2/boolean_tostring", 1),
(as3_bytearray_readobject_amf0, "avm2/bytearray_readobject_amf0", 1),
(as3_bytearray_readobject_amf3, "avm2/bytearray_readobject_amf3", 1),
(as3_bytearray_writeobject, "avm2/bytearray_writeobject", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_bytearray, "avm2/bytearray", 1),
2022-09-21 23:25:00 +00:00
(as3_checkfilter, "avm2/checkfilter", 1),
2022-02-02 21:42:30 +00:00
(as3_class_call, "avm2/class_call", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_class_cast_call, "avm2/class_cast_call", 1),
(as3_class_enumeration, "avm2/class_enumeration", 1),
(as3_class_is, "avm2/class_is", 1),
(as3_class_methods, "avm2/class_methods", 1),
(as3_class_object_properties, "avm2/class_object_properties", 1),
(as3_class_singleton, "avm2/class_singleton", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_class_supercalls_mismatched, "avm2/class_supercalls_mismatched", 1),
(as3_class_to_locale_string, "avm2/class_to_locale_string", 1),
(as3_class_to_string, "avm2/class_to_string", 1),
(as3_class_value_of, "avm2/class_value_of", 1),
(as3_closures, "avm2/closures", 1),
2022-07-01 04:34:26 +00:00
(as3_coerce_property, "avm2/coerce_property", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_coerce_string, "avm2/coerce_string", 1),
(as3_constructor_call, "avm2/constructor_call", 1),
(as3_control_flow_bool, "avm2/control_flow_bool", 1),
(as3_control_flow_stricteq, "avm2/control_flow_stricteq", 1),
(as3_convert_boolean, "avm2/convert_boolean", 1),
(as3_convert_integer, "avm2/convert_integer", 1),
(as3_convert_number, "avm2/convert_number", 1),
(as3_convert_uinteger, "avm2/convert_uinteger", 1),
(as3_date_parse, "avm2/date_parse", 1),
(as3_date, "avm2/date", 1),
(as3_declocal_i, "avm2/declocal_i", 1),
(as3_declocal, "avm2/declocal", 1),
(as3_decrement_i, "avm2/decrement_i", 1),
(as3_decrement, "avm2/decrement", 1),
(as3_default_values, "avm2/default_values", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_dictionary_access, "avm2/dictionary_access", 1),
(as3_dictionary_delete, "avm2/dictionary_delete", 1),
(as3_dictionary_foreach, "avm2/dictionary_foreach", 1),
(as3_dictionary_hasownproperty, "avm2/dictionary_hasownproperty", 1),
(as3_dictionary_in, "avm2/dictionary_in", 1),
(as3_dictionary_namespaces, "avm2/dictionary_namespaces", 1),
(as3_displayobject_alpha, "avm2/displayobject_alpha", 1),
(as3_displayobject_filters, "avm2/displayobject_filters", 1),
(as3_displayobject_blendmode, "avm2/displayobject_blendmode", 1, img = true),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_hittestobject, "avm2/displayobject_hittestobject", 1),
(as3_displayobject_hittestpoint, "avm2/displayobject_hittestpoint", 2),
(as3_displayobject_mask, "avm2/displayobject_mask", 1, img = true),
(as3_displayobject_name, "avm2/displayobject_name", 4),
(as3_displayobject_parent, "avm2/displayobject_parent", 4),
2020-12-02 03:27:07 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_root, "avm2/displayobject_root", 4),
2020-12-03 03:17:49 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_visible, "avm2/displayobject_visible", 4),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_x, "avm2/displayobject_x", 1),
(as3_displayobject_y, "avm2/displayobject_y", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull0, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull0", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull1, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull1", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull2, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchild_timelinepull2", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchild, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchild", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock0, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock0", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock1, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock1", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock2, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchildat_timelinelock2", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_addchildat, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_addchildat", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_contains, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_contains", 5),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_getchildat, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_getchildat", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_getchildbyname, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_getchildbyname", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_getchildindex, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_getchildindex", 5),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_removechild_timelinemanip_remove1, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_removechild_timelinemanip_remove1", 7),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_removechild, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_removechild", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_removechildat, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_removechildat", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_removechildren, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_removechildren", 5),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_setchildindex, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_setchildindex", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_stopallmovieclips, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_stopallmovieclips", 2),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_swapchildren, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_swapchildren", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_swapchildrenat, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_swapchildrenat", 1),
(as3_displayobjectcontainer_timelineinstance, "avm2/displayobjectcontainer_timelineinstance", 6),
(as3_documentclass, "avm2/documentclass", 1),
(as3_domain_memory, "avm2/domain_memory", 1),
(as3_drag_drop, "avm2/drag_drop", 14),
(as3_edittext_antialiastype, "avm2/edittext_antialiastype", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_edittext_default_format, "avm2/edittext_default_format", 1),
(as3_edittext_html_entity, "avm2/edittext_html_entity", 1),
(as3_edittext_html_roundtrip, "avm2/edittext_html_roundtrip", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_edittext_mouseenabled, "avm2/edittext_mouseenabled", 1),
(as3_edittext_newline_stripping, "avm2/edittext_newline_stripping", 1),
(as3_edittext_width_height, "avm2/edittext_width_height", 1),
(as3_equals, "avm2/equals", 1),
(as3_error_stack_trace, "avm2/error_stack_trace", 1),
(as3_error_tostring, "avm2/error_tostring", 1),
2022-09-23 21:34:57 +00:00
(as3_error_tostring_more, "avm2/error_tostring_more", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_es3_inheritance, "avm2/es3_inheritance", 1),
(as3_es4_inheritance, "avm2/es4_inheritance", 1),
(as3_es4_interfaces, "avm2/es4_interfaces", 1),
(as3_es4_method_binding, "avm2/es4_method_binding", 1),
(as3_es4_oop_prototypes, "avm2/es4_oop_prototypes", 1),
(as3_es4_protected_inheritance, "avm2/es4_protected_inheritance", 1),
(as3_event_bubbles, "avm2/event_bubbles", 1),
(as3_event_cancelable, "avm2/event_cancelable", 1),
2020-12-09 01:48:11 +00:00
(as3_event_clone, "avm2/event_clone", 1),
(as3_event_formattostring, "avm2/event_formattostring", 1),
(as3_event_handler_exception, "avm2/event_handler_exception", 2),
(as3_event_isdefaultprevented, "avm2/event_isdefaultprevented", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_event_type, "avm2/event_type", 1),
