新增:issue 提交模板(请务必按照模板填写,避免浪费你我的时间)

This commit is contained in:
pppscn 2022-08-04 13:54:38 +08:00
parent 7f23e67c36
commit 145224bff3
4 changed files with 125 additions and 75 deletions

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: GitHub Wiki
url: https://github.com/pppscn/SmsForwarder/wiki
about: 新用户必看!
- name: Gitee Wiki
url: https://gitee.com/pp/SmsForwarder/wikis/pages
about: 新用户必看!
- name: SmsForwarder 使用流程与问题排查流程
url: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/3387767d81ab00f787e62b17304c8b85a51151cdbc66dc022a49875d0529f6e8/68747470733a2f2f696d616765732e67697465652e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f323032322f303733302f3231343331345f62323338396561655f31363237332e706e67
about: 新用户必看!

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
name: 提交 BugSubmit a bug
about: 请告诉我APP存在的问题我尽力修复它Please tell me the problem with the APP and I will try my best to fix it!
labels: bug
assignees: pppscn
## 【警告:请务必按照 issue 模板填写,避免浪费你我的时间!没有按照模板认真填写,一律直接关闭】
## 【Warning: Please fill in according to the issue template to avoid wasting your time and mine! If you do not fill in the template carefully, it will be closed directly.】
## 请回答Please Answer
* issue 是否有人曾提过类似的问题【必答】:是/否(看看曾经有人提过类似的问题,先参考一下别人是怎么解决的)
* issue Whether someone has raised similar issues [Required]: yes/no (see if someone has raised similar issues, first refer to how others solved it)
* 是部分机型还是所有机型都会出现【必答】:部分/全部(例如:某为,某 Android 版本会出现)
* It will appear for some models or all models [Required]: part/all (for example: a certain Android version will appear)
* 升级到最新的版本是否存在这个问题【必答】:是/否(如果用的是旧版本的话,建议升级看问题是否还存在)
* Is there this problem when upgrading to the latest version [Required]: yes/no (if you are using an old version, it is recommended to upgrade to see if the problem still exists)
* 是否已经查阅Wiki文档还未能解决的【必答】是/否Wiki提供最常见的问题解答以及排查流程可以看看是否有自己想要的
* Whether you have consulted the Wiki documentation that has not been resolved [Required]: yes/no (Wiki provides the most common questions and answers, as well as the troubleshooting process, you can see if you have what you want)
## 问题描述Problem Description
* APP版本【必填】 v3.0.0
* APP Version [Required]: v3.0.0
* 问题描述【必填】XXX
* Description of the problem [Required]: XXX
* 复现步骤【必填】XXX注意目前不受理没有复现步骤的 Bug 单)
* Reproduction steps [Required]: XXX (Note: Bug tickets without reproduction steps are currently not accepted)
* 是否必现【必填】:填是/否
* Whether it is required [Required]: fill in yes/no
* 出现问题的手机信息【必填】:请填写出现问题的品牌和机型
* The mobile phone information with the problem [Required]: Please fill in the brand and model of the problem
* 出现问题的安卓版本【必填】:请填写出现问题的 Android 版本例如Android 12、系统版本例如MIUI 13
* Android version in question [Required]: Please fill in the Android version in question (eg: Android 12), system version (eg: MIUI 13)
## 其他Other
* 提供截图或视频(如果有报错的话必填)
* Provide screenshots or videos (if there is an error, please fill in)
* 提供报错堆栈(根据需要提供,此项不强制)
* Provide a stack trace (as needed, this is not mandatory)
* 提供解决方案(如果已经解决了的话,此项不强制)
* Provide a solution (if it has been solved, this is not mandatory)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
name: 提交 BugBug Report
description: 请告诉我APP存在的问题我尽力修复它Please tell me the problem with the APP and I will try my best to fix it!
title: "[Bug]: "
labels: ["bug"]
- pppscn
- type: markdown
value: |
警告:请务必按照 issue 模板填写,避免浪费你我的时间!没有按照模板认真填写,一律直接关闭!
Warning: Please fill in according to the issue template to avoid wasting your time and mine! If you do not fill in the template carefully, it will be closed directly.
