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# SmsForwarder
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SmsForwarder - listens to SMS, incoming calls, and App notifications on Android mobile devices, and forward according to user defined rules to another App/device, including DingTalk, WeCom and WeCom Group Bot, Feishi Bot, E-mail, Bark, Webhook, Telegram Bot, ServerChan, PushPlus, SMS, etc.
### Download
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> ⚠ Internet storage:, access password: `pppscn`
> ⚠
### Manual
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> ⚠ Gitee:
* Any code/APK of `SmsForwarder` related to the this repository is for test, study, and research only, commercial use is **prohibited**. Legality, accuracy, completeness and validity of any code/APK of this repo is guaranteed by **NOBODY**, and shall only be determined by User.
* `pppscn` and/or any other Contributor to this repo is **NOT** responsible for any consequences (including but not limited to privacy leakage) arising from any user's direct or indirect use or dissemination of any code or APK of `SmsForwarder`, regardless of whether such use is in accordance with the laws of the country or territory where such user locates or such use or dissemination occurs.
* Should any entity finds the code/APK of this repo infringing their rights, please provide notice and identity and proprietorship document, and we will delete relating code/APK after examining such document.
* Privacy: `SmsForwarder` collects absolutely **NO** any of your personal data!! Except 1) version information to for stats as the App starts, and 2) version number when manually check for update, `SmsForwarder` is **NOT** sending any data without users' knowledge.
## Features and standards
**Simplicity** - `SmsForwarder` does two things only: Listen to "SMS service/Incoming calls/App notifications", and forward according to rules specified by user.
Benefit by simplicity:
* **E**fficient: (It's inconvenient to read the security codes such as OTP on a mobile phone, when you are using another device; and no solution satisfices our needs)
> + AirDroid: Too many functionalities, power consuming, requiring to many permissions, data relayed by a 3rd party, paid premium service...
> + IFTTT: Too many functionalities, power consuming, requiring to many permissions, data relayed by a 3rd party, paid premium service...
> + And other Apps (e.g. Tasker) with similar features.
* **E**nergy friendly: listens to broadcast only when running, and forwards message only when texts are received and logs recent forwarding contents and status.
* **E**ndurance: "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication." The simpler the code is, the less it errs or crashes; that is what make the app runs longer.
### Workflow:
![工作流程](pic/working_principle.png "工作流程")
### Features:
- [x] Listen to SMS service, and forward according to user-defined rules (SMS contents to destination);
- [x] Forward to DingTalk Bot (to a group chat and @SOMBODY);
- [x] Forward to E-mail (SMTP with SSL encryption);
- [x] Forward to Bark;
- [x] Forward to webhook (a single web page [sending POST/GET requests to a designated URL](doc/;
- [x] Forward to WeCom Bots;
- [x] Forward to WeCom enterprise channels;
- [x] 转发到ServerChan(Server酱·Turbo版)
- [x] Forward to Telegram Bots (Proxy support ready);
- [x] Forward to another mobile phone via SMS [Note: Paid service, carriers may charge for SMS forwarding. SMS forwarding should apply with filtered rules when device has no Internet access.]