(as3_event_valueof_tostring, "avm2/event_valueof_tostring", 1),
(as3_eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_cancel, "avm2/eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_cancel", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_handlerorder, "avm2/eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_handlerorder", 1),
(as3_eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_this, "avm2/eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_this", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_eventdispatcher_dispatchevent, "avm2/eventdispatcher_dispatchevent", 1),
2022-12-05 22:44:42 +00:00
(as3_eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_indirect, "avm2/eventdispatcher_dispatchevent_indirect", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_eventdispatcher_haseventlistener, "avm2/eventdispatcher_haseventlistener", 1),
(as3_eventdispatcher_tostring, "avm2/eventdispatcher_tostring", 1),
(as3_eventdispatcher_willtrigger, "avm2/eventdispatcher_willtrigger", 1),
(as3_falsiness, "avm2/falsiness", 1),
(as3_filefilter_properties, "avm2/filefilter_properties", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_font_embedded, "avm2/font_embedded", 1),
(as3_font_hasglyphs, "avm2/font_hasglyphs", 1),
(as3_framelabel_constr, "avm2/framelabel_constr", 5),
(as3_function_call_arguments, "avm2/function_call_arguments", 1),
(as3_function_call_coercion, "avm2/function_call_coercion", 1),
(as3_function_call_default, "avm2/function_call_default", 1),
(as3_function_call_rest, "avm2/function_call_rest", 1),
(as3_function_call_types, "avm2/function_call_types", 1),
(as3_function_call_via_apply, "avm2/function_call_via_apply", 1),
(as3_function_call_via_call, "avm2/function_call_via_call", 1),
(as3_function_call, "avm2/function_call", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_function_proto, "avm2/function_proto", 1),
(as3_function_length, "avm2/function_length", 1),
(as3_function_object, "avm2/function_object", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_function_to_locale_string, "avm2/function_to_locale_string", 1),
(as3_function_to_string, "avm2/function_to_string", 1),
(as3_function_type, "avm2/function_type", 1),
(as3_function_value_of, "avm2/function_value_of", 1),
(as3_generate_random_bytes, "avm2/generate_random_bytes", 1),
(as3_get_definition_by_name, "avm2/get_definition_by_name", 1),
(as3_get_qualified_class_name, "avm2/get_qualified_class_name", 1),
(as3_get_qualified_super_class_name, "avm2/get_qualified_super_class_name", 1),
(as3_get_timer, "avm2/get_timer", 1),
(as3_getouterscope, "avm2/getouterscope", 1),
(as3_greaterequals, "avm2/greaterequals", 1),
(as3_greaterthan, "avm2/greaterthan", 1),
(as3_has_own_property, "avm2/has_own_property", 1),
(as3_hasownproperty_namespaces, "avm2/hasownproperty_namespaces", 1),
(as3_hello_world, "avm2/hello_world", 1),
(as3_if_eq, "avm2/if_eq", 1),
(as3_if_gt, "avm2/if_gt", 1),
(as3_if_gte, "avm2/if_gte", 1),
(as3_if_lt, "avm2/if_lt", 1),
(as3_if_lte, "avm2/if_lte", 1),
(as3_if_ne, "avm2/if_ne", 1),
(as3_if_stricteq, "avm2/if_stricteq", 1),
(as3_if_strictne, "avm2/if_strictne", 1),
(as3_in, "avm2/in", 1),
(as3_inclocal_i, "avm2/inclocal_i", 1),
(as3_inclocal, "avm2/inclocal", 1),
(as3_increment_i, "avm2/increment_i", 1),
(as3_increment, "avm2/increment", 1),
(as3_instanceof, "avm2/instanceof", 1),
(as3_int_constr, "avm2/int_constr", 1),
(as3_int_edge_cases, "avm2/int_edge_cases", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
#[ignore] (as3_int_toexponential, "avm2/int_toexponential", 1), //Ignored because Flash Player has a print routine that adds extraneous zeros to things
(as3_int_tofixed, "avm2/int_tofixed", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_int_toprecision, "avm2/int_toprecision", 1), //Ignored because Flash Player has a print routine that adds extraneous zeros to things
(as3_int_tostring, "avm2/int_tostring", 1),
(as3_interactiveobject_enabled, "avm2/interactiveobject_enabled", 1),
(as3_interface_namespaces, "avm2/interface_namespaces", 1),
(as3_invalid_utf8, "avm2/invalid_utf8", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_is_finite, "avm2/is_finite", 1),
(as3_is_nan, "avm2/is_nan", 1),
(as3_is_prototype_of, "avm2/is_prototype_of", 1),
(as3_issue_5292, "avm2/issue_5292", 1),
(as3_issue_8630, "avm2/issue_8630", 1),
(as3_issue_8630_placeremoveplace, "avm2/issue_8630_placeremoveplace", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_issue_8630_placeremoveplace_scriptremove, "avm2/issue_8630_placeremoveplace_scriptremove", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_issue_8630_scriptremove, "avm2/issue_8630_scriptremove", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_istype, "avm2/istype", 1),
(as3_istypelate_coerce, "avm2/istypelate_coerce", 1),
(as3_istypelate, "avm2/istypelate", 1),
(as3_json_parse, "avm2/json_parse", 1),
(as3_json_stringify, "avm2/json_stringify", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_lazyinit, "avm2/lazyinit", 1),
(as3_lessequals, "avm2/lessequals", 1),
(as3_lessthan, "avm2/lessthan", 1),
(as3_loader_events, "avm2/loader_events", 3, img = true),
(as3_loader_loadbytes_events, "avm2/loader_loadbytes_events", 3, img = true),
(as3_loaderinfo_events, "avm2/loaderinfo_events", 2),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_loaderinfo_properties, "avm2/loaderinfo_properties", 2),
(as3_loaderinfo_root, "avm2/loaderinfo_root", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_loaderinfo_quine, "avm2/loaderinfo_quine", 2),
(as3_lshift, "avm2/lshift", 1),
(as3_modulo, "avm2/modulo", 1),
(as3_mouseevent_constr, "avm2/mouseevent_constr", 1),
(as3_mouseevent_stagexy, "avm2/mouseevent_stagexy", 1),
(as3_mouseevent_valueof_tostring, "avm2/mouseevent_valueof_tostring", 1),
(as3_movieclip_child_property, "avm2/movieclip_child_property", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_constr, "avm2/movieclip_constr", 1),
(as3_movieclip_currentlabels, "avm2/movieclip_currentlabels", 5),
(as3_movieclip_currentscene, "avm2/movieclip_currentscene", 5),
(as3_movieclip_dispatchevent_cancel, "avm2/movieclip_dispatchevent_cancel", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_dispatchevent_handlerorder, "avm2/movieclip_dispatchevent_handlerorder", 1),
(as3_movieclip_dispatchevent_selfadd, "avm2/movieclip_dispatchevent_selfadd", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_dispatchevent_target, "avm2/movieclip_dispatchevent_target", 1),
(as3_movieclip_dispatchevent, "avm2/movieclip_dispatchevent", 1),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_clickgoto, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_clickgoto", 32),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_clickgoto2, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_clickgoto2", 46),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_clickplay, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_clickplay", 32),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_clicksymbol, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_clicksymbol", 32),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_constructframegoto, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_constructframegoto", 12),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_constructframeplay, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_constructframeplay", 6),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_constructframesymbol, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_constructframesymbol", 12),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_dblhandler, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_dblhandler", 4),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_enterframegoto, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_enterframegoto", 15),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_enterframeplay, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_enterframeplay", 6),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_enterframesymbol, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_enterframesymbol", 15),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_exitframegoto, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_exitframegoto", 12),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_exitframeplay, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_exitframeplay", 6),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_exitframesymbol, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_exitframesymbol", 12),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_looping, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_looping", 5),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_timeline, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_timeline", 7),
