
254 lines
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//! An internal Ruffle utility to build our playerglobal
//! `library.swf`
use convert_case::{Case, Casing};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::str::FromStr;
use swf::avm2::types::*;
use swf::DoAbc;
use swf::Header;
use swf::SwfStr;
use swf::Tag;
/// If successful, returns a list of paths that were used. If this is run
/// from a build script, these paths should be printed with
/// cargo:rerun-if-changed
pub fn build_playerglobal(
repo_root: PathBuf,
out_dir: PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let classes_dir = repo_root.join("core/src/avm2/globals/");
let asc_path = repo_root.join("core/build_playerglobal/asc.jar");
let out_path = out_dir.join("playerglobal.swf");
// This will create '', 'playerglobal.cpp', and 'playerglobal.h'
// in `out_dir`
let code = Command::new("java")
if !code.success() {
return Err(format!("Compiling failed with code {:?}", code).into());
let playerglobal = out_dir.join("playerglobal");
let bytes = std::fs::read(playerglobal.with_extension("abc"))?;
// Cleanup the temporary files written out by 'asc.jar'
write_native_table(&bytes, &out_dir)?;
let tags = vec![Tag::DoAbc(DoAbc {
name: SwfStr::from_utf8_str(""),
is_lazy_initialize: true,
data: &bytes,
let header = Header::default_with_swf_version(19);
let out_file = File::create(out_path).unwrap();
swf::write_swf(&header, &tags, out_file)?;
// Resolve the 'name' field of a `Multiname`. This only handles the cases
// that we need for our custom `playerglobal.swf` (
fn resolve_multiname_name<'a>(abc: &'a AbcFile, multiname: &Multiname) -> &'a str {
if let Multiname::QName { name, .. } | Multiname::Multiname { name, .. } = multiname {
&abc.constant_pool.strings[name.0 as usize - 1]
} else {
panic!("Unexpected Multiname {:?}", multiname);
// Like `resolve_multiname_name`, but for namespaces instead.
fn resolve_multiname_ns<'a>(abc: &'a AbcFile, multiname: &Multiname) -> &'a str {
if let Multiname::QName { namespace, .. } = multiname {
let ns = &abc.constant_pool.namespaces[namespace.0 as usize - 1];
if let Namespace::Package(p) = ns {
&abc.constant_pool.strings[p.0 as usize - 1]
} else {
panic!("Unexpected Namespace {:?}", ns);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected Multiname {:?}", multiname);
/// Handles native functons defined in our `playerglobal`
/// The high-level idea is to generate code (specifically, a `TokenStream`)
/// which builds a table - mapping from the method ids of native functions,
/// to Rust function pointers which implement them.
/// This table gets used when we first load a method from an ABC file.
/// If it's a native method in our `playerglobal`, we swap it out
/// with a `NativeMethod` retrieved from the table. To the rest of
/// the Ruffle codebase, it appears as though the method was always defined
/// as a native method, and never existed in the bytecode at all.
/// See `flash.system.Security.allowDomain` for an example of defining
/// and using a native method.
fn write_native_table(data: &[u8], out_dir: &Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut reader = swf::avm2::read::Reader::new(data);
let abc =;
let none_tokens = quote! { None };
let mut rust_paths = vec![none_tokens; abc.methods.len()];
let mut check_trait = |trait_: &Trait, parent: Option<Index<Multiname>>| {
let method_id = match trait_.kind {
TraitKind::Method { method, .. }
| TraitKind::Getter { method, .. }
| TraitKind::Setter { method, .. } => {
let abc_method = &abc.methods[method.0 as usize];
// We only want to process native methods
if !abc_method.flags.contains(MethodFlags::NATIVE) {
TraitKind::Function { .. } => {
panic!("TraitKind::Function is not supported: {:?}", trait_)
_ => return,
// Note - technically, this could conflict with
// a method with a name starting with `get_` or `set_`.
// However, all Flash methods are named with lowerCamelCase,
// so we'll never actually need to implement a native method that
// would cause such a conflict.
let method_prefix = match trait_.kind {
TraitKind::Getter { .. } => "get_",
TraitKind::Setter { .. } => "set_",
_ => "",
let flash_to_rust_path = |path: &str| {
// Convert each component of the path to snake-case.
// This correctly handles sequences of upper-case letters,
// so 'URLLoader' becomes 'url_loader'
let components = path
.map(|component| component.to_case(Case::Snake))
// Form a Rust path from the snake-case components
let mut path = "crate::avm2::globals::".to_string();
let trait_name = &abc.constant_pool.multinames[ as usize - 1];
if let Some(parent) = parent {
// This is a method defined inside the class. Append the class namespace
// (the package) and the class name.
// For example, a namespace of "flash.system" and a name of "Security"
// turns into the path "flash::system::security"
let multiname = &abc.constant_pool.multinames[parent.0 as usize - 1];
path += &flash_to_rust_path(resolve_multiname_ns(&abc, multiname));
path += "::";
path += &flash_to_rust_path(resolve_multiname_name(&abc, multiname));
path += "::";
} else {
// This is a freestanding function. Append its namespace (the package).
// For example, the freestanding function "flash.utils.getDefinitionByName"
// has a namespace of "flash.utils", which turns into the path
// "flash::utils"
path += &flash_to_rust_path(resolve_multiname_ns(&abc, trait_name));
path += "::";
// Append the trait name - this corresponds to the actual method
// name (e.g. `getDefinitionByName`)
path += method_prefix;
path += &flash_to_rust_path(resolve_multiname_name(&abc, trait_name));
// Now that we've built up the path, convert it into a `TokenStream`.
// This gives us something like
// `crate::avm2::globals::flash::system::Security::allowDomain`
// The resulting `TokenStream` is suitable for usage with `quote!` to
// generate a reference to the function pointer that should exist
// at that path in Rust code.
let path_tokens = TokenStream::from_str(&path).unwrap();
rust_paths[method_id.0 as usize] = quote! { Some(#path_tokens) };
// We support three kinds of native methods:
// instance methods, class methods, and freestanding functions.
// We're going to insert them into an array indexed by `MethodId`,
// so it doesn't matter what order we visit them in.
for (i, instance) in abc.instances.iter().enumerate() {
// Look for native instance methods
for trait_ in &instance.traits {
check_trait(trait_, Some(;
// Look for native class methods (in the corresponding
// `Class` definition)
for trait_ in &abc.classes[i].traits {
check_trait(trait_, Some(;
// Look for freestanding methods
for script in &abc.scripts {
for trait_ in &script.traits {
check_trait(trait_, None);
// Finally, generate the actual code. This is a Rust array -
// the entry at index `i` is a Rust function pointer for the native
// method with id `i`. Not all methods in playerglobal will be native
// methods, so we store `None` in the entries corresponding to non-native
// functions. We expect the majority of the methods in playerglobal to be
// native, so this should only waste a small amount of memory.
// If a function pointer doesn't exist at the expected path,
// then Ruffle compilation will fail
// with an error message that mentions the non-existent path.
// When we initially load a method from an ABC file, we check if it's from our playerglobal,
// and if its ID exists in this table.
// If so, we replace it with a `NativeMethod` constructed
// from the function pointer we looked up in the table.
let make_native_table = quote! {
const NATIVE_TABLE: &[Option<crate::avm2::method::NativeMethodImpl>] = &[
// Each table entry ends with ') ,' - insert a newline so that
// each entry is on its own line. This makes error messages more readable.
let make_native_table = make_native_table.replace(") ,", ") ,\n");
let mut native_table_file = File::create(out_dir.join(""))?;