- type: dropdown
id: similar-issues
label: 是否有人曾提过类似的问题【必答】:是/否(看看曾经有人提过类似的问题,先参考一下别人是怎么解决的)
description: Whether someone has raised similar issues [Required]: yes/no (see if someone has raised similar issues, first refer to how others solved it)
- No
- Yes
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: latest-version
label: 升级到最新的版本是否存在这个问题【必答】:是/否(如果用的是旧版本的话,建议升级看问题是否还存在)
description: Is there this problem when upgrading to the latest version [Required]: yes/no (if you are using an old version, it is recommended to upgrade to see if the problem still exists)
- No
- Yes
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: read-wiki
label: 是否已经查阅Wiki文档还未能解决的【必答】是/否Wiki提供最常见的问题解答以及排查流程可以看看是否有自己想要的
description: Whether you have consulted the Wiki documentation that has not been resolved [Required]: yes/no (Wiki provides the most common questions and answers, as well as the troubleshooting process, you can see if you have what you want)
- No
- Yes
required: true
- type: input
id: app-version
label: APP版本【必填】
description: APP Version [Required]
placeholder: v3.x.x
required: true
- type: textarea
id: problem
label: 问题描述【必填】
description: Description of the problem [Required]
placeholder: 你可以描述APP有什么令你不满意的地方You can describe what dissatisfied you about the app
required: true
- type: textarea
id: reproduction-steps
label: 复现步骤【必填】
description: Reproduction steps [Required]
placeholder: 注意:目前不受理没有复现步骤的 Bug 单 (Note: Bug tickets without reproduction steps are currently not accepted)
required: true
- type: dropdown
id: required
label: 是否必现【必填】
description: Whether it is required [Required]
- No
- Yes
required: true
- type: input
id: brand-model
label: 出现问题的手机信息【必填】
description: The mobile phone information with the problem [Required]
placeholder: 请填写出现问题的品牌和机型Please fill in the brand and model of the problem
required: true
- type: input
id: android-version
label: 出现问题的安卓版本【必填】
description: Android version in question [Required]
placeholder: 请填写出现问题的 Android 版本例如Android 12、系统版本例如MIUI 13Please fill in the Android version in question (eg: Android 12), system version (eg: MIUI 13)
required: true
- type: textarea
id: screenshots
label: 提供截图或视频
description: Provide screenshots or videos
placeholder: 如果有报错的话必填 (if there is an error, please fill in)
- type: textarea
id: stack
label: 提供报错堆栈
description: Provide a stack trace
placeholder: 根据需要提供,此项不强制 (as needed, this is not mandatory)
- type: textarea
id: solution
label: 提供解决方案
description: Provide a solution
placeholder: 如果已经解决了的话,此项不强制 (if it has been solved, this is not mandatory)

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ body:
警告:请务必按照 issue 模板填写,避免浪费你我的时间!没有按照模板认真填写,一律直接关闭!
Warning: Please fill in according to the issue template to avoid wasting your time and mine! If you do not fill in the template carefully, it will be closed directly.
- type: dropdown
id: version
id: similar-issues
label: issue 是否有人曾提过类似的问题?【必答】
label: 是否有人曾提过类似的问题?【必答】
description: Has anyone asked a similar question before? 【Required】
- No
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ body:
required: true
- type: textarea
id: what-happened
id: suggestion
label: 你觉得APP有什么不足之处【必答】
description: What do you think is the inadequacy of the APP? 【Required】
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ body:
required: true
- type: textarea
id: what-happened
id: ideas
label: 你觉得该怎么去完善会比较好?【非必答】
description: What do you think would be better to improve? 【Not required】