(as3_movieclip_displayevents_stopped, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents_stopped", 10),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_displayevents, "avm2/movieclip_displayevents", 9),
(as3_movieclip_drawrect, "avm2/movieclip_drawrect", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_goto_during_frame_script, "avm2/movieclip_goto_during_frame_script", 1),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandplay, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandplay", 5),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop", 5),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop_children, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop_children", 1),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts1, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts1", 1),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts2, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts2", 1),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts_self, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop_framescripts_self", 1),
(as3_movieclip_gotoandstop_queueing, "avm2/movieclip_gotoandstop_queueing", 2),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_movieclip_next_frame, "avm2/movieclip_next_frame", 5),
(as3_movieclip_next_scene, "avm2/movieclip_next_scene", 5),
(as3_movieclip_play, "avm2/movieclip_play", 5),
(as3_movieclip_prev_frame, "avm2/movieclip_prev_frame", 5),
(as3_movieclip_prev_scene, "avm2/movieclip_prev_scene", 5),
(as3_movieclip_properties, "avm2/movieclip_properties", 4),
(as3_movieclip_scenes, "avm2/movieclip_scenes", 5),
(as3_movieclip_soundtransform, "avm2/movieclip_soundtransform", 49),
(as3_movieclip_stop, "avm2/movieclip_stop", 5),
(as3_movieclip_symbol_constr, "avm2/movieclip_symbol_constr", 1),
(as3_movieclip_willtrigger, "avm2/movieclip_willtrigger", 3),
(as3_multiply, "avm2/multiply", 1),
(as3_nan_scale, "avm2/nan_scale", 1),
(as3_negate, "avm2/negate", 1),
(as3_nonconflicting_declarations, "avm2/nonconflicting_declarations", 1),
(as3_number_constr, "avm2/number_constr", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_number_tostring, "avm2/number_tostring", 1), //Ignored because Flash Player adds extra x, W, and/or ° symbols randomly
(as3_object_enumeration, "avm2/object_enumeration", 1),
(as3_object_prototype, "avm2/object_prototype", 1),
(as3_object_to_locale_string, "avm2/object_to_locale_string", 1),
(as3_object_to_string, "avm2/object_to_string", 1),
(as3_object_value_of, "avm2/object_value_of", 1),
(as3_op_coerce_x, "avm2/op_coerce_x", 1),
(as3_op_coerce, "avm2/op_coerce", 1),
(as3_op_escxattr, "avm2/op_escxattr", 1),
2021-03-30 00:47:47 +00:00
(as3_op_escxelem, "avm2/op_escxelem", 1),
2021-03-30 16:25:20 +00:00
(as3_op_lookupswitch, "avm2/op_lookupswitch", 1),
(as3_package_namespace, "avm2/package_namespace", 1),
2021-12-13 14:46:57 +00:00
(as3_parse_int, "avm2/parse_int", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_place_object_replace_2, "avm2/place_object_replace_2", 3),
(as3_place_object_replace, "avm2/place_object_replace", 2),
(as3_point, "avm2/point", 1),
(as3_property_is_enumerable, "avm2/property_is_enumerable", 1),
(as3_propertyisenumerable_namespaces, "avm2/propertyisenumerable_namespaces", 1),
(as3_proxy_callproperty, "avm2/proxy_callproperty", 1),
(as3_proxy_deleteproperty, "avm2/proxy_deleteproperty", 1),
(as3_proxy_enumeration, "avm2/proxy_enumeration", 1),
(as3_proxy_getproperty, "avm2/proxy_getproperty", 1),
(as3_proxy_hasproperty, "avm2/proxy_hasproperty", 1),
(as3_proxy_setproperty, "avm2/proxy_setproperty", 1),
(as3_qname_constr_namespace, "avm2/qname_constr_namespace", 1),
(as3_qname_constr, "avm2/qname_constr", 1),
(as3_qname_tostring, "avm2/qname_tostring", 1),
(as3_qname_valueof, "avm2/qname_valueof", 1),
(as3_rectangle, "avm2/rectangle", 1),
(as3_vector3d, "avm2/vector3d", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_regexp_constr, "avm2/regexp_constr", 1),
(as3_regexp_exec, "avm2/regexp_exec", 1),
(as3_regexp_test, "avm2/regexp_test", 1),
(as3_rshift, "avm2/rshift", 1),
(as3_scene_constr, "avm2/scene_constr", 5),
(as3_set_property_is_enumerable, "avm2/set_property_is_enumerable", 1),
(as3_shape_drawrect, "avm2/shape_drawrect", 1),
(as3_simplebutton_childevents_nested, "avm2/simplebutton_childevents_nested", 2),
(as3_simplebutton_childevents, "avm2/simplebutton_childevents", 2),
(as3_simplebutton_childprops, "avm2/simplebutton_childprops", 1),
(as3_simplebutton_childshuffle, "avm2/simplebutton_childshuffle", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_simplebutton_constr_childevents, "avm2/simplebutton_constr_childevents", 2), //Broken by other accuracy fixes
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_simplebutton_constr_params, "avm2/simplebutton_constr_params", 1),
(as3_simplebutton_constr, "avm2/simplebutton_constr", 2),
(as3_simplebutton_mouseenabled, "avm2/simplebutton_mouseenabled", 1),
(as3_simplebutton_soundtransform, "avm2/simplebutton_soundtransform", 49),
(as3_simplebutton_structure, "avm2/simplebutton_structure", 2),
(as3_simplebutton_symbolclass, "avm2/simplebutton_symbolclass", 3),
(as3_sound_embeddedprops, "avm2/sound_embeddedprops", 1),
(as3_sound_play, "avm2/sound_play", 1),
(as3_sound_valueof, "avm2/sound_valueof", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_soundchannel_position, "avm2/soundchannel_position", 75),
#[ignore] (as3_soundchannel_soundcomplete, "avm2/soundchannel_soundcomplete", 25),
(as3_soundchannel_soundtransform, "avm2/soundchannel_soundtransform", 49),
(as3_soundchannel_stop, "avm2/soundchannel_stop", 4),
(as3_soundmixer_buffertime, "avm2/soundmixer_buffertime", 1),
(as3_soundmixer_soundtransform, "avm2/soundmixer_soundtransform", 49),
(as3_soundmixer_stopall, "avm2/soundmixer_stopall", 4),
(as3_soundtransform, "avm2/soundtransform", 1),
(as3_stage_access, "avm2/stage_access", 1),
(as3_stage_display_state, "avm2/stage_display_state", 1),
(as3_stage_displayobject_properties, "avm2/stage_displayobject_properties", 1),
(as3_stage_loaderinfo_properties, "avm2/stage_loaderinfo_properties", 2),
(as3_stage_mouseenabled, "avm2/stage_mouseenabled", 1),
(as3_stage_properties, "avm2/stage_properties", 1),
(as3_stage3d_rotating_cube, "avm2/stage3d_rotating_cube", 40, img = true),
(as3_stage3d_triangle, "avm2/stage3d_triangle", 1, img = true),
(as3_static_text, "avm2/static_text", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_stored_properties, "avm2/stored_properties", 1),
(as3_strict_equality, "avm2/strict_equality", 1),
(as3_string_case, "avm2/string_case", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_string_char_at, "avm2/string_char_at", 1),
