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//! An internal Ruffle utility to build our playerglobal
//! `library.swf`
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;
use swf::DoAbc;
use swf::Header;
use swf::SwfStr;
use swf::Tag;
use walkdir::WalkDir;
/// If successful, returns a list of paths that were used. If this is run
/// from a build script, these paths should be printed with
/// cargo:rerun-if-changed
pub fn build_playerglobal(
repo_root: PathBuf,
out_dir: PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let classes_dir = repo_root.join("core/src/avm2/globals/");
let asc_path = repo_root.join("core/build_playerglobal/asc.jar");
let out_path = out_dir.join("playerglobal.swf");
// These classes are currently stubs - they're referenced by
// other classes that we need to compile, but the real definition
// is in Ruffle itself (in Rust code).
// As a result, we don't emit them into the final SWF (but we do
// provide them to asc.jar with '-import' to link against).
let stub_classes: HashSet<_> = ["Object", "Number", "Boolean", "String"].into();
// This will create '', 'playerglobal.cpp', and 'playerglobal.h'
// in `out_dir`
let mut cmd = Command::new("java");
for entry in WalkDir::new(&classes_dir) {
let entry = entry?;
if entry.path().extension().and_then(|e| e.to_str()) != Some("as") {
let class = entry.into_path();
let class_name: String = class
.map(|c| c.to_string_lossy())
if stub_classes.contains(class_name.as_str()) {
println!("Compiling: {:?}", cmd);
let code = cmd.status()?;
if !code.success() {
return Err(format!("Compiling failed with code {:?}", code).into());
let playerglobal = out_dir.join("playerglobal");
let bytes = std::fs::read(playerglobal.with_extension("abc"))?;
// Cleanup the temporary files written out by 'asc.jar'
let tags = vec![Tag::DoAbc(DoAbc {
name: SwfStr::from_utf8_str(""),
is_lazy_initialize: true,
data: &bytes,
let header = Header::default_with_swf_version(19);
let out_file = File::create(out_path).unwrap();
swf::write_swf(&header, &tags, out_file)?;