- [x] Check for new version and upgrade;
- [x] Cache purge;
- [x] Compatible with Android 5.xx, 6.xx, 7.xx, 8.xx, 9.xx, and 10.xx;
- [x] Support for dual SIM slots smartphones and label different slots/carrier/phone number (if available);
- [x] Support for multi-level rules;
- [x] Support for customized labeling of SIM slots and device, and customized forwarding templates;
- [x] Support for rules with regular expression
- [x] Support for rules for different SIM slots;
- [x] Forward missed call information (forwarded by SIM1 slot by default);
- [x] Retry 5 times after a failed request (customized interval time, stop retrying once successfully request);
- [x] Forward to FeiShu Bot;
- [x] Customized scheme (forwarder://main) wake up other Apps;
- [x] Monitor of battery status changes;
- [x] I18n support (Chinese and English currently);
- [x] Support for setting import and export functions (One-key cloning);
- [x] Listen to notifications of other Apps and forward;
- [x] Forward to PushPlus;
- [x] Support for customized template of forwarding rules (default template overrides if left blank);
- [x] Support for variables in regular expression of forwarding rules;
### Screenshot:
| Docking in Ntf. screen | Main screen | Forward rules | Forward detail |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| ![前台服务常驻状态栏](pic/taskbar.jpg "前台服务常驻状态栏") | ![应用主界面](pic/main.png "应用主界面") | ![转发规则](pic/rule.jpg "转发规则") | ![转发详情](pic/maindetail.jpg "转发详情") |
| Test of Fw. rule(s) | Multiple rules | Supported senders | Add/Edit DingTalk sender |
| ![添加/编辑转发规则](pic/ruleset.png "添加/编辑转发规则") | ![多重匹配规则](pic/multimatch.png "多重匹配规则") | ![发送通道](pic/sender.jpg "发送通道") | ![添加/编辑发送通道钉钉](pic/sendersetdingding.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道钉钉") |
| Add/Edit E-mail sender | Add/Edit Bark sender | Add/Edit Webhook | Add/Edit WeCom Bot sender |
| ![添加/编辑发送通道邮箱](pic/sendersetemail.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道邮箱") | ![添加/编辑发送通道Bark](pic/sendersetbark.png "添加/编辑发送通道Bark") | ![添加/编辑发送通道网页通知](pic/sendersetwebnotify.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道网页通知") | ![添加/编辑发送通道企业微信群机器人](pic/sendersetqywechat.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道企业微信群机器人") |
| Add/Edit Telegram Bot sender | Add/Edit ServerChan Turbo sender | Add/Edit WeCom Group sender | Settings |
| ![添加/编辑发送通道Telegram机器人](pic/sendertelegram.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道Telegram机器人") | ![添加/编辑发送通道Server酱·Turbo版](pic/senderserverchan.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道Server酱·Turbo版") | ![添加/编辑发送通道企业微信应用](pic/sendersetqywxapp.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道企业微信应用") | ![应用设置](pic/setting.jpg "应用设置") |
| About/Update | RegEx & specific SIM slot | SMS Fw. template w/ SIM slot info. | Add/Edit an SMS forwarding rule |
| ![在线升级](pic/update.jpg "在线升级") | ![支持正则匹配规则 & 支持卡槽匹配规则](pic/regex.jpg "支持正则匹配规则 & 支持卡槽匹配规则") | ![转发短信模板增加卡槽标识](pic/siminfo.jpg "转发短信模板增加卡槽标识") | ![添加/编辑发送通道其他手机短信](pic/sendersetsms.jpg "添加/编辑发送通道其他手机短信") |
| Add/Edit FeiShu Bot sender | Import and export (one-key cloning) | Listen to ntf. of other Apps and fw. | Get App pkg name(s) |
| ![添加/编辑发送通道飞书](pic/senderfeishu.png "添加/编辑发送通道飞书") | ![增加配置导出导入功能(一键克隆)](pic/clone.png "增加配置导出导入功能(一键克隆)") | ![监听其他APP通知信息并转发](pic/app_notify.png "监听其他APP通知信息并转发") | ![获取所有应用列表方便复制APP包名](pic/app_list.png "获取所有应用列表方便复制APP包名") |
## Feedback and suggestions:
+ Submit an issue or Pull Request.
+ Join group chat (only Chinese groups/channels available currently)
| DingTalk | QQ user group #1: 562854376 | QQ user group #2: 31330492 | WeCom |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| ![钉钉客户群](pic/dingtalk.png "钉钉客户群") | ![QQ交流群562854376](pic/qqgroup_1.jpg "QQ交流群562854376") | ![QQ交流群31330492](pic/qqgroup_2.jpg "QQ交流群31330492") | ![企业微信群](pic/qywechat.png "企业微信群") |
## Acknowledgements
> Thanks to the projects below, `SmsForwarder` won't exists without them!
+ (Foundation of `SmsForwarder`)
+ (http communications)
+ (online update)
+ (email sending)
+ (json parsing)
+ [![GitHub license](*1pfl3dq*_ga*MTQxNzE5NjIyMS4xNjM1NjM4MTQ0*_ga_V0XZL7QHEB*MTYzODMzMjA4OC43LjAuMTYzODMzMjA5Ny4w)]( (License Certificate for JetBrains All Products Pack)
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