(as3_string_char_code_at, "avm2/string_char_code_at", 1),
(as3_string_concat_fromcharcode, "avm2/string_concat_fromcharcode", 1),
(as3_string_constr, "avm2/string_constr", 1),
(as3_string_indexof_lastindexof, "avm2/string_indexof_lastindexof", 1),
(as3_string_length, "avm2/string_length", 1),
(as3_string_locale_compare, "avm2/string_locale_compare", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_string_match, "avm2/string_match", 1),
(as3_string_replace, "avm2/string_replace", 1),
(as3_string_search, "avm2/string_search", 1),
2022-09-24 08:30:22 +00:00
(as3_swz, "avm2/swz", 10),
(as3_try_catch, "avm2/try_catch", 1),
(as3_try_catch_typed, "avm2/try_catch_typed", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_string_slice_substr_substring, "avm2/string_slice_substr_substring", 1),
(as3_string_split, "avm2/string_split", 1),
(as3_subtract, "avm2/subtract", 1),
(as3_symbol_class_binary_data, "avm2/symbol_class_binary_data", 1),
(as3_textformat, "avm2/textformat", 1),
(as3_throw, "avm2/throw", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_timeline_scripts, "avm2/timeline_scripts", 3),
(as3_trace, "avm2/trace", 1),
(as3_truthiness, "avm2/truthiness", 1),
(as3_typeof, "avm2/typeof", 1),
(as3_uint_constr, "avm2/uint_constr", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_uint_toexponential, "avm2/uint_toexponential", 1), //Ignored because Flash Player has a print routine that adds extraneous zeros to things
(as3_uint_tofixed, "avm2/uint_tofixed", 1),
#[ignore] (as3_uint_toprecision, "avm2/uint_toprecision", 1), //Ignored because Flash Player has a print routine that adds extraneous zeros to things
(as3_uint_tostring, "avm2/uint_tostring", 1),
(as3_unchecked_function, "avm2/unchecked_function", 1),
(as3_url_loader, "avm2/url_loader", 1),
2022-09-06 19:50:41 +00:00
(as3_url_vars, "avm2/url_vars", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_urshift, "avm2/urshift", 1),
(as3_vector_coercion, "avm2/vector_coercion", 1),
(as3_vector_concat, "avm2/vector_concat", 1),
(as3_vector_constr, "avm2/vector_constr", 1),
(as3_vector_enumeration, "avm2/vector_enumeration", 1),
(as3_vector_every, "avm2/vector_every", 1),
(as3_vector_filter, "avm2/vector_filter", 1),
(as3_vector_holes, "avm2/vector_holes", 1),
(as3_vector_indexof, "avm2/vector_indexof", 1),
(as3_vector_insertat, "avm2/vector_insertat", 1),
(as3_vector_int_access, "avm2/vector_int_access", 1),
(as3_vector_int_delete, "avm2/vector_int_delete", 1),
(as3_vector_join, "avm2/vector_join", 1),
(as3_vector_lastindexof, "avm2/vector_lastindexof", 1),
(as3_vector_legacy, "avm2/vector_legacy", 1),
(as3_vector_map, "avm2/vector_map", 1),
(as3_vector_pushpop, "avm2/vector_pushpop", 1),
(as3_vector_removeat, "avm2/vector_removeat", 1),
(as3_vector_reverse, "avm2/vector_reverse", 1),
(as3_vector_shiftunshift, "avm2/vector_shiftunshift", 1),
(as3_vector_slice, "avm2/vector_slice", 1),
(as3_vector_sort, "avm2/vector_sort", 1),
(as3_vector_splice, "avm2/vector_splice", 1),
(as3_vector_tostring, "avm2/vector_tostring", 1),
(as3_virtual_properties, "avm2/virtual_properties", 1),
(as3_with, "avm2/with", 1),
(as3_escape, "avm2/escape", 1),
(as3_escape_multi_byte, "avm2/escape_multi_byte", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(attach_movie, "avm1/attach_movie", 1),
(bad_placeobject_clipaction, "avm1/bad_placeobject_clipaction", 2),
(bad_swf_tag_past_eof, "avm1/bad_swf_tag_past_eof", 1),
(bevel_filter, "avm1/bevel_filter", 1),
(bitmap_data, "avm1/bitmap_data", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(bitmap_data_compare, "avm1/bitmap_data_compare", 1),
(bitmap_data_copypixels, "avm1/bitmap_data_copypixels", 2, img = true),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(bitmap_data_max_size_swf10, "avm1/bitmap_data_max_size_swf10", 1),
(bitmap_data_max_size_swf9, "avm1/bitmap_data_max_size_swf9", 1),
(bitmap_data_noise, "avm1/bitmap_data_noise", 1),
(bitmap_filter, "avm1/bitmap_filter", 1),
(biturshift, "avm1/biturshift", 1),
(biturshift_swf8, "avm1/biturshift_swf8", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(blur_filter, "avm1/blur_filter", 1),
(button_children, "avm1/button_children", 1),
(button_order, "avm1/button_order", 2),
(call_method_empty_name, "avm1/call_method_empty_name", 1),
(call, "avm1/call", 2),
(clip_events, "avm1/clip_events", 4),
(closure_scope, "avm1/closure_scope", 1),
(color_matrix_filter, "avm1/color_matrix_filter", 1),
(color_transform, "avm1/color_transform", 1),
(color, "avm1/color", 1, img = true),
(conflicting_instance_names, "avm1/conflicting_instance_names", 6),
(constructor_function, "avm1/constructor_function", 1),
(context_menu_item, "avm1/context_menu_item", 1),
(context_menu, "avm1/context_menu", 1),
(convolution_filter, "avm1/convolution_filter", 1),
(create_empty_movie_clip, "avm1/create_empty_movie_clip", 2),
(cross_movie_root, "avm1/cross_movie_root", 5),
(custom_clip_methods, "avm1/custom_clip_methods", 3),
2022-10-05 19:19:20 +00:00
(date, "avm1/date", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(default_names, "avm1/default_names", 6),
(define_function_case_sensitive, "avm1/define_function_case_sensitive", 2),
(define_function2_preload_order, "avm1/define_function2_preload_order", 1),
(define_function2_preload, "avm1/define_function2_preload", 1),
(define_local, "avm1/define_local", 1),
(define_local_with_paths, "avm1/define_local_with_paths", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(delete, "avm1/delete", 3),
(displacement_map_filter, "avm1/displacement_map_filter", 1),
2022-04-09 05:58:35 +00:00
(divide_swf4, "avm1/divide_swf4", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(do_init_action, "avm1/do_init_action", 3),
2022-08-21 00:08:46 +00:00
(drag_drop, "avm1/drag_drop", 14),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(drop_shadow_filter, "avm1/drop_shadow_filter", 1),
(duplicate_movie_clip_drawing, "avm1/duplicate_movie_clip_drawing", 1),
(duplicate_movie_clip, "avm1/duplicate_movie_clip", 1),
(edittext_antialiastype, "avm1/edittext_antialiastype", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(edittext_default_format, "avm1/edittext_default_format", 1),
(edittext_font_size, "avm1/edittext_font_size", 1),
(edittext_html_entity, "avm1/edittext_html_entity", 1),
(edittext_html_roundtrip, "avm1/edittext_html_roundtrip", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(edittext_leading, "avm1/edittext_leading", 1),
(edittext_newline_stripping, "avm1/edittext_newline_stripping", 1),
#[ignore] (edittext_newlines, "avm1/edittext_newlines", 1),
(edittext_password, "avm1/edittext_password", 1),
(edittext_scroll, "avm1/edittext_scroll", 1),
(edittext_width_height, "avm1/edittext_width_height", 1),
(empty_movieclip_can_attach_movies, "avm1/empty_movieclip_can_attach_movies", 1),
(enumerate, "avm1/enumerate", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(equals_swf4, "avm1/equals_swf4", 1),
(equals_swf4_alt, "avm1/equals_swf4_alt", 1),
(equals_swf5, "avm1/equals_swf5", 1),
(equals, "avm1/equals", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(equals2_swf5, "avm1/equals2_swf5", 1),
(equals2_swf6, "avm1/equals2_swf6", 1),
(equals2_swf7, "avm1/equals2_swf7", 1),
(error, "avm1/error", 1),
(escape, "avm1/escape", 1),
(execution_order1, "avm1/execution_order1", 3),
(execution_order2, "avm1/execution_order2", 15),
(execution_order3, "avm1/execution_order3", 5),
(execution_order4, "avm1/execution_order4", 4),
(export_assets, "avm1/export_assets", 1),
(extends_chain, "avm1/extends_chain", 1),
(extends_native_type, "avm1/extends_native_type", 1),
(function_as_function, "avm1/function_as_function", 1),
(function_base_clip_removed, "avm1/function_base_clip_removed", 3),
(function_base_clip, "avm1/function_base_clip", 2),
(function_suppress_and_preload, "avm1/function_suppress_and_preload", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(funky_function_calls, "avm1/funky_function_calls", 1),
(get_bytes_total, "avm1/get_bytes_total", 1),
(getproperty_swf4, "avm1/getproperty_swf4", 1),
(getproperty_swf5, "avm1/getproperty_swf5", 1),
(getproperty, "avm1/getproperty", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(get_variable_in_scope, "avm1/get_variable_in_scope", 1),
(global_array, "avm1/global_array", 1),
(global_is_bare, "avm1/global_is_bare", 1),
(glow_filter, "avm1/glow_filter", 1),
(goto_advance1, "avm1/goto_advance1", 2),
(goto_advance2, "avm1/goto_advance2", 2),
(goto_both_ways1, "avm1/goto_both_ways1", 2),
(goto_both_ways2, "avm1/goto_both_ways2", 3),
(goto_execution_order, "avm1/goto_execution_order", 3),
(goto_execution_order2, "avm1/goto_execution_order2", 2),
(goto_frame_number, "avm1/goto_frame_number", 4),
(goto_frame, "avm1/goto_frame", 3),
(goto_frame2, "avm1/goto_frame2", 5),
(goto_label, "avm1/goto_label", 4),
(goto_methods, "avm1/goto_methods", 1),
(goto_rewind1, "avm1/goto_rewind1", 4),
(goto_rewind2, "avm1/goto_rewind2", 5),
(goto_rewind3, "avm1/goto_rewind3", 2),
(gradient_bevel_filter, "avm1/gradient_bevel_filter", 1),
(gradient_glow_filter, "avm1/gradient_glow_filter", 1),
(greater_swf6, "avm1/greater_swf6", 1),
(greater_swf7, "avm1/greater_swf7", 1),
(greaterthan_swf5, "avm1/greaterthan_swf5", 1),
(greaterthan_swf8, "avm1/greaterthan_swf8", 1),
(has_own_property, "avm1/has_own_property", 1),
(infinite_recursion_function_in_setter, "avm1/infinite_recursion_function_in_setter", 1),
(infinite_recursion_function, "avm1/infinite_recursion_function", 1),
(infinite_recursion_virtual_property, "avm1/infinite_recursion_virtual_property", 1),
(init_array_invalid, "avm1/init_array_invalid", 1),
(init_object_invalid, "avm1/init_array_invalid", 1),
(init_object_order, "avm1/init_object_order", 1),
(is_finite, "avm1/is_finite", 1),
(is_finite_swf6, "avm1/is_finite_swf6", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(is_prototype_of, "avm1/is_prototype_of", 1),
(issue_1086, "avm1/issue_1086", 1),
(issue_1104, "avm1/issue_1104", 3),
(issue_1671, "avm1/issue_1671", 1),
(issue_1906, "avm1/issue_1906", 2),
(issue_2030, "avm1/issue_2030", 1),
(issue_2084, "avm1/issue_2084", 2),
(issue_2166, "avm1/issue_2166", 1),
(issue_2870, "avm1/issue_2870", 10),
(issue_3169, "avm1/issue_3169", 1),
(issue_3446, "avm1/issue_3446", 1),
(issue_3522, "avm1/issue_3522", 2),
(issue_4377, "avm1/issue_4377", 1),
(issue_710, "avm1/issue_710", 1),
2022-05-08 18:42:04 +00:00
(issue_768, "avm1/issue_768", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(lessthan_swf4, "avm1/lessthan_swf4", 1),
(lessthan_swf4_alt, "avm1/lessthan_swf4_alt", 1),
(lessthan_swf5, "avm1/lessthan_swf5", 1),
(lessthan, "avm1/lessthan", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(lessthan2_swf5, "avm1/lessthan2_swf5", 1),
(lessthan2_swf6, "avm1/lessthan2_swf6", 1),
(lessthan2_swf7, "avm1/lessthan2_swf7", 1),
(load_vars, "avm1/load_vars", 2),
(loadmovie_fail, "avm1/loadmovie_fail", 1),
(loadmovie_method, "avm1/loadmovie_method", 2),
(loadmovie_registerclass, "avm1/loadmovie_registerclass", 2),
(loadmovie_replace_root, "avm1/loadmovie_replace_root", 3),
(loadmovie, "avm1/loadmovie", 2),
(loadmovienum, "avm1/loadmovienum", 2),
(loadvariables_method, "avm1/loadvariables_method", 3),
(loadvariables, "avm1/loadvariables", 3),
(loadvariablesnum, "avm1/loadvariablesnum", 3),
(logical_ops_swf4, "avm1/logical_ops_swf4", 1),
(logical_ops_swf8, "avm1/logical_ops_swf8", 1),
(looping, "avm1/looping", 6),
(math_min_max, "avm1/math_min_max", 1),
(matrix, "avm1/matrix", 1),
(mcl_as_broadcaster, "avm1/mcl_as_broadcaster", 1),
(mcl_getprogress, "avm1/mcl_getprogress", 6),
(mcl_giftarget, "avm1/mcl_giftarget", 11),
(mcl_jpgtarget, "avm1/mcl_jpgtarget", 11),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(mcl_loadclip, "avm1/mcl_loadclip", 11),
(mcl_mislabeled_target, "avm1/mcl_mislabeled_target", 11),
(mcl_pngtarget, "avm1/mcl_pngtarget", 11),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(mcl_unloadclip, "avm1/mcl_unloadclip", 11),
(mouse_listeners, "avm1/mouse_listeners", 1),
(mouse_events, "avm1/mouse_events", 8),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(movieclip_depth_methods, "avm1/movieclip_depth_methods", 3),
(movieclip_get_instance_at_depth, "avm1/movieclip_get_instance_at_depth", 1),
(movieclip_hittest_shapeflag, "avm1/movieclip_hittest_shapeflag", 11),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(movieclip_hittest, "avm1/movieclip_hittest", 1),
(movieclip_init_object, "avm1/movieclip_init_object", 1),
(movieclip_lockroot, "avm1/movieclip_lockroot", 10),
(movieclip_prototype_extension, "avm1/movieclip_prototype_extension", 1),
(nan_scale, "avm1/nan_scale", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(nested_textfields_in_buttons, "avm1/nested_textfields_in_buttons", 1),
(new_method_wrap, "avm1/new_method_wrap", 1),
(new_object_enumerate, "avm1/new_object_enumerate", 1),
(new_object_wrap, "avm1/new_object_wrap", 1),
(object_constructor, "avm1/object_constructor", 1),
(object_function, "avm1/object_function", 1),
(object_prototypes, "avm1/object_prototypes", 1),
(object_string_coerce_swf5, "avm1/object_string_coerce_swf5", 1),
(object_string_coerce_swf6, "avm1/object_string_coerce_swf6", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(on_construct, "avm1/on_construct", 1),
(parse_float, "avm1/parse_float", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(parse_int, "avm1/parse_int", 1),
(path_string, "avm1/path_string", 1),
(point, "avm1/point", 1),
(primitive_instanceof, "avm1/primitive_instanceof", 1),
(primitive_type_globals, "avm1/primitive_type_globals", 1),
(prototype_enumerate, "avm1/prototype_enumerate", 1),
(prototype_properties, "avm1/prototype_properties", 1),
(rectangle, "avm1/rectangle", 1),
(recursive_prototypes, "avm1/recursive_prototypes", 2),
(register_and_init_order, "avm1/register_and_init_order", 1),
(register_class_return_value, "avm1/register_class_return_value", 1),
(register_class_swf6, "avm1/register_class_swf6", 3),
(register_class, "avm1/register_class", 3),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(register_underflow, "avm1/register_underflow", 1),
(remove_movie_clip, "avm1/remove_movie_clip", 2),
(removed_base_clip_tell_target, "avm1/removed_base_clip_tell_target", 2),
(removed_clip_halts_script, "avm1/removed_clip_halts_script", 13),
(root_global_parent, "avm1/root_global_parent", 3),
(selection, "avm1/selection", 1),
(set_interval, "avm1/set_interval", 40),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(set_variable_scope, "avm1/set_variable_scope", 1),
(single_frame, "avm1/single_frame", 2),
(slash_syntax, "avm1/slash_syntax", 2),
(sound, "avm1/sound", 1),
(stage_display_state, "avm1/stage_display_state", 1),
(stage_object_children, "avm1/stage_object_children", 2),
(stage_object_enumerate, "avm1/stage_object_enumerate", 1),
(stage_object_properties_get_var, "avm1/stage_object_properties_get_var", 1),
(stage_property_representation, "avm1/stage_property_representation", 1),
(strictequals_swf6, "avm1/strictequals_swf6", 1),
(strictly_equals, "avm1/strictly_equals", 1),
(string_coercion, "avm1/string_coercion", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(string_methods_negative_args, "avm1/string_methods_negative_args", 1),
(string_methods, "avm1/string_methods", 1),
(string_ops_swf6, "avm1/string_ops_swf6", 1),
2022-05-19 16:05:45 +00:00
(swf4_actions_bool, "avm1/swf4_actions_bool", 1),
(swf4_bool, "avm1/swf4_bool", 1),
(swf4_function_calls, "avm1/swf4_function_calls", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(swf5_encoding, "avm1/swf5_encoding", 1),
(swf5_no_closure, "avm1/swf5_no_closure", 1),
(swf5_to_6_cross_call, "avm1/swf5_to_6_cross_call", 2),
(swf6_string_as_bool, "avm1/swf6_string_as_bool", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(swf6_case_insensitive, "avm1/swf6_case_insensitive", 1),
(swf6_to_5_cross_call, "avm1/swf6_to_5_cross_call", 2),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(swf7_case_sensitive, "avm1/swf7_case_sensitive", 1),
(target_clip_removed, "avm1/target_clip_removed", 1),
(target_clip_swf5, "avm1/target_clip_swf5", 2),
(target_clip_swf6, "avm1/target_clip_swf6", 2),
(target_path, "avm1/target_path", 1),
(tell_target_invalid, "avm1/tell_target_invalid", 1),
(tell_target, "avm1/tell_target", 3),
(text_format, "avm1/text_format", 1),
(textfield_background_color, "avm1/textfield_background_color", 1),
(textfield_border_color, "avm1/textfield_border_color", 1),
(textfield_properties, "avm1/textfield_properties", 1),
#[ignore] (textfield_text, "avm1/textfield_text", 1),
(textfield_variable, "avm1/textfield_variable", 8),
(this_scoping, "avm1/this_scoping", 1),
(timeline_function_def, "avm1/timeline_function_def", 3),
(avm2_timer, "avm2/timer", 280, frame_time_sleep = true),
(timer_run_actions, "avm1/timer_run_actions", 1),
2021-12-03 14:11:00 +00:00
(trace, "avm1/trace", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(transform, "avm1/transform", 1),
(try_catch_finally, "avm1/try_catch_finally", 1),
(try_finally_simple, "avm1/try_finally_simple", 1),
(typeof_globals, "avm1/typeof_globals", 1),
(typeofs, "avm1/typeof", 1),
(uncaught_exception_bubbled, "avm1/uncaught_exception_bubbled", 1),
(uncaught_exception, "avm1/uncaught_exception", 1),
(undefined_to_string_swf6, "avm1/undefined_to_string_swf6", 1),
(unescape, "avm1/unescape", 1),
(unload_clip_event, "avm1/unload_clip_event", 2),
(unloadmovie_method, "avm1/unloadmovie_method", 11),
(unloadmovie, "avm1/unloadmovie", 11),
(unloadmovienum, "avm1/unloadmovienum", 11),
(use_hand_cursor, "avm1/use_hand_cursor", 1),
(variable_args, "avm1/variable_args", 1),
(waitforframe, "avm1/waitforframe", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(watch_textfield, "avm1/watch_textfield", 1),
(watch_virtual_property_proto, "avm1/watch_virtual_property_proto", 1),
#[ignore] (watch_virtual_property, "avm1/watch_virtual_property", 1),
(watch, "avm1/watch", 1),
(with_return, "avm1/with_return", 1),
(with, "avm1/with", 1),
(xml_append_child_with_parent, "avm1/xml_append_child_with_parent", 1),
(xml_append_child, "avm1/xml_append_child", 1),
(xml_attributes_read, "avm1/xml_attributes_read", 1),
(xml_cdata, "avm1/xml_cdata", 1),
(xml_clone_expandos, "avm1/xml_clone_expandos", 1),
(xml_first_last_child, "avm1/xml_first_last_child", 1),
(xml_has_child_nodes, "avm1/xml_has_child_nodes", 1),
(xml_idmap, "avm1/xml_idmap", 1),
(xml_ignore_comments, "avm1/xml_ignore_comments", 1),
(xml_ignore_white, "avm1/xml_ignore_white", 1),
(xml_insert_before, "avm1/xml_insert_before", 1),
(xml_inspect_createmethods, "avm1/xml_inspect_createmethods", 1),
(xml_inspect_doctype, "avm1/xml_inspect_doctype", 1),
(xml_inspect_parsexml, "avm1/xml_inspect_parsexml", 1),
(xml_inspect_xmldecl, "avm1/xml_inspect_xmldecl", 1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(xml_load, "avm1/xml_load", 1),
(xml_namespaces, "avm1/xml_namespaces", 1),
(xml_parent_and_child, "avm1/xml_parent_and_child", 1),
(xml_remove_node, "avm1/xml_remove_node", 1),
(xml_reparenting, "avm1/xml_reparenting", 1),
(xml_siblings, "avm1/xml_siblings", 1),
(xml_to_string_comment, "avm1/xml_to_string_comment", 1),
(xml_to_string, "avm1/xml_to_string", 1),
(xml_unescaping, "avm1/xml_unescaping", 1),
(xml, "avm1/xml", 1),
// TODO: These tests have some inaccuracies currently, so we use approx_eq to test that numeric values are close enough.
// Eventually we can hopefully make some of these match exactly (see #193).
// Some will probably always need to be approx. (if they rely on trig functions, etc.)
swf_tests_approx! {
(as3_coerce_string_precision, "avm2/coerce_string_precision", 1, max_relative = 30.0 * f64::EPSILON),
(as3_displayobject_height, "avm2/displayobject_height", 7, epsilon = 0.06), // TODO: height/width appears to be off by 1 twip sometimes
2020-11-28 02:15:58 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_rotation, "avm2/displayobject_rotation", 1, epsilon = 0.0000000001),
(as3_displayobject_scrollrect, "avm2/displayobject_scrollrect", 100, @num_patterns = &[
Regex::new(r"\(a=(.+), b=(.+), c=(.+), d=(.+), tx=(.+), ty=(.+)\)").unwrap()
], @img = true, max_relative = f32::EPSILON as f64),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_width, "avm2/displayobject_width", 7, epsilon = 0.06),
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
(as3_displayobject_transform, "avm2/displayobject_transform", 1, @num_patterns = &[
Regex::new(r"\(a=(.+), b=(.+), c=(.+), d=(.+), tx=(.+), ty=(.+)\)").unwrap()
], max_relative = f32::EPSILON as f64),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_divide, "avm2/divide", 1, epsilon = 0.0), // TODO: Discrepancy in float formatting.
2021-03-04 02:12:42 +00:00
(as3_edittext_align, "avm2/edittext_align", 1, epsilon = 3.0),
(as3_edittext_autosize, "avm2/edittext_autosize", 1, epsilon = 0.1),
2021-03-04 02:12:42 +00:00
(as3_edittext_bullet, "avm2/edittext_bullet", 1, epsilon = 3.0),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_edittext_font_size, "avm2/edittext_font_size", 1, epsilon = 0.1),
(as3_edittext_getlinemetrics, "avm2/edittext_getlinemetrics", 1, epsilon = 0.85),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_edittext_leading, "avm2/edittext_leading", 1, epsilon = 0.3),
2021-03-04 02:12:42 +00:00
(as3_edittext_letter_spacing, "avm2/edittext_letter_spacing", 1, epsilon = 15.0), // TODO: Discrepancy in wrapping in letterSpacing = 0.1 test.
(as3_edittext_margins, "avm2/edittext_margins", 1, epsilon = 5.0), // TODO: Discrepancy in wrapping.
(as3_edittext_tab_stops, "avm2/edittext_tab_stops", 1, epsilon = 5.0),
(as3_edittext_underline, "avm2/edittext_underline", 1, epsilon = 4.0),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(as3_math, "avm2/math", 1, max_relative = 30.0 * f64::EPSILON),
(as3_matrix, "avm2/matrix", 1, @num_patterns = &[
Regex::new(r"\(a=(.+?), b=(.+?), c=(.+?), d=(.+?), tx=(.+?), ty=(.+?)\)").unwrap()
], max_relative = f32::EPSILON as f64),
(as3_number_toexponential, "avm2/number_toexponential", 1, max_relative = 0.001),
(as3_number_tofixed, "avm2/number_tofixed", 1, max_relative = 0.001),
(as3_number_toprecision, "avm2/number_toprecision", 1, max_relative = 0.001),
2021-12-13 14:46:57 +00:00
(as3_parse_float, "avm2/parse_float", 1, max_relative = 5.0 * f64::EPSILON),
(as3_parse_float_swf10, "avm2/parse_float_swf10", 1, max_relative = 5.0 * f64::EPSILON),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(edittext_align, "avm1/edittext_align", 1, epsilon = 3.0),
(edittext_autosize, "avm1/edittext_autosize", 1, epsilon = 0.1),
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(edittext_bullet, "avm1/edittext_bullet", 1, epsilon = 3.0),
(edittext_hscroll, "avm1/edittext_hscroll", 1, epsilon = 3.0),
(edittext_letter_spacing, "avm1/edittext_letter_spacing", 1, epsilon = 15.0), // TODO: Discrepancy in wrapping in letterSpacing = 0.1 test.
(edittext_margins, "avm1/edittext_margins", 1, epsilon = 5.0), // TODO: Discrepancy in wrapping.
(edittext_tab_stops, "avm1/edittext_tab_stops", 1, epsilon = 5.0),
(edittext_underline, "avm1/edittext_underline", 1, epsilon = 4.0),
(gettextextent, "avm1/gettextextent", 1, epsilon = 30.0), // TODO: Flash Player breaks single words that are longer than the line, but we don't.
2021-11-30 15:25:15 +00:00
(local_to_global, "avm1/local_to_global", 1, epsilon = 0.051),
(movieclip_getbounds, "avm1/movieclip_getbounds", 1, epsilon = 0.051),
(stage_object_properties_swf6, "avm1/stage_object_properties_swf6", 4, epsilon = 0.051),
(stage_object_properties, "avm1/stage_object_properties", 6, epsilon = 0.051),
fn external_interface_avm1() -> Result<(), Error> {
|player| {
|player| {
let mut player_locked = player.lock().unwrap();
let parroted =
player_locked.call_internal_interface("parrot", vec!["Hello World!".into()]);
"After calling `parrot` with a string: {parroted:?}",
let mut nested = BTreeMap::new();
let mut root = BTreeMap::new();
root.insert("number".to_string(), (-500.1).into());
root.insert("string".to_string(), "A string!".into());
root.insert("true".to_string(), true.into());
root.insert("false".to_string(), false.into());
root.insert("null".to_string(), ExternalValue::Null);
root.insert("nested".to_string(), nested.into());
let result = player_locked
.call_internal_interface("callWith", vec!["trace".into(), root.into()]);
"After calling `callWith` with a complex payload: {result:?}",
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
fn external_interface_avm2() -> Result<(), Error> {
|player| {
|player| {
let mut player_locked = player.lock().unwrap();
let parroted =
player_locked.call_internal_interface("parrot", vec!["Hello World!".into()]);
"After calling `parrot` with a string: {parroted:?}",
player_locked.call_internal_interface("freestanding", vec!["Hello World!".into()]);
let root: ExternalValue = vec![
let result =
player_locked.call_internal_interface("callWith", vec!["trace".into(), root]);
"After calling `callWith` with a complex payload: {result:?}",
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
fn shared_object_avm1() -> Result<(), Error> {
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
// Test SharedObject persistence. Run an SWF that saves data
// to a shared object twice and verify that the data is saved.
let mut memory_storage_backend: Box<dyn StorageBackend> =
2022-10-08 14:01:52 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
// Initial run; no shared object data.
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
|_player| Ok(()),
|player| {
// Save the storage backend for next run.
let mut player = player.lock().unwrap();
std::mem::swap(player.storage_mut(), &mut memory_storage_backend);
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
2021-05-04 19:07:58 +00:00
// Verify that the flash cookie matches the expected one
let expected = std::fs::read("tests/swfs/avm1/shared_object/RuffleTest.sol")?;
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
// Re-run the SWF, verifying that the shared object persists.
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
|player| {
// Swap in the previous storage backend.
let mut player = player.lock().unwrap();
std::mem::swap(player.storage_mut(), &mut memory_storage_backend);
|_player| Ok(()),
fn shared_object_avm2() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Test SharedObject persistence. Run an SWF that saves data
// to a shared object twice and verify that the data is saved.
let mut memory_storage_backend: Box<dyn StorageBackend> =
2022-10-08 14:01:52 +00:00
// Initial run; no shared object data.
|_player| Ok(()),
|player| {
// Save the storage backend for next run.
let mut player = player.lock().unwrap();
std::mem::swap(player.storage_mut(), &mut memory_storage_backend);
// Verify that the flash cookie matches the expected one
let expected = std::fs::read("tests/swfs/avm2/shared_object/RuffleTest.sol")?;
// Re-run the SWF, verifying that the shared object persists.
|player| {
// Swap in the previous storage backend.
let mut player = player.lock().unwrap();
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
std::mem::swap(player.storage_mut(), &mut memory_storage_backend);
|_player| Ok(()),
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
2021-02-05 03:09:51 +00:00
fn timeout_avm1() -> Result<(), Error> {
|player| {
|_| Ok(()),
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
fn stage_scale_mode() -> Result<(), Error> {
|player| {
// Simulate a large viewport to test stage size.
.set_viewport_dimensions(ViewportDimensions {
width: 900,
height: 900,
scale_factor: 1.0,
|_| Ok(()),
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
/// Wrapper around string slice that makes debug output `{:?}` to print string same way as `{}`.
/// Used in different `assert*!` macros in combination with `pretty_assertions` crate to make
/// test failures to show nice diffs.
/// Courtesy of
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PrettyString<'a>(pub &'a str);
/// Make diff to display string as multi-line string
impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for PrettyString<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
macro_rules! assert_eq {
($left:expr, $right:expr) => {
pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(PrettyString($left.as_ref()), PrettyString($right.as_ref()));
($left:expr, $right:expr, $message:expr) => {
/// Loads an SWF and runs it through the Ruffle core for a number of frames.
/// Tests that the trace output matches the given expected output.
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
fn test_swf(
swf_path: &str,
num_frames: u32,
simulated_input_path: &str,
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
expected_output_path: &str,
check_img: bool,
frame_time_sleep: bool,
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
) -> Result<(), Error> {
|_| Ok(()),
|_| Ok(()),
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
/// Loads an SWF and runs it through the Ruffle core for a number of frames.
/// Tests that the trace output matches the given expected output.
fn test_swf_with_hooks(
swf_path: &str,
num_frames: u32,
simulated_input_path: &str,
expected_output_path: &str,
before_start: impl FnOnce(Arc<Mutex<Player>>) -> Result<(), Error>,
before_end: impl FnOnce(Arc<Mutex<Player>>) -> Result<(), Error>,
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
check_img: bool,
frame_time_sleep: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let injector =
InputInjector::from_file(simulated_input_path).unwrap_or_else(|_| InputInjector::empty());
let mut expected_output = std::fs::read_to_string(expected_output_path)?.replace("\r\n", "\n");
// Strip a trailing newline if it has one.
if expected_output.ends_with('\n') {
expected_output = expected_output[0..expected_output.len() - "\n".len()].to_string();
let trace_log = run_swf(
trace_log, expected_output,
"ruffle output != flash player output"
/// Loads an SWF and runs it through the Ruffle core for a number of frames.
/// Tests that the trace output matches the given expected output.
/// If a line has a floating point value, it will be compared approxinmately using the given epsilon.
fn test_swf_approx(
swf_path: &str,
num_frames: u32,
simulated_input_path: &str,
expected_output_path: &str,
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
num_patterns: &[Regex],
check_img: bool,
approx_assert_fn: impl Fn(f64, f64),
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let injector =
InputInjector::from_file(simulated_input_path).unwrap_or_else(|_| InputInjector::empty());
let trace_log = run_swf(
|_| Ok(()),
|_| Ok(()),
let mut expected_data = std::fs::read_to_string(expected_output_path)?;
// Strip a trailing newline if it has one.
if expected_data.ends_with('\n') {
expected_data = expected_data[0..expected_data.len() - "\n".len()].to_string();
"# of lines of output didn't match"
for (actual, expected) in trace_log.lines().zip(expected_data.lines()) {
// If these are numbers, compare using approx_eq.
if let (Ok(actual), Ok(expected)) = (actual.parse::<f64>(), expected.parse::<f64>()) {
// NaNs should be able to pass in an approx test.
if actual.is_nan() && expected.is_nan() {
// TODO: Lower this epsilon as the accuracy of the properties improves.
// if let Some(relative_epsilon) = relative_epsilon {
// assert_relative_eq!(
// actual,
// expected,
// epsilon = absolute_epsilon,
// max_relative = relative_epsilon
// );
// } else {
// assert_abs_diff_eq!(actual, expected, epsilon = absolute_epsilon);
// }
approx_assert_fn(actual, expected);
} else {
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
let mut found = false;
// Check each of the user-provided regexes for a match
for pattern in num_patterns {
if let (Some(actual_captures), Some(expected_captures)) =
(pattern.captures(actual), pattern.captures(expected))
found = true;
"Differing numbers of regex captures"
avm2: Implement DisplayObject.transform and most of Transform This PR implements the 'DisplayObject.transform' getters/setters, and most of the getters/setters in the `Transform` class From testing in FP, it appears that each call to the 'DisplayObject.transform' property produces a new 'Transform' instance, which is permanently tied to the owner 'DisplayObject'. All of the getters/setters in `Transform` operate directly on owner `DisplayObject`. However, note that the `Matrix` and `ColorTransform` valuse *produced* the getter are plain ActionScript objects, and have no further tie to the `DisplayObject`. Using the `DisplayObject.transform` setter results in values being *copied* from the input `Transform` object. The input object retains its original owner `DisplayObject`. Not implemented: * Transform.concatenatedColorTransform * Transform.pixelBounds When a DisplayObject is not a descendant of the stage, the `concatenatedMatrix` property produces a bizarre matrix: a scale matrix that the depends on the global state quality. Any DisplayObject that *is* a descendant of the stage has a `concatenatedMatrix` that does not depend on the stage quality. I'm not sure why the behavior occurs - for now, I just manually mimic the values prdduced by FP. However, these values may indicate that we need to do some internal scaling based on stage quality values, and then 'undo' this in certain circumstances when constructing an ActionScript matrix. Unfortunately, some of the computed 'concatenatedMatrix' values are off by f32::EPSILON. This is likely due to us storing some internal values in pixels rather than twips (the rounding introduced by round-trip twips conversions could cause this slight difference0. For now, I've opted to mark these tests as 'approximate'. To support this, I've extended our test framework to support providing a regex that matches floating-point values in the output. This allows us to print out 'Matrix.toString()' and still perform approximate comparisons between strings of the format '(a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, tx=0, ty=0)'
2022-06-19 20:37:31 +00:00
// Each capture group (other than group 0, which is always the entire regex
// match) represents a floating-point value
for (actual_val, expected_val) in actual_captures
let actual_num = actual_val
.expect("Missing capture gruop value for 'actual'")
.expect("Failed to parse 'actual' capture group as float");
let expected_num = expected_val
.expect("Missing capture gruop value for 'expected'")
.expect("Failed to parse 'expected' capture group as float");
approx_assert_fn(actual_num, expected_num);
let modified_actual = pattern.replace(actual, "");
let modified_expected = pattern.replace(expected, "");
assert_eq!(modified_actual, modified_expected);
if !found {
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
/// Loads an SWF and runs it through the Ruffle core for a number of frames.
/// Tests that the trace output matches the given expected output.
fn run_swf(
swf_path: &str,
num_frames: u32,
before_start: impl FnOnce(Arc<Mutex<Player>>) -> Result<(), Error>,
mut injector: InputInjector,
before_end: impl FnOnce(Arc<Mutex<Player>>) -> Result<(), Error>,
#[allow(unused)] mut check_img: bool,
frame_time_sleep: bool,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
check_img &= RUN_IMG_TESTS;
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
let base_path = Path::new(swf_path).parent().unwrap();
let mut executor = NullExecutor::new();
let movie = SwfMovie::from_path(swf_path, None)?;
2021-05-30 20:30:06 +00:00
let frame_time = 1000.0 / movie.frame_rate().to_f64();
let frame_time_duration = Duration::from_millis(frame_time as u64);
let trace_output = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new()));
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
let mut builder = PlayerBuilder::new();
#[cfg(feature = "imgtests")]
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
if check_img {
const BACKEND: wgpu::Backends = wgpu::Backends::PRIMARY;
let instance = wgpu::Instance::new(BACKEND);
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
let descriptors =
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
let width = movie.width().to_pixels() as u32;
let height = movie.height().to_pixels() as u32;
let target = TextureTarget::new(&descriptors.device, (width, height))?;
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
builder = builder
2022-08-08 00:14:25 +00:00
.with_renderer(WgpuRenderBackend::new(Arc::new(descriptors), target)?)
.with_viewport_dimensions(width, height, 1.0);
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
2022-04-26 00:56:57 +00:00
let player = builder
.with_navigator(NullNavigatorBackend::with_base_path(base_path, &executor))
movie.width().to_pixels() as u32,
movie.height().to_pixels() as u32,
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
for _ in 0..num_frames {
// If requested, ensure that the 'expected' amount of
// time actually elapses between frames. This is useful for
// tests that call 'flash.utils.getTimer()' and use
// 'setInterval'/'flash.utils.Timer'
// Note that when Ruffle actually runs frames, we can
// execute frames faster than this in order to 'catch up'
// if we've fallen behind. However, in order to make regression
// tests deterministic, we always call 'update_timers' with
// an elapsed time of 'frame_time'. By sleeping for 'frame_time_duration',
// we ensure that the result of 'flash.utils.getTimer()' is consistent
// with timer execution (timers will see an elapsed time of *at least*
// the requested timer interval).
if frame_time_sleep {
while !player
.preload(&mut ExecutionLimit::exhausted())
player.lock().unwrap().update_timers(frame_time);;|evt, _btns_down| {
player.lock().unwrap().handle_event(match evt {
AutomatedEvent::MouseDown { pos, btn } => PlayerEvent::MouseDown {
x: pos.0,
y: pos.1,
button: match btn {
InputMouseButton::Left => RuffleMouseButton::Left,
InputMouseButton::Middle => RuffleMouseButton::Middle,
InputMouseButton::Right => RuffleMouseButton::Right,
AutomatedEvent::MouseMove { pos } => PlayerEvent::MouseMove { x: pos.0, y: pos.1 },
AutomatedEvent::MouseUp { pos, btn } => PlayerEvent::MouseUp {
x: pos.0,
y: pos.1,
button: match btn {
InputMouseButton::Left => RuffleMouseButton::Left,
InputMouseButton::Middle => RuffleMouseButton::Middle,
InputMouseButton::Right => RuffleMouseButton::Right,
AutomatedEvent::Wait => unreachable!(),
// Rendering has side-effects (such as processing 'DisplayObject.scrollRect' updates)
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
// Render the image to disk
// FIXME: Determine how we want to compare against on on-disk image
#[cfg(feature = "imgtests")]
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
if check_img {
let mut player_lock = player.lock().unwrap();
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
let renderer = player_lock
// Use straight alpha, since we want to save this as a PNG
let actual_image = renderer
.expect("Failed to capture image");
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
let info = renderer.descriptors().adapter.get_info();
let suffix = format!("{}-{:?}", std::env::consts::OS, info.backend);
let expected_image_path = base_path.join(format!("expected-{}.png", &suffix));
let expected_image = image::open(&expected_image_path);
let matches = match expected_image {
Ok(img) => {
img.as_rgba8().expect("Expected 8-bit RGBA image").as_raw() == actual_image.as_raw()
Err(e) => {
2022-10-26 23:46:09 +00:00
"Failed to open expected image {:?}: {e:?}",
if !matches {
2022-10-26 23:46:09 +00:00
let actual_image_path = base_path.join(format!("actual-{suffix}.png"));
actual_image.save_with_format(&actual_image_path, image::ImageFormat::Png)?;
panic!("Test output does not match expected image - saved actual image to {actual_image_path:?}");
2021-02-20 18:10:04 +00:00
let trace = trace_output.borrow().join("\n");
struct TestLogBackend {
trace_output: Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>>,
impl TestLogBackend {
pub fn new(trace_output: Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>>) -> Self {
Self { trace_output }
impl LogBackend for TestLogBackend {
fn avm_trace(&self, message: &str) {
pub struct ExternalInterfaceTestProvider {}
impl ExternalInterfaceTestProvider {
pub fn new() -> Self {
fn do_trace(context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, '_, '_>, args: &[ExternalValue]) -> ExternalValue {
2022-10-26 23:46:09 +00:00
context.avm_trace(&format!("[ExternalInterface] trace: {args:?}"));
fn do_ping(context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, '_, '_>, _args: &[ExternalValue]) -> ExternalValue {
context.avm_trace("[ExternalInterface] ping");
fn do_reentry(context: &mut UpdateContext<'_, '_, '_>, _args: &[ExternalValue]) -> ExternalValue {
context.avm_trace("[ExternalInterface] starting reentry");
if let Some(callback) = context.external_interface.get_callback("callWith") {
vec!["trace".into(), "successful reentry!".into()],
} else {
impl ExternalInterfaceProvider for ExternalInterfaceTestProvider {
fn get_method(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn ExternalInterfaceMethod>> {
match name {
"trace" => Some(Box::new(do_trace)),
"ping" => Some(Box::new(do_ping)),
"reentry" => Some(Box::new(do_reentry)),
_ => None,
fn on_callback_available(&self, _name: &str) {}
fn on_fs_command(&self, _command: &str, _args: &str) -> bool {